Review of Sexify

Sexify (2021– )
9 May 2021
I think there's an unwritten rule in polish cinema - "if it is targeted at the general public, it's probably garbage". We, as a nation, are unable to do funny, light-hearted films and TV series. Watch any modern polish comedy, and you will most likely find yourself stuck suffering for 90 minutes through mediocre acting, lazy writing, unfunny jokes and boring, pointless plots.

Sexify is no different - what it's supposed to be, I guess, is our version of Sex Education, but it falls miles short in every aspect. Where Sex Ed is subtle, Sexify is vulgar and coarse. Where Sex Ed is funny, Sexify is cringy. When Sex Ed talks about a variety of topics regarding human sexuality, Sexify screams "FEMALE ORGASM!!!" and it's essentially the only thing it has to say.

The acting has its ups and downs, but even good acting won't help if the characters are just way over the top. And we are talking caricaturally over the top. We have Natalia - a total nerd who doesn't know what sex is at 23. Paulina - the typical housewife adolescent who has no say in her relationship and lives under the dictate of her boyfriend. Finally, Monika, the seemingly heartless one-night-stand enthusiast, who deep down is soft, emotional and sad. In essence, the clichést of cliché.

At no point is there an attempt to make the viewer invested in the plot or connected with the characters. There are no attempts to be witty or funny. There are no attempts to inspire some reflection in the viewer. It is just a brainless sit-through of eight hours, which you will most likely not even enjoy that much...
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