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A well made documentary with a clear and accomplished goal
filipe-pascoa30 October 2016
Being the objective of this documentary to raise awareness and support DiCaprio's activity as a "UN messenger of peace" and environmental activist, I believe it really achieved its goal as it is truly a breathtaking, eye-opening film which urges the viewer to strive for a change.

Throughout the documentary we are presented with shocking information, images and educated people's opinion on the matter (like world leaders and scientists) which adds credibility to it. Leonardo DiCaprio and his team do not spare criticism on some of the biggest countries (like the US) policies and on the fossil fuel industry.

Leo's charisma and ability to persuade and entertain the public allied to his drive as an environmental activist just leaves you glued to your seat thinking what can you do to make a change. I believe this really is the kind of information that should be more out there and DiCaprio's celebrity-status, as well as all the other people interviewed, is great for visibility.

If anything, I just wish this was a mini-series to know even more about this issue the world is facing, which might just be the biggest one it ever did...
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Leo dons the climate change crown
ferguson-620 October 2016
Greetings again from the darkness. Ten years ago Al Gore became a climate-change icon thanks to the Oscar-winning documentary An Convenient Truth (from director Davis Guggenheim). With this updated warning, the climate change crown is passed to Leonardo DiCaprio, and rather than just speak to the topic, he takes us on a worldwide journey to show us the effects.

The film is bookended by DiCaprio's speech to the UN general assembly after he was named UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change. It's a reminder that the mega movie star has long been an environmental activist … and yes, before you scoff, he does acknowledge that his carbon footprint is probably larger than ours (an obvious understatement – unless you also travel by yacht and private jets, and own multiple mansions).

DiCaprio's personal story about Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" hanging above his crib (seriously, how many parents think this is acceptable artwork for a toddler?) acts as a visual to his message that we are on the path of virtual destruction to the earth that we now know.

The power of celebrity in on full display as DiCaprio scores interviews with such luminaries as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President Obama, Elon Musk, John Kerry, and even Pope Francis. There is also a clip of his long-ago interview with then President Clinton (Bill, not Hillary). However, it's not the talking heads that have the most impact here. Rather, it's the first-hand look at the Canadian Arctic, the disappearing glaciers of Greenland, the sunny day street flooding in Miami, the destruction of Indonesian Rain Forest to capitalize on the palm oil market, and the eroding coral reefs. The film plays like a Tim Burton Travel Channel series … each stop more nightmarish than the previous.

His passion is obvious, though his knowledge less so. DiCaprio understands the power his celebrity brings, and he joins with director Fisher Stevens (known mostly for his acting, but also an Oscar winning director for The Cove, 2009) in this attempt to bring the urgent message to the masses. As they state, we are beyond simply changing lightbulbs, and the key is a shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy … a shift that China (not the U.S.) has taken seriously.

With generic solutions like "consume less" and "vote better", the film mostly avoids controversy … though it does acknowledge the slick and well-funded 'campaign of denial' by those who profit mightily from a fossil-fuel dependent world. We see an impressive map/video screen tracking ocean currents, temperatures, etc. and there is a chart comparing electricity usage by U.S. citizens vs other countries (we are energy hogs, in case you weren't sure). The ending message hasn't changed much in the past 10 years … "It is all up to us".
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Informative, and hopefully it reaches its target audience
peefyn5 November 2016
I am glad that this documentary was made, even though I felt it was talking to someone other than me. The movie is focused on America (even though what it preaches is relevant all over the world), and much of the information is not really ground breaking if you are already concerned about the environment. I am not complaining about this, as that is probably the best target audience to try to reach for a documentary like this. There's no reason to make more documentaries preaching to the choir.

The documentary itself is mostly well made. Leonardo travels from one place to the other, and talks with some big names. Some of it feels kind of irrelevant, and the best parts is when Leonardo talks with people who are not that famous, especially the one subject that shows her frustration. Some of the places he travels are interesting to see, though it's mostly quick visits, and at times they feel more like backdrops than important set pieces. Despite the documentary jumping from one theme to the next, it holds together quite well, and Leonardo's journey functions well as a mean to take the viewer through all the information.

