Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Poster

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Can these get any more brainless?
iquine5 January 2022
How many times can they repackage the same old formula? Find another dumb reason to: -- Go back to the island.

-- Wow, look, dinos! Aren't they...still...amazing?

-- Dinos chase humans scenes.

-- Evil person tries to implement exploitive agenda.

-- Dinos eat some people and roar.

-- Don't forget the dino eyeball close up!

-- Will the main characters survive to make yet another movie? Perhaps, as I see one is slated for 2022. And yep, I'll probably watch it as I've seen them all.

The tension and thrill of the original has never been replicated and nothing new is really ever brought to the table in terms of story or thrill. These must still just rake in the cash.
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Preposterousaurus Rex.
BA_Harrison13 February 2022
For decades, movie dinosaurs were realised either by some form of puppetry or stop motion animation. Then, in 1993, Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park proved to be a game changer, amazing audiences with realistic prehistoric monsters created inside a computer. The problem since then has been in delivering that 'wow factor' - how can Hollywood keep on thrilling audiences when Spielberg's original set the bar so high? To be honest, I don't think they've found the answer yet.

The special effects in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom are technically brilliant, but the film doesn't really do anything that we haven't seen before, making the film as a whole yet another underwhelming experience. In desperation, the film-makers have resorted to more outrageous set-pieces, as well as inventing bigger and badder dinosaurs that never actually existed, all of which requires way too much suspension of disbelief.

And talking of pushing the boundaries of believability too far, the notion that velociraptors were intelligent enough to be trained is quite preposterous: they had pea brains, experts rating their intelligence on a par with a rabbit. Anyone stupid enough to try and become a veloci-whisperer would wind up as a meal for the ravenous lizard (except, of course, for the fact that velociraptors were, in reality, only the size of a large chicken!).

Other things that had me rolling my eyes: Chris Pratt becoming an MMA fighter to plough his way through countless bad guys; a dinosaur that pretends to be asleep to catch someone off-guard; velociraptor Blue knowing only to attack the villains; the transportation of numerous ginormous dinosaurs to a mansion in the US without the knowledge of the authorities; and obligatory child Maisie (Isabella Sermon) ultimately releasing the captured beasts into the wild because she feels sorry for them. Duh!

5.5/10 for the special effects, rounded down to 5 for annoying comedy-relief tech-geek Franklin Webb (Justice Smith) and for Toby Jones. There's never an excuse for Toby Jones.
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Okay, I get it. Actually, no, I don't.
MissCzarChasm29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I began by giving this film a 7 and my opening line was "If you are wanting to leave disbelief at the door and immerse yourself in mindless fun then this is a good choice ....", only, this wasn't all fun. You had some fun, and the rest, when looked at objectively, was garbage AND WE WATCHED THIS IN RPX which makes me wonder how many others who are giving it glowing reviews (aside from reviewing only this one film), are doing so because of the theater experience, and not the film itself.

The problem I have, is that if the creators this time around wanted to give us just action and adventure, they should have done that and just left all the boring and annoying parts out. Even the chemistry between Owen and Claire was dead, no matter how many times the camera held her looking at him with parted lips and a dreamy gaze. The baddies were just silly. Also, many of the parts that may have been moved to the fun or good column were ruined by the Franklin computer guy or the other character meant to assuage the PC crowd (and I say that as a living, breathing, card carrying liberal). The little cloned girl was there for one purpose (I won't give it away), but her story was dumb. They literally could have introduced her at the beginning as "This is Macey, a clone of my daughter", and it would not have made a difference except for allowing them to cut out all the unnecessary scenes spent on this that drama.

The more I think about it, Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are right.

Theater Experience: 8 Film itself: 3
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Exciting if Implausible
rogerhwerner15 February 2021
I don't believe that it's implausible to presume that the film's heroine is idealistic, even naive, in some respects, but she's certainly not stupid. The moment Claire lands on Isla Nublar and encounters mercenaries that should have tipped her off that ghere was a real problem. Nevertheless, she blithely goes along and so does the hero. And are we to believe that the mercenaries show up on a dino hunt armed with standard issue military issue rifles (5.56 mm and or 7.62x51 mm) and sleeper dart rifles? Granted, they didn't intend killing the animals but those guns aren't powerful enough for modern big game animals let alone animals with hides thicker then rhinos, hippos, or elephants. Mercenaries would know this. I don't understand why the film makers ignore such minor details. The fact that they get so many of them worng is annoying,
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Far from perfect, but surprisingly good, and includes some of the most beautiful scenes in the franchise.
Arm-Lizard14 June 2018
So, the first thoughts.

