Citizen Kane (1941)
One of the all time greats...
2 August 2002
A breathtakingly beautiful film that is crafted and/or constructed perfectly. The acting is sensational, the direction is flawless, the writing is brilliant, and the cinematography, wow, the cinematography is amazing and perhaps the best of any film. This film lands you in a world that is both glorious and disturbing, the character of Charles Foster Kane is one that is so well drawn out and so brilliantly played (by, who else, but Orson Welles himself) that we are able to make a connection to this guy and become totally enthralled in his world and his doings no matter how corrupt the things he did were. It is never boring, it is, from the very first frame to the very last frame, one of the most intriguing films ever made and, possibly most importantly, it hasn't aged! It feels as if it were just made today but with a black and white camera instead of a color camera. If it weren't for the fact that I am forever a devoted fan of `The Godfather' and `Casablanca`, I would say that this is greatest film of ever made. I am the kind of film buff that honestly believes that there are some films out there where every word of praise is an absolute understatement, this, my friends, is one of those films, so this review is now complete.

Final Grade: * * * * * (out of 5, meaning 'masterpiece')
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