The Extraordinary Ordinary (2019) Poster

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A terrific film!
craigahrens25 November 2020
I loved this gem of an indie film from beginning to end. I didn't even take a snack break or play around with my iPhone. I was hooked out of the gate! I loved the story and it's so relevant for what's going on today. Exceptional acting!! All of the actors did such a good job. And bravo to the actor!! The film moved along at a good pace. Well done folks! I hope to see more in the future from these talented people!!
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A Heartwarming Indie About Mental Health
JGReviews14 November 2020
The Extraordinary Ordinary is a heartwarming indie about young people coping with mental health issues. I was drawn in by the film festival accolades and found the movie to be a worthwhile watch myself. The story concerns a student who moves to Southern California for a new beginning and discovers that she is not alone in her mental health challenges. The film is raw look at trauma, love, recovery, and community within this social circle and it feels like an authentic glimpse into real life circumstances as well.
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true to life
mich1elle1 September 2020
This movie does an amazing job at sharing a glimpse into the life of someone experiencing PTSD. Great movie!
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touching and inspirational
williamgway31 August 2020
Very well done movie. An excellent ensemble cast that deals with the important subject of mental health in relationships. The three leads do an outstanding job and the writing is powerful. I recommend a watch of this one.
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NUDavis859-113 November 2020
With a powerful cast, the writer and director tells a gripping story about friendship and how does one move on from traumatic events. The story could have easily been mishandled but the writer, cast, and director take you into the emotions that comes with "survivor's guilt" and keep you in there until you can feel what the characters feel. What makes it also work is the story does not shy away with easy answers to the events but give a realistic take on what one must endure and what each character still must continually fight through even by credits end. This is a tale on what it takes to persevere and thrive in life and what happens if you don't and hide from life. Nicely done.
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Powerful story
gpigville3 September 2020
This is a story about dealing with trauma and how that trauma can follow us even when we're trying to move past it. It follows Erica who moves to California to forget about a tragic event. The film opens in the middle of the aftermath of that event and we see her trying to process that as she starts new relationships and meets with a new group of damaged people who are all trying to help each other heal. This is a very moving film dealing very realistically with confronting topics that should have a light shined on them.
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Touching movie
AvaCincotti30 November 2020
This indie movie explores the struggles of three young adults, especially their mental health. The script is solid, the acting and directing good. The movie takes a deep look at trauma, depression, PTSD and shows how hard it is to move on and have a "normal" life after a trauma. It also shows that people are not alone, they can find help into other compassionate people who can relate to their traumas.
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Relatable and Sympathetic Characters
GilbertS-8518 November 2020
The Extraordinary Ordinary is a solid indie drama. The relatable characters (and the acting) helped me connect to the story and experience the film's emotional core that deals with mental health issues. The direction and writing are authentic and makes this a near-perfect young adult-ish drama.
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First-Time Feature Filmmaker Natalie Rodriguez Mines Mental Health in "The Extraordinary Ordinary"
jtncsmistad4 September 2020
"The Extraordinary Ordinary"(2020): Embracing Uncommon Resilience

Anxiety and depression have both touched my life. They are far less prominent now. For a variety of reasons. Primary among these is the love and support of my family and friends.

This is the essence of the new independent drama "The Extraordinary Ordinary". We all, to paraphrase the enduring poetry of The Beatles, get by with a little help from our friends. Find our reason for being. Our purpose with which to flourish.

I spoke with filmmaker Natalie Rodriguez about "The Extraordinary Ordinary", her first feature motion picture.

"The Extraordinary Ordinary" is truly your baby, having written, directed and exec produced here. Clearly, this is a story you are driven to tell. What inspired you?

Growing up, I used to ask a lot of questions, especially when it came to mental health and wellness. The story was first 'born' when I was a junior in high school. For weeks, I kept thinking about the main character, ERICA (played by Maddison Bullock in the movie), and her journey of finding solace and healing from her own past. It almost felt like an obsession and I wanted to know her story. What pushed me, and I am sure most of the cast and crew could express the same, to get through the production/filming of this project was the rejection process.

Whether that was, rejection by an agent, manager, studio, and even a now-former boss telling me that I would 'fail' at making this movie, it only motivated me to get the project done. There is also a big stigma I continue to hear by some people in the industry how talking about recovery and mental health is a 'bad thing'. That always baffles me because mental health is part of health, therefore, if we go to the doctors for our annual physical, then why can't we do the same for our mind?

Anxiety and depression were once prominent in my life. They are not now. I never went to a place where I wanted to hurt myself. However, this is a subject explored in your film. If you would, please share your personal thoughts on mental health, and about those who struggle with emotional and psychological issues in their lives?