A huge improvement over the corny Jurassic World. Far from perfect, but surprisingly good, and it includes some of the most beautiful scenes in the whole franchise. There are moments brought real tears to my eyes, and that has never happened to me before in a JP movie.

The animatronics are back, and they are superb. They used them carefully and wisely to tell the story. T. rex is awesome. She is the most magnificent creature in the movie, and she got some really excellent appearances, in which she became a menace again.

The movie starts with a great opening sequence, and it builds up tension slowly, then all of a sudden it turns into a non-stop roller coaster. The acting is well held this time, and there is little to no cheesiness at all.

The nods to the first two films are subtle but well played. The movie is brimful of classic JP set-pieces and atmosphere. Bayona nailed it with set-pieces.

As for the cons, the movie has got too loud sometimes, and this made me feel that I need a break. It also dragged for about ten minutes in its third act; these were the main two things that bothered me the most.

All in all, it was worth waiting. Not great, but good, and really fun. It's suspenseful, scary, heartbreaking, wonderfully filmed, and visually resplendent. There are three scenes here any fan can consider them some of his favorite scenes in the franchise.

Mister Bayona, after careful consideration, I've decided to endorse your park.

Long live Jurassic Park.
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Old story put in new clothes
aurimasvisockis7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I thought it was something new - saving dinosaurs from extinction level event and relocating them to a new place, but them being dinosaurs and volcano erupting - it won't be easy. But of course, less than half way through, badguys have to badguy and do something stupid as always; mainly, profiteering from dinosaurs. So, I guess, Jurassic Park has to Jurassic Park so to speak.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie, just thought they are going to go a newer route, but they didn't.
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Ten things about Fallen Kingdom
petra_ste14 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1) It's bad. I didn't like Jurassic World, but this is worse. It's got broad characters, lackluster set-pieces, a noisy score and the kind of script which should be punishable by throwing its writers to sharks. At least Jurassic World, mediocre as it was, had the good sense to copy the first Jurassic Park. Fallen Kingdom foolishly imitates The Lost World instead, with a semi-watchable first half on the island and an abysmal last act with dinosaurs wreaking havoc back to civilization.

Kudos to the late John Hammond for building his park on a volcanic island. Also, I hate to ask but, since it's a plot point that dinosaurs will face extinction (again!) if they are not rescued from Isla Nublar... what happened to Isla Sorna (Jurassic Park 2 and 3)? There were dinosaurs on it as well. I'm sure some novelization or website makes up a lame excuse, but the movie doesn't.

2) Stop overcomplicating blockbusters. Jurassic Park featured a smart sci-fi premise, but the actual plot had an elegant simplicity to it. Fallen Kingdom is the opposite, dumb but convoluted, tossing in betrayals, cloned little girls and evil corporations selling dinosaurs to warlords.

3) Speaking of that, enough with the "dinosaurs as military weapons" nonsense! This is a concept which appealed to all of us when we were kids ("I want to ride a T-Rex! With a rocket launcher mounted on its back!"), but you cannot have War Dinosaurs in anything that wants to be taken seriously by adults.

You know why Navy SEALs don't have trained lions? Why no army breeds rhinos to ride them into battle? Because nobody in modern warfare would spend millions for a huge beast which would be an economical and logistical nightmare to raise, train, feed and manage, especially when a random enemy soldier could blow it to smithereens with a 100 $ grenade. Someone should tell writer Colin Trevorrow that war elephants aren't a thing anymore, while firearms and explosives are.

Note that the dinosaur boogey of this movie, the Indoraptor, is so ineffectual that it repeatedly fails to kill its unarmed preys in the endless climax. Some infallible weapon: there is a scene where three characters are pinned under a tree and the Indoraptor manages to... scratch one of them in the knee before they escape. You know what could have killed them more efficiently than your War Dinosaur? One guy with a pistol!

