Enter Nowhere (2011) Poster


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Surprisingly good movie, that really doesn't go where you think it's going,,,
reddiemurf8130 March 2020
What starts as your generic suspenseful, broken down in the middle of nowhere, there's a cabin, who are you, how did you get here, etc etc movie becomes a putting the pieces together, well made film (think I ran on there for a second).

Watch it!!
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Simple and effective
Vantec15 April 2012
An indy without benefit of name director or stars, this is still one worth catching for those who prefer their supernatural in the tradition of "Outer Limits" or "The Twilight Zone". In true Serling-esque fashion three strangers arrive separately at the abandoned cabin that forms the setting for most of the story, one that convincingly fleshes out recognizable relationships between a man and two women who at first share little more in common than a need to get home. Each failed trip into the woods reveals something of their situation and each other, moving steadily toward a final revelation kept well under wraps.

Limited locale puts extra reliance on the cast and they deliver solidly. Special credit though goes to Sara Paxton, who so impressed in "The Innkeepers", as the petty thief skirting the edge of control.

For an obvious work of limited resources, "Enter Nowhere" makes excellent use of them all to come up with one of the better small films I've seen in a while.
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Weird but surprisingly good
mike-ryan45517 April 2012
I like small but good films, ones done with imagination instead of just a CGI budget of millions. This one fits the bill. It's a cast of a dozen people, none of them actors I remember ever having seen before. It was done on location with a minimum of sets. Yet it has definitely taken advantage of the biggest advantage that a small movie like this can have and that's time for the writers to carefully craft a fine script.

I won't give away the progress basic story. Some of it they telegraphed by the vehicles and clothes, enough for me to organize the basic story. But it was fun and imaginative, a good blend of creepy and yet not too creepy. If special effects and buckets of blood aren't your thing then you will probably enjoy it.
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limited budget but unlimited imagination Warning: Spoilers
Three strangers arrive one by one at a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere. Slowly they realize that they are trapped there and no matter how hard they try to leave they can't because in whichever direction they go, they return to the exact same cabin!

Things become more bizarre when the three begin to talk and are sure the cabin they are stuck in is in different geographical US states. It seems they were hundreds of miles apart from each other and had traveled only for a little time and yet they've reached each other at this cabin! It's geographically impossible. They must be 100s of miles apart. So in which US state is this cabin exactly? How have they reached each other without traveling for days?

Odder still they each believe the year is different. One character says it is 1962, while the other says it's 1985 and for the third it 2011!Frankly, this is an excellent, unknown, bizarre yet entertaining movie!

The story is brand new and not a rehash of old stuff one has seen countless times.

The starting itself is strong and happenings unpredictable, and the ending is a major twist that one will not see coming from miles away.

It's emotional, and for the running time I felt like I was trapped in the bizarre situation along with the characters. As a writer I tried to think what was happening and predict the end and yet it left me baffled, bamboozled and bowled over!

It's claustrophobic and tense. A rare 'locked-room' thriller, limited characters, limited locations and limited budgets but not limited in imagination, ideas, and writing.
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Mostly Well Done
jbenante-388-9639178 June 2014
I watched this movie by accident on the Chiller cable channel. Yeah, with the awful, LONG commercials every 10 or so minutes. With a lesser movie, those commercials would have driven me away from watching more than just a couple minutes. But I braved those commercials because I was really intrigued with the plot and the characters.

Funny that at least one other reviewer mentioned The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits, because that is EXACTLY what I thought while watching. There was no gore to speak of, and no frights in the conventional sense. It just drew me in and made me want to watch it until the end.

The one complaint I have that prevented me from rating this movie higher is all the gratuitous and rather tedious chase scenes through the woods. That was a whole LOT of filler, in my opinion. 15 minutes, at least, could easily have been trimmed from this movie and it would have made for a tighter, more interesting experience for the viewer. But then, maybe the result would not have been long enough for a "feature film." Still, I would recommend this movie for anyone who wants something fun, intriguing, and thought-provoking.
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A really neat and different movie that could have been really great but was flat in a few spots. I like it though. I say B
cosmo_tiger30 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"If we're here and today's the day then we're all about to die." Three strangers all somehow all have accidents around a secluded cabin and try to find a way out. The begin to get more and more confused as they can't agree on what state, or what year they are in. Finding a way out may not be as easy as they hoped. This is a movie that got better the longer it went on. What started off as a run of the mill movie began introducing twists and turns that actually made it pretty enjoyable and had me guessing almost the entire time. I love movies that aren't obvious all the way through and this is not. For a B rate movie this is actually really neat. The only problem with this to me is that parts of the movie were really good while others were so slow I almost lost interest. The good parts did out-way the bad though. This is the kind of movie that makes you want to watch it again to see if you can catch things you missed the first time. Overall, a really neat and different type of movie that had potential to be better. I liked it though. I give it a B.
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entertaining but uneven
Ar_Pharazon_the_golden10 April 2016
6.5/10 The film is build on some very fundamental mystery-thriller concepts - three people, seemingly strangers, end up in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere under unclear circumstances, and find themselves unable to leave.

