Batman: The Penguin's a Jinx (1966)
Season 1, Episode 4
The Best Laid Plans of Bats and Penguins
18 June 2020
I really loved this one and I'm not sure exactly why. The whole episode is just delightfully cute. I was laughing a lot. I'm starting to appreciate how cleverly written this show is, despite the silliness and camp aspects.

Highlights for me:
  • Robin and Batman studying the umbrella and coming up with extremely tenuous logic about what the Penguin's plan might be
  • the actress claiming her life is completely boring & falling for Batman
  • the Penguin flying across the skyline on his umbrella zip line
  • the ridiculous umbrella duel
  • hiding in convenient suits of armour (classic)

I can't believe I only just noticed that the titles of the two part episodes rhyme!
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