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The Meg
allmoviesfan8 July 2023
Granted, The Meg is dumb. Jason Statham takes on a giant shark from below what scientists thought was the bottom of the Marianas Trench. You know how it's going to end because Jason Statham doesn't ever lose. Even when faced with one or more enormous sharks

Great special effects cover for some sketchy acting - not that anyone watches these sorts of movies for acting - and some of the expected action movie tropes (like my personal favourite: someone getting killed gloating about their victory after they think the threat is over) in what is a fun film if you like giant creature movies and Jason Statham. One of those movies to not over-think.

Definitely not a masterpiece, but definitely enjoyable.
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It's everything you would guess
austin-650059 August 2018
Look, this movie wasn't bad... but it wasn't great either... Everything that comes with a shark movie was here. A cheesy storyline that bounced around a lot, and some great action sequences wth the shark. Jason Statham was the same as he usually is, stone faced and serious. Rainn Wilson did a great job with his part. But other than that, nothing really sticks out.
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jhmoondance13 November 2021
This movie was similar to Jaws apart from the under-sea action. The megaladon was actually very realistic n the cgi was amazing.

The actors did a great job with their characters n were all likeable.

There were some tense moments n a little bit of suspense but overall it was a straight up film.

The cinematography was brilliant.

Everything was pretty much predictable n the ending was too.

I recommend this movie if you like creature features, action n suspense.
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Honest Thoughts On The Film By Jason Statham And Director Jon Turteltaub
ripleyspussy10 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Although I've just watched this film, this is not a review in the traditional sense. I just wanted to make this clear, because I don't mean to mislead anybody. Rather than giving you my own two cents (well, I WILL give you those, but later), I would like to let the people directly involved in The Meg share their - refreshingly honest - thoughts on it, because they had some very interesting things to say that helped me better understand what I'd just seen. Let's start with Jason Statham's recent interview with Frosty Weintraub. You'll notice Jason tries to be diplomatic, but he has a very hard time concealing the fact that he's not too happy with the finished product:

"The film changed a lot. The script was totally different. There was so many different ... sometimes you just go: How did it happen? How did it go from this to this to this to that? I guess if you have the control to keep it a certain way you would, but you don't. They have so many people deciding on what action stays and what scenes stay. How the characters ... In the end they want to put something at the beginning. The whole thing at the beginning where I *spoiler* do a rescue on a sub? That was not in the script that I read. That was all brand new stuff. Good or bad, I'm just letting you know. But (originally) there was other stuff at the beginning that was ... I'm, you know. I'm just saying it was radically different."

"I guess in some ways your imagination and your own perception of what it's going to be is its worst enemy. John (Turteltaub)'s interpretation of this is a fun end of summer movie. It's full of humor. He's put his very light-hearted way into it(...). It's a little bit more directed to a different taste of what my own is in terms of I like more gory adult stuff. You go: Where's the effing blood?! It's like, there's a shark. I'm a lot older but I can't speak for what this film could possibly speak to a younger audience. I might have made a film that not many people wanted to see. I'm not a filmmaker."

"I'm sort of an actor that's going to portray a role. I go there but I've learned not to get too attached with your own idea of what something could be. I don't know. As an audience goer you're spared all of that sort of things that can ruin a movie for you. I think as you're involved in these films you get more and more critical and going: That bit there should have spent more money on the CG. That bit there they should have made that more gory. Where's the other bit that was in the original? You get very critical."

And director Jon Turteltaub had this to add in a recent interview with a horror-oriented film site: "I am so disappointed the film wasn't more bloody or disgusting. My wife is glad about it, and I'm glad my kids can see the movie, but the number of really horrifying, disgusting and bloody deaths we had lined up that we didn't get to do is tragic. We shot or even did a lot of visual effects for gory scenes. There was some really good shìt that didn't survive to the final cut."

As Statham and the director both alluded to in their interviews, apparently, during post-production the decision was made that The Meg would have to be appropriate for teenagers, and the film was significantly re-cut. When Turteltaub was asked if he would like to see his own, unrated version released, he said: "Yes. Mine would have a lot gorier, but funnier, deaths for people. It's just awesome. Killing people in movies is a lot of fun."

