"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" The Harsh Light of Day (TV Episode 1999) Poster

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Spike comes back to town.
katierose2955 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Spike's plans get a lot of bad press in the Buffyverse. True he's generally impatient and he gets distracted fairly easily. However, at the end of the day, he also tends to get the job done. Spike has some good ideas and he's a pretty creative guy. As this episode shows, his plans often fall apart because of his lack of follow-through. But, Spike can also do things that everyone else deems impossible... Just because he wants them bad enough. He can cure Dru. (Season two's "What's My Line? Part Two.) He can escape from high-tech prisons that hold everyone else. (Season four's "The Innitative.") He can overcome being evil and learn to be a good guy (Season five's "Intervention.") He can fight and regain his soul. (Season six's "Grave") He can die to save the world and still come back again. (Season seven's "Chosen" and "Angel" season five's "Conviction.") If season four contributes anything to the larger Buffyverse, it's bringing Spike and his irrepressible personality into the Scooby gang. This is basically the last episode with Spike as the bad-guy. Oh, he'll plot against the Scoobies and cause them all sorts of problems, but he'll never really be the Big Bad again. From now on, Spike will be moving into White Hat territory... Whether he likes it or not.

"The Harsh Light of Day," Spike comes back to town looking for the mystical Ring of Amara, which makes vampires invulnerable. It's suppose to be a myth, but Spike's not about to let them stop him. He's also got a new girlfriend, former Sunnydale High student, Harmony. Thanks to getting bitten on Granduation Day, Harmony is now a vampire. She and Spike have latched on to each other, although they drive each other crazy. Spike has to have someone in his life, since Dru's gone and he hates being alone. And Harmony needs somebody to smooth her vampire path. Spike is digging tunnels underneath the town, looking for the ring, while Harmony gets reacquainted with her old friends by attacking Willow.

Buffy, meanwhile, is dating a new guy named Parker. After a party, where she also runs into Spike, Buffy and Parker sleep together. Parker is not the nice guy he pretends to be, though. He doesn't call her and immediately starts picking up other girls. Buffy is hurt and confused. At the same time, Anya goes to Xander's house to seduce him. She thinks that sleeping with each other will cure her unwanted attraction to him. But, when they're finished she still feels something for him. Spike and Harmony find the ring and he dashes above ground to find Buffy. Since it makes him invulnerable, he can walk out into the sun and Buffy is pretty surprised to see Spike in broad daylight. The two them fight, trade insult and Buffy finally gets the ring, which she the sends to LA for Angel.

There are some good parts to this episode. I love Harmony and Spike together. They drive each other nuts. She prattles on about France and he bellows at her to shut-up, then they fall into bed. And I like Anya, a lot. Her reluctant attraction to Xander is sort of sweet. Their scenes together are really funny. (Anya: "Please remove your clothes now." Xander: "And the sad part is... Still more romantic than Faith.") Also, I think the scenes with Willow and Buffy discussing Parker are interesting. Neither one of them has any real experience with sleazy men. Their boyfriends, Oz and Angel, have generally been sweet and understanding. They truly expect Parker to be a good guy and when he's not, they're shocked. It's well done. And you have to laugh when the Scoobies find out that Giles has a TV.

A few questions about the episode. Has Dru left Spike again, this time for a Fungus Demon? Or has she still not returned to him after their fight in Brazil, and Harmony is just confused about the Chaos Demon's name? I sort of get the feeling that Spike and Dru never reunited, so what happened to his tie-her-up-and-torture-her-until-she-liked-him-again scheme? Also, did Spike have an actual plan-of-action in mind for after he found the ring? It seems like he just found the ring for the express purpose of going above ground and taunting Buffy. He doesn't even fight her full-out. He really needed to come up with better "step twos" for his plots.

On a side note, this story line continues over on the "Angel" episode "In the Dark," with Spike heading to LA to find the ring and steal it back from Angel. I recommend seeing it, too, if only for the scene with Spike standing on a rooftop and watching Angel interact with one of the recently "helped" helpless. Spike supplies his own dialog for the exchange, making it's one of the highlight's of the first season of "Angel." "To the Angel-Mobile!"