By the way, the Indoraptor is trained to attack targets after you point a laser at them and emit an audio cue. Wait a second - if you are already pointing a gun with a laser beam at someone, can't you just PULL THE TRIGGER? It's a 30 cents bullet versus a 30 millions dinosaur. Bad guys, do your math.

4) Fallen Kingdom assumes you are really, really interested in Blue, the Chris Pratt-trained Raptor from Jurassic World. This is understandable, since Owen's relationship with his Raptors was one of the few bits from the previous film which at least felt novel. However, the script retcons Blue into a sympathetic, heroic creature which displayed diligence and empathy since it was young; funny, I recall her killing several innocents in the previous movie and attacking Chris Pratt himself with no provocation in their first scene.

5) Since we mention Pratt: much like Jurassic World, this movie doesn't know how to use him. Pratt is ideally cast not as a badass, but as someone who *thinks* is a badass - a character who is capable but still out of his league. He works so much better as a slightly comedic, self-deprecating protagonist than as a tediously infallible, dead-eyed action figure.

His Owen never changes. There is more character development implied with a small prop in Jurassic Park (the Raptor claw Grant uses to scare a kid at the beginning and then throws away after bonding with Tim and Lex) than in all Owen's scenes in Fallen Kingdom.

6) Howard is inoffensive but unremarkable as Claire: she is just kind of there, blandly good-looking, doing no damage but adding little value, like a lettuce in a sandwich. Her two sidekicks (Scared Nerd and Tough Latina) are insufferable though.

(By the way, how is Claire not rotting in jail as the aftermath of Jurassic World? She is directly responsible for the dozens of casualties there, poorly handling the Indominus' escape and refusing to evacuate the island. She must have one hell of a lawyer.)

7) Poor Rafe Spall, a competent actor (see The Ritual, a much better monster movie), plays Greedy Corporate Guy, an antagonist so flat and obvious that I was disappointed he didn't get an Evil Laugh Scene... you know, he throws his head back and bellows "Bwahaha!" while the camera cranes up.

I love how Rafe Spall builds a containment facility for dinosaurs under James Cromwell's mansion. Cromwell plays Old Sick Naive Rich Guy. Sorry, I don't care how old, sick and naive you are: you have no excuses if you don't realize someone is HIDING DINOSAURS IN YOUR BASEMENT. Really, Trevorrow? Is this some kind of spoof?

8) CGI is fine but overused. It's a visually busy movie.

I'll give them credit for making the Indoraptor more visually distinctive than the Indominus. At least they sort of splashed some yellow on it.

9) While Bayona's direction is competent (certainly better than this script deserved), I didn't care for most of the set-pieces. Remember how Spielberg took his sweet time with the T-Rex breakout or the Raptors in the kichen? Here most action beats are over right after they begin (the Baryonyx, the Carnotaurus...). There is no build-up, no crescendo. It's the cinematic equivalent of premature ejaculation.

It's not just a matter of screentime though; the Dilophosaurus appeared in the first film for two minutes and is more memorable than any of the new creatures here. You have to do something creative and unique with your movie monsters. For example, the bunker attack could have been carried out by any carnivore; if you wanted a Baryonyx (which was possibly a semi-aquatic predator like the Spinosaurus), why not put it in the sinking gyrosphere scene?

I did enjoy the prologue with the T-Rex and the Mosasaurus, although... why would the Jurassic World engineers build a giant door which allows the Mosasaurus to reach the ocean? What kind of scenario were they envisioning where the escape of the humongous sea monster would be a positive outcome?

I mean, come on. I'm not usually a nitpicker, but this movie seems to be trolling anyone giving it a minimum amount of thought. A plot hole doesn't automatically ruin a story, but the cumulative effect of all this nonsense conveys a staggering lack of thought and care.

10) The silly ending sets up another sequel. I guess we'll finally get the inevitable War Dinosaurs.



