Three Steps Above Heaven (2010) Poster

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Made me smile made me cry...
mt_ranetka13 July 2012
The story is a love story, pure one. But what a strength the feelings of two young people have. It is important to mention - he was her first love... If you think about it throughout the movie, you will definitely feel the power of this encounter. It keeps you tight in one scene, it makes you smile and cry in another.

The scenes about death, blackmail, decent life in a decent family and broken life of a broken young mind - don't leave you indifferent. Accident encounters in life are not accidental at all. Everything has its income and impact. Sometimes good to experience. Sometimes preferably to avoid. They didn't.
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Not a banal love story
polina-malina15 February 2012
After watching this film I had strange feelings. On the one hand "Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo" is a beautiful love story with nice moments, beautiful actors and breathtaking scene. But if you think over a plot of this film you understand that the main idea is not to show a beautiful love but to tell us about the world of teenagers who have absolutely different lives.

Babi is a good girl from a respected family. Hache is a bad boy, who loves freedom, burn-up and everything fringe. But just a small meeting changed their lives cardinally. They fell in love, did crazy things, resolved themselves and everything would be fine, but they are so different that despite their feelings, they cannot be together.

At first sight it sounds like a banal film about a tragic love, but it is necessary to watch it to understand that it is not so.

Through the film my mood changed a lot of times. After it my head was full of thoughts. In my opinion, "Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo" is a film that should be watched not only one time.
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Great movie terrible ending
eleanabach3 June 2020
I loved this movie , it was fun to watch and has great character but the ending destroyed it for me. I mean you can say the ending is a bit more realistic but it was not my cup of tea haha still worth watching !!!
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a really good movie
nikoleta-ursu12 July 2011
From my point of view this is the perfect movie for those who love romance. it contains a lot of magic moments,some of them being breath- taking. it is the kind of movie you will want to see over and over again. even if the idea may seem simple, the way is is developed makes it a fantastic one. i can also say that actors play really well and the soundtrack is good.

the only thing i can't understand is the law IMDb mark, as i think the movie is much better that other movies,which have better marks anyway it doesn't really matter

One more thing i want to add is that the final moments of the movie are really emotionally . Also there are some good ideas outlined in the movie.
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Great modern take on Romeo and Juliet
mannin1122 October 2011
Wow! What a knockout of a movie. If one was to say that this is aimed at the female Twilight audience, one would only be partially correct. There is enough of a hard edge to the story and the characters to appeal to any red-blooded male in the audience. The story of a girl from a rich family who falls in hate/love with a smartass illegal motor cycle racing street hood kicks this up into a testosterone story about a thug trying to come to terms with his uncontrollable angers and find love amidst his own brutality. Taken from an Italian novel by Federico Moccia, this was originally filmed (in Italian) in 2004 then remade in Spanish in 2010. This movie cries out for an American remake!!! One only prays that if that day ever comes that the studio committees won't screw it up as they have done waaaay too often with foreign remakes.

Whatever the budget was for this movie, every penny is up there on the screen. Fantastic direction, fantastic cinematography. Great acting from the young leads. A great soundtrack and constant surprises that increase the romantic aspect under threat of constant danger. If this movie was to be remade scene for scene for the American market it would be a sensation and make major stars of its young leads. Fernando Gonzales Molina, the director of this movie, should have been hired YESTERDAY to shoot an English-language version of this movie. One only hopes that the hero (or anti-hero) would be drawn from the ranks of America's melting pot rather than the androgynous white-bread actors currently in vogue, more suited to supporting roles in fresh-scented tampon commercials.

The story, of a motor cycle street racer from a good family (gone bad in rebellion against the hypocrisy of his family) who invades the remote comfort zone of the rich high school girl who despises everything about him, yet is irresistibly drawn towards him, could be trite -- but never is in this fast-moving tale. The supporting characters in the related subplots provide tragic elements that time and again remind one of Romeo and Juliet in a high-speed modern setting.

The most interesting thing about the lead characters is the way in which they change and mature. This is not a lovey-dovey romance that hits all the predictable points, but rather a tale of two people drawn towards one another in a relationship that cannot hope to succeed. This is one movie that will have every female in the audience blubbering into her handkerchief at the ending. Did I say it was romantic? Did I say that it absolutely kills with its constant juxtaposition of hard-partying action and quiet, romantic moments? The stars of this Spanish version, Mario Casas and Maria Valverde appear destined for long and successful careers based on their performances here.