So there you have it folks, the star and the director seem none too pleased about studio mandated changes to their movie in their assessment of the theatrical cut. I've watched the film despite myself, and it's actually nowhere near as bad as I feared - it's fun in a harmless, forgettable kind of way - but what Statham and Turteltaub are implying is spot on: the whole film constantly teases you with unfulfilled potential. Now let's hope we get the better version upon home release.
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The Meg was meh
Top_Dawg_Critic9 August 2018
16 reviews, and half are all a fake high-rated single review of this film - makes me shake my head why the producers think their viewers are dumb and wont see thru the fakes. All it takes is one click to see the only single review from the poster. Don't get me started on the moronic review from halil-92019: "Playing computer games makes kids smarter?"

This film had it's moments, but it was nothing spectacular. The best parts were the cinematography, visuals and directing. The story itself has been done so many times, making the shark prehistoric doesn't add anything to the imagination. The writers needed to up this a few levels and not rely on Statham (who was great as always) to bring in the moviegoers into the theater. The 103 min length felt a little long, but the pacing good enough to keep you interested, although it was missing that constant extra thrill and suspense I expected. Instead, I cringed at the cheesy 1 liners and poor attempt at humor - most executed at the wrong time.

It's an honest deserving score of only 6/10 from me.
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A fun theater-going experience!
I will be upfront with anyone who hasn't watched this yet. Mindset-wise if you go in thinking more along the lines of Deep Blue Sea rather than JAWS you'll probably have a good time. If you want serious, deep storylines and Oscar-caliber performances you probably should avoid it because this isn't it. Also on that note, why the hell would you go see this movie in the first place if you want that?

This movie is just stupid fun with tons of funny moments. The comedy aspect of it actually caught me off guard. I expected a few funny moments here and there like most films of this ilk, but this is just straight up funny throughout. There are plenty of grandiose action sequences. A character you just flat out hate because he's such an atypical ass-hat and some beautiful CGI. The film itself is very well shot and I even had a hard time telling whether the FXs were practical or CGI in spots. They blended stuff together well. I thought the acting was solid for what this film is. It's about what I expected.

Like anything, there were a few things here and there that could have been better. But, none of those things were enough to hinder my enjoyment of it. I personally would have liked to see it be a tad bit gorier. I think that might have pushed this up a notch especially with the type of story this. On the other hand, that's more of a preference than an actual hindrance type thing.

This was exactly what I wanted out of a Summer Blockbuster style film. It's a fun theater-going experience. It's the type of movie you want to see on the big screen with a great sound system. What I would consider a perfect popcorn flick.

My Rating: 7/10
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Worst Dialogue Ever.
dpb040216 August 2018
Honestly this film has not only the worst dialogue of any movie this summer/year. It is the worst dialogue I have ever heard in a bad movie ever. Deep Blue Sea, The Shallows, and Jaws 3 all had better dialogue than this cliche title.

The Room directed by Tommy Wiseau and this movie go hand and hand for some of the garbage lines and pacing. Halfway through this movie when it appears to be over, I wished it was finally over, however I knew that there was no way they would end it there.

Save your money. This will be streamable in 4 months and on sale for $15.
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Jason Statham versus a 75-foot prehistoric shark - it's as simple, as cheesy, but as enjoyable as that
moviexclusive8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Meg' is basically short for 'Jason Statham versus a 75-foot prehistoric shark', and if that doesn't sound like your idea of an exciting late-summer movie, then this slab of B-movie cheese is clearly not for you. Oh yes, the science-fiction horror novel by Steve Alten on which this movie is based was precisely meant to be that sort of pulpy entertainment, and director Jon Turteltaub ensures that his adaptation is balanced squarely between self-awareness and self-seriousness, even though it does start off being more of the latter before tipping into more of the former.

So it goes that our introduction to Statham's deep-sea rescue diver Jonas Taylor is no laughing business: in the throes of his latest mission to save the crew of a nuclear submarine trapped at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, Jonas is forced to sacrifice two of his own men inside the submarine after it is purportedly attacked by a giant creature which crushes its hull. Jonas' account of the tragic event is disputed by another key member of his very own crew Dr Heller (Robert Taylor), and after being accused of suffering a psychological meltdown, he retreats to seclusion on a rustic island in Thailand.

