See it if you want
28 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see this movie you should go ahead and see it. After seeing it I wouldn't suggest wasting your time with it. Someone posted a review saying that bad reviews are from people that don't want you to see it. All I can say is that I'm just offering my opinion on the movie.

Yes it does have some elements of questioning authority, but is carried out very weakly. That's not the reason why I didn't like it personally. I found it rather boring. At times I thought about leaving, because it was so boring.

People saying it goes beyond John Waters are right, but being someone that likes John Waters I was greatly disappointed. Almost all the jokes seem to be variations of the same jokes told repeatedly one after the other. I laughed a few times, but that didn't make up for the rest of the film.

Another repetitive element is the songs. They begin funny but just end up being just as repetitive as the jokes. The chorus of the song is repeated more times than I could stand personally.

It's not too offensive. At least to me it wasn't. Cartoons on adult swim are probably more offensive than this movie is. Many gay jokes that are told might be offensive if you are gay. Other than that if you're wanting to see this film you've probably heard all the jokes already.
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