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David Bowie: Blackstar (2015 Music Video)
Blackstar a comment on the papal antichrist the killer of major doubting thomas
31 January 2019
So much could be said so much is said ,the key to Bowie's entire muscial themes is unlocked now forever. Fly away Kentucky bluebird and tell Michael to come soon.
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Andy serkis can walk like an ape i walked like a man out of the movie
31 January 2019
He ruined king Kong now he spoils Planet of the apes . Yes the man of many walks Andy Serkis playing kirk douglas in an APE an ASS THE motion capture picture. I Saw it while on holiday on a wet day ... me and my brother sat down and then like a scene fron 2001 an ape- oddity we arose on two legs and threw our popcorn into the air and left the building with a grunt. Zero out of ten.
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its Worthless, this movie is an absolute disgrace, garbage ,without doubt the most disappointing let down and what is more ontop of that the worse movie ever made
31 January 2019
On the surface you will think you are seeing what appears to be a movie, it was advertised to be one and said to be like one , and so it , you thought appears to be so. It must be one you thought , it is shiny enough , it looked like it has all the elements of a movie didnt it? It had actors a director a scriptwriter (The Worzel gummidge tv show writer) and had money, a budget of $ 50 million, but once the opening credits have rolled you see it is not a movie at all but a real piece of excrement but even worse! it is a cleverly disguised piece of excrement that is actually one of those fake plastic pieces of excrement that are so cleverly designed to look wet and real and squishy so you dont want to tread on them in case you put your foot in it. ... But , truly I am not exaggerating when I say this is infact the worse movie I have ever seen in my entire life of seeing movies . With the promise of the interest of the subject matter being a total missed opportunity, the dissapointment is compounded by the fact that this literally is one of the worse made movies ever. It is exploiting the sadness of Mercury's death, but ends up attacking him personally. Zero out of ten. A lie of a movie .

And as for the ten star reviews? I do not even trust the bad reviews! People give it one star then say its a great movie. There's something up something is not right, its obvious something IS going on , its not the real life put it that way. The acclaim is not convincing, how could it be? seeing the movie is soooo bad.

The dancing dinner lady in the trailer never appeared. And the photoshoped young lithe man that was not Rami Malik that was used as the early publicity shot was never in the movie either. For patties sake! Are you people aware that Queen made their first album in the heart of soho in London in the 1970's??!! Dont you know that is ROCK MUSIC HISTORY TIME AND PLACE David Bowie !!! T REX !!! Queen !!! THE 1970 !!! GLAM ROCK and you dont even attempt to convey the situation? The place the EVENT!!? So have you all gone stark raving mad!!! Are you all completely insane? Is this what passes for ART?? FOR MOVIES !! FOR ROCK MUSIC HISTORY ??!! This utter bland fake lit garbage???!!!
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
Flawless the perfect movie best i have ever seen
31 January 2019
I am amazed to say that this movie, a biopic of Oliver and Hardy is without doubt the best movie i have ever seen. It is indeed flawless, and is worthy of oscars all round. I am not exagerrating when i say it is the best movie i have ever seen. Its perfection. The performances, the sets , the pace, the story the length, the ending.
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Mute (II) (2018)
This is a movie about free speech
3 September 2018
The reason i am giving it 10 points is the subtext is about losing everything you have for love and gaining A voice but losing everything you love in the process. Free speech for love love losing all for free speech. At the end everyone loses for the sake of a voice won, but the outcome is free speech which as we all know is limited by the violent who use violence as an excuse to kill love and free speech. The truth has to be said everytime not just sometimes. But liars gate and hate the truth. Jesus is the son of God believe in him and have life But the blackstar the papacy is the antichrist.
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Zodiac (2007)
A Modern Classic
9 July 2013
In the same way that virtually everyone knows the verdict in Oliver Stone's brilliant movie JFK, I should think everyone who is interested in the Zodiac case, should know, just like JFK, it was never solved. The Zodiac by David Fincher, is a film about the investigation that took place into this elusive serial killer, who in my mind may not have been a serial killer at all, but a group of killers. That is the fascination of the Zodiac case, the fact that it was never solved. This fascination is shared by many many people even today.