Five years later, Jonas is given the opportunity to get even with the creature when he is approached by an old friend Mac (Cliff Curtis) to lead an urgent operation to save his ex-wife Lori (Jessica McNamee) and her two other crew mates stranded underwater in a deep sea submersible names Origin off the Chinese coast. Mac and Lori are part of a larger team on a modern research facility called Mana One exploring if there is life beneath the depths of the ocean as we know it, and the first successful so-called 'insertion' (cue the geek joke delivered by Masi Oka and Ólafur Darri Ólafsson) into the hydrothermal sphere at the bottom of the seabed brings the Origin face to face with the titular super shark previously thought to be extinct.

At first, Jonas' history means he is greeted with scepticism by the team on board Mana One, including chief oceanographer Dr Zhang Minway (Winston Chao), his equally accomplished daughter Suyin (Li Bingbing) and no less than Jonas' former colleague Dr Heller himself. It goes without saying that Jonas will quickly prove that he wasn't crazy after all, but after having also rescued Suyin who had valiantly but foolhardily gone to try to rescue Lori on her own, the two divorcees will begin to sketch the contours of a romance through some rare character moments, many of which also wisely draw on the precocious charms of Suyin's eight-year-old daughter Meiying (Shuya Sophia Cai).

It should come as no surprise that 'The Meg' is built on a number of elaborate action-driven set-pieces mostly executed by Mr Statham, but it is also worthwhile acknowledging that Turteltaub and his screenwriters (comprising of genre specialists Dean Georgaris and Jon and Erich Hoeber) do give the characters just enough texture to craft some memorable scenes within these set-pieces. Among the notable archetypes on display here are the self-absorbed financer Morris (Rainn Wilson), the tough-as-nails independent female type Jaxx (Ruby Rose), as well as the timid plus-sized African-American comic relief DJ (Page Kennedy); and without saying who lives, who dies or how either way, these characters in their respective ways inject verve into some of the gloriously over-the-top sequences.

These sequences of course dictate the course of the narrative, which sees the megalodon emerge from its hidden depths by some Deus Ex Machina to travel hundreds of miles over open ocean to terrorise hundreds of summer-loving beachgoers at Sanya Bay. Each one of the three distinct settings forms the backdrop of a significant encounter with the megalodon, with the latter two especially allowing Statham to flex his physicality without being in any claustrophobic confine. More than simple logic, that explains why Statham has to swim within 100 metres of the shark in order to fire a GPS tracker at its dorsal fin, or dive below the surface to rescue Suyin trapped within a shark cage, or in the film's pièce de résistance escape from a damaged submersible just in time to spear the shark in its eye.

Indeed, there's not a lot of common sense involved, though nothing so exaggerated as to qualify irrevocably as parody. The operative word here is fun, and on that account, 'The Meg' definitely scores. Statham carries each one of these outlandish scenes with a knowing wink, and his ability to deliver the intentionally corny one-liners is matchless. On his part, Turteltaub gleefully seizes every opportunity to emphasise the relative size of the competition between Statham and the Meg, and patiently waits till the climax to unleash all restraint and let the campiness overflow - there in Sanya Bay, you have young males ogling at the opposite sex on separate floating platforms before being forcibly rammed together by the marauding shark, a man in an inflatable bubble float trying to roll over his fellow swimmers before his bubble is literally burst by the shark, and a plump and pampered young boy holding a paddle pop getting his just desserts after defying his mother's caution not to go into the ocean.

It probably won't escape you that the movie is one of the high-profile US-China co-productions this year, and while that is reflected in the locations and choice of co-stars, the pleasures here still seem more culturally attuned to Hollywood sensitivities. To its credit, 'The Meg' never comes off being sillier than it intentionally puts itself out to be, and boasts more than its fair share of entertaining man-versus-enormous-shark sequences. But hey, we thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was worth, and considering that the movie has been stuck in development for over a decade, we'd add that we couldn't have seen it any other way than 'Jason Statham versus a 75-foot prehistoric shark'.
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I think my IQ went down just from watching this movie
pjpatio30 September 2018
I know, it is a shark movie. It is supposed to be cheesy and ridiculous. But I cannot help to hate this movie. Maybe because I had high expectations? Maybe because Jason Statham is one of my favorite actor?

