A-X-L (2018) Poster


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Less Sweet Version of "Short Circuit"
dan_slentz25 August 2018
If you go into this movie not expecting much, you'll probably walk out think "it wasn't bad". In fact, it's not a bad movie and decent movie for kids (over 8).. and certainly reasonable for adults to watch. The premise (without spoiling the movie) is more along the lines of the 80's film "Short Circuit". A robot built for war but with more to it than destructive programming. Effects were decent enough. Motorcycle riding/stunts were actually very cool. Looking for a decent little "Sunday afternoon movie for the family"? This would probably work.
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A Boy and not his Dog
nogodnomasters26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Miles (Alex Neustaedter ) rides motor-cross but doesn't have the money to compete like arch rival Sam (Alex MacNicoll). Miles meets a girl (Becky G ) and a mechanical dog trained to kill by the military....not as cute or annoying as "Number 5" (Short Circuit). Military wants the dog back but not until Captain Kirk can bring out the android's feelings.

Teen love story with a mechanical dog. BTW Miles was the name of the man in "Sleeper" who owned a mechanical dog.
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some useful actors get work but the movie is a dog
chwalker-christopher26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They were not able to make the dog very appealing and (spoiler alert) it never does bite the bad guy in half.

Thomas Jane and Eric Etebari got paychecks while waiting for a better offer, and Ted McGinley is in it. The guy playing Eric Etebari's IT henchman has a really good haircut. His friends should insist that he never change it. I was not able to identify him from the stingy credit list. This is one of those times when the message boards would have come in handy. Who is the actor who played the computer-savvy henchman, I could have asked. Somebody would know.
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*spoilers* Could have easily been so much better
jeroenloonstra-1164323 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*contains spoilers*

It was not a total waste of time, however there were so many stupid plotholes in there.

State of the art artificial intelligence and it runs on regular gasoline? Why not a fuel cell, solar panels, or a fusion reactor or something. Programmed for combat, has armor plating that can stop a bullet, jet manages to impale itself on an iron rod, while playing chase. Same armor plating and all you need is some gasoline and pretty much a glorified lighter to pretty much completely destroy it? Can be rebuild in a few hours by 3D printing (y'all know that 3D printers are mostly using plastic right?) come to think of it... that would explain why you can just light the puppy up. After they rebuild it, it requires 48 hours to? To do what? Rebuild? Reboot? Load software? The same software it uploaded to the cloud in a few minutes?

Just lazy lazy writing
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Good family film
adcooper-635801 September 2018
Admittedly this is not an Oscar winner of any kind. However, I took my 8 year to see it and she loved it. I thought the story and acting was decent and the special effects good. Mostly I really enjoyed watching a non Disney animated film with my child that was free from bad language and constant references to sex. If you have kids go see this film - we thought it was a winner.
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A billion dollar 'super' dog that's as effective as a loud barking Chihuahua
stevepat9929 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I did enjoy A-X-L romping around the desert with miles on his dirt bike, flying through the air as they bonded. A kid and his billion dollar super dog.

With that out of the way, at about 40 minutes into the movie I realized two things. This militarized billion dollar dog weapon, soooo scary looking with super growling 'teeth' was as dangerous as a kitten. Second was the scene where super dog faces off with the evil 18 year old. Does it matter what weapon the 18 year old has? After all he's facing a billion dollar 'weapon of war', right? Suffice to say A-X-L is no match for a teenager. Later, when he targets an evil teen he is unable to stop the teen from running away and diving under a car. At no time does this screenplay have A-X-L take down even a single evil peson whether evil teen or evil military contractor who created him. Sure, he can run and bark like heck... but no where do we see a billion dollar weapon in action.

Also, one could ask why A-X-L escapes from his creators in the first place? Not a clue. After all, he was created to save the lives of our soldiers at war. Kind of a noble invention, yet as the movie begins he's gon AWOL. Why would he not wish to return to his creator and his mission to save our soldiers lives. That is in fact his prime directive, to bond with a single solder at war. It's not like he's a nuclear bomb we could debate. Again, screwy screenplay where evil creator is not really evil. One could say that A-X-L going AWOL was super dog being very, very bad dog!

The notion one could build or rebuild an A-X-L in a garage with a soldering iron also left me scratching my head.