Have I raved enough about this movie? No, I haven't. If you have one romantic spark in your soul then see this movie. And PRAY that Hollywood doesn't screw it up in a dumb el-cheapo remake!
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er_jose_a7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo (Three Steps above Heaven) (2010)

This is a drama/romance movie about two teenagers that fall in love, the typical story with the cute good girl and the hot bad guy, they live different life but they still go out together and discover the "magic" of the first love. The movie is cute sometimes with a few action scenes mix with romance but is not more than that, is just average in all senses (performances, screenplay, direction etc) but it has a touch of reality about what is love this days (is a contemporary story); at the end it will show you the "real world" of "love". This movie can be sometimes a little bit annoying and childish but still entertaining.

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Godzilla is more realistic than this movie
kristijanvkci4 February 2017
A hooligan destroys a car of a girls friend (actually his dads car) while she's in it Car gets wrecked, her friend gets beaten up Girl falls in love with the hooligan??? Her friend finds a guy stealing money from purses Girl falls in love with the thief??? Guy beats up everyone, hits his girl Girl is in love with the hooligan Teenagers see this and love the 2 main characters presented as badasses with suble signs and completely ignore the messeges the movie sends If you want to get the girl, you need to steal money, beat people up, beat up her friend, ruin his dads car, throw her in a pool, occasionally hit her and in no chance she'll be yours!! Worst movie ever
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svetpop19 January 2022
One of the best love movies I've had to watch in the last few years. This movie is so light, beautiful, really summery and charming. Yes, charming is the best word you can use. At the end, I cried bitterly, which has not happened to my callous heart for a very long time. I won't argue that there is a certain amount of snotness here. But you know, this is some kind of snot that you expect in films about love. It doesn't make you feel embarrassed that you want to turn away. This is the kind of romance that can happen in the life of each of us.
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I Watched It in Three Languages
air-yuliya5 February 2014
I wouldn't call this film extraordinary but there's something about it that made me feel good, be nervous, be disappointed, be compassionate while watching it.

One funny thing. I watched Tres Metros.. in Russian and in English. When Hache first met Babi in the traffic jam he called her 'dogface' in English version and 'soldier' in Russian (no idea why! So silly). It made me curious what was really said so I found an original. With my basic Spanish I could figure out that Hache said 'fea' (Spanish speakers, help me out here) which means 'ugly'. So English 'dogface' in slang was closer to this meaning ('very insulting term for an ugly girl/woman', My search went further. There's actually an English slang term 'fea' which means the same as the Spanish one: 'Fea can be used as an endearing expression to refer to a girl. It literally means ugly, but when someone is beautiful and you call them fea, it is culturally acceptable - as a tease'. Still NO IDEA why Russians translated it like 'soldier'. That's why I never watch English movies dubbed into Russian, only in original language. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish to watch Tres metros.. I wish I could.

Back to the movie. I think that Hache and Babi haven't reached 'true love' stage. Sure, they have changed each other but not to the point where they could make their relationships work. The second movie 'Tengo Ganas de Ti' will explain more and I think both movies should be watched to complete the picture...
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Soap opera committed to film
purenarcoticx22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You know how really good movies make you feel at a loss of words and all warm inside, even if they were sad you just feel enriched whether it's intellectually, emotionally, visually etc. This movie doesn't make you feel like that at all. It makes you feel one step closer to knowing what a lobotomy is like. After watching it I felt so bad for seeing something so explicitly stupid, I was angry, confused and still can't accurately explain it to full extent, partly because I'm trying to block all the memories of it. I don't know if it's possible to describe the type of moronic writing, that had no logic at all and the terrible truly vile characters.

Spoilers start from here so stop reading if you're seriously considering investing your time in this piece of cinematic art. We're supposed to root for a spoiled over-dramatic rich teenage girl, that really has no idea what she wants/feels or thinks. 90% of the time her only reaction to any situation is to scream and complicate things, while on the other hand takes her 40 seconds to forget what she was hysterical about just now. Super realistic character development is that after her best friend's boyfriend dies she completely ditches her best friend. Stops all contact with her. I mean that's just great writing. And if you think just the female lead is written swell, just wait. The male character (that of course all the girls have a crush on) is psycho macho abuser with severe anger issues, who all in all to the end of the movie has beaten up at least 6 guys, 2 of whom almost to death for no reason. And the viewers are supposed to feel attracted to him or at least sympathetic? Okay, you catch your mom having sex with another guy, you get angry maybe even punch the guy but beat him up like an animal is a little bit over the top. Also a touch of creepy. And this is the only "justifiable" beating in this masterpiece. My favorite part is when a random guy spills wine all over his spoiled rich girlfriend and he got so unbelievably angry(??) that he actually hit the guy in the middle of a fancy event. What makes me MOST confused as to why any sane human being would even remotely sympathize with the male lead is the part where he actually hit his girlfriend. And this my friends is a "love story". Next time you wonder why domestic violence victims stay in abusive relationships - this is one reason. Being indoctrinated by media, print, society, etc. For hundreds of years that abuse is somehow "care" or "passion".

