Ancient Aliens (TV Series 2009– ) Poster

(2009– )

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Compelling and Enjoyable
Garbagemaster26 February 2012
I'm not going to bore you with a synopsis of my personal beliefs here, nor pick apart the assertions made by the show's creators and contributors. Ancient Aliens is equal parts compelling and laughable. Both thought-provoking and ludicrous. Always, however, entertaining. The show is well put together, and moves along well. Did E.T. visit our ancient ancestors? Did they influence our modern religions? Was alien technology used to help the ancients build huge megalithic structures? The show's "experts" say yes, and attempt to put forward evidence to back up their claims. Yes, it is slanted in one direction. I'm being more charitable than other reviewers here though. After all, the title is "Ancient Aliens". What else would you expect? In any case, if you're a critical thinker who also doesn't mind stretching credulity for the sake of good entertainment, you'll enjoy this. For every time I scoffed, there have also been parts that really blew my mind. Give it a try.
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I don't care, it's fun to watch...
bheadher2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ancient Aliens has got to be the ultimate conspiracy theory series, heh heh...and I don't really care, since it is a well presented series, While there is usually a tiny amount of fact to support their agenda, the premise is always that anything and everything that ever happened on our planet, was connected to visitors from outer this series, it is all about presentation...if you don't pay attention to what is said, you could easuly be entrapped; which is exactly what the producers want you to do, get trapped. Some of the episodes reference scientific investigations as a backdrop; but then the presenters physically twist the research into huge pretzels, turning interesting theories into massive conspiracies. And 'often' the presenters drift into outright lying to keep your attention. George Tsoukalos is quite handy at telling outright lies with 'vim and vigor' gotta love a guy who is so passionate with his time on screen...

Because the show is presented with a "what if" flavor, you find yourself thinking more than normal, whether to find fault or to wonder if there isn't some basic truth to the claims...

And, occasionally there are some pretty inexplicable events in our history, that have been pretty hard to cover in the blanket of conventional there's that...

All in all, Ancient Aliens is a fun show to watch...just be sure to keep common sense up front in your thinking, heh heh...
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You can watch it without getting bored even if you are not a "believer"...
chester190827 April 2011
Before letting you know my thoughts about the show,it would be very useful to inform you about my beliefs. In my opinion,when a person judges a documentary which presents non-mainstream information/ideas, the reader must be sure that there is no extremist or conservative point of view.

Personally i find it not only hard,but also foolish to accept everything mainstream archaeologists propose. But on the other hand i am not really a big alien fan,and i do not have a theory of mine which i am radical about.I simply like being skeptic and more importantly always trying to find reason in everything.That being said,let's move on to the actual review.

The biggest plus of the show is it's most obvious element: you know it is going to try to convince you about the existence of aliens and their appearing in human history and you definitely have the curiosity about how they are going to achieve it! Furthermore,you get what you would expect to get from a show messing around with that subject: lots and lots of footage from ancient monuments,artifacts,drawings,carvings,legends and scripts. That alone is justifying the summary of my review. Huge variety of information about many civilizations from all over the world are presented in good detail;not about every aspect of the culture thought, just information related to the topic of the show (personally i don't think it is bad to stick to the topic). The pieces of the "puzzle" created are so many, and at the same time the -original- footage is so eye-grasping that it gets you thinking.

On the other side however on SOME occasions, the philosophy and attitude of the "experts" presenting the show,follow the general rule of flawed approach to the truth:instead of trying to prove their claims the best logical way they can in order to MAKE YOU think for yourself (possibly) that "yea,they could be right,from what i see it is very possible that...", they prefer to prove them by disproving (and using irony in small doses) the other side,which on our occasion is mainstream archaeology. This,along with the fact that (again,on some occasions) they seem to jump on the desired conclusion a bit too easy, is why it gets 8/10.

