"South Park" Go God Go (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Only seen the first half, but it's a classic in the making!
NotMoreMovies2 November 2006
This is a two part episode with the central plot being about evolution vs religion, and the subplot about Cartman not being able to wait for a new video game system's release.

Garrison is against the teaching of evolution, so the school brings in an evolutionist to teach that part of his class. The evolutionist, impressed with his/her opinionated attitude starts dating Garrison. After giving Garrision the most hilariously stupid argument for not believing in religion, Garrison renounces his faith on the spot and launches a plot to eradicate all religion on earth.

Meanwhile Cartman freezes himself until the game system is released, but an avalanche covers him over....an avalanche which will keep him hidden until (imitates Buck Rodgers narrator voice) "500 years later." The parody to Buck Rodgers (for those of us who remember that show) was so perfect I couldn't stop laughing.

Cartman arrives in a future where video games don't exist and everyone is an atheist...and now different atheist sects fight each other...another brilliant ironic twist! I can't wait till next week!
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"your family, your friends, everyone you knew has been dead for over five hundred years" "I don't care, is there a Nintendo Wii?"
RainDogJr25 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Go God Go

I'm writing this after watching also Go God Go XII and Stanley's Cup then I have seen the entire Season 10 of South Park and science I have to say that this one and its second part are without a doubt my favourites from Season 10. Go God Go XII is the superior half but certainly this half is remarkable.

In the DVD commentary by Trey Parker and Matt Stone they say that at an interview they were asked if they were Atheist (because they make fun of religion on the show) and to the surprise of the interviewer and many people (including their friend Penn Jilette) they are not Atheist. Later they received an e-mail from Penn Jilette who was heart broken because of that and they started to know more about Atheism. So at the time that the guys were into Atheism and into the book of Richard Dawkins the Nintendo Wii was going to be at stores soon then Trey's day was basically 5% of the Atheism stuff and 95% of the new Nintendo console stuff. So in this terrific episode we have two plots: Cartman representing the 95% of Trey's day and Mrs. Garrison and Richard Dawkins representing the 5% then Cartman wanting really bad the Nintendo Wii and Mrs. Garrison finding the Atheism. Here everything with Cartman is simply hilarious, basically the Wii will be released in three weeks and there you have Cartman already outside the video games store really desperate! He can't sleep, two minutes are an eternity, he just can't f****** wait! And with that he comes with a plan that is certainly not good but simply awesome: go into suspended animation! He will freeze himself and certainly he needs help and Kyle, Stan and Kenny even that are his very best friends (!) will not help him so who's a really good friend and innocence enough to help Cartman to freeze himself? Of course Butters! And the plan was successful but not entirely since we see Cartman in the year 2546! In the future the religion is obsolete and there are no such things as video games! In my opinion what a f***ed future and certainly because the video games doesn't exist any more. And is such a great presentation of the 3 Atheist groups and certainly the stuff that Mrs. Garrison and Richard Dawkins did simply changed the world. In this plot we have Mrs. Garrison teaching evolution against her wishes, is hilarious her first class ("you're the retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel") then by the second she will be paying attention to Richard Dawkins the new evolution teacher. With Mrs. Garrison and Dawkins we have hilarious ("I've just never seen a woman with such… balls") and bizarre stuff and everything is as simple as that Mrs. Garrison will have her first date with a man and yes the man is Dawkins who first she threw her feces at and who will convince her that "God's Spaghetti Monster". We see a couple thinking in a world without religion then in a world without wars and thanks to the awesome plan of Cartman we see the world without religion but with a big war. "So it begins…"

Go God Go XII

So we watch part XII of this story, now Cartman is pretty much used to the future but still can't touch a Nintendo Wii and that fact is still killing him but is here in part XII of the story where Cartman touch finally a Nintendo Wii but he will not be able to play with it. Go God Go XII is simply an amazing episode, from the hilarious beginning in which we see that many things happened since the last time we saw Cartman in the future to the awesome talking sea otters! I simply loved those creatures, if there were an action figure of a sea otter on its ostrich I would definitely get it. Hilarious stuff with the sea otters that are the AAA, the Allied Atheist Alliance, one of the three Atheist groups that are in war since each group hast its own answer to the great question so the Atheist future means war and Cartman is in the middle of it without the necessary to play Nintendo Wii but soon knowing of the existence of a device that can save him, the Crank Prank Time Phone allows the consumer to call people from the past but certainly it is only for entertainment since the present can be altered and is also a product not intended for the use by otters. Is a hilarious part of the episode with Cartman calling to the past, to Cartman in order to stop him from freezing himself! And Cartman hates Cartman! Butters will be a little confused and certainly Kyle won't believe that Cartman is actually calling him from the future and is with Kyle when things are modify in the past then the future is altered and the robot dog friend of Cartman is now a robot cat! But the war between the Atheists is still going on, the great question is this: what atheists should call themselves? Eventually Cartman with a call will finally open Richard Dawkins' eyes then he will finally know why Mrs. Garrison was a woman with so much balls! Mrs. Garrison and Dawkins were the founders of worldwide Atheism so when the future is altered the over between Atheists is certainly over but is a peaceful future? Of course not since the French- Chinese want Hawaii! Awesome episode and the ending is memorable!
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po-ture26 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode, definitely one of my favorites.

