Review of 12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men (1957)
A simple story told perfectly.
26 June 2020
Personal Rating: 10/10

If someone asked you to create a compelling film, shot in only one location, black and white, a dozen actors, no fancy camera work, almost non-stop dialogue, and based entirely on an argument, could you do it?

Well, 12 Angry Men rises to that exact occasion. If you're one that appreciates some mystery, drama, a rollercoaster of a ride, you'll enjoy this movie. Granted it's not for all, its lack of action, romance or Michael Bay explosions may have some falling asleep, but to those who appreciate a good thriller, it'll have you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

It's easy to become desensitized today about what truly makes a good movie, with CGI a norm, relying solely on A list actors and actresses instead of a good screenplay prolific, we forget just how powerful well-written dialogue is. It's that dialogue that transports you into this movie, that thrusts you into the whirlwind of plot and emotion and doesn't let go until the movie's over. You walk away from this film in awe, not thinking well if 100 million dollars falls in my lap I could make a movie like that. No, you start thinking, damn, I have no excuse, this movie proves that it's story that matters, not extravagant displays of big budgets. And I feel that needs to be celebrated, acknowledged, and loved.
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