Ready to Rumble (2000) Poster

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What could have been a disposable b-movie is salvaged by the fine acting of an ensemble cast.
b_buddy16 February 2010
Ready to Rumble doesn't much going for it at a glance. Gordie (David Arquette) and Sean (Scott Caan) are two adolescent boys trapped in the bodies of twenty-something sewage workers from Lusk, Oklahoma. The WCW is their passion and as true die hards, they brook no criticism of the sport's veracity. Their nights are spent in a convenience store parking lot jawing with junior high school students. These men are losers through and through. And yet there is something innately likable about these boy-men. They are losers in the sense that Rocky Balboa was a loser; they were born with nothing into the middle of nowhere, blessed with naught but dogged determination and unwavering faith in their cause. Ready to Rumble follows their quest to restore an even bigger loser to his former glory. That loser is disgraced professional wrestler Jimmy "The King" King (a terrific Oliver Platt). King is a hero and role model to the boys from Lusk, who know him only from his television persona. In reality, King is an alcoholic who spends his days in drag, hiding from child support collectors in a secluded trailer. He has been exiled to Palookaville by corrupt wrestling promoter Titus Sinclair (the always unctuous Joe Pantoliano).

The story is told kayfabe; that is to say, the filmmakers would have us believe that wrestling is a real sport and these athletes are really beating one another to a pulp in the ring, night after night. So when a gang of professional wrestlers dive off of the four corners of the ring to deliver a four man head butt to the fallen King, we are expected to cringe at the brutality. When King is unjustly stripped of the title, we are expected to feel outrage on his behalf. And when the boys travel cross country on a search for their hero, we are expected to feel excitement at the prospect of King's triumphant return. Personally, I had no such experiences as a viewer, yet something about this very simple film moved me. At its core, Ready to Rumble is the story of an emperor disrobed. Oliver Platt gives a commendable performance as King, a boorish oaf still capable of feeling shame. This man is no Bret Hart, no Hulk Hogan; no "Stone Cold" Steve Austin he. King fights dirty, drinks heavily, and mistreats his only supporters constantly. That by the end of the film I came to care about this man and his struggle is a true credit to Oliver Platt, one of Hollywood's finest unsung actors. Above all what touched me about Ready to Rumble was the faith of the two boys in their hero. Initially it was so undeserved it occasionally strained credulity; other times it was merely heartbreaking. But if there is one thing a viewer ought to take from Ready to Rumble, it is the testament borne to the transformational power of faith. By the end of the film, King has paid the cost of redemption and becomes the hero the boys always perceived him to be. The film's message is the following: as we believe, so shall it be.

As a self important film snob, I would be remiss if I didn't note duly the many things in Ready to Rumble I could have done without. This film is supposed to be a comedy, but its humor mostly comes in the form of juvenile absurdity. Perhaps Adam Sandler fans will enjoy the adolescent mischief, but I mostly found it a distraction from what could have been a compelling drama in the hands of a more capable director. In a forced subplot, Gordie's overbearing father, the town sheriff, is hell-bent on getting Gordie to follow in his footsteps. He'd rather see his son find a steady career in law enforcement than spend the rest of his life a wrestling obsessed sewage handler. This man is introduced as an antagonist, but bluntly, I found his position very sympathetic. Who could blame him for attempting to intrude on his adult son's adolescent fantasy? Moreover, Rose McGowan plays a conniving, unlikable tart that Gordie becomes quite stricken with. Her character really doesn't have much of a reason for existing other than to cram an attractive actress into a Nitro-girls outfit. And of course the ending is all too pat, as it must be in a film that takes place in the WCW universe.

For all of its faults, I was surprised to find myself enjoying Ready to Rumble. I came to care deeply about its well meaning protagonists and their fallen hero. Arquette, Caan, Pantoliano, and especially Platt all show their stripes as actors, turning what could have been a farce into a compelling journey of redemption. I can't quite give the film a recommendation, but it's underdog story and rock solid performances struck a chord with me.
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Very funny, guilty pleasure...
dwpollar1 October 2002
1st watched 10/1/2002 - 6 out of 10(Dir-Brian Robbins): Very funny, guilty pleasure for me. This movie surprised me with it's wit and tremendous cast of supporting characters as well as the good job done by the leads. And yes, it's a movie about wrestling. I actually believed the silliness of the characters and their obsession towards their idol the wrestler, Jimmy the King(played wonderfully by Oliver Platt). Another great character actor, Martin Balsam, was great as an old-time wrestling trainer. There are many funny bits as well as a genuine attempt to add heart to these lower-than-life silly characters. This movie worked for me probably because it's focus was not on low-brow humor but rather funny situations that the characters got themselves in. Good job to all!!
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It's not as bad as people make it out to be.
DeadMansTrousers1 September 2020
I remember seeing this as a kid and thinking it was funny so I decided to rewatch it and even though most of the humor is heavily sophomoric and depends mostly on bodily functions this film isn't the total disaster people make it out to be in my opinion. The plot is straightforward but the performances are what carry this film. Oliver Patt is iconic even in his worst roles and to me watching this it seems like all the wrestlers had an extremely fun time making it.