Of course! Until this day, it still bothers me how there is shame around mental health, wellness, and particularly, anxiety and depression. As someone who has been in counseling on and off for the past eight years, it truly does HELP to get help. Especially during this pandemic, I believe it is opening up more eyes on mental health and how people are seeking treatment and/or recognizing they need help themselves. But it is also a process, too. I think people, especially during a pandemic, need to be patient with themselves. Even I am still learning to do so. It is why I strongly recommend people to give counseling a try at least ONCE and see if it is for them. Plus, there could be a lot of good that comes with speaking to someone who is not part of your inner circle but a stranger.

I lost my precious mother earlier this year. One of the characters in "The Extraordinary Ordinary" has, as well. The scene in which this heartbroken son describes his mom as never seeing herself as special, and always only wishing that those she cares about are happy, touched me deeply. This is my mother. Parents play a crucial role in your film, whether it be noxious or nurturing. As the fiercely proud dad of three remarkable sons, would you talk with us about your feelings regarding the critical role, and lasting impact, we all have as parents of our children?

My sincere condolences! Our leading man, ALEX (played by Alex Montalban), actually used this scene as his audition. I watched his audition like 3-4 times and cried each time. There was just so much sincerity and empathy Alex Montalban delivered in the lines during the scene. It is one of my favorite scenes because, to me, even children often have to remind their parental guardian(s) how amazing they truly are.

"The Extraordinary Ordinary" tackles different standpoints of how we see parents portrayed. To me, I always felt that to be realistic, where parents are supportive while others are not. As we see with our main character, ERICA, she leans heavily on her father, ROB (played by John Posey), as she and her mother, CATHY (played by Della Lisi Kerr), disagree on multiple life matters. But in reality, someone such as CATHY is actually in a lot of pain herself and is unaware of it. For me, growing up I saw how much my parents were impacted by the decisions of their parents, and it sort of becomes a cycle, until it is broken. I think in my family, in this case, it is getting help by going to counseling and doing the work to not repeat the sins of our parents.

Aside from success, what do you genuinely want to accomplish with your films moving forward, Natalie?

For me, the ultimate dream is to make an audience feel something after they watch a film. The most impactful thing a creator can do is to get their audience thinking, whether they agree or disagree with something that was said or done in the film. That is something I hope my work can continue (to do) in the years to come. To me, success is all about being content - not the glitz and glam aspect - but hoping your audience sees the passion in the work and feels that way, too.
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I love how real this is
directortim201213 November 2020
I know people who deal with PTSD and bi-polar conditions. It's a daily struggle, yet so very human. This film does an amazing job of capturing that complex reality. Not by glossing over things or giving these characters a Hollywood treatment. But by showing them in a candid, mature, yet heartfelt way. It's all incredibly relatable, even to those of us lucky enough not to struggle with such difficult mental health issues. On top of all that, this is a really well made and acted film. And oh so affecting.
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Well done with good acting and a solid story
baccaruda11 September 2021
I know the people in this movie. And the actors the Extraordinary Ordinary made me feel like I knew them as well. We all deal with life's traumas in different ways, but in the end we are not an island - we need people to help us through. Lead actress Maddison Bullock (Erica) is extraordinarily appealing, and the actors surrounding her are all quite good. In this viewer's opinion, the color is washed out, especially toward the beginning of the movie. This may have been an intentional metaphor, as Erica is leading trying to heal an emotional trauma and sealing herself off from the potential vibrancy of a full life, but if this is the case, it could have been handled differently. Movies are a visual medium after all, and adjusting the color and contrast would have made the film far better looking. That said, this a well done Indie with solid production values, a touching story, and good direction.
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Touching film that is very relatable
lindapalmer25 November 2020
Lots of young people are dealing with mental health issues and this is a lovely portrayal of what they are going through. Authentically directed, marvelously acted.
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Heart Warming & Life Affirming Film about Healing
gabriela-tollman4 December 2020
This is a lovely film about new beginnings, first loves, and independence. It also explores a path to overcoming anxiety and healing from trauma. It is about a woman told by a woman and that's why it feels intimate and believable. The writer/director offers a sensitive and compassionate understanding of mental health issues. The lead actors deliver subtle and nuanced performances. The directing is simple, understated, and effective. This is a feel-good movie about difficult subject matter that is very well done.
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This ain't your typical coming-of-age deal.
Extra-Artsy23 November 2023
Yo, peep The Extraordinary Ordinary-it's got a crew of messed-up folks dealin' with some heavy baggage from the past. Mental health battles? Yeah, it puts that front and center, but in a smooth, relatable vibe. These characters? They're like your homies next door-real and relatable. The flick's got this elegant touch while talkin' 'bout the struggles folks face daily. I vibed hard with their message, ya know? It's that down-to-earth feel that hooks you. This ain't your typical coming-of-age deal, nah. It's got that today's-world flavor, which is a breath of fresh air 'cause times ain't the same as before. If you're after a real-deal coming-of-age drama fit for the now, give this joint a spin.
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A very interesting film
joeljori31 August 2020
It´s about three young people and their struggles. On one hand, they seem normal and pursue their goals. On the other, they struggle with personal issues and the movie explores these issues quite well. Especially bipolar disorder.

