Review of Casablanca

Casablanca (1942)
The Greatest of the Great Films!!!
24 September 2003
There is very little doubt, except from some of the younger people who have not seen much and to them the first Star Wars film is almost ancient history that feel Casablanca is perhaps the greatest film ever made, bar none. It is that good and that great. It could be viewed as probably the most perfect movie ever made. The direction, the acting, the script, the casting, the setting, and the way things were shot is without a doubt, of the highest calibre ever made. You have great direction, great casting with even the smallest roles played by the actors to perfection. Every character is there for a reason and adds to the film even in the smallest capacity. Bogart's Rick is the perfect anti-hero as is Bergman as the woman he still loves and lost. The love story is timeless, worldly and yet surprisingly fresh. Some movies age with time, Casablanca only gets better and more timeless, like fine wine. There can be a debate about which film is the greatest. Some may view Citizen Kane or Gone With the Wind as having the top spot and that is fine, both are worthy films and belong in the top ten. But in my humble opinion, Casablanca is the best simple because it is the perfect movie. It has stood the test of time and is the Greatest of the all-time Great films! There has been and will be nothing made that can compare to it. Casablanca is simply the greatest film ever made!
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