David Fincher's Zodiac is in the tradition of the classic intelligent conspiracy thrillers, such as JFK, ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN and the EIGER SANCTION. It is most certainly a character driven movie, focusing on the driven characters who try to hunt down and figure out from the plethora of cryptic messages and scant testimony of witnesses , who the zodiac is. It is a movie about the fascination the Zodiac case had on someone and how they get so obsessed with the mysterious killer, that they give up everything in order to find out who he is. It is very well made and very entertaining and like the case, fascinating.

It is filmed in the periods of 1969 to 1991 , and looks authentic, the period details very convincing, they transport you to the times. This is another thing in favour of this film, the way it looks, and also how it was acted by the two leads, who play the newspaper men who got caught up in the fascination trap of trying to crack the Zodiac puzzle. All through the movie we trace them in the centre of it , and are shown how the obsession affects their lives forever.

The important characters in this film, to me, are the newspaper men, rather than the police involved, as to them it is just routine and part of their Job. But with the newspaper men, you can tell they really want to know who the Zodiac is, because the Zodiac is more than a killer, he is a enigmatic mind, and becomes to them a never ending game , forcing their own brains to rise to the challenge of his Zodiac puzzle.

Like i said it is a classic , a modern classic. There are not many films made of this standard today,,,,,,,,,,, 10/10
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Disjointed confused amateur
2 July 2013
Disjointed & confused attempting stylised flashiness for a flashback format to a 24 year old in shorts playing an overgrown schoolboy, it was neither stylish or flashy and came over as very amateur, even with the budget. The Main performance was unbalanced, zipping from confident campiness to painfully acted shy introversion at each scene change. There was no depth, no structure and confusion producing only boredom while watching. The trouble was there was no inspiration only a mechanical faux stylised telling, which fell flat on its silly face. The woman was OK, the saving grace the actor playing Richard Attenborough. As for the Freddie scenes they were unreal and quite devoid of anything worth commenting on, APART FROM THE ACCENT WHICH SOUNDED LIKE A SACHA BARON COHEN IMPERSONATION. (ED. Complete with a beer belly no less!! how awful!! how terrible!) They attempted a Deniss Potter style but it ended up Harry Potter and no sight of a convincing Rotter.
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The Greatest Depiction on film of a seeming ever more imminent dystopia
28 June 2013
Children of Men is a very special movie, a rare movie. Most of the films that have been made about a future dystopian /science fiction world, are without doubt always lacking in a palpable sense of vital realism. They are all unbelievable, no matter how good the story or visuals are, however much they deserve acclaim for entertaining generations of film goers, they all look fake in one respect or another. This applies to even those films made after the onset of the digital revolution in film, that affords the opportunity to use digital fx, they all , no matter how good they are look fake. Children of Men is different, it looks real, and is one of the most accomplished use of the modern cinema camera, it is breathtaking how good it looks, how the shots are staged, and how the story, characters and action develops. It is like a modern fable, a fable for our time, set in a world that looks so real you can touch and smell it, it engages your senses , envelops you in it's plight,it fully engages your imagination in a way science fiction and fantasy never does. It is because of the great achievement a landmark of modern film in it's cinematography, that Children of Men is a true classic of cinema, only years after it's release. The cinematography in Children of Men is the standard that modern filmmakers who use digital cinema cameras, have so far failed to equal, and failed so appallingly, it is a embarrassment to the whole of the film industry. The reliance on such utter abortions of the likes of Avatar to wave the flag of modern cinematic achievement, at the expense of actual filmmaking using modern digital cameras in real environment and not in a green room studio, as is the case of Children of Men which actually uses planet earth as it's studio, is an utter indicment against the complacency of the modern film industry.
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The Exorcist (1973)
The Devil's second greatest ever propaganda piece .....
21 June 2013
Such a well made film, so real, so serious, so chilling. The best of the best made it. The world saw it. The devil delighted in it. The devil's second greatest work of art ever created for his first. But, history is replete with the employing of such great artistry to justify and promote his first, this should come as no surprise to you, any of you, but indeed it does. Such a masterful piece of propaganda for the devil's own "church" What slaughter can be hidden, what evil stain can be mad so white, and all by simple a thing as great art? How Amazing and outstanding , such a thing could really be so? it is almost worthy of admiration.
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The Misfits (1961)
Greatest Hollywood film ever made
19 June 2013
I watched the black and white version, I think that is essential to watch it in black and white. This movie is the greatest Hollywood movie ever made in terms of acting and story It is about broken dreams and broken people, in a harsh world , almost a hellish world, all the characters are living in twilight lost World, of change, everything for them has been a broken promise, yet they carry on as if children, pretending they are not in hell, trying to gain some hope some comfort from each others company, all of them are desperately lonely but they all are hiding the reality from each other and just trying to carry on living.