This movie is definitely watchable and it isn't the dumpster fire people have made it out to be over the years.
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Just plain fun
efeigenbaum28 December 2001
I think the people who criticized this movie missed the entire point of it. Ready To Rumble isn't supposed to be a "good" movie; it is just supposed to be a "fun" one. I don't think the folks who put this film together had any illusions about it winning any Oscars but I think they made a very good "dumb" movie. I am NOT a wrestling fan and I still enjoy watching it because I can enjoy it for what it is without expecting more out of it. I watched it last night with my 10 yo son and he thought it was great. Those who found fault with the movie need to take themselves and their entertainment less seriously.
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Ready to...Vomit???
rockfan13 July 2000
David A. in a starring role was bad enough but to try and destroy the career of Oliver Platt with him is downright sick. Nothing is funny about this film, in fact it's as sad as sad can be. Talk about a movie that is an insult to B-movies!! The film sucks, it has no laughs and really had no biz on the big screen. In fact, this film has no biz in the USA at all

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Good laugh
RunningD8 January 2007
We first saw this movie a long time ago and it has several laugh out loud moments. We then rented it again for a couple of our nephews, a few years ago, who really enjoyed it. They were at the time wrestling fans who knew wrestling was mostly fake.

Last weekend we borrowed it from a friend to watch with those same nephews from a few years ago, and we laughed all the way through it again. The boys no longer watch wrestling, said they are catching new jokes in it this time around.

The acting is over the top, and bigger than life but so is wrestling! It is a great movie if you want to escape and laugh for an hour and a half.
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I'm not "Ready" to watch this film again
TaoMan11216 April 2000
"Ready To Rumble" is an example of what's wrong with films today. From its glorification of professional wrestling to its non-stop scatalogical humor, it was painful to watch. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy stupid comedies as much as the next guy, but watching David Arquette acting more like a baboon than on his telephone commercials is not my idea of a fun time. Will someone please get this guy a new agent? Courtney Cox, please read some of these scripts before he signs on! Meanwhile, Oliver Platt is completely unbelievable as the "professional wrestling champion of the world." Poor Martin Landau is reduced to playing a over-the-hill wrestler. The only laughable part of this movie, besides the fact that it was so bad, was a hilarious crack on Michael Bolton. I admit you are at a disadvantage if you are not a pro-wrestling fan, but I would hope even The Rock would lay the smackdown on this film. The act of watching this movie is as painful as the countless hits to the crotch the filmmakers thought were so amusing. This film is below the belt, and unless you are a big Adam Sandler fan, stay out of the ring for this one.
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They are not saving the world, BUT . . . They make you forget about it for a bit
Fitzy1429 April 2021
Don't be a big deep thinker on this one. This movie is Fun and entertaining. They are not trying to cure cancer or save the world here they are trying to entertain and I will tell you I was so entertained I bought this movie and watch it at least once a year with friends.

This movie is silly, fun and will let you escape life's issues for an hour and 47 minutes. Oliver Platt is great and Scott Caan has some great comedic chops, however it is Martin Landau that steals the movie as the old school wrestler turned trainer.

Give this movie a chance and I bet it will pin you to the couch for a 3 count!

Popcorn for everyone!
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Good movie if it would stick to wrestling
RealLiveClaude15 April 2012
Sad this movie did kill WCW forever, this wrestling federation went down even further if it would have stick to its wrestling only (the "King" storyline with DDP and the evil manager Sinclair), but instead, went into too much vulgarity such as raw sewage and toilet bowl humour, which was not necessary at all. I would have went another direction rather than putting too much of feces jokes.

Martin Landau is great as a former wrestler turned teacher. And the wrestling storyline is just like what we see on TV.

Bottom line: should have stick to wrestling only, as it is the only entertaining portion here...
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Take it for what it is!!
Marynewcomb201324 December 2018
This is a fun movie that's good for a few laughs & also has a pretty good message!! Don't be a pain in the butt & never give up your dreams!!
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A Black Eye on Wrestling Fans Everywhere
SparksterInc10 May 2001
This movie will not do wrestling fans justice. It will not keep overzealous critics from bashing the profession out of spite or keep so-called "experts" from overanalyzing it because for them it is not a conventional form of entertainment.

