
19 Reviews
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King Kong (2005)
Great, but not 3 hours great
2 April 2006
Great film, very entertaining, but it was way too long. It didn't need to be 3 hours long. I have no problem with a film being 3 hours long, IF it has 3 hours worth of quality material. This film does not. Most films do not, that is why they are edited down, to remove the fluff, to keep the audience.

They spent WAY too much time developing the background stories of both Denham and Ann, even though neither background story had any impact on the film as a whole, nor the film's climax, nor anything beyond reaching the island.

Peter Jackson seems to think that just because it worked for the Lord of The Rings trilogy, that he can make every film with an extended running time. What he fails to realize, is that one of the most important skills in film making, if being able to cut the film down to it's best and most entertaining edit. The LOTR films had so much material, because of Tolken, not Jackson... Save the fluff footage for DVD extras. Or what is the point of editing in the first place?

This is King Kong. It is not a historical epic like Gettysburg or Braveheart. This is King Kong, not a brilliant story like Seven Samuri.

This film was very entertaining, eventually, once it got going. I enjoyed it, and will probably purchase the DVD. I recommend it to everyone, but, ONLY if you are able to sit through the fluff to get to the actual film. Most of you will turn it off before seeing it's brilliance. This film succeeds in making the viewer feel for "the beast", and they really bring out the love story between "beauty and the beast" very well.
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7 March 2006
What a terrible film. Not enjoyable at all. It is depressing way more often than funny. The funny moments added together would equal about a minute of screen time. The rest of the film was a total waste. The characters are so annoying, that it is impossible to feel for them, even in the moments intended to be emotional. A household of undisciplined brats, and two parents who barely get along, are too easily dominated by their children, and who allow their children to control their career decisions, is not entertainment, it is annoyance at best. It is at times too realistic to the toughness of two career families to be enjoyable. People watch films to escape reality, not be painfully reminded of it. At other times, it is too absurd to be taken seriously. There is a happy medium between realism and surrealism. This film never achieves it. The story is so clichéd and predictable. Every single thing that happens on screen, you knew would happen before it did. If you are looking for a humorous film, or a touching film, or even an entertaining film, look elsewhere, this isn't it. If you are looking for an instructional manual on how not to raise children, then maybe this is for you.
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Domino (2005)
Suprizingly great film
25 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Imagine my surprise. I went into watching this film expecting utter crap, and ended up seeing one of the best films I've ever seen (and I've seen A LOT!). Keira Knightley is not a good actress, and this film does not change that fact. She will always be famous ONLY for being a poor man's Natalie Portman. But this film is great. Very well directed, and very well written. The performances are average, but the film as a whole makes up for any lack of acting abilities. I have a new found appreciation for Mickey Rourke after Sin City and this film. At times, this film is pretentious in it's attempts to be "innovative", but in most cases it actually works well into the storyline.

*SLIGHT SPOILER* The whole reality TV show gone too far, and 90210 washed up celebs storyline was HILARIOUS, and really added to the film.

A lot of people seem to hate this film, and I usually hate most films, but I really like this film. It entertained me constantly, from beginning to end, the entire 128 minutes. I didn't want it to end. This film is definitely not the usual Hollywood drivel that they usually try to spoonfeed us. I highly recommend this film, but only a few of you will like it...
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Mostly boring and pointless
22 February 2006
This film had it's moments, but they were very few and far between, with huge gaps of boredom and uselessness separating them.

This is yet another film, like the recent Elizabethtown, that tries to ride on the coattails of brilliant "finding your place in life" films like Lost In Translation, Life Aquatic, and Garden State. But this film fails miserably at achieving even a sliver of greatness, as did Elizabethtown.

Both The Weather Man and Elizabethtown looked great in their previews, but I guess the minute and a half of preview footage was the minute and a half of entertaining moments in their respective films.