As i pointed out,it is a decent show to watch no matter your beliefs, even if you don't care about aliens at all. The huge variety of original footage gives "Ancient Aliens" a quality only reduced by the occasional "extremism" of its main speakers. Bottom line:give it a try. It may convince you, or it may not, but you will learn something new for sure.
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The History Channel should be ashamed of themselves.
cjhalcaidesa14 May 2018
I am sorry but I cannot watch this show for more than 10 minutes without shouting at the screen. It is worse now, I now find that I am getting annoyed at all TV documentaries after watch some of this show. They still talk about things as mysteries when they were solved years before, that things are fact when they aren't. They use lines like "Many People" and "Some scientists believe" never giving facts and figures. I find the main presenter patronising. Sorry I just can't watch any more of this show. Where has the Science and actual history gone. Where is the balanced reporting. How can someone look at a camera and state something to be a mystery when the facts are well known.
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TO Debunkers. Do your research before stating your opinion!
Jhn_m16 January 2011
You know what I find funny..All the debunker's trying to debunk but offer no viable counter-argument to anything that is said in this documentary. If anything they only offer another side of speculation. The Egyption Saqqara bird..actually looks similar to a bird but upon closer examination from where the wings are placed to the tail it really does resemble more of a glider craft. As far as I know all birds have their tail feathers horizontal, NOT VERTICAL and bird wings are not located atop their back. They actually state this many of times. There are a lot of archaeological mysteries out there. I don't think all of them can be considered related to aliens granted. That does not mean that it is not a possibility. The fact remains that there are mysteries out there and people are ignoring them for what ever reasons. WHY?!!!? Now what is the deal with the Bermuda Triangle and The Dragons Triangle being on the same latitude where both sites have said to be hot spots for UFO activity? As well as well as having weird magnetic phenomena oh and the Yoniguni monument thats literally right off the point of the dragons before you naysayers say anything. UFO means UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. IT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MEAN IT IS EXTRA- TERRESTRIAL.. How about the Vihmana Story? How old are vedic texts describing vihmana or (flying machines). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see correlation between flying machine and a god that comes from the heavens..that maybe..hmm.. maybe it was an alien. Now I have to mention the correlation between every religion in the world having a being come down from the stars "heavens" and teach them culture, technology, way of life. This is a prominent experience shared by all cultures and religions in the world. Especially more curious as to why cultures that seemingly had no contact with each other decided to all start building pyramid type structures around the world. For gods sake man they brought in skilled stone masons and architectural engineers to take a look at some of these old stone monolithic creations..and even they are confused and state that recreating the same structures would be incredibly difficult with today's technology. Sure it may be a little brash to jump the gun and claim its all ancient aliens.. But seriously for the people who naysay or try and debunk do a little research into the field before you start making absolute claims on a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Science is subject to the same blind faith dogma as religion or any other belief system. With that in mind there will be fanatics going every which way. Ancient aliens and dogmatic science. I'm shaking the foundation of your ivory tower to tell you that I killed your high horse. Watch this series with an open mind. Draw your own conclusions and research, research, research. There is a lot of information out there pertaining to this vast subject. Remember and I know its cliché' we thought the world was flat once..Galilleo said non sense..we burned him for it. Its no surprise that information like this will rock the cradle for the mass fragile minds that can't think outside the box if there life depended on it. It's funny how debunker's will nit pick to spin their argument the way they see fit..totally ignoring information and documented accounts of said subject which lends even if small, credence to the idea of Extra- terrestrial contact/inter-dimensional contact or advanced military technology. They accuse the conspiracy theorists of straw-manning when the debunker's are doing the exact same thing..OHH THE HYPOCRISY! Through the entire series everything that was proposed is proposed in maybes, ifs, could bes, plausibles. This is a good thing because they are not making ABSOLUTE statements. Although when one researches and draws correlations between certain events and starts to see the maybes, ifs, and plausibles turn into Most likely. Last time I looked, the scientific community is still trying to prove the big bang, dark matter etc. All they have is a theory. A plausible one at that but there are many holes and many contradictions and these are theories that have yet to be proved. Yet for some reason most mainstream scientists and physicists take it as fact. I wonder how many times our science textbooks will have to be re-written due to new physics laws etc.. Remember. Our technology is relatively primitive. Earth is only 4 billion years old..There are planets out there billions of years older. THINK, DRAWING CORRELATIONS. DEDUCTIVE REASONING IS NOT A BAD PRACTICE!
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orion-288-29058010 February 2012
I found the information offered in this documentary series tremendously insightful and refreshing given that it does not attempt to conform to the accepted boundaries of mainstream beliefs. The information is not portrayed as hard fact as other reviewers have suggested. The theories put forth in support of alien presence on earth are extremely compelling and essentially left up to the viewer to decide.