The first part where we get acquainted with the characters and the mysterious surroundings is well paced and atmospheric, as is the middle part where the pieces of the puzzle start getting revealed. The acting is rather good as well.

What doesn't let the film become a real surprise is the last part, where we learn the purpose of the protagonists' presence in the woods. It's a little underwhelming, the fourth character seems a bit out of place, and the whole affair, especially the very ending, is rather cheesy.

A much better film than you might expect from a low budget thriller, it's entertaining but missing that one extra good idea that would make it a memorable exception.
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One if the best low budget horrors in a while....
FlashCallahan18 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate predicaments.

Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm, they discover their mysterious connection.

And soon realise what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.....

It starts off simple and predictable, quiet girl finds a log cabin with Clint Eastwoods son living in there, and everything is fine and dandy, after all anyone would know they wouldn't get out of there, but then things go awry when Sara Paxton gets there, and it all goes a little eighties.

The film isn't bad by any means, but it threw me right at the end. I was convinced that they were in purgatory, even when old grandpa came a' shoot in', I still thought they would just find out they were dead by some silly random messenger.

How wrong was I, the ending is genius, and despite some dodgy acting from all involved, and some silly tropes, its worth watching for the ending alone.

Of all the dirge and trash that gets released everyday, this is one of the better horror movies released without notice.
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Low Budget Indie Gem with a SciFi Twist
subspace20108 April 2012
Hollywood Executives could take a few notes from this film.

I came across this title by pure chance. I half read one review that mentioned "Lost" and Twilight Zone" and was sold.

This movie comes across as very low budget I guess $1.7 mil is low budget these days. But don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with low budget...you know the old cliché'. "It's not how big it is it's what you can do with it that really matters." The movie is mostly shot in one ominous location which gives it a very claustrophobic and tense atmosphere. For the first half of this movie I had no idea what to expect. I was anticipating another horror fest but am happy to report it's nothing like that. About half way through the movie the characters begin to realize how they are all connected. When you find out how, it's a bit of a goose bump moment.

I really dug the moral of the story which is basically how one terrible decision can change not only your life but of those around you in such profoundly life altering ways.

The acting was pretty good, complete unknowns to me but that's a plus in this case. The script felt tight and real. While some may have to considerably suspend their disbelief I felt the premise really worked here.

Highly recommended for anyone into metaphysical contemplation.
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Interesting Little Film
shanksinha8 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting little film. Little because the production budget looks tiny and in total there are no more than 8 or so characters overall! It starts off as a typical cabin in the woods scenario and sure enough soon walks in a man with an axe. But before you can get ready for the gore to begin the story takes a different turn. Maybe not so different but the overall tone develops in to a psychological thriller scenario and although the twist isn't something to write home about, its certainly unexpected. The director drops many small hints as to what is going on and later they become funny reminders.

Not epic film making but an entertaining story that is short and tight. Production value is low due to the budget and has some amateurish cgi. Acting is so so and in particular Katherine Waterston overacts in her scenes. Overall a neat little story that is both entertaining and immediately forgettable.
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A good ending does not automatically make the whole movie good
Seth_Rogue_One29 November 2015
I've seen this movie twice, the first time was years ago I remember it being a bit slow but feeling worthwhile in the end.

The second time I watched it (yesterday) I thought that the beginning is indeed mindnumbingly slow and was really bored for the most part of the first hour but after the hour had past I started to understand just why I decided to rewatch it in the first place, cause the ending throws a cool twist on you.

But in the end we have to judge a movie as a whole and not just based on the fact that it finally got good in the last 25 minutes, and the first hour really is not that great at all, even less so on the rewatch because every little clue is so amazingly obvious.

The acting is okay, the characters don't really feel all that real though a bit stereotypical.