This film had a few memorable moments, and that is why I give it a 3 rather than a 1, but that is as high as I can go, and that is a very generous rating...
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Mirrormask (2005)
19 February 2006
Great film. Completely brilliant. A visual masterpiece, exploring the vast depths of brilliant storytelling. The always brilliant and one of a kind visual creativity of Dave McKean, mixed with the always imaginative and unrivaled worlds created in the writing of Neil Gaiman. These two men always achieve a level beyond brilliance when they collaborate. They bring out the best in each other's work. Only McKean seems to be able to properly visually portray Gaiman's words, doing them the justice they deserve, brining them to vivid life. Only Gaiman's writing can inspire such great art from McKean. MirrorMask is yet another triumph of this epic partnership, rivaling Sandman in greatness. Stephanie Leonidas is brilliant in the role of Helena. She was perfect for this role. She really brought out the vulnerability and youth of the character, while having the ability within her to be the unlikely hero. She is gorgeous and talented, and will have a long career. Great casting choice. MirrorMask is brilliant, creative, unique, dark, beautiful, dreamy, unusual, everything Corpse Bride was supposed to be, but failed to achieve. Just like listening to classical music supposedly does, the vastness of McKean and Gaiman's creativity will exercise your brain, and expand your mind. See this film, and open your mind to the possibilities it can achieve.
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The Man (2005)
film finds no audience
17 January 2006
WOW! What a bad movie! WOW! I didn't expect much from it, but it was even worse than I ever imagined it would be! This film reaches NO target audience. It is SO goofy, that only a little kid would find it funny, but yet it has such constant TERRIBLE language that no kid should be allowed to watch it. It should be rated R for the language and violence, yet what person over 17 would like it? It was rated PG-13, but what person 13 or older would even like it? Also, it has no cultural target audience. It badly stereotypes whites as clumsy naive dorks, and blacks as violent ghetto thugs. Who could possibly like this film? Are both Jackson and Levy THAT desperate for work that they took on this project?! I can see Levy, as he has really been typecast into having to take these roles, but Jackson could do MUCH better. If fart jokes and gunshots to the butt, intermixed with constant obscenities makes you laugh, this is your film. Buy it, you'll love it! If you have the maturity of the age level you are supposed to be to see this film, save yourself the trouble, rent something else. Rent Bevis and Butthead. At least they to sophomoric humor well... I gave it a 3 out of 10, but that was charity...
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Hustle & Flow (2005)
Great and powerful film
11 January 2006
Great film. Very powerful. Very entertaining. Great acting performances. Great casting. Great script. Characters you really feel for. One of 2005's best films. It's a great story of a man trying to live his dreams, and get out of the mediocre life he's leading. Very inspiring for all of us who want more than life's given us, and feel we have the potential for more than we've done. If we all took a shot, we'd have far less regrets. I'd rather know for sure, than wonder "what if?". I'm sure a lot of people will say it's ripping off 8 Mile, but I think this film is far superior, and much more believable. I loved this film, despite not liking rap music, so it really transcends audience demographics. It's a film about a would be rapper, but it's not just a film for rap fans. It's a film for anyone with a dream, which really should be everyone...
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Into the Blue (2005)
Bad film, pairing, acting, script, you name it, it's bad lol
5 January 2006
WOW! THAT"S A BAD MOVIE! DO NOT WATCH IT! lol Plus, that is the worst pairing I've seen in a long time. Paul Walker doesn't even deserve to meet Jessica Alba, let alone kiss her repeatedly! And Walker is the worst actor since Brad Pitt. I'm still not sure why this idiot is famous... Alba's not a great actress either though...she's seemed to settle into the stereotype of "looks good on screen, so doesn't have to act", the same thing that happened to Drew Barrymore. Her earlier work, and Dark Angel were so much better than her recent film work. The supporting cast was even worse! Scott Caan, Ashley Scott, Josh Brolin, James Frain, some of the worst acting I've ever seen! And I've seen a lot! (Caan and Brolin are only in films because of having powerful fathers in the business)

Poorly written, almost no continuity, boring for extended periods, many scenes should have been cut shorter, very little realism (Even experienced divers need to breathe, and in that first treasure finding scene, all 4 didn't bother to go up for air hardly ever, including the 2 "cityfolk" who were afraid of the sharks), obvious studio tanks in supposed underwater scenes, etc.