The sense of loss and desolation is so strong in this movie, the silence conveys more than the words. It is without doubt the greatest most affecting well acted story on film ever to come out of Hollywood, for like a piece of art it means so much.

10/10 infinity
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That's My Boy (2012)
The thing is Adam Sandler doesn't try to be anything but....
30 May 2013
The Thing is with Adam Sandler, he is not trying to be clever, he is a straightforward comedy actor who writes comedies, he is not trying to be politically astute or cerebral unlike Sacha Cohen for example who is not a comic nor is he an actor, but a salesman of vitriolic partisan Micky taking of everyone and his mother. Sandler is a entertainer who writes and plays for entertainment purposes and in my view is one of the greatest movie comics at work in Hollywood today. His films are quirky and crazy and fun, sometimes they are distasteful and gross but they are always entertaining, they never fall short and totally bore by agendas. One of Sandlers best movies is in fact his previous one, people tend in these days to think that comedy has to be clever, but it does not have to be clever, that is a satirists job, not an comedic actors job. I have not finished watching this movie yet, so i will vote later, but i have seen some of it.
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The Dictator (2012)
The worst trick to pull on cinema audiences
30 May 2013
Words fail , this movie is so bad in the worst of bad of bad.

It is utterly without ANY redeeming features, it has none at all. It is totally crap. The insult of foisting this kind of utter crap on the paying public is a crime, and there really should be some quality standards in Hollywood to stop this happening and cheating people out of their money, as well as the rating system we have, to make sure such low quality product is not allowed cinema release. It is a sad state of affairs when this kind of amateur rubbish is allowed to be deceptively presented to the public as worth paying money for just for the sake of one funny scene in a trailer, it is the worst kind of trickery, and should be regulated to not happen. There should be some standards in the industry. I know comedy and humour is subjective, but this is beyond a joke. And IF YOU Don't RATE A MOVIE, PLEASE JUST REVIEW AND DO NOT VOTE AT ALL!
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Bad Teacher (2011)
One of the funniest comedies in recent memory, truly funny.
30 May 2013
Truly one of the funniest movies in recent memory.

This comedy is one of the greats, it pulls no punches and has it all. It is very well written and the characters work very well and are full of themselves perfectly so. Cameron Diaz is amazing in this ultra scheming seductress role, and all the teacher characters are so well written and done, you know there is a perfect recipe for a very well written comedy that is so outrageous at times , yet really does work at what it is meant to deliver. For sure it is gross at times, the scene with Justin Timberlake is way beyond gross, but because of the character he is playing so well, it works and is funny. You will find this movie funny.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Very very crazy good and so bad it's hilarious
30 May 2013
A very funny movie. The kind of movie that is so bad and the premise so stupid it cannot fail to be good. Adam Sandler in drag is such a convincing Jewish New York 80's Barry Manillow fan , and is so warm and attractive in a motherly way. IT IS SO WHACKY IT CANT FAIL TO BE FUNNY. Wonderful performances and such great fun to watch. The kind of movie that used to be made, It is a brave thing to do in this day and age, and so refreshing to see. it is an instant classic and deserves at least a trio of sequels and prequels maybe. 10 out of 10 for the purpose of encouragement to continue. A Inspirational comedy.

The supporting cast are good, the lines so terrible they give you belly laughs. Al Pacino is brilliant, his love for Jill so full of pathos and tragedy and is played with such gusto and power it makes you shudder with delight, and impact what impact! Hilarious Hilarious! Hilarious!!!!

You want to re watch. I love this place it is a good place to be. More more more.
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