"Ready To Rumble" involves two obsessed wrestling fans by the names of Gordie & Sean who thinks that EVERYTHING in pro wrestling, including the choreographed violence and storylines, are REAL! Even the most misinformed people out there knows that this is not true! What makes matters worse are the characters who seemingly sucker themselves into embracing these guys, including WCW's top rassler, Jimmy King. What buries this movie for good is their inability to pay attention to detail. For example:

  • The capacity crowds held in "arenas" that look a lot more like big warehouses. (Which is not surprising, especially if one has watched WCW programming for any length of time & noticed the poor ratings and attendances. Also take into account the fact that almost all mainstream wrestling events are held in much bigger arenas than the ones shown in "Ready To Rumble".)

  • The wrestling events themselves, which suffers from a lack of realism. The in-ring action is the most suspicious aspect, as it involves the use of incredibly fake & unrealistic moves such as the "four corner ringpost attack" which the movie claims to be the most devastating move in the business, but is hardly seen in a real wrestling event, if at all, and Diamond Dallas Page surviving a 40 foot fall from the the top of a three-story steel cage onto the mat. The crowd reactions are also fake, as even the most gullible fans will not believe that this could happen even for a split-second.

The movie also includes a few terrible jokes that probably have nothing to do with the plot, except maybe to get few a cheap and meaningless laughs. Some of the jokes include David Arquette stick A FINGER UP HIS BUTT (don't ask me why; see it for yourself), and a few nuns who begin to share Gordie and Sean's love of rock music for some reason (What that reason is, I don't know; I couldn't find any).

All of this spoils what could have been a good movie, because it had a very promising storyline. In the film, Jimmy King is screwed out of the WCW championship without warning by his promoter Titus Sinclair, in a match that takes an unscripted turn. Sinclair strips him of the title because he has an actual dislike for King. Gordie and Sean, being the biggest fans of King, tries to help him get back at Sinclair. This would have been fine for me if not for the fact that the characters of Gordie & Sean are incredibly static throughout the film, in my opinion, as are the other characters. What results is an ending that is completely laughable and will make most viewers think how anyone could embrace these two "heroes".

In summary, what irritates me so much about this movie is that it does nothing to represent pro wrestling in a realistic manner, even for a comedy like "Ready To Rumble". To me, wrestling is no different from other forms of entertainment, except that it is a live action event that is seen very frequently on TV, & its promoters are under constant pressure to provide a fresh, believable product that everyone will like. Therefore I feel that this movie should've presented a legitimate pro wrestling atmosphere and build some comedic elements around it, which it never did. Besides, if you were a fan of something you liked and you saw a movie about it that did not look very realistic, wouldn't you be mad too?

I guess if you're looking for some enjoyment out of this film, I recommend you should watch it with a different mindset. Think of David Arquette as a mediocre actor who is best known for shilling in AT&T ads & being married to Courtney Cox. In addition, think of WCW as a company who saddles itself in bad gimmicks and storylines in its actual shows. Keep these two thoughts in mind & you'll have a good laugh at the expense of those who were involved in this movie. I would buy a copy of this film just so I can laugh and wonder why Arquette would even get close to laying a finger up his rear end.
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Future Cult Classic!
stevinfunk20 January 2021
This has been one of my favorite movies since it came out. I was in middle school and watched it over and over, multiple times a day sometimes. Rewatching it now it still holds up and is funny in all new ways. I would bet people would laugh and it could be a cult classic some day, if people would five it a shot.
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Not bad
mm-3912 June 2000
When I went to the theater I thought this was going to be bad. Well, I was happily wrong, this movie is so stupid its funny; thats hard to do for a movie. Stuped uually gets across as anoying, but not in this case. Hey if you want stuped laughfsrents this one. I guess we all need a little insanity in our lives
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Wrestling concentrate
Quinoa198413 December 2000
There was a film made a while back called Beyond the Mat which was one of the most insightful films ever that was about wrestling. This film has some roots from that formula and while I am not expecting the most serious film here, it didn't have to be as dumb as it turned out to be. The plot has two dimwit wrestling fans (David Arquette and Scott Caan) who want to help and save a washed out wrestler (Oliver Platt who is somewhat miscast here) but don't realize that the guy quit for more reasons than a disgruntled boss (Joe Pantoliano). Just really dumb comedy and while there are a couple of funny moments, the badness and the fact that they use the incredibly fake WCW (most wrestling is fake but WCW is fake to the max) is beyond me. However the triple cage match isn't the worst. Directed by Brian Robbins of Varsity Blues and Good Burger fame. C
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Entertaining, fun film
MikeP-713 April 2000
This was light and enjoyable film of two affable wrestling fans who want to reinstate a recently fallen hero to the top of the WCW world. I have seen funnier films, but this was not a disappointment by any means. Fans of wrestling should really enjoy it, non fans (like myself, although I think I might be becoming one) should still like it. Arquette, Caan, and Platt make a nice trio, and Martin Landau is hilarious as an old-school wrestling guru.
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lawnboy19775 June 2002
I could not believe how bad this movie was. This film is an insult to wrestling fans everywhere. Anyone who knows wrestling knows it is a show, that it is not a "real sport". However, the people who made this movie apparently don't think that, or at least think that wrestling fans don't feel that way. Are we supposed to buy Oliver Platt as a legitimate wrestler? The guy is old, out of shape, oh but wait nothing in this movie makes sense anyway, so why bother. They have wrestlers fighting in their homes and even attacking trainers. This maybe be stuff that is ok in the context of a wrestling show, but they play it off as if all these guys go around fighting and stuff constantly. With the way the business has changed over the past few years, to the point that everyone knows it's all a show, this movie made no sense. I was completely insulted. But hey, this is just a reason why WCW, the makers of this film, went out of business.
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Stoopid and Hilarious!
x111b38252 September 2002
I watched this one night off the satellite and discovered, though it's definitely not Schindler's list, it was never meant to win any Academy awards...