To people asking "What were you expecting in a film about dinosaurs?", I answer: "Something maybe not on par, but at least in the same league as Jurassic Park, one of my favorite movies of all time".
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Me and my parents love it
alicecross200030 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movies is a great sequel, it has all aspects of a great movie. I loved the visual effects so life like. Great comedy through out and at times sad. But I loved the idea hat they have now entered a new era at the end of the movie so interesting can't wait for the next movie in 2021.
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Struggled with this one!
maureenfox-1951829 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Same old Same old would of liked to pause and have a cuppa half way through but one of those you have to watch for the end.Quite literally the whole genetic manipulation of previous films comes up again.If your into stunning special affects then its a winner but the films really did need to be given a different slant and much more convincing than this.
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Life doesn't find a way....
FlashCallahan16 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Three years after the destruction of the Jurassic World theme park, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing return to the island of Isla Nublar to save the remaining dinosaurs from a volcano that's about to erupt.

They soon encounter terrifying new breeds of dinosaurs, whist uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the entire planet.....

I was so happy with Jurassic World when released in 2015. It somehow caught some of the magic that was so crucial to the ground breaking first movie. So despite the maundering trailers, the poor one sheets, and an air of excitement that seemed as sparse as when JP3 was released, my expectations were pretty high for this.

And why shouldn't they have been? Here we have a great director, the chemistry between Pratt and Howard made JW much more than just a reboot to a much loved masterpiece.

But no, this has to be one of the most disappointing films not just of this summer, but of any summer since that magical one of 1993.

It just takes everything that worked with JW, and extracted it and added elements that just made the film almost unbearable to endure. Yes, the efects are amazing, and the opening scene is decidedly quite effective, but when we get to the charachters proper, you can see the lack chemistry that was so important in the last chapter.

Pratt looks bored on the verge of saying 'Am I the biggest star in the world yet?', and Howard is resorted to nothing more than a bolshy babysitter for the children in the film.

The film has a gothic element to it toward the final act, when we meet Jones and his prehistoric auction. But one couldn't help but hark back to 2008's 'Taken' where we see Neeson compelling his next victim to bid for his daughter.

It's a crying shame that the film goes for the lazy route and resorts to nothing but the cast running away from clouds of smoke and panicking dinosaurs.

And if you didn't already know, if you've seen the trailer, you've seen Goldblum's appearance.

A turgid, lazy film, easily one of the worst of the year.
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Better than the first reboot
Chanty2227 June 2020
I went into this movie not expecting much, after not really liking the first reboot. I was a fan of the classic Jurassic Park and even read both books by Michael Chrichton. But i was positively surprised by this newest release of the series.

Whereas the first reboot just tried to copy the original movie with a theme park idea and brought not much new into the series and was very boring overall, the second reboot makes alot different. For once the setting is different and not again on a secluded island. It is also alot more exciting with more suspense than the first movie. Also I liked the ending...

I would give it 8-9 out of 10.
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What am I missing??
sallyturner-5466810 June 2018
I'm sorry fellow reviewers who marked this film with 2s and 3s. Did we watch the same film? I really liked it. I found it gripping, heart wrenching in places, fast paced and clever in its many and various nods to the other films. The reviewer who (very boringly) listed the references-erm, I think you're missing the point mate, and there's no way this film is a 'mess'. Yes, the nervy comic relief bloke is annoying and Toby Jones is a cardboard cutout, but overall this film is worth a 7 and I'm looking forward to Part 3.
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What a disgrace to Steven Spielberg & Jurassic Park
jeffreyobar29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is only my 2nd review ever and I will only take the time to write a review if something seriously pisses me off for being really really bad, because I don't get pissed easily.

I just got back from seeing this movie and they took my favorite childhood film Jurassic Park and killed it. I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed Jurassic World because it got back to the basics of the original but Fallen Kingdom just turned this into a joke. It's as if the writers and directors of Fast & Furious took over Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom and decided "Hey, lets just create crazy new dinosaurs and throw non stop dinosaur action scenes at the audience, who cares if it makes any sense or not, lets also add a stupid nerd who isn't funny to try and make this an action comedy film."

The first opening scene was the only enjoyable part of this whole film, after that I was surprised Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kevin Hart didn't appear randomly to fight some dinosaurs and crack a couple jokes.