This movie is just predictable and full of cliche. The one liners that is supposed to make the audience laugh failed miserable and most of the time cringe worthy. The CGI is Sci-fi channel worthy at best.

In addition, soon as I see a Chinese production company at its opening, I already had a bad feeling. The Chinese actors can't act for their lives especially the little girl.

If you are reading this and you havent seen the movie, do yourself a favor and save two hours of your life. And yes, this is my first review, the movie sucks so much that it triggers me to make one.
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I'm not sure why I didn't review sooner
UniqueParticle15 July 2023
I fairly enjoy this although I'd say Jon Turtletaub films have been better I don't get why this was basically launched into a black hole and chewed out into another dimension, I have fun. Maybe Meg 2 will do better at least critically. The Meg is plenty entertaining at least enough for a decent rating maybe you could say Jason Statham has been in better but at least he's a professional swimmer that I appreciate anything done by the actor for sure! I love Rainn Wilson he's awesome in anything he's been in even when he's a numb skull that makes ridiculous mistakes. I do notice the dialogue is a bit of a mess that's probably part of the hate but I enjoy The Meg for what it is, pretty good entertainment that you can have a nice treat with!
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Pure garbage
briantillman-0504912 August 2018
There is no other way to describe this film. The acting is laughable. The CGI, the writing, plot, it's just bad. What has happened to Hollywood? Seriously. Please try and come up with some fresh ideas other than attempting to butcher classic movies. It's either a sequel to a sequel to a sequel these days, or it's something that has already been done, and remade poorly. I'm just glad we have the classics to fall back on. Film today is at an all time low. Depressing, actually. I literally spent 40 dollars for a trip with my lady to see this. Unreal. They wonder why pirating has become such a problem. It will remain a problem as well. The people trying to stop it will never outsmart the people providing it. Good luck trying. No wonder, when trash like this tops the box office. Unreal.
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good bc it is bad but honest about it
genbcherry14 August 2021
The trailer promises a cheesy action movie with sharks and jason statham. It delivers nothing more and nothing less. This movie is bland but so honest that its not dissapointing bc you probably didnt come to watch something deep if u chose the meg. No crazy or deep characters but if you want to watch a movie with jason statham and sharks you will love it. Has some objectively stupid dialogue and parts seem jumpy but that kinda comes with the territory of these kinds of action movies.

10/10 everything you expect but nothing more.
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fun flick
MLDinTN11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You have a hot lead (Statham) , a giant shark, bad acting, a villain that gets what he deserves, one liners, and a decent plot. What else do you need for a fun flick. While this was no master piece, it was still fun to watch. The shark effects were pretty good, not awful like the movies on the sci fi channel. And how can you not love a scene in which someone jumps in the water with a 100 ft shark looking to hit it with a tracker, or inject poison. The final death scene of the meg was cool too. But the smaller sharks were worse CGI effects.

FINAL VERDICT: If you love sharks, this is a must watch. It's fun and entertaining.
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Mega mediocrity
TheLittleSongbird12 August 2018
My main reasons for seeing 'The Meg' were that there are classic shark films out there (there is an obvious example that won't be named by means of fairness in the review but has been mentioned elsewhere) and that it was part of my many quests to see as many 2018 films as possible. It did look from the cover that it would be some kind of guilty pleasure fun, which was my ideal kind of film for the day.

Apparently 'The Meg' had a lot of studio interference, meaning that what was initially intended (and from the sounds of it what was initially intended would have made it a much better film) was not seen in the film, and it shows in the final product. Wanted some guilty pleasure film, a kind of turn-the-brain-off-at-the-door sort of film. Instead, 'The Meg' turned out to be poorly written and mostly devoid of tension and fun, one where one is rooting for the shark than any of the human characters. Is it better than any of the shark-creature films from SyFy and The Asylum? Oh yes, so much better, now those are mostly abominations. That doesn't stop 'The Meg' from being potential unfulfilled.