If I listed all the problems with this film, I'd be here all if you were looking for a good treasure hunting film like I was, just know not to bother seeing this film. If you are one of the many people who just want to see Walker and Alba in skimpy bathing suits, have a blast...
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Dark Water (2005)
Boring divorce film
28 December 2005
Dark Water is one of the most boring films I've ever seen. One of the worst of the year by far. The acting of Jennifer Connelly is horrible at best. The supporting characters were terrible too, even the usually brilliant Pete Postlewaite. The only strong performance is by the little girl, Ariel Gade. The script is pointless. It is more of a divorce film than anything, combined with the always clichéd thriller plots of "Is she crazy, or is it real?" and "Does the child really see something?". It never quite reaches suspense, or thrill, or even entertainment. If you are looking for Kramer vs Kramer, maybe this is your film. If you are looking for The Ring, or Hide and Seek, look elsewhere. Unless you are an incurable insomniac, badly in need of sleep, do not watch this film.
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Great film
26 December 2005
Great film. Very entertaining throughout. It was brilliant to center the film around the court case, rather than going for a straight horror approach. The whole medical explanation vs spiritual explanation debate of the case is what makes the film so entertaining. And they leave it open ended, as both sides plead their case very well, leaving some audience members convinced of one, others convinced of the other. Reguardless, it gets the audience thinking, examining, exploring the possibilities available. Very well done. Great script, great visually, great sound. Very very well done. Strong performances by Laura Linney, Tom Wilkinson (who even looks like a priest), Jennifer Carpenter, Campbell Scott, and Duncan Fraser. I really enjoyed this film. One of the most gripping and entertaining films of the year, by far. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, guessing who's going to win the trial, as the momentum sways back and forth. I highly recommend seeing this film. In a year of terrible films, this one has few peers.
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Great film...but probably not for everyone
19 December 2005
This film is very worth seeing...if you get it. It's not the kind of film that most people will like, yet it is completely brilliant. A Heathers for this generation.

It is a little slow in the beginning, but it gets better and better as it goes on. It keeps you glued to it. It's called a dark comedy, and some parts are humorous, and others are deviously sadistically funny, but most of the film is powerfully dramatic. But the whole film in a nut shell, and the whole mindset of the character Kimberly (Evan Rachel Wood) is darkly sadistically humorous. You tend to see things from her point of view, whether or not it is sane and decent to go so. To her, every move she makes is logical in the overall scheme of things. It is rational to her, and she conveys it so well, that she convinces the viewer.

Great performances by everyone except Selma Blair, who was terrible, and James Woods, who gave his worst performance ever. He was very annoying. He almost ruined this great film. Great performances by 3 beautiful and talented young actresses, Evan Rachel Wood, Elisabeth Harnois, and Adi Schnall. Schnall's facial expressions when her character observed the odd behavior of her new American friend Kimberly, really showcased her acting skills, and really conveyed to the viewer the innocence of her character, and how much a "fish out of water" her character was among the other two girls. Elisabeth Harnois was brilliant too. She really brought out the vulnerability and uncertainty of her character.

This film's main character, Kimberly, is really a Jena Malone type of role, ala Donnie Darko, U.S. of Leland, Saved, insert almost any of her films here. I would have cast her in the role. Evan Rachel Wood even looked like Jena in this film, and her mannerisms and acting really reminded me more of Jena than of herself. Evan did well, but it's really not a role that suits her. She is very convincing like I said above, but it is almost hard to take her seriously as that character. I guess it is more the character, and the writing for the character that are so convincing, rather than the actress. I feel Jena would have played the role better, although she is really typecast in this type of role, so maybe it would have been clichéd?

I really like this film. I don't think the general public would enjoy it, but I also don't think they'd bother to see it in the first place, so it will gain quite a loyal following among it's viewers. It is definitely a film which you need to see in its entirety to really realize its greatness. You won't like it at first, but by the end you will love it. Unfortunately, most people don't have that kind of patience.

I gave this film a rating of 8. I'd like to go higher, but the slow beginning, and the poor performances by Blair and Woods prevent me from doing so. Wow was James Woods annoying!
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Chooch (2003)
Great film, very fun and entertaining.
28 November 2005
Great film, very fun and entertaining. Whimsical, smart, unusual, quirky, and funny. Not a lot of so called comedies actually make me laugh anymore, but this one did, quite often. Very well written. Some of the antics in this film are so off the wall, you'll never see them coming! I'm not from New York, and I'm not Italian, but the viewer gets a real sense of community, family, and friends with these characters. You almost feel like you've grown up with this crazy "crew", like they're "those crazy guys" from your neighborhood. Great performance by Carmine Famiglietti as Dino, the deadbeat loser turned hero. And the character Ladonna is an almost silent part, so they needed to cast someone who could convey beauty and innocence, and receive the audience's compassion, without using words. WOW did they find the right actress, in first timer Paola Walker. What a darling beauty! The Mexican soldiers were hilarious, as was the cook. The many great supporting characters help make this film a great comedy. Many people will overlook this film due to it's low budget, and unknown cast, but that is a huge mistake. Others will write it off as silly, and juvenile. Well, sometimes silly is what makes us laugh in this overly serious, painfully normal world. Great film, check it out!
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Great soundtrack/Goofy film, but slightly entertaining
17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a great soundtrack all the way through! Most of the artists are not well known, but deserve a second listen. Great soundtrack!