So dinosaurs are taken to an old mansion in Nothern california.. Really? And held for an underground auction for a few million bucks? Seriously? Who the hell agreed to make this the actual storyline? So a team of people actually sat around and discussed different ideas and this is what they agreed upon? They actually get paid for this? Universal should let me in on these meetings so I can shut them down if nobody else is jezus.
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I like dinosaurs
marcomaryred19 June 2018
I'm always conflicted whether I should vote with my head or my heart. In the end as you can see, heart always prevails. Realistically, the movie has some flaws but deserves at least a 6.5/7. The initial setup is even more absurd then the usual while the connection with the first movie gives you a vague sense of déjà vu, at least for the first half of the movie. The pacing between the first scene and the beginning of the action is slightly tedious and abound of poorly written dialogue. Sadly, the new dinosaurs still have no feathers. Again, the bad guys are evil businessmen who this time around, seriously, and I mean seriously undervaluate whatever they're trying to sell. The movie kicks off with a questionable ethical decision and ends with one that is even more questionable. If you can see past all of that, Jurassic Park 5 is a fun, abate slighty stale ride. The dinosaurs look amazing. The setup for the closure episode is good and plenty of people get dismembered. What more could you ever want ?
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andrew-16989 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review of any movie on IMDb, so hold onto your butts. Let me preface this by saying I've enjoyed all the Jurassic movies, some more/some less, & this was no different, I'll admit I wasn't excited about the idea of a new Jurassic series, even though friends went to the cinema & gave JW a 10/10. I waited until it was on TV & kicked myself for being such a cynic. So this time I was determined to see JW: Fallen Kingdom in IMAX 3D at the local cinema complex. How was it? It does what it says on the tin. Owen & Clair are back with the addition of brief cameos from the original JW movie (as a little icing on the cake). It also pays homage to JP2/Lost World by being much darker in tone than JP/JW too. Is it just another rehash of JW? No, not in this viewers book. For starters it starts a lot darker than it's predecessor even if the opening is slightly reminiscent of the original JP movie. The main characters are a little different too in that Clair is the one who has the respect for the dinosaurs, whilst Owen wants nothing to do with them & has chosen a more solitary lifestyle building his cabin in the woods. Then there's a raft of new characters. Some to root for, some to boo & his at. There's some nice little touches with connections back to Hammond (& Attenborough) with the inclusion of Hammond's partner thus developing the past storylines of the original movie, & Iris (played by Geraldine Chaplin) that made me smile remembering Sir Richard's body of work. Of course there's a key inclusion of the kid, which the franchise should have just to remind us of that sense of wonder most of us have about dinosaurs. Another box ticked. SPOILER ALERT (ish): Isla Nublar goes "kablooie" reasonably quickly in a first act packed with great SFX, plot twists, & more nods of the hat to the originals. Again, box ticked (though sufficiently different to keep me engaged & give this viewer a warm glow). So how are the production team going to further this storyline? Well, without giving too much away... they just do. With some nice character development, a bit of social commentary (on modern day avarice & even some political questioning) the plot carries us along taking the viewer to a darker, more claustrophobic final act where the tension ratchets up in the face off between the good guys vs the bad guys. By now in the series we've come to side with most of the dinosaurs more than some of the humans, so it'll be no surprise that the bad guys get solidly dispatched in a climactic showdown, much to appreciation of the audience. There's even a couple of characters make it out alive that at the beginning I was convinced were destined to be dinosaur fodder. Now... is it as good as either JP or JW? That's for you to decide in the fullness of time, but for me it ticked the boxes, took the story in a forward momentum & satisfied my appetite for more dino films. I've given it 9/10 & not the 10/10 of either JP or JW - let's face it, we all expect sequels to be less satisfying than the originals (cough "Star Wars"). Would I watch it again? Absolutely I will. So if you like the Jurassic franchise I'd recommend going to catch it, especially in IMAX 3D. Just ignore the naysayers & make up your own mind if this one takes the series forward or tanks like a "Last Jedi" gasping for air.
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Another successful addition to the dinosaur fantasy which treads the oft taken path for the narrative
akhileshms15 June 2018
Much like its predecessors, the theme of the movie is still the same. 'It's man's greed that he wants to control nature, but he ultimately fails miserably'. With the enormous budget at their disposal, the narrative could have been far superior, yet in the producers opinion, milking the already exhausted cow is a safe bet! This has to be the single most infuriating aspect of an otherwise wonderful movie. Contrary to the popular belief about that the narrative follows a dull plot-line without much excitement, Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom does have its highs and lows. The movie began with the most scariest entrance to the franchise, but gradually fizzed out as the movie progressed, however a few exceptions peppered in-between, gets the audience to jump up from their seats and makes great efforts to grasp hold of the audience's interest even when the movie deviates from its actual plot. All this added with the technological advancements ensuring that we are served with a wide spectrum of colourful dinosaurs, does make it a wonderful movie to reckon. In the end, Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom, would definitely end up as a super hit, both commercially and critically with a better narrative, amazing performances by the complete cast and of course the actual Jurassic Kingdom. However, it might not end up as being the best Jurassic Park movie not just for the generation that grew up on dinosaur fantasy but even the generation that has been catered with a wide range of CGI movies.
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I created an account to trash this film 4 years after it released.
ikeelanmcdermott10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not against a trashy film. I'll be honest, I didn't go into Jurassic World 2 thinking it'll be high cinema. I expected to be mildly entertained for a few hours while I go "ooh dinosaurs". What then following was two of the most painful hours I have ever spent watching what you can technically call a film I suppose.