There are positives. 'The Meg' does start off reasonably well with a sense of unsettlement and the climactic scene is pretty entertaining. The best character, kid you not, is the shark which had personality and one that was not too scary or goofy.

It's pretty decent visually, nicely shot in particular, the music fits well and Jason Statham brings charisma to his role and is believable in that aspect.

On the other hand, the rest of the acting is a mess. Worst of all is a dreadful Bingbing Li, with a character that bores and annoys and approaching the character in a way that's completely wrong and out of kilter with everything else. None of the characters are well written, too bland to be interesting and too annoying with dumb decision making to be likeable. A few of them are completely unnecessary. Development is zero.

Special effects are uneven, some times they are pretty good and at other times they look so artificial and like they were made in haste. The action scenes with the shark are too few and they are generally devoid of tension, scares and suspense, ruined by unintentional humour, tameness, stupid goofiness and lack of sense, even when taking it for what it is meant to be. The story is as shallow and predictable as can be, with the pace dulling significantly outside of the shark action and indicative of padding out the already overlong by 15-20 minute running time.

Faring worst is the script, which is even more atrocious than Bingbing Li's acting, bad enough to warrant a paragraph of its own. Far too much talk, very clumsy attempts at humour (unintentional and the cringe-worthy intentional), a good deal of waffle some of which adds nothing, a lot of ridiculousness and implausibility, excessive sentimentality, muddled and clunky scientific exposition and some of it perplexes in terms of clarity too.

In summary, has good things but ruined primarily by the script. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Statham is gold
MickyG33320 October 2023
7.4 stars.

I rate all movies by entertainment value first and foremost. Is this a cheesy film? Of course. Is it as good as Jaws? Nobody is trying to accomplish such an absurdity.

This is a story about a very courageous and heroic guy played by Statham who is called out on a rescue because he is the only man for the job. He also has to prove it to a bunch of scientists just once for them to realize "oh yeah, this guy is the best". And so he has to do some crazy rescue stunts, putting his life in danger over and over.

The marine scientists have discovered a megalodon, which is basically a prehistoric shark that is 5 times the size of a great white (give or take). They have explored beyond the boundaries of where humans have ever been and these dinosaur-like sharks inhabit that depth of the trench. Now they have to contend with the shark(s).

'The Meg' fits the bill for any creature feature film, but the bonus is Jason Statham. In my opinion, he alone raises the bar for this type of film at least a couple of levels beyond most of the generic movies and this is a refreshing take on the genre. A few of the characters are developed just enough to like. There is also a bit of comic relief and some shady characters too. All the ingredients are present and accounted for. This is an enjoyable ride, no concentration or deep thinking is necessary.
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not as bad as people says
jprizzotto3 September 2021
Good and intense movie,some guys thinks this is a copy of the classic Steven Spielberg's Movie "Jaw"

well,still not one of the best intense movies of warner bros.
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ressaexxel12 August 2018
Such a terrible movie. Actors are horrible, dialogues are awful. The movie is not scary, not funny, there's no tension, nothing, I mean there's NOTHING good about this movie. It's just boring from start to finish. In one word, Garbage.
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i don't get the rude reviews
edingerallie1 August 2021
When i watch something, i don't say hmmmm why did this happen oh that doesn't make sense! I watch the movie! I look at entertainment! It was entertaining. It is good for people like me. If you like shark movies or thrillers with action! It was good people!!
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besiktas-4074319 August 2018
This movie was so cringy and cheesy. Lines were lame and the chinese actress was so baad I just laughed throughout the movie. Wouldn't recommend to anyone. I guess Jason Statham really needed the money.
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Meg not meh.
ardentpics14 April 2022
Do I wish it were better? Of course.

Could it be worse? Definitely.

Am I annoyed Ruby Rose is in it? Always.

Considering that all shark movies are disappointing cheap thrills compared to the pure rush of Jaws, fans have to take what we can get. This is definitely more in the vein of silly big budget fun like Deep Blue Sea, but with a lighter comedic touch, and of course a bigger shark.