Personally I would have liked a documentary that was a bit more science heavy, maybe like a combination of the nature trips that Leonardo goes on here, and the presentation from Al Gore's film. But I can understand why they went in the direction they went here, and I hope it resonates with a lot of people that have not thought much about this.
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A very well made and surprisingly thoughtful movie about the reality we face
PeterPan15831 October 2016
This is an excellent documentary for masses that are either not that familiar with the realities of climate change or don't understand what is at stake or how it works and why.

This was probably the goal of the producers (among them Leonardo Di Caprio or Michael Scorsese) to appeal to a general audience. I must admit I watched it also for that reason. And I see no problem with that! I spare my comment on Leo Di Caprio's activism and work in that field for later as I know many argue that his activism is only his PR and so on...

But, I think the point here is the message of this movie, not the messenger. Visually it is excellent. Leo Di Caprio and all the crew takes us on all the places directly affected by the climate change and show us how the poorest countries on Earth suffer the most of the effects of climate change. They interview not only politicians, leaders and, the pope - but mostly scientists and local people from the most damaged areas. They connect how the oil industry and current energy giants like Exxon, Tepco and so on. lobby in US congress to buy their support and tacit consent, but not dwell too much on it - as if to shift the focus to nature with its stunning cinematography and rather appeal to people on that level, while showing how climate change already f*cked up Poles, forests, and coastal areas and how it's gonna f*ck up a many more areas and shape the politics and economy of the near future.

I also liked that despite his celebrity status Leo Di Caprio (the main interviewer) doesn't fall into false hopes and promises but keeps his mind open and skeptic. Because I think the goal of the movie is to show the reality of the long-term effect and not to wallow too much in short-term steps - like Paris 2015 conference.

Lastly, about Leo Di Caprio. You don't need to like him to enjoy this movie. And you can say whatever you want about his activism, the fact is that on the top of making this documentary, he drives an electric car, and a bike, uses his Facebook almost solely on promoting climate change actions and even spent his time during acceptance of his Oscar for The Revenant to speak about native Americans and climate change. So I don't think this is all just a stunt and PR! Who said that just because you are famous and rich you can't genuinely care and express your activism or can't worry about the planet and the civilization? I think this type of thinking is just another side of the same coin, people who criticize "celebrities" for not speaking out, and people who criticize "celebrities" once they do speak up, are in my opinion much more influenced by the celebrity culture than they think or can admit. It's no win situation when you put people in a mental box.

All in all,you can find some great piece of activism and cinematography in the documentary and I highly recommend for anyone who is ...a human being.

And if you are interested in deeper insights into how this climate change crisis intertwines with politics, corruption, war and economy, go and watch The Shock Doctrine, or have a look on the Zeigeist movie trilogy and The Zeitgeist movement.
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Our planet is worth preserving
annfieldfield2 November 2016
Forget egos, forget who's who. That's not what this is about.

The message of this documentary film is to save our planet. Each country, each continent. Our home.

You are taken on a worldwide tour of diverse ecological systems. You are shown how people are already struggling due to the destruction and greed of man. You will see how our consumerism contributes to this disaster in the waiting.

Watch the evidence and see the consequences of global warming for yourself. This is powerful and sobering viewing. It has made me realize how I personally can take positive action to help prevent the destruction of our planet.

Collectively, we can make a difference. Wherever you live in the world, you can decide to have a role to play. Our elected leaders will act if enough of the people they govern make this issue a top priority.

