6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why did the girl in the nice house(Becca?) run to her front door the decide to run upstairs into a closet?!!!! Why did the idiot dad hit Michael with a piece a WOOD and place him in his backseat(as if getting hit with a piece of wood wood render Michael Myers incapacitated)& drive around with him not tied up at least?!!! Why did the dads gun not work? Why didn't he try it again after he knocked him unconscious with a piece of wood?!!! Why did the fat idiot sheriff pull back the slide of his gun then when confronting Michael inside, decide to fight him instead of shoot him?!!!! And where TF was his partner?!!! He got out of the car directly after Lauren ?!!!! And if the dad was so worried about Lauren & thought Michael was inside Becca's house why did he say he'd be there in 5 minutes then decide to go home? How did he know Michael would go from Becca's house to his? And WHY didn't anyone involved in this confusing mess think of these screwed up holes?!!!! Other than so many of these absolutely asinine screw ups it wasn't half bad as far as Halloween fan films go.
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