The parody of Buck Rodgers (actually it reminds one of many old sci-fi shows and movies), the whole Cartman plot (Cartman's calls in the past, especially the ones where he calls himself... i couldn't stop laughing).

But on top of it all, the very controversial subject, treated in a very open-minded way by the show makers, of religion as a whole (is religion a scam, what did it make humanity do, would we be better with or without it).

One may not agree with their conclusions, but first you have to understand them all, as it seems many people didn't. Basically what the episode tries to say is :

-Evolution history and religion are absolutely *not* incompatible.

-Atheism can be considered as yet another religion, the one that believes in "no-god".

-Religion may have made humanity do horrible things, but humanity does not need religion to do horrible things *anyway*.

-People need to have faith in something in order to remain "human", so hey, what not a god after all.

I'm an atheist, but still i don't see where religious folks should feel offended in that episode, it's actually pretty much "pro-religion".

Anyway, very good episode, and hella funny, too. (Cartman rules, btw !)
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Excellent two-parter
gangstahippie22 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Go God Go is the first of a two part episode about Cartman. It is very funny and has a good sci-fi storyline to it. Basically Cartman wants a Nintendo wii really badly, however does not want to wait three weeks for it. So he hatches a plan and gets Butters to freeze him until the wii comes out. An avalanche comes, Butters cannot find Cartman and Cartman ends up being frozen for the next 500 years. Meanwhile, Mrs Garrison does not want to teach evolution because it goes against her religious beliefs. After botching the lesson plan, the school gets a scientist to teach them. Garrison at first hates him because he is atheist, but then she falls in love with him and the scientist turns Garrison into an atheist. We find out that 500 years later, the whole world is atheist however there is a war between what to call the atheist religion. This is a funny first part of a great two part episode!
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Funny episode
joec07324 August 2010
I thought this was a very funny episode! It was sooooo funny how Cartman kept standing outside of the video game store waiting for the Wii to come out. I liked the part when Ms.Garrison crapped in her hand and the threw it at the guy that was helping him teach. I was laughing sooooo hard when she did that, it made me spit out my Pepsi that I was drinking. It was soooooooooo funny when Garrison was having sex with that guy and the guy says you have such balls. Hearing that even made me spit out my Pepsi again.I thought it was funny when Cartman froze himself and was unfroze 500 years later. This was really a funny episode! It made me laugh the whole way through!
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Funniest Episode of the Season so far
Fulci_Kills3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Contains what might be construed as a few possible spoilers but nothing to really worry about...

--South Park episode 1012 Go, God, Go--

Hands down my favorite episode of the season. Great story. Very controversial outing.

Evolution versus Creationism.

The first thing that really struck me about this episode and will probably never be mentioned, is that this episode borrows most of its story from Season 2 of 21 Jump Street, episode 206 Higher Education. The story of that show, just like the story of this episode 1012, is that a creationism believing teacher in a public school decides that he does not want to teach the theory of evolution in his classroom anymore and wishes to teach creationism. So the school brings in another teacher to help teach evolution in the creationism teachers classroom. Which amazingly, just like in this episode, leads to the creationism teacher pooping in there hand like a monkey and throwing it on the evolutionary believing teacher. Well not really but the teacher did bring in a chimpanzee into the classroom with hopes that maybe it would throw its poop around.

In 1012, Ms.Garrison is the creationism believing teacher and in one of her (or his) rants to his/her students, Ms.Garrison sarcastically concludes that we're all fish frogs that turned into a retarded monkey that humped 5 other retarded monkeys.

I've checked out a few South Park forums since the show aired last night and a large majority of the Christian/creationism believing forum members were genuinely ticked off about 1012 Go God Go. Here's a zany quote from an anonymous open minded Christian creationism believer bigot who thought...

"Wouldn't it be interesting if when the atheists who use the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" argument die and get to heaven, God hands them all a plate of Spaghetti?"

Hahahahahahaha...hilarious, well no, not really, just sad.

...But wow, Trey and Matt really ticked off those Christians with this episode. Way to go guys. And it's not even over yet as this is a 2 parter of a 3 part episode. (Well actually the 1st part of a 2 part episode but or possibly the 1st part of a 3 part episode).