So maybe just watch one time if it's on cable or something.
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Most Underrated movie I've ever seen.
yusufpiskin27 February 2021
"Something isn't right about this cabin."

This was right up my alley: time-slip genealogical horror like something out of The Twilight Zone. It's gloomy, claustrophobic, and will get you thinking about your future choices and the choices of your ancestors in the past.

It randomly appeared on Netflix Japan and I'm glad I decided to give it a try.

Scott Eastwood (son of Clint), Katherine Waterston (daughter of Sam) and Sara Paxton (who, to my knowledge is NOT the daughter of Bill) star in Jack Heller's impressive "Enter Nowhere" which manages to be both the most predictable movie ever made and the least predictable movie ever made. It's also quite an enjoyable and fun ride.

Essentially a cross between "The Cabin in the Woods" (though much better than that overrated film) and a "Lost"-style puzzle box, I saw most of the twists coming from a mile away but I still really, really enjoyed this movie nonetheless even though Paxton sports an unflattering "Lady Mullet" through most of the film.

Also the opening credits are simple awesomeness.....
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Low budget, great film!!!!
sal1085131 October 2013
A group of people begin to show up at a mysterious cabin. They must find a hidden connection before its too late...

This film is simple yet effective. I was shocked when I realized the budget was so low for such great production quality. With an airtight plot and solid acting this film is an instant hit. The story will offer clues and hints along the way that will come together in the end. I would not call this a horror but a thriller/suspense but its very effective. There is some aspects of this movie that reminds me of previous TV shows and movies but this one takes all those plot points and combines it into a solid gem. If this film is not on your watch list I suggest you put it on TOP!!!
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Not as advertised. Overrated in every aspect, avoid this one.
suws114 February 2014
Like many, after reading so many positive and compeling reviews I felt the urge to watch Enter Nowhere, as I thought it would be a great science fiction movie, as "advertised". The movie is plain bad. As you have may read, the story revolves about three strangers that arrive at a cabin in the woods and soon realise they are there for a reason. OK, so there is a mystery, but it isn't interesting enough, first because of the poor script. The script just doesn't engage the viewer, it's too far fetched, it doesn't explain anything, stuff just happen and you should act like the "whys" and "whos" don't matter and don't exist. Second: the acting...It's bad. It's like they're reading the lines directly from paper. There is no emotion, nothing...Just bad. I won't drag this too much, because this movie lacks quality in every aspect. I can't in good conscience recommend this movie unless to those who want to watch a "B" movie and increase their viewed movies library. To those who seek entertainment, an interesting story, something new and fresh, don't watch this one. It's bad...
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Small budget, but great story
damienmassart30 December 2018
A small independant movie with poor means, but it's quite well filmed, the plot is amazing, and the actors are fantastic. A very good surprise.
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A Good Original Story
sgimera-3491729 February 2020
I'm sure your able to read the overall premise of 3 strangers showing up at a cabin in the woods. Now for the fun part, figure this one out prior to the reveal. The clues come slowly and you'll eventually only have a minute to blurt out your discovery before it gets handed to you. But if you prefer, just sit back and enjoy.
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tinabugvi16 February 2022
Surprisingly good. This is obviously low budget, but it overcomes that & keeps you enchanted the whole time. There are definitely some interesting twists. I feel like there could be a sequel.
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highly recommend this indie thriller
saadgkhan9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Enter Nowhere – CATCH IT (B) For an independent thriller, Enter Nowhere is a really good attempt. This gives the scifi/Cabin in the wood a completely new dimension. The movie revolves around three persons who end up in an isolated cabin in the woods. Now not only they have to figure out how they got here but also the mysterious connection between three of them. The real shocker comes when each one of them of thinks that they're in their own state & year. So, now they've to find how 3 people from 3 different time period and states end up together. The premise of the movie makes it quite intriguing and interesting. The cast of the movie makes it fresh and enticing. Katharine Waterston, Sara Paxton, Shaun Sipos and Scott Eastwood did an impressive job in creating the mystery. Overall, I'll highly recommend this indie thriller because its less money but a great attempt.
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Great mystery thriller. Has Cult Classic written all over it.
misplacedsanity4 April 2012
I hardly ever leave reviews, and whenever I've felt the need to review a film in the past it has always been because they've been so bad I've wanted to try and save somebody from wasting their time and money watching it. The reason I'm leaving this review couldn't be any more different. I've just finished watching this film, and while it's never going to win an Oscar or be a massive summer blockbuster, it was a very well crafted little movie. It held my attention throughout and every time you think you've got it figured out it throws you a curve ball, and while I'm not going to give anything away, I will say that my first thought that this was a retelling of John Paul Satre's No Exit was dead wrong. What prompted me to write this review was the unbelievable low rating it has here on IMDb. I understand this type of film isn't for everyone, and it has obviously been made with a low budget, but it is well acted, well written and very well put together. And something this film has over a lot of other films of this type is it very neatly ties up all its plot threads. If you're at all curious about this film, give it a go, you will not be disappointed. I couldn't recommend it highly enough.
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Surprisingly Good
Mrssmiff12 May 2012
Found this by accident and decided to give it a go after reading the other reviews on here. I found myself hooked instantly as in my opinion, there was no indication of which direction this was actually going, but enough of a story and character development to keep me watching. The twist as such at the end was never expected in a million years and made the whole film come together. I thought the three main leads were excellent, especially Sara Paxton, whom I don't recall seeing before, and Scott Eastwood is so like his father, its untrue! All in all, a good film with good story which should keep you hooked until the end.
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More like "Goes Nowhere". Bad in so many levels.
igoratsalad27 December 2017
The plot is okay-ish at best, as long as you don't think too hard about it (I don't think even the writers did, so...). Acting and directing is very poor. Characters are not likable and their reactions are unnatural 70% of the time. A huge waste of time.
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Nobody knows this is nowhere.
dbdumonteil19 June 2015
When I entered this movie ,I was expecting a routine horror movie,with a serial killer ,or some monster ( gentle beasts such as vampires,wolves,werewolves ).But it is not ;it is a gripping fantasy and horror work ,with a firm screenplay-although the last sequences -which were not so necessary - are déjà Vu.

