An incredibly dull western
20 June 2022
Lemme just say, I love that Daily Wire is getting into entertainment. I've been a subscriber for over a year, and I'm not leaving any time soon. However, this movie is not good.

I'll start with a few positives. The movie looks pretty good, and I think the decision to go with no score was a good one. There are some exciting moments, but overall, the movie really failed to excite me.

Now the bad. The characters here are so paper thin, that I find it hard to really care how things turn out for them. The arcs are so generic and predictable, that they might as well not even be there. The villain is very cliché, riding around spitting intimidating Bible verses and scalping people. However, he is probably the best thing in the movie.

The acting is competent, but fails to sell me on anything deeper than surface level emotions like fear or anger. The plot drags on for way too long, considering the fact that nothing really happens. On top of this, Spoiler Alert (though not really), we are treated to another feel-good ending where everything turns out perfectly for the characters without having to sacrifice anything, which is so frustrating.

Watching this movie made me realize the pattern that is forming with DailyWire movies. They all follow "strong, independent" female characters who either have to rescue the men who are incompetent, or defeat the men who are evil. If I want the feminist messaging, I can go to Hollywood, they have plenty of that. This is supposed to be DailyWire, a company that stands for traditional values and against the wokeness of Hollywood.

If it were one or two movies from them, I wouldn't have a problem. Hell, movies like Alien that follow strong female protagonists are some of my favorites of all time. I just want some variety from DW, especially in an era where masculine man are increasingly rarer and under attack.

We are four movies in with DailyWire and they are yet to make a movie that is particularly interesting. Shut In is still the high water mark for them, but even that was only ok. So yeah, strong 4/10, not good.
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