My favorite part of the episode: Spike and Harmony coming face-to-face with Buffy and Parker at the party. Spike and Buffy look so shocked to see each other, that I just have to laugh.
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Unlucky in love
Tweekums14 March 2019
This episode is centred on three couples; Buffy is getting closer to Parker Abrams; Anya wants Xander to sleep with her to help her get over the feelings she has for him and Harmony, who is now a vampire is in love with Spike... who is back in town and more interested in finding the 'Gem of Amara'. This is a vampire Holy Grail; possibly mythical but if it is real it makes the wearer immune to the usual ways of killing vampires. Since Harmony isn't the brightest of vampires she tells Buffy about Spikes search for the gem.

This was a solid episode; the obvious highlight being the return of Spike; the best antagonist in the series to date; James Marsters is great in the role. It did seem a surprise to see him with somebody as vacuous as Harmony but that led to some laughs and surprisingly sympathy for Harmony. Anya's seduction of Xander was as amusing as it was unsubtle; it will be interesting to see if it leads anywhere. Buffy's relationship with Parker appears to be the most likely to succeed but after spending the night together he seems to lose interest in her One couldn't help feeling sorry for her; at least Angel's betrayal was due to a curse, Parker is just a cad. The 'Gem of Amara' was an interesting concept that was handled well and lead to a good confrontation between Buffy and Spike... even if it was strange that there was nobody to witness the fight. Highlights of the episode, for me, were Harmony's meeting with Willow, where it is revealed she is a vampire; and Spike and Harmony bumping into Buffy and Parker at a party. Overall a good mix of emotional material, humour and action.
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Harmony: Hey, I don't have a pulse. Cool. Can we eat a doctor so I can get a stethoscope and hear my heart not beating?
bombersflyup2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Harsh Light of Day is about three relationships and Spike finding the ring of Amara, rendering him invincible.

An episode of highs and lows. You have Parker and a ludicrous concept of not wanting to be with Buffy. Only a woman could think of such a concept, Sarah's one of the most attractive women to ever walk the earth, couldn't happen. To the good, Spike re-enters, this pairing with Harmony's golden, many splendid moments. Then there's Anya and Xander, a mildly entertaining pairing. The ring seems to be more dangerous than it would normally be without it, then again Spike didn't need to attack in the day time just because he could. I love when Spike's minions all groan in annoyance when Harmony keeps going on about France. :)

Spike: Harm, what are you doing? Harmony: I'm writing "Spike loves Harmony" on your back. Spike: Why? Harmony: I don't know, it's fun. I'm bored. You can write on me. Spike: I've got to get back to work. Harmony: You love that tunnel more than me. Spike: I love syphilis more than you.

Harmony: Is Antonio Banderas a vampire? Spike: No. Harmony: Oh. Can I make him a vampire? Spike: No. Wait, on second thought, yeah. Go do that. Take your time. Do Melanie and the kids, as well.
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The One With The Gem Of Amara...
taylorkingston8 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode so much. We see the return of Spike, just a few episodes, before he is made a full cast member. We also see the return of Harmony.

In this episode, Buffy and Willow are happily away at college, and then an old friend comes to say hello to Willow and Oz. Harmony. But wait, didn't she get bit at Graduation? We assumed she died. But she's here. Is she still human or is she a vampire now? Turns out, vampire. She's also dating a certain bleached blonde we knew from Season 2. Spike. Her little "blondie bear" is in Sunnydale, searching for The Gem Of Amara. Which is a gem, that when worn, enables the wearer to become invincible. Now, vampires are already immortal, why would Spike want this? Well, it will protect from stakes, sunlight, holy water, and pretty much anything else that could kill a vampire. When he gets it, Buffy is not happy to see his return, and in sunlight no less. He says all these funny remarks about being able to be in the sunlight and not being able to be staked. For instance, when he is staked in the heart by Buffy, he says, "Do it again, it tickles. You know, in the nice non-fatal way". I just love Spike. And I love Harmony. So Spike and Harmony teaming up, made my day. Also, Buffy finds herself invested in a new romantic relationship, but what she doesn't realize is that, the guy, couldn't care less about her.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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Here's Spikey!
Joxerlives4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Good; Spike's back and the series is better off with him in it. Our first sign that Harmony survived graduation and is now a vamp. Great fight and some excellent comedy, especially love Spike's workers groaning when Harmony starts bleating on about France again. Also like Parker's complaining about guys who are so 'Dark and brooding, give me love'. Nice reveal of Spike