Arquette and Cahn will get ribbed from here to eternity for their parts in this, but the whole story and their roles as well as the Jimmy the "King" are so overblown and over the top that it was just funny. It reminds me of something goofy like the Three Stooges. Sure it's sophomoric. Sure it's idiotic, but the longer I sat and watched and thought about how ridiculous the whole of it is, the funnier it became.

Good or bad, there exists guys like this walking the streets, idolizing some staged "hero" and the goofy loud-mouthed antics that have come to fill stadium seats for "Saturday night 'Slapdowns'." I cannot fathom how Vince Mcmahon made this happen, because honestly, I for one am not impressed nor very amused by it all. However, while this wasn't Jean-Luc Godard, it was amusing, and everytime I saw it on and nothing else I wanted to see, I have to say I turned it on and let it play while I worked on other things...

Rule on...
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Finntroll15 June 2004
Oh look! A movie about wrestling! Wrestling isn't dead after all! Weeha!

Maybe not, but this movie proves that it suffers from both leprosy and boils, making it pretty damn unattractive to anyone who isn't a bit funny in the head. The obnoxious David Arquette has one of the leading roles in this annoying stink-pile, he plays a guy walks around and do dumb things and say things that are even dumber and a horribly miscast Oliver Platt walks around and mumbles lines like he's got multiple concussions. And almost every joke here is about kicks in the groin. Yes, you read right. I figure there must be about twenty or so kicks in the crotch in just two hours. Who wrote this stuff anyway? Anarchistic feminists?

Everything isn't really that bad though, Rose McGowan looks great and Scott Caan is OK in the second leading role. Otherwise this was a lame movie filled with dumb jokes and people I just couldn't stand to watch.

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Boyo-227 December 2001
The best time to see this is Saturday morning, 10:00am. You will enjoy the mindlessness and the hysteria and get a good start to your weekend. Its just like watching wrestling, or cartoons.

The movie does not take itself seriously, thankfully, so you don't have to!

My sole complaint would be the casting of Oliver Platt as the hero. He does not have the body of a wrestler at all - maybe a wrestler in 1965, but certainly not one of today. So he wears a stupid outfit in the ring, which NO ONE does anymore. He's a good actor, there is no doubt about that, but maybe someone who could actually look the part might have been a little more realistic.

No great shakes, just fun, even if you're over the age of 12!
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Real Fans Should Take Offense To This
VonCouch27 March 2005
I usually don't comment on a movie if it has a bunch of comments already. I figure, what's the point? I'd rather comment on a movie that only has 3 or 4 reviews so people can get a fresh perspective. But screw it. I hold this movie as something that should not only be seen as a bad film, but something that should never be viewed by anyone. If we ever start burning media for censorship reasons (with Bush holding the reigns that should be sometime next month), I'm gonna throw the original prints of this piece of crap on there first. Then I'll boycott the burning.

I really don't know who likes a movie like this. The film itself is too stupid and insulting for real wrestling fans to like. And it has too many esoteric jokes and situations in it to hold a non fan's interest. So I guess it's someone who really liked Russo's booking around this time came out. Anyone who turned into WCW with excitement for the next PPV around this time. In other words, anyone with a lukewarm IQ.

