Jet Li Is 'the One' (2002 Video)
The concept alone makes this one a watcher
11 August 2003
Jet Li versus himself is a potent combination in a movie. Yet, the concept is what makes this movie stand out. Just like Matrix introduced the element of we're all part of the program this introduces the element that we're all part of an infinitely branching universe. It somewhat makes sense that if you have a river that splits up into many different rivers and you go and block all the paths of the other rivers your part of the river becomes even more powerful.

The movie had special effects, yet didn't go overboard. This was probably because Jet Li can do things many other martial artist can't do even with wires. You had to go along with the movie in certain spots in order to believe, but it was entertaining.

The powers Jet Li acquires and how they are presented makes this movie stand out also.

All in all, I loved this movie. If you want to really become a Jet Li fan and love action, I would suggest you see this movie and Lethal Weapon 4. This will give you another icon to throw in the pot with the other icons such as Jackie Chan and the legend Bruce and let a person see why Don Wilson, Steven Segal, Jean Claude, the Texas Ranger and Taebo boy are just run of the mill martial artist.

Rating 7/10
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