It feels like two films mashed together, it feels like it was made in the mid 90's and then left on a disc somewhere for twenty years. I have never IN MY LIFE wanted a character dead more than 'Franklin Webb'. That pathetic excuse for a character was every single reductive stereotype of "ooh look I'm the NERDY one" from the last 15 years crammed into one. Not to even mention this film actually had the NERVE to make a character say "English please" after a very basic sentence that an intelligent 6 year old could probably decifer.

I could talk about them acting like you could buy a LIVING DINOSAUR for the same price as Jordan Henderson in 2011. I could talk about them sort of glossing over the fact they CLONED A CHILD. I could bring up the fact I then sort of expected that child to be half dinosaur and it somehow would only have made the film better. I won't.

Instead, here I am, 4 years after this atrocity released, making an IMDB account to tell you, nay, BEG YOU to not watch this. Do not waste your time. Chris Pratt does a wonderful Chris Pratt impression. Jeff Goldblum is here also. I guess.

I hate this film.
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Good movie but....
jeffdreamweaver26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Basically it's just a remake of Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World. Same premise and plot. Main characters go back to island with a group of people who are allegedly trying to "save" them. Our heroes find out they are trying to sell them and use them as weapons. Dinosaurs transported back to mainland via ship, Dinos get free, havoc ensues, people die, heroes save the day.
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OK Watching...
dhiresh-mistry12 June 2018
After watching whole series, this do not excite me a lot. Somehow it is very predictable movie. Knowing the key characters; we know that nothing going to happen them. Individual actor's reaction and acting is very predictable. None of the action thrills any audience in cinema hall. Some character are always meant to end their journey which is understood right their introduction in the movie. I guess nothing more thrilling than original "Jurassic Park" and part II. Watching these classics today also gives a excitement.
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Great CGI, Terrible plot!
peter_w8217 June 2018
Like a lot of others are saying the first part of the film, where they are escaping from the island is great and quite exciting and sets the film up pretty well.

However once the major action scene is over and they have to focus on the main story things start to go downhill. I think what bothers me the most is that a lot of the writing is just lazy and not well thought through or truely creative. Instead we get more of the same themes from the original JP films plus some more from JW. (Mutant dinosaur + evil corporate guys)

All of the main characters stories are pretty unbelievable and there isn't enough investment in developing their individual personalities / backstory so we understand why they behave the way they do. Sometimes I feel like the major action scenes were thought up first and then the story was just sort of inserted between them as a glue so we have a way of getting from one action scene to the next.

If you go and see this film you will probably enjoy it and it will most certainly entertain you for a while but after the moment has passed I am not left with the sense that I have seen something truely groundbreaking. Unfortunately I can't help but compare it to the original Jurassic park film and consider how it doesn't even come close to the terrifying moments of suspence and the brilliant portrayal of the different characters we got in JP1.

Given that there are so many 9+ reviews on here maybe i am in the minority but I just feel like we are letting Hollywood get away with lazy writing, which contains numerous plot holes just so we can marvel at some cool CGI. We really should'nt be satisfied with this state of affairs. We should all be demanding better, more creative writing that continues to offer us something new and exciting. This will only happen if we stop rating these mediocre generic blockbuster films so highly.