Other redonkeylous macho concepts I was introduced to - the competition of who could do the most pull ups. At least that one gave me a good laugh.

You know how usually things in the plot happen for a reason, or at least there is some logic behind the events, some grand scheme of things? Yeah, well I really missed that principle in Tres metros sober el cello, maybe the plot is just trying to be mysterious. I don't know.

The only reason why I would recommend this movie is if you want to feel this mixed feeling of nausea and shame for being a part of a species that created such vile garbage. The best part is the ending, the suspense of waiting throughout the whole movie, hoping that something meaningful and rational will happen that will make all the terrible things you just saw worth it (or at least justified), and...... nothing happens. I hope I spared someone from feeling dead inside.
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Very good romance movie
cristina-ro9 February 2020
I love this romance movie, it has all the elements I like in a romance movie: great looking man, great chemistry between H and Babi, motorcycles, great love scenes.
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I watched this in Catalonia in the early 2012
marcmusen8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a great movie. I liked the romantic main plot. The whole point is, that she has some exams of something, and the badass guy takes the dog of the professor and threatens to *I'm laughing now*. He's like "Ohh, you need to pass the girls exam, otherwise, I'll kill your dog". So basically he's blackmailing the professor in order to help the girl, in order to get in her good graces, in order to probably have some kind of sexual relations with her. The moral of the story is really bad. To go into further details, she falls in love with the badass guy and he was like one of the most handsome guys in spain at the time.

Also, the dance scene in the club was something. I have no words to describe it, but it seems to have left an impact on me.
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Hard to relate
brezeanupatricia20 August 2021
I couldn't empathise at all with the characters, I was annoyed at them and found them immature. I didn't like the way H treated Baby and I didn't like how she fell for it. Obviously, her behaviour was normal for an inexperienced high school girl but that's all. A lot of drama, no real emotional connection, no moments of real understanding and vulnerability, no rational decisions- a toxic relationship overall. Maybe you need to force yourself to believe those lies in order to feel something enjoyable while you're watching the movie. I felt I wasted my time in the end. I didn't learn anything from the movie and I wasn't able to draw any conclusions. I felt almost no emotion or empathy. At the beginning I felt bad, I thought that maybe it was something wrong with me. But then the movie went on and I realised that I'm not the problem.
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Two people from very different backgrounds fall in love.
deejay_whitegrass26 January 2012
The love story is beautifully portrayed with very real and believable characters. It's definitely worth the watch. Plus, the lead couple are incredibly cute. The main characters are not simply characters who come from a privileged life or a sketchy background. They are more complicated than that which allows viewers to able to relate to them on various levels. There is more to their stories and their true colors are slowly shown throughout the film, just enough to play the emotions of the viewer and to make the viewers empathize with the characters. The film gives you a little bit of everything you look for in a good romance film: laughter, love, life, danger, action, thrill, and a poignant ending. An ending which makes you look back on your own life and wonder if you've found or will ever find the kind of love that too will take you Tres metros s o b r e el c i e l o.
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first love
steamakk19 January 2022
The story of the first love, with a storm of feelings, passion and suffering. The film is about how a brutal, impudent and impulsive macho bully and a modest quiet good girl came together.

We met in traffic, he sweetly called her "ugly." And then in the club, this 'Ugly' and 'Brute' sounded very nice. He threw her into the pool, beat the faces of everyone around him, broke the locks from the "palace" for her, and she ran away from lessons to the races and the beach, waited every evening to go on a new journey. She was threatened by her parents and teachers, but she jumped on his motorcycle and raced forward! It's just like in a fairy tale. One difference, a fairy tale usually ends with the words: 'And they lived happily ever after ...'. Everything turned out to be completely different here.

That, perhaps, is the secret of the success of a good romantic drama - they love each other, but, unfortunately, they are no longer in a place.