Since I was a kid I've wanted to see a tiny submersible being chased by a megalodon, and this movie has that, so I'm happy.
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Jason Statham Movie - I enjoyed it
FusionX830 November 2020
I honestly really enjoyed this movie. At one point, it was anticlimactic but then a twist which renewed it's self.

If you have seen other Jason Statham Movies, then you know what to expect. This is a bit different than his other roles - there is no fighting military or marital arts style.

The movie has some cute moments, sad moments and a lot of suspense, beautiful graphics, dark comedy. There are a few moments of 'why would you do that?' or 'that's not how that works' but it is an enjoyable flick and I will watch it again.

This is a break up from other shark attack movies, or movies like this. There are some characters (one in particular) that don't fit. There are even some stereotypical concepts from other movies incorporated that were a bit rushed. (Trying to stay away from spoilers)

Character development was rushed and we get our typical back story of the hero's journey which makes up just about all movies and books, stories of overcoming odds. 1. Ordinary world 2. Call to adventure 3. Refusal of the call 4. Meeting with the mentor 5. Crossing the first threshold 6. Tests, allies and enemies 7. Approach to the inmost cave 8. The ordeal 9. Reward 10. The road back 11. The resurrection 12. Return with the elixir

But that just moved us faster to the suspense which is more of what this movie is about. Lot's of movies spend a lot of time on character development and when they finally paint the full picture of character they have to rush the plot or make it a 2hr+ movie.

This was an enjoyable flick I will watch again and again. I would give this movie a 7 out of 10 because there are only a 100-200 or so movies I have, or would re-watch (I own around 2204 movies/Shows). -- but I feel this movie has been rated harshly and therefore I give it a 10.
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I think people are taking this movie too serious
alvizurezj1 May 2020
My 6 year old and 9 year old love sharks, and they enjoyed the heck out of this movie. Yes it's cheesy, the plot is about a giant shark! This movie is meant to enjoy while eating some popcorn and being open minded. If you go in expecting the Citizen Kane of shark movies, then you'll be disappointed.
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One of the biggest fans of the book series...
tmchester-987-52758611 August 2018
But wow, did the studio ever screw this one up! I've been waiting YEARS for the movie, I'm one of the first to get the newest book in the series and this had SO MUCH POTENTIAL! Between what I think was intended to be a family friendly edited version of the film to the absolute horrible marketing campaign, what were they thinking!?! Why would you preemptively turn away half your potential audience by taking a comical route with the trailers? It's meant to be a THRILLER not Sharknado. Why would you not give us terrifying scenes of being eaten/swallowed/pulled under, it's a SHARK movie, genre equals HORROR. I was so wanting to love this movie and hopeful it would turn into a franchise but with the direction the studio chose to go with it, they sank Meg before she even had a chance breach the waters. SO VERY DISAPPOINTED.
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That living fossil ate my friend!
nogodnomasters27 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Statham vs a Megalodon is not a fair fight. They should have given Jason an artificial limb like Dwayne Johnson in "Skyscraper" to make the battle more even. A thermal layer keeps the megalodon at a depth lower than 11,000 feet. A private company violates that layer and releases Megalodon.

In a scene, they entice Jason to help in order to rescue his ex-wife. Apparently, his relationship with his ex is a lot different than mine. I believe she is an alien as her liver is on her left side. Add a hot Asian chick and cute daughter for Asian audience appeal. I know nuclear subs cannot survive at 11,000 feet without being crushed. Not sure how effective you can enter the sub withing flooding it at that depth. Nor did I understand the paper filter respirators with a diving suit. It looked good but was more of a "what is wrong with this picture" type of scene.

When it comes to Megalodons, it is okay to leave a man behind.

Guide: no swearing, sex, or nudity.
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Mediocre and Preditable
jeymatt9 August 2018
Jason Statham deserves much better role than this average and predictable movie. The Chinese actors speak English with typical Chinese accents and they need a lot of improvement for their acting skills. The only plus point was the occasional scares from the extinct dinosaur Megalodon which were extremely huge and much better than the great white JAWS but other than that the plot was very predictable.
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