Give one hour and a half of your time, then make your own mind up.
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It is time to take action for our planet.
sonibleck22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Before the Flood is a movie in which Leonardo Di Caprio travels around the world and shows us how it is being affected by climate change, reinforcing the fact that we, the human beings, are responsible for it. Through out, his journey he also meets experts and important people who are also concerned about this issue. This truly impacted me and left me thinking about how we are destroying our planet and how we are running out of time.However, it also inspired me to take action from the place I am. In this case I should start consuming differently and voting for leaders who will fight for climate change. I think the most thought provoking person whom he talks with is Dr. Piers Sellers from NASA. He created a model simulation of the earth that shows all the changes our planet has suffered among these years and how each area is being affected in different ways. I would give this movie a 10 because it is a way of showing many people reality and inform them about global warning. Besides, I like the fact that above all the information and facts he gives, the movie is also moving. It makes you feel fear and guilt, but it is also asking you for help. It impacts you in such a way it inspires you to take action about this big issue that is not only affecting us now, but also the future generations.
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We, humans, are responsible!
mahja-4732330 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is nicely and simply narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio with scientific facts and very touching pictures of what it is happening around the world. He talks to many scientist, activists, and finally politicians around the world. By showing how life of many people is already affected by the global warming, he tries to be a voice for them and the next generation. There are a lot of scenes, beautiful and sad, of earth and how global warming is changing them, arctic's melting and the ecosystems being ruined in seas and jungles. In one scene, Leonardo interviews the astronaut Piers Sellers and he shows the map of earth and how temperature is changing! Looking at earth from above, our only home, urges you to take action!
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DiCaprio does a great documentary. Very honest and informative.
subxerogravity2 November 2016
A well laid out doc by Leo DiCaprio and Fisher Stevens about the world we are facing today.

From the moment the movie opens we get a little glimpse at Leo's life as he talks about a Bosh painting that his father hung on the top of his crib, that started his passion for environmental issues. From then on, we realize that his documentary is not just for us it was for him as well.

Leo does not try to make himself out as an environmental expert. This is something I admire greatly about the documentary. A lot of us are being influenced on both sides of the argument about the climate change, and when Leo became the UN Ambassador of peace for this topic, he knew he needed to study up on the process, so he did it with Before the Flood. Leo travels all over the world to discover just how bad the problem actually is and what we can do to stop it.

But this doc is all about informing. Leo does not pretend to have the answers by a long shot. One of my fav parts of this movie was a discussion Leo has with an environmentalist from India whose calling out the United States for their part in Global Warming. Leo never defends his home country only comes clean about how realistic or unrealistic it is for America to go clean.

There was this one part of the film where Leo meets with his agricultural guy telling me that America needs to change it's diet. Pretty much telling me that I need to stop buying things like Doritos, which is a small part of a big picture, and by odd coincidence, I just happen to have a big bag of cool ranch in my lap. Granted, it would not hurt my waist line to give up the nachos, but there are other food products that poor Americans like myself would starve if they suddenly disappeared. Proving that this environmental issue for me anyway is not a black and white issue.

Leo created something that does what a documentary is suppose to do. His agenda was to inform you about the climate change and that's what he does, and he does it without having to make anyone look evil (well not too evil anyway). it's all about laying out the facts and seeing what we can do with that info.

Much respect.
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We must change our minds from now
piru_tenis1 February 2018
This movie describes the serious pollution which humans are causing even now. Leonardo DiCaprio met some people which are fighting with pollution, listened to their stories, and concluded we must change our minds to save the earth.

In the documentary, Dr. Piers Sellers, especially, made me surprised. I knew about global warming, but I didn't know about NASA's model simulation which indicated some regions that will become cooler than now. I noticed these problems are extreme and more serious than we thought.

I like this movie. I got a lot of information from this movie, but I felt that there was some information that we didn't need, such as republican policies. I think this is the problem we are equally facing so this movie doesn't have to mention only republican's failed policies. It felt unnatural. Without it, I consider this movie is absolutely excellent.
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Before the Flood
abouhelier-r6 November 2016
Almost a decade ago, Leonardo DiCaprio narrated and produced The 11th Hour, which covered the same ground as this documentary. The United Nations designated DiCaprio a "UN Messenger of Peace" in 2014 and tasked him with getting the word out on Climate Change. That is just what he does. Here is a heartfelt, decent and educational documentary about the most important issue of our time: Climate Change.