The film was pretty bad. Cheesy plot, goofy sophomoric dialog, poor and clichéd acting, clichéd characters, pretty bad all around. If you take this film seriously, you will hate it, but going into it, you should know that it is not to be taken seriously. This film is worth seeing, but not worth paying to see, so only rent it if you have the Movie Pass lol. If you wade through all the goofiness, there a few funny moments. Although, if you are amused by farts and masturbation (God help you! lol), you might love this film lol.

Danica McKeller is not in the film near enough. She is a secondary character. Being the only talented actor/actress in the film, they should have given her a bigger role. And she is still cute as can be Winnie! I guess she will always have a special place in most people's hearts as Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years. Great show! Richard Karn is the next closest cast member to being well known, and he is terrible in this film. What would expect though?

Yes it is clichéd constantly. The geek is in love with the most popular girl in the school, who dates the football star. The geek has a fat, somewhat effeminate friend, who always has a crazy plan. The geek stands up for the girl, and receives the ire of the jocks. The geek is clumsy lol. etc, etc.

SPOILER! One major problem I have with this film is at the end. We are all happy that the geek finally got the dream girl, and that he beat up the jock, and the dream girl realized how great a guy the geek was, and then all of a sudden, the geek wakes up, and the whole crazy plot we watched was just a dream, it didn't happen. WHAT? Then he goes and does the same things over again, and we are left to believe it happens the same way the second time. This was totally pointless and stupid! Why? Really bad move!

One question about this film: Why did they remove the nudity, if the film had an R rating even without it. The 2 scenes with breasts would not have raised the rating to NC 17, so why cut them out of an R rated film? Plus, why cut them out on the DVD release, if they are going to be in the Deleted Scenes anyway? I can't imagine this film had much of a theatrical run, if any, so the DVD would be the main release, so why cut it out, if 1. it's already rated R, and 2. they are on another part of the DVD anyway. Don't get me wrong, I could care less if a film has nudity, I just don't understand the logic here. Plus, the extended scene with the 3 girls in Debbie's bedroom displayed some of Danica's best acting, but it was cut in half for the feature.

Anyway, goofy film worth seeing ONLY IF you can see it for free, because of a FEW funny moments, a great soundtrack, and Danica McKeller's cuteness lol.
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Monsieur N. (2003)
Very well done! Great film!
11 November 2005
Very well done! Great film! Well acted. Well written. Good directing. Good camera work. Beautiful visually from both the directing/camera work, and the picturesque scenery. Great acting performances all around.

I like how the film isn't just in French, or just in English. The English characters speak English to each other, and speak French to the French. The French characters speak French. This gives the film a realistic feel.

Great storytelling. The viewer falls prey to Napoleon's charismatic charm as much as those who knew him in person, and we come to feel for him, as if he is a victim of his imprisonment, rather than a deposed tyrannical dictator paying for his vast crimes. His humbled situation brings out his humanity and weakness, yet he still retains his dominance, but through subtler control than his former meglomanical ways. It is almost as if he has lured the audience into routing for him and pitying him, while he secretly pulls our strings.

It is also refreshing to see the human side of a once powerful ruler, and brutal military commander, through witnessing his relationships and interactions with others. We tend to only see powerful world leaders in their public personas, without getting to voyeuristically peer into their private lives, and therefore, they seem larger than life, rather than a human being going through the things we all go through in life. Life plays no favorites, nor spares anyone based on title or fame.

I am a history buff, and I enjoy most well made historical films, but I think anyone would enjoy this. It has intrigue, romance, action, dialog, storytelling, conjecture, moving moments, something for everyone. It is not "boring history", but the juicy bits that fell through the cracks, that cannot be found in a text book, the story within the story so to speak. The film is based on a combination of know facts, and explored theory. It is an intriguing conspiracy theory, that could well have happened. We may never know the whole truth about Napoleon's fate, but isn't it fun to explore the what ifs, especially the ones that make a glorious story? As with Billy The Kid, Jessie James, Elvis, & Jim Morrison, among others, Napoleon's legend is romanticized, and made even grander by the thought that he may have cheated death and fame, and "rode off into the sunset"...

Watch the film, you'll enjoy it.
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Chop off the 1st hour, and you have a classic
11 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour or so of this film is terribly boring and pointless. I understand that they wanted to develop the back story of each of the main characters, and the interrelations between them, but they drew it out way too much. If you are using an ensemble cast, you cannot devote so much time developing each one, as your would with a singular lead character. Storytelling has to actually move along the story, and in the first hour or so, this film fails to do so. My review of the first hour: Pretty costumes, elaborate sets, and veteran actors does not automatically make a film entertaining. I'd give the first hour a rating of 1 out of 10.