The Bad; None, good ep, best of season 4 so far

Best line; Buffy; 'Spike, with Harmony. What you lose a bet?' but I also like Willow (on Harmony being a vamp) 'She must be dying without a reflection'

Character death; nope, the guy Spike and Harmony bite at the party survives and we see Asian Joe again in 'Pangs' so the Scoobs obviously rescue him.

Tied up; Asian Joe chained to the wall.

Knocked out; Xander in the fight with Spike

Women good/men bad; The final scene with a broken hearted Buffy, Anya and Harmony all miserable having been dumped. Xander remarks that he's 'Actually turning into a woman as he's saying this' when hesitating before the offer of casual sex with a beautiful girl. But as he says 'Still more romantic than Faith'. Spike and Harmony have an abusive relationship but in fairness to Spike she seems just as bad as he is and even more manipulative.

Jeez!; Spike's 'trash-talk' with Buffy whilst fighting her (he should know better!)

Kinky dinky; Harmony may be dumb but she knows how to get what she wants. She hints that she and Spike have bondage, S&M and exhibitionist sex. Anya does a striptease for Xander (cue juice gag!) and brings black condoms for their coitus. Parker and Buffy have sex but he dumps her afterwards. Harmony seems to have a thing for Antonio Banderas. Spike comments that he loves syphilis more than he does Harmony. Xander dreams of being naked at the Walmart. Willow seems to want to know the details of Buffy and Parker's night of passion, not graphically but as a 'blurry watercolour'.

Calling Captain Subtext; Harmony wants to bite Willow. Maybe there was an underlying attraction between the 2 all these years? Parker suggests Buffy and Spike used to go out and she laughs.

Guantanamo Bay; The gang threaten Harmony to try and find Spike.

Scoobies to the ER; Xander is hurt in the final fight but not too badly. Willow needs a band-aid.

Questions and observations; Where season 4 kicks into gear really, quite marvellous. Willow becomes the 3rd Scooby to be bitten by a vampire (Buffy twice by Angel and the Master, Angel and Joyce by Darla although the latter is not a Scooby). Buffy still has the scar from where she was bitten but is that from The Master or Angel? Personally I never know what to make of Parker, Buffy seems to think their sex is the beginning of a relationship whilst it's casual to him. I don't think he's a bad guy really. Giles never locks his door and owns a TV which disappoints Oz who nevertheless seems to appreciate his vinyl albums just as Joyce did in Band Candy. Good music, especially like 'Lucky' (for the Buffy/Parker sex scene) and the interestingly titled 'Faith in love'. Asian Joe, the guy who is chained to Spike's wall is a recurring extra as a Sunnydale High School student (Harmony comments she used to have a class with him), you can see him in many eps but most prominently in Earshot where Buffy hears him thinking about being a 'software gillionaire'. Unfortunately the last appearance of Devon in the series although he's mentioned in Something Blue

Marks out of 10; 8/10, very good
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Looking for love in all the wrong places
Realrockerhalloween2 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy has met a new guy named Parker who seems deep and wants a relationship. Spike returns with a new girlfriend vamp Harmony and searching for the ring of Amara that bestows immunity from any harm on the wearer. A fun episode showing Spike going back to his roots as the big bad, posing a real threat and determined to end the slayer who defeated him many times before. It also continues the trend of Buffy Not fitting into the college setting quite yet as she finds a guy who uses her for only a one night stand and dumps her. In a way she admits she used him to as a rebound guy to get over Angel not realizing only time will heal her broken heart.

