Objective, non-judgmental - Just a way a documentary ought to be...
6 November 2011
I am always glad to see documentary films made without bias. Love me some unbeatable logic presented in a extremely articulate manner. All this without being insensitive to either groups.

The film has thoroughly expressed the argument that people quoting the bible to hate on homosexuals are basically misinformed. The interpretation of things and events and writings and even art changes depending on what time it is perceived for judgment.

The time when the bible was written in and eventually translated are remarkably different than the ones we live in right now. So how does it make any sense to hold up principals and values laid upon man thousands of years ago when the rule makers priorities were different. The Sodom and Gomorrah story has been very well explained as being one of the most misunderstood ones. Anti-Gay factions often quote the destruction of the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of god's wrath against the homosexuals. Apparently anal rape was considered the worst humiliation you could lay upon an enemy or a wrong doer as a punishment, completely without a homosexual desire to do so. What the people of Sodom and Gomorrah meant when they yelled at Lot to send the two angels out, so they could rape them was that they only wanted to deal out the punishment they deemed fit for Lot going against the towns rule against bringing strangers in.

The towns were known for there endless wealth and riches. To secure there goodies they literally banned the citizens from inviting outsiders inside there homes, lest they be thieves. Interestingly, as the movie points out, hospitality or entertaining guest in your house, a stranger even is one of the biggest rules in Christianity. Despite of looking at the destruction of the cites as a punishment for being a douche to guests, we in our twisted times, choose to see it as a sign against the wholly barbaric yet symbolic act of punishing ones enemy.

Wonderful stories to be heard. Do watch.

PS: There will be tears...
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