You don't just watch this movie, but you live and experience it together with the actors. You transfer it all to your life. It's like you've become happier three meters above the sky. But, eventually, you will return from heaven to earth again. Love, it's only in a fairy tale.
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forever young!!
Ahmed_Alzahaf123 February 2017
okay!! this movie toke me 4 years to watch, and i can finally say am really glad i did, am not the biggest fan of romance movies " sure i can enjoy a good romance film every once in a while" but it's not my first preference when chosen a movie, earlier i was extremely bored and quite frankly out of movies to watch, so i said to myself why i don't give this movie a try, i am familiar with this movie before but i never gave it a chance, and Spanish didn't make it easy on me! some might say this movie is full of Cliché other might say it's teen movie, i don't like when people give movies very low ratings like one star or two, let's be real for a sec, if you didn't like a movie don't take personally and give it one star!! this movie is quite unique, sure it have it's usual stupid moment, what i did liked about it is the great cinematography and the unusual ending, this is the first Spanish film i have ever watched, i like it when movies make you what to be there in filming locations, after watching this i think i want to travel to Spain, i know this sounds silly, maybe i am silly, maybe silliness all what i need! if you haven't watched this yet, go ahead and give it a chance, i promise you won't regret it!

this review will not help anyone, just wanted to share my thoughts!

my rating is 7.5/10
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one of the worst films I have ever seen - cheesy, unrealistic, AWFUL
catarina_aww22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since it came out I kept hearing every single teenager going crazy about this film so after years I had to watch it. I have to say, I have seen most romantic films, even the really cheesy ones like Nicholas Sparks cheesy or even Twilight. But nothing could have prepared me for this film.

Putting aside the fact that everything was so predictable (typical of romantic films) the plot was very unrealistic and poorly written. Let's think about Babi's friend. She falls madly in love with a guy that was stealing money from her bag. In which messed up universe does this happen? Not to mention how annoying Babi is (one of the main characters). She keeps breaking up with Hugo (or whatever his name is)for no real reason and she abandons her best friend after her boyfriend died right in front of her.

Oh, and that Hugo guy. What a character! He gets into fight with anyone for no reason and not just a simple fight oh no. He beats those guys nearly to death. The best part is where he does this as Babi's 18th birthday party to a guy who spilled wine on Babi by accident. I'm telling you, the perfect guy. And the cherry on top is where he slaps Babi. That, to be fair, was the only time when he was entitled to do it as Babi was accusing him of killing his best friend (even if he wasn't there when it happened and he had nothing to do with it).

OK, so this is a film where the main characters are people anyone would hate in real life even though they're supposed to be the opposite. This is a film where resorting to physical violence is justified only when a man hits a woman. If you put it like that it would sound quite interesting and it would probably deserve a greater rating because it would be a drama, not a LOVE STORY.

I have just seen the film (like an hour ago). Honestly, it was so bad I cannot even find my words to explain it. It was cheesy (she gets a tattoo of his name the day after they kiss for the first time) and nothing had any meaning. You're expecting everything to fall into place at the end and it doesn't.

It wasn't enough that the film was a disappointment but seeing that on IMDb it is rated 7.2/10 breaks my heart. Seriously people? Seriously???
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Best movie ever
milicalusimp9 August 2019
It's one of the best romantic movies EVER. I totally loved it, the way he treats her, the way they look at each other. AMAZING
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7,2 / 10
saletehnolog9 December 2017
A classical teenage story. Many times this can be seen in real life. Precisely because of this fact, the film has received some golden meanings, although in the acting, scenic sense, there is a lot of things missing. Actors, I would say nothing more than an average.

However, the message that the film sends is extremely powerful. Anyone from the younger population should look at this film because it can learn a lot from it. In fact, both boys and girls could see how to avoid problems in life.
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DylanCanonge5 September 2019
My god it's bad, if you are over 15 years, your brain does not support all these clichés, these actors, a realization also mediocre. It's worthy of a TV film with rose water that would make Twilight a cinematic masterpiece. The end is a little more drinkable than the rest. For me, she was totally insensitive to my level of involvement with the movie was close to 0.
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Rebellious modern Romeo and Juliet type story.
cgvsluis9 March 2022
I am struggling to put down in words how I feel about this film. Did I like it? Yes, very much. Were there things about it that I didn't like? Absolutely! Do I recommend it? I am not sure...that is the crux of my review issues.

One of the best parts of this film were the two romantic leads, but particularly Mario Casas who plays the rebel H.

H, who has just left the courtroom after being given probation for assaulting a man, sees a girl lean out a car window and knows his life will never be the same again. He begins to tease this girl who he nicknames "Fea".

"Fea" is Babi, a middle class girl on her way to school where she is a good student and seemingly following the path laid out for her.