As for the rest,it is above average fantasy stuff:only four characters -the latter appearing late in the story-,and interest is sustained throughout ;little by little ,clues are given to the viewer,who will not be able to guess the ins and outs of the question until the writers reveal the whole truth.

The stand- out is Sam Wasterton's daughter ,who looks like the all-American-girl-of-long-ago actress ,the likes of Teresa Wright or Cathy O'Donnell;her old-fashioned clothes are a vital clue.But I will not spoil your pleasure any longer.

It is noteworthy that the screenwriters give their characters substance ;they are not in here to be killed (or get laid)every fifteen minutes à la "Final Destination" .

Enter !
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Overrated movie that's watchable but often so stretched out
spotlightne29 December 2012
I cannot understand all the rave reviews for this mediocre movie.

It starts off well, with a mystery of three strangers turning up to a lone cabin in the woods.

The first half of the movie is taken up with often tedious dialogue as the three try to figure out how they're seemingly stranded, and how to get home.

I was sitting there with my remote in hand itching to press the fast forward button but I resisted. I did take a break in the DVD at around 56 minutes to get something to eat. And I needed the break. The movie at this point was starting to bore me.

And then the plot twists to something that I figured might happen. Three people linked by some curious historic event. We then come to the conclusion but I had already figured out the end before then.

The acting isn't anything special. Nothing of any great note happens either. It's all quite predictable and uninteresting. Note here how I'm trying to avoid SPOILERS.

It's easy to see why this movie went straight to DVD.

All in all, the movie's okay, but nothing special. I most certainly couldn't watch it again.

Only 4 out of 10 from me. It's really baffling how so many people see this movie as a cult classic. They must have seen a lot of very bad movies to think this one is good or even great. It's laughable really.
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Great little movie
theunholy-112 November 2020
A good story with a great plot that reveals itself slowly, fine actors, nice directing... what more can we ask ? Maybe a better ending, this one was too easy and a bit cheesy.
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SnoopyStyle6 September 2021
Jody (Sara Paxton) and her boyfriend are robbing a store. It goes badly. Samantha (Katherine Waterston) stumbles upon a cabin in the woods and Tom (Scott Eastwood). Both have been stranded due to car trouble. Tom goes to his car to gather supplies while Sam finds Jody sleeping on the porch. The trio finds a bunker nearby and later Nazi soldier Hans (Shaun Sipos) comes upon the cabin.

This is a simple and interesting little mystery indie. The main drawback is that these characters need to be smarter than that. The audience cannot be waiting that long for them to notice the glaring clue right in their face. There is an interesting twist to the twist. All in all, it's interesting.
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