Was it was entertaining? yes without a doubt, but this is nowhere near a 9/10 film and you all know it. When rating these films please be honest with yourselves and send Hollywood a message. Don't let them think that lazy writing is ok. We aren't idiots and we do value a well written and interesting story.
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Amazing for what it is
tristaeckman26 June 2018
Everyone is rating this movie so poorly because the second Jurassic Park movie was not great either. This movie exceeded expectations for the new story line. Loved it.
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Abdulxoxo29 January 2021
One of the best things about this movie is the little horror feel. The tension created in one scene where a dinosaur is creeping up on a child was fantastic. There were a few other moments inspired by the horror genre. I wish there'd been even more. I enjoyed the action sequences in Fallen Kingdom. The frustrating thing however is that the use of CGI was still too often an unwelcome distraction. Not all of the dinosaurs were convincing. As far as the storyline is concerned, that was a real let down. Enough time wasn't spent on the island. I think the idea behind the conspiracy was not very convincing. There was a subplot involving a little girl that I didn't think was necessary; but given that it was included, I'd then say that enough time wasnt spent on it. The creativity of the writers as for the need to create a brand new dinosaur to be the big threat is questionable. Creativity in general was kinda lacking actually. The performances were definitely better. Howard was better than last time. Chris Pratt also improved. There was a scene where he was coming out of paralysis, his physical performance was hilarious. He was also great in any of the scenes that involved Blue, his pet-like velociraptor. It shared a little similarity with the relationship between Dwayne Johnson and George the gorilla in 'Rampage'. As far as the villains are concerned, they failed to make much of an impression. Rafe Spall was ok at best. Toby Jones was sinister, but in more of a cartoonish villain sort of way. Also Ted Levine looked like future dino food from the moment you met him.

In conclusion, this movie was slightly disappointing. However, there were some individual moments that's enjoyable. There were some really impressive action sequences; and most of the dinosaurs looked great. the acting much better; and most of all, the elements of horror in the movie were fantastic. These darker scenes were the highlights.
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wolframknoblach8 July 2018
This is the first time I got bored during a Jurassic movie and kept looking on my watch to see when it would be over. A lot of noise and spectacle but almost every scene a weak variation of ideas from previous films topped by the most ridiculous motivation for the heroes. The end of Jurassic World 1 promised a more interesting story. I am definitely not looking forward to another sequel.
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Life found a way to my heart
will-mcnamara6416 June 2018
Very entertained. Movie leaves you wanting more, but doesn't tease a specific cliffhanger for once. Middle feels rushed, but there's enough nostalgia to satisfy without overwhelming you.
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Part 2 is improved by new, interesting action scenes, and impressive set pieces - gotta experience it in the theatre!
TYContact17 September 2018
The original Jurassic Park is iconic, so let's not compare this to that: it's a different era with different technology, and different actors available.

Most Part 2 movies have the pitfall of rushed dialogues (assuming all audience have watched Part 1), recycled action scenes (using Part 1 props save $), dragging philosophical review or weepy flashbacks of Part 1 (padding screen time), bizarre sudden change in characters' casting/ personality, or a confusing head trip into the future or some incomprehensible scenarios that makes you wonder if this "Part 2" is related to the original Part 1 story at all.

Fallen Kingdom manages to avoid most of the pitfalls: the gyrospheres feature again, but under water; this time, dangers on the island include volcanic eruption - it's not just dangerous to humans, dinosaurs have to flee as well (stampede alert!). Without specific references / spoilers to particular scenes, let's just say volcanic eruption has played a role in some intense, touching and/or hilarious scenes.

Some plots are predictable, such as "evil scientists" shipping off / selling / researching on dinosaurs, an environmental subject explored in Part 1. However, Part 2 spins some humour into the rescue mission. The new characters Webb and Rodriguez are welcome addition to Grady's team.

I do not find the plot twist near the ending forced, because I picked up the hints from the scientists' conversations. Part 2 did a good job carrying on the events on the island from Part 1. The storyline is actually more defined and all the missions and side characters have a clear purpose, whereas Part 1 felt experimental, loosely focused, and took awhile to kick into action (no one knew if the reboot would succeed, so understandably Part 1 couldn't afford to make a tight script with non-stop actions). I look forward to Part 3 - hope it won't be a messy ending with mindless explosions...
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