Babi and H meet again when H and a group of his reckless and rebellious friends crash a party that she is at. They steel money and get in to fights causing property damage. That night, H scares and then beats up the boy taking Babi home. Interesting note here, Babi tried to get the boy help and wouldn't leave him alone with H but when roles were reversed the boy just leaves Babi alone in an unsafe situation.

The next time Babi and H meet is at the motorcycle races...where he dares her to race in a dangerous race they refer to as a Siamese race where the girl is strapped via belt to the driver of the bike.

This ends up being the start of what seems like a youthful, rebellious, romantic, tumultuous relationship, but like the classic Romeo and Juliet romance...doomed to be fleeting.

The visuals in this film are stunning. The chemistry between our two leads is great. The motorcycle races were interesting.

One interesting note is they give an explanation for H's rebellious behavior with a familial back story but then don't really use it other than to explain his current behavior. Also, Babi after initially displaying very strong morals and sticking to her decisions...seems to get a little wishy-washy and then just completely does a 180 with no work or compromise, but maybe it is better?

I enjoyed the film for the fleeting but strong romance, the chemistry between the leads and the cinematography. I think if you are a teenager you will love this. I also think you might like it if you are a romantic and/or like Mario Casas.
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen
ernesto8228 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't finish it. It started like a chick-flick (I like chick-flicks), then, after a few minutes a train of logical nonsense and moral absence started. The performances were good, but the storyline totally disappointed me and made me angry. A really overreacting young man with his unadapted friends and a low self esteem high-school girl who didn't care about anything, act like what they do is cool by all means.

By the time I had to stop it, the things that I learned from this movie were: It's OK to steal. You could fall in-love with the guy who is robbing you. You can crash at a party and harass women. You can destroy a house. You can vandalize cars. You can hit a nice guy who is protecting his friend. You can massacre the guy who is having an affair with your mom. A teenage girl can ride a motorcycle wearing only underwear. It's OK to betray your friend. You can fall in-love with the guy who punch the friend who was protecting you. All of these because a teenage girl likes a "hot" dude.

If I had a teenage daughter I wouldn't let her watch it. It disrespects women and it's a really bad example for young people.
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Bad boys fallen for good girls
WiseMan263 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Its very typical but in this movie, by the performances of the main character lived it up more and you surely charmed their amazing acting, their romances so far good and their family problems is also an addition to spice it up. Great acting, great soapy like movie, well its spanish what u will expected more. Anyway youll be shock with rhe ending and definitely u wanted to watch the sequel.
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Dark thoughts over cheesy love story
majavk-104-23688711 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well I also hated this film before I even saw it, but I must say it was a pleasant surprise. Maybe it's a typical teenage love story, but it has something of a mess that I like and that makes it a little bit unpredictable. Don't know why everyone talking negatively about Hugo's behavior, because in the place where I have grown up, he's just a normal guy like every other, with dark past after him, trying hard to run away into a normal relationship in which he won't be hurt nor hurt anybody. And in the end you see that for people like him it's really impossible, and that makes me kind of sad and angry at the same time, because I found myself in his character. And also it's obvious that there are a lot of women who just fall in love with that kind of men(Just like Babi did), so that's their choice, and no one should judge them. I hate fake feminism or boys talking about sexism, you won't find them in this movie. The only thing I didn't like are stuffs like British flag, big Coca- Cola sign, so inappropriate for a movie of the nation with so rich and beautiful culture like it is Spanish culture, there's no need for making attention with it. But, finally, I think that this movie don't deserve bad critics from people who don't understand psychical structure of a person who had been hurt by family member, lost faith in life during growing up , suffered strong violence of any kind etc. And to me, its all about Hugo's life in their love story, and that actor who's playing him is really good one, so charming.
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Empty movie full of nothing meaningful
polatoal11 October 2015
What I don't understand is at what point do they start to love each other? This is not real love that makes you feel warm inside. This is a piece of s***. They are both drop dead gorgeous, they look at each other and Babi forgets whatever bullshit he did to her just because he's drop dead gorgeous and they fall in love only because they are beautiful. Honestly I was watching this and I thought, they must have skipped some months because these guys have nothing in common, nothing to bond over. We didn't see any meaningful dialogue between them. At WHAT POINT, and WHY are they deeply in love? This movie is immature love at the most. I'm 16 but I just think at 18-21 people are more mature and should have deeper relationships? Maybe i would have liked this movie when i was 10. It's like a very young teens/child fantasy because it has no basis on reality or true love (sorry I keep mentioning this).

Watch this movie if you want to kill brain cells.

I liked the music at the start star for that. And it was entertaining, I didn't get bored (maybe at the end).
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