Fun idea with an awful, nonsensical screenplay.
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Decent film with not much expectations
manmadan-110 September 2018
I have watched this film in AMC couple of days after it got released. I don't see the review before watching this movie, so enjoyed this movie. This is pretty decent movie with what it was promised in the trailer. Mossy of the review was having negative reviews coz this movie lacks humor. Not every movie needs the humor dialogs, scenes in each frames. Making is good, camera work is pretty well. Story line is ok. It's little slow in some part of the movie which needed to be taken care. Not bad for one time watch.
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Very tired plot
aa_critt1 May 2019
If youve seen any "robot/alien meets lonely misunderstood kid" youve seen this one. Only twist is it has dirt bikes. Very predictable and riddled with plotholes. My 10 and 12 year old boys liked it. I guess that was the intended audience. It wasnt 38 yr old dads...
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Robot Rumble that is Quite Humble
rgkarim25 August 2018
The bond between man and dog is sacred, but what happens when it is a robotic dog that you happened to find? That odd question is answered, ironically, tonight with the movie review that I bring. A charming piece according to the trailers, this film is going to try and make a mark in the last stages of August. Can such a bizarre concept actually work, or will it fall to skeptical eyes as the summer wraps up to pave the way for Fall's lineup. Robbie K here to bring you another review in hopes to helping you out with your movie choices. So, let's get reviewing on

Movie: A.X.L. (2018)

Director: Oliver Daly Writer: Oliver Daly Stars: Thomas Jane, Becky G, Alex Neustaedter


Cute/Family Friendly: The movie accomplished it's mission to be family friendly, as this film does everything to mimic a Disney movie without falling into lawsuit territory. A.X.L's a quirky movie that should be a walk in the park for most, minus a few loud and darker moments so parents be warned. Nonetheless, it's got a little something for most young at heart audience members with that K-9 meeting human approach, fused with a little teen drama as well.

The Bike Scenes: The trailers have shown you our main guy Miles (Neustaedter) tearing up the dirt hills of California. Like the DCOM motorcrossed the few sequences dedicated to the sport are quite a sight for the audience members to soak up. Decently stable camera work, fantastic sound editing, and a good orchestra/soundtrack to give it the extra oomph it needed. While short lived, these moments are the fuel to get past the slow opening.

Decent Acting: No award winners outside of the teen and kids choice awards level, but the cast of A.X.L. are not the worst crew to ever grace a screen. Becky G is my particular favorite, the character given to her getting a little more chance to branch out than most of the others. She's balanced, edgy, but equipped to handle much of the chaos without breaking character. Neustaedter isn't bad, but his monotone performance needs a little molding to get a better character, instead of the sulky, long-haired look that much of CW's cast seems to share. Alex MacNicoll plays the overdone antagonist well, but not much expands past whining, moaning, and hormonal antics that aren't worth the time to invest in. And as for the rest of the group, they succeed in their roles, they just again needed more time.

The Unique Animation Of A.X.L.: It's a combination of puppetry/robotics with CGI, the digital dog certainly had interesting choices made when it came to animating him. At times it worked for me, the puppetry managing to bring the playful sprit out in full force. The CGI is decent too, smooth and accurate for representing a cyber dog, yet not quite the magic experience that Disney likes to show us. This hybrid doesn't seem logical, but in terms of creative display, it works for me.


The Predictable Plot: If you have seen the trailers, you should be able to piece the ending together within the first half hour of the movie. A.X.L. struggles with surprise, choosing to stick to soap opera antics and simplified plots to entertain. If you don't care about the plot and want to look at the pretty people, then you are set, but otherwise not much to make you gasp in this film.

The Characters Need Expanding: Pretty self-explanatory, our young adult/teenager group are diluted characters that steadily start to fill in with each passing minute. They work for the superficial looks and the sentimental message they were going for, but there was so much more to find out about them. Hinting at backstories, merging the group together, it needed a lot more theatrics to really craft the group that I wanted to see.

The Story: Same thing here, A.X.L's plot seems to be a rushed production that was finished to meet a summer daylight. Things happen very quickly, getting little time to simmer before running all processors at max performance. The story is really straightforward, and when you combine this with the lackluster characters you just get a rusted plot line that seems expanded from a short film. Perhaps they have their eyes set on the prize of a franchise, or perhaps they hope to tell more somewhere else, but this film didn't quite complete the film on a good level, potentially looking to the future instead of settling on the present.