Another aspect is Harmony is becoming fleshed out as more then a vain girl as a vampire. Its funny to say but she seems sweet, native and really looking for love in the wrong places. Harmony seems like a real person instead of a nameless Cordette, but one who dreams of Paris with her blonde bear.
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This is where the season starts for me.
m-4782629 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First half of season 4, is my favorite. It's my most watched one, and in all objectivity, it is exactly like those first months of college. Everything looks new and exciting there. It's a shame it all ran out of steam, soon after. It has good filler episodes, and monsters of the week. As well as a more mainstream soundtrack, that still managed to keep its Alternative music sound. First two episodes were good, but these one-time villains, are really annoying, and you can't wait for them to be slayed. The Harsh Light of Day, addressed most college girl's experience, in a way that don't look too condescending, or high school special. Which I love. You also have the arc of an « upcoming » Angel episode, taking shape there. Anya's return is my most enjoyed part. Spike being his usual despicable self, and Harmony, the glorified airhead of Sunnydale high. Don't really excite me. But makes for really funny moments. Bif Naked's « concert », is another highlight of the episode. Episode in which Buffy falls for the most obvious playboy, but it serves the plot well. The last scene where all the girls roam aimlessly around the campus, is a way to engage the grieving process. And not put them in roles of blameless victims, either. Next time, they'll know better.
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Good College Episode
Hitchcoc2 June 2024
Spike returns with that airhead classmate of Buffy's. They have a carnal relationship. He is, of course, pure evil and is looking for a gem that will give him greater power. Buffy has hooked up with a guy who is handsome, articulate, and manipulative. He talks her into having sex with him and then he uses the same line on some other girl while Buffy is there. She is having trouble realizing what he is doing to her. Eventually, Buffy is the only one who can stop Spike who finds the gem and goes after her. He is so crass but she is up to the task. Xander and Anya hook up as a part of an experiment she is trying. Good episode. I would imagine Spike is not gone.
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A Moment of Love and Rejection
claudio_carvalho12 July 2006
Buffy has a crush on Parker Abrams (Adam Kaufman) and makes love with him. Meanwhile, Spike (James Marsters) returns to Sunnydale with a former classmate of Buffy and presently his girlfriend, Harmony Kendall (Mercedes McNab), trying to find a powerful stone in an underground chamber. Anya (Emma Caufield) also returns wanting to have sex with Xander. On the next morning, the relationships are broken and Spike faces Buffy in the light of the day.

"The Harsh Light of Day " is only another reasonable episode of this season. In this show, three types of relationship are presented: Buffy expecting a commitment with Parker, who actually want to have some fun with her only; the silly and shallow Harmony in love with Spike and wanting to go to Paris being abused and dumped in the end by the vampire; and the cold Anya using Xander only to satisfy her primal instincts. It is amazing that during the fight between Buffy and Spike in the campus of the University of California Sunnydale there is absolutely no student or pedestrian to witness them. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Cruel Luz do Dia" ("The Cruel Light of Day")
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ossie8514 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Harmony is back but now she is a vampire! She also has a new boyfriend - Spike. Spike is looking for the Gem of Amarra which renders any vampire invincible. After making a rash decision and sleeping with Parker, Buffy realises Parker was after only one thing. Anya returns and wants to have relationships of her own with Xander. Spike then confronts Buffy.

Why It's So Good - Spike is back! Which is enough for any episode really, but this episode more going on. Buffy finds out some harsh truths about horrible men, and Anya also has a welcome return.

Watch Out For - Antonio Banderas, and the setting up of an Angel crossover.

Quote - "Hey, I don't have a pulse. Cool. Hey, can we eat a doctor so we can get a stethoscope and hear my heart not beating?" - Harmony.
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Highlighting the season
emmafhughes15 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a credit to women. At the beginning it was a little slow, but as soon as Spike came on screen so did the plot. All through the episode we felt Harmony's abuse and Buffy's heartache at her first one-night stand. Then the action when buffer was fighting Spike had me at the end of my seat, but not because she was fighting spike because she was fighting the male race.LOL.The last scene at the end I thought was very touching because it showed Buffy, Harmony and Anya all hurting because of the men in their life. I thought that was very empowering to women. The episode said to us don't let them brake us and stand tall. If I had to rate this episode I would give it a 9/10,I would had gave it a 10 if it had a little bit more comedy but there you go.
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