*SPOILERS* The last 50 minutes or so (the box lists the run time as 120 minutes, but the credits start at 1:53) of this film are amazing. We really feel for the characters, as tragedies strike their lives, and moving moments abound, for example twin brothers being separated by death, a beautiful actress contracting a skin destroying disease, a mother realizing she has been totally pushed out of her beloved daughter's life, etc. The last 50 minutes or so are very entertaining. I would rate the second half of this film a 10 out of 10, a masterpiece of cinema and storytelling.

Among all the big name veteran actors, I believe the best performances were given by the twins Michael and Mark polish, playing Esteban and Manuel. Also great performances by Geraldine Chaplin as the Abbess and Adrianna Dominguez as Pepita. Gabriel Byrne gave a great performance as Brother Juniper, but his best scenes were in the second half of the film. Also, Harvey Keitel playing Uncle Pio wasn't very good in the first half, but he gave a strong performance in the second half.

I'd like to give this film a 7, because the second half was so strong, but I guess to be fair, if over half deserves a 1, and a little less than half deserves a 10, I should probably give it a 5.

If you can get through the first hour or so, it is worth it to see the last 50 minutes or so. The first half will not interest you at all, but the second half will interest you a great deal.
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Great documentary of a great story
30 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great documentary, about a great story everyone should hear. I first saw a shorter documentary about this story in 2001. I was in Ecuador on a mission trip. We did not go into the jungle, we were doing more urban missions in Quito and Calderon, but the missionary who we worked with does go into the jungle to the tribes. He showed us the shorter documentary. I have always thought highly of these people who gave there lives in the name of spreading God's Word, and their family members who risked their own lives, and turned the other cheek, and reached out to the killers. It never ceases to amaze me how violence and revenge totally controlled the Alca's society. This film is a great informational resource not only about what happened, but also as an insight to the people themselves. It gives a back story of the couples involved, and of the Alcas involved. If anyone is hesitant about following God's call, and leaving their comfort zone, this is a great story to inspire you, of people who truly served God with their all.
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One of the year's best
14 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best movies I've seen this year, and I've seen a ton! Very enjoyable. Great characters. Great music. Great casting. Great script, except for the constant F-bombs from Colm Meaney. Good acting. And last but not least, the beauty of Andrea Corr.

(Slight spoilers below. Do not read if you don't want to know what happens)

I love how they showed the depths of the sibling rivalry, but brought them back together. It may be kinda warm and fuzzy, and may have happen a little too easily, but I like that the major personal conflicts that had been haunting the brothers, and Maisie were resolved. A lighthearted movie is what I needed, in this serious world. Movies are supposed to be enjoyable anyway!
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Primer (2004)
29 May 2005
Terrible, painful, boring, pointless, flawed. Those are the words that describe this film. Did someone make this film on purpose? I can only believe that the numerous high ratings this film received were from people involved with the film. No one unbiased could be entertained by this film. I also doubt as many people saw this film as voted for it, so it must be ballot stuffing. "Vote early and vote often". lol If I wanted to follow around two boring people while they do a scientifically impossible experiment, I'd still find more entertaining subjects to observe, but I don't. I've seen more interesting films in high school science class. They produced better too. This film lacks any entertainment value at all.
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The Terminal (2004)
Best picture of the year
30 November 2004
The best film of the year. Also, the most underrated film of the year. Unfortunately, it got lost in the shuffle between Farenhieght 911 and Spiderman 2. Plus it wasn't promoted or advertised very well. I never saw a commerical or preview for it.

I saw it twice in the theater, and once now on DVD, and I plan to purchase the DVD in the near future. Great story, great acting, great cast, funny, moving, GREAT camera work, cinematography, and direction. The film makes you really feel for the main character Viktor, and really hate the protagonist Dixon. You cheer on Viktor in his quest to get to New York, and in his romantic pursuit of Amelia. The supporting characters are hilarious, and well developed. Kumar Pallana is brilliant as Gupta. He deserves a best supporting actor Oscar. Viktor has two very touching moments: 1. when he reveals to Amelia the story of the Planters can of "Jazz" and why he is waiting in the airport 2. when he presents the fountain to Amelia, and tells her he is "waiting for her". Great performances all around, family friendly, and a real feel good story you're guaranteed to enjoy.
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