Filmmakers are intelligent in their use of the biggest asset they have: not only do they keep their movie star on screen, they work hard to tie viewers concern for the environment up with his biography. Leonardo DiCaprio proves his own commitment to the cause; conceding that his own celebrity status draws attention to the topic, but allows the naysayers to say that he is a shallow movie star and therefore this whole issue must be a joke. Though, I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that the movie lacks such personality. The film does have the unique access to a DiCaprio that is not on the set of a fictional project or in an awards ceremony tux, but he adds nothing aside from his name and face.

Correctly identifying the most important issue of our time, DiCaprio uses his authority and charisma to travel the world and highlight men impact on our planet. Indeed, he travels the globe examining our fossil-fuel addiction. Where the film succeeds the most is by focusing on the ground-level victims of climate change, such as the polar bears of the Arctic for instance. Of course, the documentary is enforcing the 2015 Paris agreement, in order to develop the wind and solar power.

So many climate documentaries have passed through cinemas and aired on TV, it's impossible to believe that lack of information is the obstacle to change in public policy. This documentary seems important to me as a shift in public opinion has to be achieved to change the political classes opinion. Finally, Before the Flood foes have one marvellous scene that its contemporaries won't have. Former Astronaut Dr. Piers Sellers sits down with DiCaprio in a dark room that is illuminated by a graphic of planet Earth and talks about how his experience in Space helped him understand the massiveness and beauty of the world. He highlights that if we can all see our presence in the world on a much larger scale than what is in front of us, we might be able to change our way of life before it is too late.

Overall, Before the Flood is a serious, substantial and very important piece of work.
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Earth is in Trouble
akwsixers1031 October 2016
Climate change is real. It is happening faster than scientists predict, and if society doesn't take action then we will assuredly leave this earth a worse place for our posterity than we inherited it. Before the Flood makes a passionate attempt to convince the public that action needs to be taken. Many will debate its effectiveness, and I'm here to say it probably won't change any minds if they haven't been convinced already. Leonardo DiCaprio's turn as world traveling climate investigator is certainly a reason to tune (the full film is available on YouTube). DiCaprio undoubtedly has passion for the subject and, as we will come to find out, a somewhat negative view on the outcome of climate change. It's hard to blame him. The films most important moment was Leo's interview with an Indian climate scientist. She makes the case that the US is all talk, no action when it comes to climate change. It's hard to debate her. Leo struggled to offer an opposing view. The film features many similar interviews, all begging for humanity to take action. Unfortunately, the film offers little advice as to how everyday American citizens can do so. Many of the solutions presented here focus on industrial and political change. Which brings me to my main criticism of this documentary, its politically charged nature. While it is no doubt astonishing that so many US politicians deny climate change as fact, condemning them and those who elect them is no way to court every citizen. The decision to include a certain presidential candidate (whose initials are DT), will no doubt polarize the viewers who align with his candidacy. It lacked alternative suggestions for those who work in the fossil fuel industry. While our dependency on fossil fuels is very unhealthy, how are we to change the minds of workers in that industry who rely on their jobs to provide for their families? Certainly, Beyond the Flood offers a slightly updated message from An Inconvenient Truth (2005), but the overall sentiment remains the same, we are in trouble.
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Informative and thought-provoking movie about climate change
bertinthibault22 August 2019
Before the Flood, an informative movie, shows to the world the realities of climate change, it shows to everyone how big the problem is ! Leonardo DiCaprio has been traveling during 2 years around the world to catch the information from many people and make a statement of the current situation of our planet.

During the movie, he shows to us the current state of our planet with terrifying images of some essential places on Earth !

For me, the different scenes are absolutely thought-provoking. They make me think about how can we save the planet. I think every country's government should work together to find a solution. I don't have a solution for this problem, so this movie puzzles me about the future of Earth's population.

DiCaprio is clearly the most thought-provoking person of this movie in my case, he informs everyone about global warming to protect our planet and I admire his determination.