The comment from earlier was in response to Ms. Garrisons atheist lover (the teacher who was brought in to help Ms.Garrison teach evolution) comparing god to a flying spaghetti monster. You can't disprove the flying spaghetti monster exist, so just like god, the two must exist. This later leads to Ms.Garrison thinking that god must be a flying spaghetti monster and thus changes her Creationism beliefs to Evolutionary beliefs. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is an actual fake religion that can be found @ www.v e n g an z a. or g. (Remove spaces)

While all of this is going on, Cartman decides to freeze himself to ease the wait of the approaching release of the new video-game console Nintendo Wii in 3 weeks. So Cartman and Professor Chaos hike up a snowy covered mountain where Eric buries himself in the snow and orders Butters to come back in 3 weeks and dig him out. This then leads to a hilarious Buck Rogers in the 25 Century opening montage where Cartman is never found and is only discovered 500 years later where he is unfrozen and he discovers that the new race of humans running the world are all atheists who are at war with another group of rebel atheists. Cartman is then told that he was brought back so that he might travel back in time to stop someone he knows from creating this alternate future world where god does not exist. Just then the Sea Otters begin there attack on the atheists city as the episodes ends, to be continued.

Funniest laughs of the show in no particular order:

Ms. Garrisons mangled breasts

Cartman freezing in snow homage to Stanley Kubrick's The Shining

Post-Op Transsexual Ms.Garrison hardcore sex scene with her atheist lover (which for some odd reason really seemed to offend some Christians viewers as well, go figure)

Best episode of the season. Probably a top ten favorite of all time. I happily give it a...

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Wanted this to be so much better
jpapanone28 January 2020
Loved the concept... and had high hopes 10 to 15 minutes in... but it... just didnt deliver for me.
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A disappointing and disingeuous satire on the nature of Atheism
The-Last-Prydonian9 June 2020
Consisting of two episodes, Go God Go has Cartman growing more and more impatient as he waits for the Nintendo Wii to be released in two months time. Growing more and more fidgety as he can't stand to wait any longer, with the assistance of Butters he has himself frozen so he can be thawed out two months later when by that time it would be available to buy. Inevitably though things don't go quite according to plan, and he finds himself been unfrozen five centuries later in a world where religion has now been completely abolished and Atheism reigns supreme. Meanwhile, a now post-op transgender Mr Garrison refuses to teach evolution at South Park Elementary. As a result famed evolutionary, biologist Prof. Richard Dawkins is brought in to conduct the lessons on evolution instead. Although hostile at first Dawkins convinces Mr. Garrison to reject theism and embrace Evolution, and the two embark on a torrid love affair.

It's fair to say as a dedicated fan of South Park I've always been fond of their work as satirists which has been pretty much their raison d'être over the years. It's rare that when it comes to their social and political commentary they haven't hit the bullseye with their surreal and off the wall style of comedy, which while not necessarily being known for it's subtlety has been sharp, honest and when it has to be, brutally not taking any prisoners.

Unfortunately though with Go God Go which was a transparent critique on the nature of Atheism, and a certain Richard Dawkins. A man who has become something of the poster child for "militant atheism", and therefore made for the obvious target for their satirical onslaught, they just missed the mark completely. The result is that I found them to be at their most disingenuous. While it's fair to say that both have lampooned fundamentalist religion in general over the years, Matt and Trey as secular humanist theists (well that's how I'd describe them) have had a misguided agenda in dismantling what some people might miscategorize as hard nosed anti-theism.

For starters there's the whole sub-plot revolving around Mr. Garrison's rapid change in philosophy when Dawkins presents his well known allegorical argument regarding, The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Here they outright distort Atheism as the complete denial in the possibility of God existing rather than the actual claim itself. Indeed, while there could be something said in Mr. Garrison's transformation from a belligerent, hard-nosed theist to then hard-nosed Atheist when shining a light on how arrogance and intolerance exists on both sides of the intellectual and philosophical divide. Never the less I still found myself only being able to damn Matt and Trey with faint praise.

There are some chuckles to have been had at the expense of the whole love affair, Mr. Garrison and Dawkins embark on. However, even though I did laugh in spite of myself it just struck me as all a bit cheap and frivolous.

Most rewarding, if not altogether successful yet having it's smidge's of inspired comedic brilliance is the main plot line. Cartman being accidentally unfrozen five centures into the future wonderfully parodies Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. An affectionate appeal to fans of the late-seventies TV series, it's executed with sublime panache. As are the scenes of an increasingly impatient Cartman who grows unremittingly restless as he bemoans not yet being able to purchase his beloved Nintendo Wii. Not helped further when thrust in to the future, his quest to obtain one proves fruitless and did tickle the funny bone. However in a futuristic world now dominated by Atheism which has split in to three opposing, hostile denominations. A clear attempt to try to say that even without Atheism mankind by it's very nature would find reasons to commit evils towards one another. It strikes me to be the equivalent of saying, there will always be people who are killed in car accidents so anyway we shouldn't ban drink driving. It's that kind of irrational reasoning which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

While not awful, Go God Go is something of an unfortunate disappointment on purely satirical grounds, and therefore one I have mixed feelings over. While it does still manages to contain glimmers of their sublimely off-kilter wit, and leaves off on a supposed pearl of wisdom that there isn't one truth which I half heatedly agree with. It's rather myopic when it comes to the very basic principal of theism in comparison to the nature of organized religion, and therefore proves to be all too rose tinted and overly simplistic an observation on it.
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