The anticlimactic ending: Nothing hits me harder than seeing a supposedly suspenseful film drop the ball on the climactic struggle. This film managed to promote a lot of potential excitement only to snatch that away with a semi-emotional finale that lacked any suspense or thrills. A rushed finish only went so far with me, again working to hastily wrap up the story in the given time (110 minutes). The silver lining is that this finale will be geared towards the youngest group, but for the rest try to enjoy the charming finish it holds to in the last 10 minutes.

The Verdict:

Truth is A.X.L. won't be netting any awards but that doesn't mean that it's a piece of garbage. It's special effects and pretty cast nature will be the selling point alongside some fantastic sound editing. And while the whole movie lacks the bite of an action film, it certainly does get that family friendly nature it wanted. And while the twist of a ticked off robot dog is there, the rest of this predictable plot needed some tuning up, primarily the ending conflict. In all honesty though, A.X.L. suffers from trying to wrap up in movie instead of looking to expand the tale into a television series or some other media. Worth a trip to the theater? You can guess probably not, as this film could have gone to nickelodeon and done better.

My scores are:

Adventure/Family/Sci-Fi: 6.0-6.5 Movie Overall: 5.0
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Unoriginal teen (melo)drama
Amadio22 August 2018
There is nothing inherently wrong with AXL, just that it is not very good. The actors are all right, the story predictable, the filming somewhat laborious, the music over-dramatic. It tries hard to be film of substance, but the storyline is too weak. Probably much better suited for 10-year-olds than the teens it seems to be aiming at.
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Everybody's movie, quite tense, sad, a little bit Sci Fi
jeannefrancoise9 October 2018
Dear movie freaks, for me AXL is not 100% Sci Fi movie because the touch of the drama is so high, then the main story of what happened to a young boy finding a super secret military weapon, apparently in the body shape of a dog, could find a way to escape from the law and highly officials. This movie has simple story, but evolved in some scenes to be more intense with young audience, especially Sci Fi lover. At least, there is several scenes that explain the Sci Fi part, but the whole idea is not science at all. It is totally drama, but AXL is everybody's movie, quite tense, and sad. The saddest part is how the new owner of this robotic dog must realize that the connection human-robot is real and how he can survive without any accusations against him.
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Great exciting fun movie
smith-miq2 September 2018
Great story, I do not under all the hate, it had a better story than the That Disney story line of The last Jedi.. I took both of my kids and they loved it..
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Let's face it, the "10's" are bots or the actors themselves
bradinhanson26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Their was definitely teen drama and it came across as annoying than believable. Even the chick compares the hero to a boy she hates. So you don't feel any connection whatsoever between the two for the remainder of the movie. That's cause he ruins it with boyish anger. The dog, don't get attached to it (which shouldn't be too hard considered his mouth sounds like a meat grinder everytime it opens its mouth) because the ex boyfriend takes a torch to it and fries it to a crisp. The main actor was a loser at the beginning of the movie with a "poor me" attitude and it doesn't change for the rest of the film. (Typically they're someone that's overcome a challenge and you're happy with him/her, *spoiler alert* not in this movie so you won't be getting any satisfaction here.) He acts humble for the first half because his mom died a year ago and the rest of the latter half he's just bitter and angry which turns the girl away. If you're 12 you might like this movie. If you're any older you'll just end up rolling your eyes. Had about 15 people in the theater and none of them seemed to like it. They're faces just said, "what did I just watch?" Towards the end of the movie, instead of the main character (Miles) giving back the dog to US Government like he was supposed to he'd rather see it self-destruct and in turn get a college tuition paid for. (Has he never heard of a grant?) Probably the most anti-climactic movie of the decade. I'm an optimist. I wanted to like it, but the movie kept throwing one bad dialogue after another. If for any reason you do decide to go see it (personally there's so many movies out right now that are good... (MoviePass here)) leave your common sense at the door when you walk in. Peace. Had I paid a $1 for it I would have been upset.
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masonfisk25 March 2019
A derivative take on the old boy & his toy fable given a 21th century facelift. A robotic dog is being developed by a clandestine branch of the military as an insurgency weapon when one of them is lost in the desert in California. Enter our hero, a scrappy, on the rise motorbike racer who encounters the lost piece of combat hardware when a prank by a smarmy, rich Motocross competitor strands him away from home. Seeing a kindred spirit in the bionic canine, they connect w/each other giving the scientists who created it (who are monitoring their relationship via a tracking device) a chance to see their product in action. This wouldn't be par for the course w/o the plucky girl, who comes from similar straits, to befriend the hunky lead or the faceless, driven military types who engage all concerned in order to get their expensive piece of property back. No cliche is overlooked in this tired tale (which came out on the heels of another male wish fulfillment fantasy named Kin (that was the one w/a kid & a laser gun)) that brings nothing new to the table unless you're sitting at home checking off each & every story beat w/the maniacal glee of one who gets off on this type of dreck. Stick w/E.T. or even Explorers to get your fix for this sort of thing & avoid this as if it were a proverbial black cat in a dark alley.
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Pretty good
tuomas_8629 August 2020
Better than what the reviews say. But a little too predictable. Still worth a look, is entertaining
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A-X-L is a mediocre junkpile of nuts and bolts.
eparazak27 August 2018
A-X-L is about a young teenage boy who is very into motorcycle racing. He encounters a top secret robotic dog with an AI system who eventually befriends it. He teaches it how to be good and to distinguish right and wrong. However, after some antics, the government and the creators begin to interfere.