I put 10 out 10 ! This movie can change your vision of global warning and inform you about the current state of our planet. Moreover, it makes you think about solutions.
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we have to change our wold
legonzalezg13 March 2019
The documentary follows Leonardo di Caprio as he travels the words to examine and understand the effect of climate change and how the people we can solvent this, and also to learn more as possible ways to prevent catastrophic damage that could make the Earth unsustainable for human life. I have to admit that this movie captured my attention. From Greenland to China to Indonesia there is an abundance of examples of climate change, a numbers of animals are extinct (Dodo, Tiger Tasmanian) and what I saw it's really shocking, for example, the melting of the polar ice that runs very fast and its going to be the reason of the flood, America's mass consumption of energy compared to other countries, for example India. Rainforests are being destroyed in order to plant trees to make palm oil; one of the cheapest oils in the world. In his travel, he had the occasion to meet a lot of influential politics and scientist, like The Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, President Barack Obama, Dr. Pier Sellers and also Pope Francis that he has called upon the word to accept the science of Climate Change. He makes a speech before the United States calling for greater action on this issue. The message of this documentary movie is to save our planet; climate change is having a noticeable effect on the delicate balance of the world's ecosystems and slowly it's going to destroy our world we need to be conscious and front our problems.
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A well intended, yet contrived look at climate change
dylandesign19 November 2016
Before The Flood is a great example of how NOT to propel the narrative of a very important issue. DiCaprio presents his case, at a time where climate change is as politically divisive as ever, by use of interviews, emotional pleas, and sprinkled with statistics. The intent is pure, but the delivery is irresponsible if anything.

The problem with this documentary is the raw lack of scientific rigidity; relying instead on emotional persuasions, such as people's personal anecdotes and cliché natural disaster imagery. Not to mention, the film is contrived with factually deceptive talking points such as the '99% of scientists' statistic. At one point, an interviewee irresponsibly refers to climate change using religious language, stating that deniers need to be 'converted to believe'; DiCaprio refers back to the religious iconography of a classic art piece throughout the film, and then goes on to speak with the Catholic pope of all people - the very antithesis of science.

This film will do little to persuade people who deny climate change, but will instead reinforce people who already understand that climate change is a real issue. What the film fails to understand is that deniers really are skeptical, and will not be convinced by emotional grovelling in the year 2016 - what's needed instead is cold hard scientific evidence, free of politics and bunked mantras - you will not find this here.
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We should consider our environment and preserve our earth
sungminshin22 August 2019
This is a perfect documentary film about our nature. This movie shows us Leonardo Di Caprio going to a lot of nations which have suffered from serious environmental problems like floods, deforestation and drought.

For me, the most impressive scenes are some politicians denying the negative aspects of pollution and rejecting to consider our nature. I'm so surprised that they just neglected our future results from destroying nature because they were paid money by some companies which dealt with fossil fuels.

I think president Obama is the most provoking person to me. In this movie, Obama has concerns about the future if we don't take action. He considers not only the United States but also other countries. He says that these environmental problems will bring about national security issues all over the world.

This movie is incredible! I give 10 out of 10 willingly. Thanks to this movie, I want to save our planet and try to fix my bad habits which have affected our earth. We should take responsibilities for our history and try to make a ecological world.
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a warning
Kirpianuscus5 January 2018
A honest one. about a picture. and about the chance to become dark reality. sure, about the theme are many cobtroverses. but this film is not propaganda, is not a lesson. only a warning aboout greed, planet, people, meetings as first step to a common cause. and Leonardo di Caprio is a real good lawer. because he trust in his pledge for a fundamental cchange of habits, perspective, measures, hope. it is a struggle and the difference by conferences of Al Gore, magazines articles or demonstrations is than the climate changing is your problem. this is the basic virtue of this documentary - to have, as the only partner yourself. and the most significant to see it. again.
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My Rating is 9
kekca2 November 2016
I give such an evaluation of the film because of its potency to make people humble and make them think more than usual. Notwithstanding the possibility of pure propaganda in the service of one's interests, any film of this kind can not be deprived of valor because it is showing how important it is protecting nature - our home, and shows us that with our everyday choices and decisions we influence globally to everyone and everything else.