It´s a very relevant film, taken our current crises with Covid-19 into consideration. Bipolar disorder is a subject that needs to me discussed more openly in the public domain. Especially now, while so many people have got their lives turned upside down.

I strongly recommend this movie... a big thumps up to the actors and crew.
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Thought-provoking and moving
helmetsandshades25 July 2022
Glad I took a chance on this little indie. Well-made and well-acted. A compelling story about trauma and mental illness. For anyone who's ever known someone who struggles with mental health issue -- you'll feel seen and validated. Bravo.
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Navigating Mental Illness
catheraneskillen30 October 2022
This is the story of three college-age young adults who each have their own emotional upheavals to deal with and who become friends. Too many people probably struggle in silence, hiding their pain beneath a quiet exterior as does Erica. Slow moving and with little dialogue at times but is always filled with emotional presence. As this film points out, there are times when those closest to the traumatized individual behave in a way that exacerbates the problem, having tendencies to bring their own baggage into the equation. Very good performances, especially from Maddison Bullock, Alex Montalban, Ana Marte, and John Posey.
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A coming of age drama ripe for today's world.
mettlesetdesigner4 June 2023
The Extraordinary Ordinary is a movie involving several troubled characters and their tragic pasts. It shows the challenges and struggles that people with mental health issues have to deal with within their daily lives but it does it in a relatable and very elegent way. Many of the characters are played like the girl next door which makes them relatable and realistic. I found myself connecting with the movies message because the characters are so down to earth and relatable. It is a different type of coming of age movie compared to what we have seen in the past and that's a good thing because today's world is nothing like the past. So if you're looking for a coming of age drama ripe for today's world, check out this movie.
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A Beautifully Captured Film.
darylferrara19 January 2021
This film really hit home for me. Community. Love. So important on the road to recovery. Well done. MUST WATCH INDIE FILM!
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Well Written and acted, Touching and emotional.
ath06293 December 2020
You will experience what people go thru every day with tragic experiences, mental issues in this movie. Done gracefully and with great acting. Check it out for yourself.
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Heartwarming and relatable
sitebpro27 January 2021
Heartwarming and relatable, cute little indie film. Very well paced and edited. I thought the cinematography had a very grounded look and feel. I loved the use of negative framing. I think the movie did a good job at understanding its budget and letting it play to its advantage. Good directing and handling of the actors. Who all do a good job with the material. Bonus points for raising Mental Health awareness too!
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Slice of Life Indie Drama
julianbaner17 December 2020
A naturalistic look at the difficulties of a young freshman in college overcoming mental health issues. The film is touching in its empathetic way of looking at all the main characters, while drawing realism from the strong performances and true-to-life writing. Very relatable, and a great watch.
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Real life mental conditions indie film that needs more recognition
FSMeurinne5 April 2021
This movie was very well done, it touches on different mental conditions like PTSD and bipolar in teenagers that are real and very heartwarming. The story focuses on a student that moves to start a new year in college, where she has to face her past and present colliding, in a way that she needs to face what happened in her past in order to be able to face her present and find her path into her future. You get to see drama, angst, love, and how to find a way to recover and learn to live with their mental conditions. How family is important as well as friendship. The characters are all very well portrayed, I like how they build each character to be very reliable and authentic. These are real-life situations and the way they captured all the situations and focus them into a college project. Trauma is never easy, teenagers face them every day and I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who is facing a mental health situation or knows someone. Sometimes they might not be opened to face it, but you can be there for them and wait until they are ready. The direction was well done, the acting was well-performed, the editing was on point and the screenplay was fantastic. Definitely a good indie film delivered by Natalie Rodriguez. Extraordinary Ordinary needs to be watched and spread worldwide.
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A realistic story of the lives of people living with mental illnesses
lbruhnca30 November 2020
This film is a raw real view into what it's like living life with mental illnesses, the ups and down triggers and challenges. It's not done with Hollywood glam, and not done in a documentary manner, but rather emerging filmmakers telling the stories in a relatable way. I thought the script, plot and dialogue were good as were the performances by the lead actors. I was drawn in and felt empathy for their journey's.
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Cute little indie film
anjanipandey9 March 2021
Great Direction, acting and editing! Amazed me how such a complex subject like PTSD addressed so simple way and keeping audience engaged at the same time.
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