Going in, I didn't expect anything spectacular. From what I could gather from the previews, it seemed like a by the numbers kids flick. In some ways, I wasn't wrong, and I do think that kids will enjoy it. It is a competently made film with its small pluses. It has good cinematography, decent pacing, a far better score than this movie deserves and I feel like it does try with the script.

However, this movie suffers from some major problems. For example, it has a romance plot between the main character, Miles, and a girl played by Becky G that I could not buy at all. The male lead's big problem is that his acting is bad; he barely shows any real emotion or charisma in his performance throughout the entire runtime. The female lead suffers from simply having no distinct personality aside from being a graffiti artist. At the very least with Miles, he at least has some memorable traits such as knowing how to repair machinery. But the girl suffers from having no character. Don't get me wrong her acting isn't bad too, I thought Becky G tried with this role. As such, I found it impossible to buy that the characters were in love; they don't share any real chemistry; it's just a pointless sideplot that feels forced.

My biggest issue with it, however is that by the end, I realized that this, intentional or not, is nothing but a complete rehash of The Iron Giant. It stars a kid who befriends a machine. Seeing that it may be dangerous, the government tries to intervene. The boy meets somebody who is willing to help him protect his robotic friend. To me, this sounds exactly like the plot of The Iron Giant, except that movie has charm, humor, fun characters and even some substantial political commentary on prejudice. This movie even rips off the ending to Iron Giant beat-by-beat, which was the biggest giveaway to me.

A-X-L may be enjoyable for kids, but the fact that it has an uncanny resemblance to a far superior animated movie really bothered me.