Thanks to movies like this one the stereotypes are becoming more clear. It shows how they are exposed and visible especially for the life in the cities. Instead of paving new paths people prefer to go with the flow. Without improving the consequences of their actions, people do not even think about them. They hardly link the environment and the interests of large corporations.

For the first time the viewer is provided with new data and is shown of the precise consequences that will occur in the earliest stages of global warming. Which, by the way, has already begun. Let's hope that the colonization of Mars will lead to a second leap in human development since the discovery of America and will point the right direction for it.

Perhaps one of the most essential films of DiCaprio. Last but not least, seeing Leonardo playing himself is also an interesting moment of the film.

National Geographic comes as a guarantee of the quality of the film strip which is presenting lots of beautiful natural sceneries.

My blog:
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Personal Takeaway
matthewclarkbonner30 October 2016
In the end, it's not about who pollutes more or less, we all have to make a personal change of lifestyle and mindset. I know i'm no where close to an ideal amount of consumption, but I want to try just a little harder to be more mindful of what I put into the environment and become a better steward of our beautiful planet and people. Great film. Very serious tones and messages throughout, but anything short of serious wouldn't make any real change, in my opinion. Being able to see some of the various examples of how fossil fuel, coal, and energy consumption negatively effects the environment reinforced the core messages very well. There was quite a lot of focus on DiCaprio in both face time with the cameras and the spotlight of the work that he has been doing in this field, but it is overshadowed by the bigger picture, which is addressing the problem that climate change poses on humanity and actually taking action.
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Eye opener
maximeroche1 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Leonardo di Caprio has travelled the world to find out it is being destroyed. And he interviews people to find a way to save it.

I was never really into what the world around me was doing -how the climate changes and how in a couple of years things will be so different. I am really shocked that we let our own planet get ruined like this but what shocked me the most is that we actually can do something about it.

This movie really opened my eyes and made me realize that we have to do something. Ride a bike more often, separate your trash etc. I think a lot of people are just not aware of the situation and we should all see this movie. It is really interesting how our world works. Maybe it will get people to change their way of living.

Dr. Piers Sellers part was a real eye opener. Dr. Sellers works for the NASA that studies the climate changes and global warming. He told in the interview that he was diagnosed with cancer stage 4. Because he knew he that his change of surviving was really small he thought, what can I do more to save the world before I die? And he knows that we can change the world and has faith in humanity. It is beautiful that there are people in this world who think like this.

I would have never chosen to see this movie for myself but because it was shown in class it has made me more aware of the situation.
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I really belive that the film express many realities a round the world
jubillusgonzales1 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think that the film makes known nowadays how is the world working, So the reason because i like it, is that the most important authorities in the world are realize about it and said that they will work together for a better world.

the person who impressed me a little bit than the others is the Pope Francisco because he is the head of chatolic church and he talked about enviromental problems related to science and it was unusual but he is right so we have to trust in his words.
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The documentary is about the global warming, how this affects to us and what can we do to prevent a future disaster
chodorgegaston5 October 2017
The documentary is really interesting because global warming is a problem of increasing intensity because a lot of people don't care about the environment and pollution. We can see different situations in different parts of the world. In some places global warming has caused a lot of damage, but the important thing that we have to know is that this problem has solutions if we act right now and all together. Finding different ways to obtain renewable energy and helping the developing countries to reduce their pollution are two solutions. I totally recommended the documentary to everyone because it's a problem that affects us all, and if we don't care now about the environment and global warming we are going to produce a big disaster in the future. In this situation we have to work together to find the best solution for all of us. The person who really can help people become aware of this situation is Pope Francis because he can make religious people accept science and support renewable energy (Gigafactory) and care about the environment. He has also recommended acts to reduce the pollution.
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A topic of major importance
dnaa-881524 November 2016
I'm very glad this movie is available to the masses. The facts displayed are of major importance. I find it so disturbing how there are people who deny climate change, when it's absolutely obvious. Some politicians represented in the movie even can't comprehend basic facts about global warming that was thought in 5th grade geography classes. Truth is, people should read some information on the topic before they yell out to the masses, but I guess that's how politics work.