I've been a fan of wrestling for nearly all my life. It was because of wrestling I got interested in acting, which is what I'm doing to this day. It was because of heels like The Million Dollar Man and Shawn Michaels that I love a great villain (Castor Troy, Tyler Durden, Frank in Once Upon A Time In The West). I hold a great respect for the business and I see it as not only a form of theater, but an art form in and of itself. To watch two wrestlers who really know what they're doing in the ring put a match together is a thing of beauty. People in the past like Ric Flair & Ricky Steamboat. People now like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guererro & Kurt Angle. Professional Wrestling is the most underrated art form in the world, especially in the USA. At least it's somewhat seen higher than a sweaty circus in Mexico and Japan.

Part of the reason is the poor image. Wrestlers are seen as bad actors who pretend to fight and hit each other with folding chairs. In turn, anyone who's a fan is just an idiot yokel who got the night off of working the Dairy Queen to come see the rasslin men fight real durn good. And it doesn't help that we got movies like "No Holds Barred" and "Bodyslam" that just perpetuate that image back in the 80's and back in the days of Kayfabe. But now that we've accepted the notion of "sports entertainment", we've moved on. We've accepted that it's a form of theater and it's all for our entertainment. It's not real. We get that. And that's the fun of it.

That's why this film is a slap in the face. Not just the crappy acting and even crappier story. But the fact that this movie says not only do wrestling fans all believe that what happens in the ring is real, but that the movie actually SAYS that it's all real! It's like the writers, producers, and directors all got together, flew to your house, crapped in your mouth, then went to the next name on their list.

OK, I've gotten this off my chest. But I'll be angry at this film forever more until someone puts out a wrestling movie that doesn't just exist to get a cheap buck of the fans. If you want something close to that, try "Beyond the Mat" or "Wrestling With Shadows". They're documentaries, yes. But they show a glimmer of truth to the business that nothing else has yet to do.
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Interesting movie
moviewiz-418 January 2001
Quite a huge fans of wrestling myself. When seeing this one, it is absolutely a must for all wrestling fans. The thing is that the story is not as good as it is. The best part is maybe the appearance of some of WCW characters.

Totally enjoyable.
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Well, at least it's better than No Holds Barred
tiedyed5724 April 2008
Ready to Rumble is one muddled, ridiculous, and insanely casted wrasslin' comedy. The humor is dismally formulaic and stupid yet somehow manages to induce the occasional chuckle. Most of it, however, is uninteresting mischief, especially the scenes with Arquette and McGowan, which are thankfully few. The bizarre miscasting of this film (Oliver Platt, Joe Pantoliano, and Caroline Rhea???), combined with the WCW wrestlers, sadly turns the film into an exploitive freak show instead of the proper salute to sports entertainment that it should have been. The implementation of the wrestlers and personalities is poorly conceived and gratuitous. The wrestlers are mere muscled garnishes who mostly have no lines and no emotional involvement with the plot. They are either set pieces or extensions of the film's villain, Titus.

The major problem with Ready to Rumble is its confusion with the gangster genre. Instead of portraying Titus (Pantoliano) as an oppressive promoter, the uninspired writers imitated the character model of the gangster kingpin only they avoided multiple dimensions or any semblance of interesting character. Titus' brutal tactics do not congeal with the film's tone, which is light-hearted slapstick. Admittedly, gripes of this sort are, in fact, inappropriate since Ready to Rumble is not a character piece. However, the reliance on the gangster genre reveals the distinct lack of a defined wrasslin' genre, which, I think, deserves definition.

Excluding documentaries, I haven't seen good professional wrestling cinema to date, but, any film that has Martin Landau in a hot tub with girls is worth at least one look. :)

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Love this movie very much
UniqueParticle19 October 2019
Been among one of those movies I don't get tired of since I was little, kinda weird though I'm not a fan of wrestling but I absolutely love the story of Ready to Rumble! Brian Robbins, the Director, is great, and I really enjoy David Arquette's movies. The ridiculous jokes and mindless fun is so comforting to me. Something about the tone of 90's and early 2000's films is glorious enlightenment! Also Joe Pantoliano is one of my favorite actors, he's legendary and so is Oliver Platt in many projects.
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One for the Fans
nak1516 December 2000
This is a great film for wrestling fans. The story is a bit hooky and awkward for a film, but it moves just like a WCW or WFF storyline complete with silliness and violence. Oliver Platt is great, Scott Caan has made me a fan and Martin Landau makes a great surprise appearance; also, Goldberg (the toughest Jew on Earth) makes a great cameo.
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