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Harsh reviews, if you like sci-fi and dogs - movie is great.
christophercoles16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely really enjoyed the movie; I thought the acting was good and the story fine (keeping me engaged), agree there's a few plot holes, and was a little disappointed seeing the dog injured by fire when it can hold down a 4x4 - and thought a 3D printing repair seemed a bit daft... though if your a dog lover regardless seeing it injured is cringe worthy - I was disappointed that it didn't tear the guys throat out! Or at least bite his legs off.! That alone looses a point 😉 but cgi, story and actors make it worth while watching.
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Had me in tears... from laughing
spectrolitememes23 August 2018
Incredibly formulaic, if youve ever seen a teen movie, youve seen this. its something only middle schoolers and grandparents can enjoy, but, hey, at least the cgi was decent.
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less than i expected
dienz-sbrdn24 May 2020
See the trailers and the pict in front cd's it seem this film is awesome ,,but in some way that i had seen it it seems not quite that awesome ,,the actors and actresses is just lack of surprise mimic,,over all is good,,, story line is good and good animated dog ,,ithink this film had already to be prepare for axl 2 ..lets see about that then
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Great idea ( not new) idea
mariob-4730725 August 2018
I can honestly tell you this evening has laughs and scares and touching moments. It's a great idea in concept but severely lacking in execution and acting as well. This is coming from a person who loves Thomas Jane from the original Punisher that I enjoyed so much! Other actors including Tom Jane we're not as vibrant as they should have been during such a process or we're just not even Force but laissez-faire to the point where it made it kind of lacking that's where the idea of the story I mean essentially Homeward Bound it's an okay movie if you're taking your kids and you just doing a family day then it's perfect you'll have a whole different perspective on it but for an adult who seems tough like this before it becomes very repetitive and a district particular Point not as interesting as it should have been
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Good Kids Movie!
aosora-0520331 August 2018
There're not many older kid's movie. All Marvel or nothing. This is great one for 8-12 yrs kids.
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Good Fun, Want an AXL! Lol
dsyoak26 August 2018
It was just good clean fun. Very reminiscent of older, nostalgic films where a kid finds something extraordinary and then teen drama/thrust into situations over their head type action/story ensues. I saw the preview and wanted to see it, however, I would have probably rented this movie if I didn't have MoviePass.
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If you like motorcycles and robot dogs, this is the film for you! Warning: Spoilers
A dog, a motorcycle, fire, races, robots, guns, drones, soldiers, which little girl or boy doesn't like that in a movie? Written and Directed by Oliver Daly, this is a film that does not contain any blood and nobody gets killed. It reminds me of my young sons playing in the sandbox imagining what would happen if they found a robot dog. The plot is simple enough for a young kid: find a dog, repair it, make it friends, get capture by the bad guys, help him scape and then the dog sacrifices its life for you. There is nothing wrong with this dream-like picture and small kids will enjoy it. I have to admit that I saw the scene (where A.X.L. plays with Miles ( Alex Neustaedter) several times because it is as close as a perfect scene as possible. It is very well edited (Jeff McEvoy), it is clean, well defined and the special effects are incredibly directed. This scene is the best of the movie and it deserved to be studied by anyone interested in how to make action scenes with special effects believable and interesting. Sadly enough, it happens almost 30 minutes into the movie. A special recognition has to go to the music score by Ian Hultquist, who captures the 80s sci fi atmosphere (reminded me of Tron) and its repetitive electronics sounds frames the scenes very well. The other parts of the movie, however, are too predictable. The Antagonist, Sam Fontaine (Alex MacNicoll) is only interested in bullying and trying to kill A.X.L. The female protagonists (Sara Reyes played by Becky G), is also only superficial and we don't get to explore their personal backgrounds. The adults in the movie, like in many teen movies, are not present as much and they only serve as obstacles to the teens in peril. Again, this is a movie very young children will enjoy, but for adults and teens, it is just too simple and flat. The idea of a robot dog you can play with is very interesting and full of fantasy. If your small kid likes motorcycles races and robot dogs, this is the film for them.
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What is the Story here ? Pointless !!
andydarwin15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1. Why the dog is out there escape from the creator ? 2. Why the dog couldnt fight simply a torch and could not fight back when he felt itself in danger ? 3. Why the girl like the loser all of sudden ? 4. Why the girl whose mom is working as a servant in the house own a car ? 5. Why the dog cant fire anything to the enemy ( chopper) 6. there is nothing BIG here...who are their target market from this movie ???

Summary of movie is : a guy found a military robot dog, the dog attached to it, military want it back they try to get away and they lose. The dog destroyed... THE END.

Thats it....
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Mediocre Teen Action Movie
stevendbeard25 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "A-X-L", starring Alex Neustaedter-Colony_tv, Walking Out; Becky G-Power Rangers_2017, Empire_tv; Alex MacNicoll-Transparent_tv, The 5th Wave and Thomas Jane-Before I Wake, The Punisher_2004. This is a mediocre teen action movie. It's not bad. It's just not that great, either. Alex N is a dirt bike rider that lives with his father/manager/mechanic, Thomas. Alex M is a bullying rich competitor on the dirt bike circuit that gives Alex N a bad time at every opportunity he can, since Alex N is poor and beneath him. Becky is the daughter of the maid that works for Alex M and she likes Alex N, much to the dismay of Alex M. If you are having a hard time keeping the two Alex's names straight-which one is Alex N or Alex M-just think of Alex M standing for Alex Mean, which he was. Alex N finds a robotic dog that had been abused-for one thing, he had bullet wholes in his side. Being a motor cycle mechanic, Alex N works on the dog-code named A-X-L, which stands for Attack Exploration Logistics-and gets him up and running just like brand new. You know how it is, robotic dogs are just like motorcycles when it comes to repairs. Well, it seems that A-X-L was an experiment created by the military to be a soldiers best friend in combat and now, they want him back. This is a remake of a 7 minute short from 2015 called Miles-I have never seen it-and Miles is the character played by Alex N. The end of the movie is left open for a sequel but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are not going to make their money back on this one-but, you never know. It's rated "PG" for sci-fi action/peril, suggestive material and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 40 minutes. It's not one that I would buy on DVD. I guess it would be alright as a rental.
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