I am all for celebrities being UN ambassadors, because maybe people who are never interested in the message will pay a little more attention if they see their favorite star talking about it. And I admire DiCaprio's dedication to the topic. The movie is beautifully made and the information is given in a very realistic way. BUT. Seriously? Tar sand fields look like Mordor? Some parts of this movie gave me a toothache, and I had to switch it off. It's good that he admits that he still has to learn a lot about the topic (and I'm no expert either), but he also still needs to learn to talk to scientists and officials in a more official manner. General secretary of UN said that it is such an honor to meet him; well why does that need to be in the movie? And there are sometimes these awkward silences after he gives his sort of funny comment on something (like in the previously mentioned Tar field misunderstanding). When there is a limited time to tell about topic so big, why are we seeing how friendly he is with his movie crew? I would give a higher vote for this documentary, but because I still cringe remembering DiCaprios thickness, it get's what it gets.
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a very thought-provoking movie which led me think about the world's biggest issue more than ever
kotasanae22 August 2019
This movie was about all the serious issues happening due to global warming so as not to bring about a huge mess in the near future. It has rather inspired me as a one human being. It led me to consider the issue that the earth is facing right now more than ever before, and has absolutely motivated me to help the environment. Despite that, it also made me feel sad by knowing that there are a few politicians from the Republicans who constantly deny the impact of climate change in order to receive money. It is still hard to believe that there are people who put their wealth above their nations' problems. I rated this movie 10/10. There were not any scenes which seemed boring or unhelpful. Every aspect was full of thought-provoking contents and the way Dicaprio tried to describe the gravity of this whole matter was very enthusiastic and telling which led the listeners to sympathize with it, and deeply comprehend it. I was also impressed that this movie directly mentioned some appropriate means to revitalize this situation such as switching from beef to chicken which could be easily done on a daily basis.
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Before the Flood
FFGhamdi15 November 2018
Stars by Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Fisher Stevens, the documentary is trying to increase the awareness of the climate change in order to save the planet.

The movie shows the causes of the climate change, and how dangerous it is to our planet. Even though the scientists have known about the problem of global warming for more than half a century we are still facing the effect of it. Some of the problems that the world will face if we keep doing what we do are: the disappearing of Greenland, rainforests and the sea levels rising. It also gives some of the solutions such as putting a tax on using carbon, stop using fossil fuels and stop eating beef. The movie has a good imagination of the future depending on scientists' researches. Part of the movie has taken place in the UN Climate conference, which was in Paris in 2015, and it showed that not all of the politicians were in agreement of the impact of climate change. Some of the recommendations that the movie suggested are: vote for leaders who will fight for climate change and consuming differently.

The documentary is great if you are concerned about the climate change and how big the impacts of climate change are.
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Lots of celebrities, no originality or imagination
kealan-mcardle7 November 2016
This movie doesn't cover any new ground about climate change. It misses a chance to be innovative and original. Instead it seems to misunderstand the concept of climate change and how humans are causing it. Leo says "I probably have a bigger carbon footprint than most". Why use the word 'probably', he could have just made the movie about himself and how he is terrible at contributing to climate change. Instead in this movie he flys around the world in helicopters, saying that climate change deniers are the bad guys, and politicians are ineffective; while he is just as effective at causing the problem and just as ineffective at tackling the problem. The movie says it offset the carbon footprint of the movie, by paying a carbon tax. To whom? How much? Does one person giving another person offset climate change, I would like more information on that one. I would like to see a sequel where Leo tries to not contribute to climate change for a year.
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