Whilst I would not recommend this series for those who are either prejudiced or easily offended by views that conflict with religious beliefs, I think it is important for all others to be aware of certain events and facts contained within as many were not comprehensively reported on by mainstream media.

I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon this documentary series and I thank the producers.
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I love it.
kchiasson-774645 March 2022
For me, it's the most thought-proving show behind How the Universe Works and Space's Deepest Secrets.

To all the people who tear this show apart because they think it's nonsense: You're completely missing the fine details about these discoveries from our ancient past and how to explain them using our i-m-a-g-i-n-a-t-i-o-n.

For example, try explaining the Antikythera mechanism. An ancient mechanical analog computer, designed to calculate astronomical positions and eclipses of celestial bodies within our solar system decades in advance, and with extreme precision. It could even correct for the elliptical orbit of our Moon. It is dated to approx. 150-100 BC. A time where a basic telescope is not known to exist.

There are massive holes in our known evolution of Human intelligence and technology, just as much as there is a gap in our evolutionary tree as a species. This knowledge didn't just fall from the sky...

Or did it?
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"Ancient Aliens"- an entertaining piece of Science-Fiction, but relies too much on conjecture and laughably bad pseudo-science to serve as a serious documentary series...
Should you ever encounter the History Channel (it will always be the HISTORY CHANNEL to me) documentary series "Ancient Aliens", it would be a wise choice to watch it not with a grain of salt, but rather, a whole salt shaker. The series, which chronicles theories about "ancient astronauts" and possible historical encounters primitive cultures had with extra-terrestrial life and how it impacted the world, is a fine example of pseudo-science at at times blatant science-fiction masquerading as scientific fact. While some of the stories are intriguing, and while I do indeed believe in extra-terrestrial life (and that it may have contacted the modern world), the show presents so much conjecture and idea-grasping, that one cannot possibly take this series seriously.

Each episode centers on a different topic, from alien technology, to rumored underground or underwater cities that were the result of alien/human contact. A panel of "experts" (aka, UFO enthusiasts and pseudo-scientists) discuses theories ranging from remotely credible to downright diabolically far-fetched and implausible.

Although given my complaints about the rampant idea-grasping, sensationalizing the series presents, and the blatant pseudo-science, I will give credit in that the show has a great deal of entertainment value when viewed as a piece of science-fiction and as mere entertainment. Some of the stories and theories portrayed are riveting in their own way, and it's a great deal of fun to watch. In addition, some of the "scientists" and "experts" who appear frequently serve as good presenters and real-life "characters", giving the show a bizarre watch-ability.

While the show desperately attempts to be a serious documentary series, it fails overall, and as a documentary, I'd give the show about a 3 out of 10. However, the interesting stories presented, the unintentional hilarity of the show, and the delightful "characters" who are humorously misleading and present wildly insane ideas, give this show a high entertainment value, and a likability factor of about a 9 out of 10. So, averaging those scores together, the show is elevated to a very watchable and enjoyably, slightly-above average 6 out of 10 when viewed strictly as entertainment. Like I said, swallow many grains of salt when you turn this on, and watch it is Science-Fiction, and it will provide some great laughs. But watch it as a serious, real-life documentary, and you will be sorely disappointed.
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Ancient Aliens and Sceptics
rauh-georg20 June 2011
It is ironic that the "father" of the Ancient Aliens theory, Mr. Erich Von Däniken, is the last person on earth who would sell his theories as "hard science".

In fact, having seen him in person in my youth, as well as in several excellent TV interviews, Erich will not get tired of pointing out that it's on the watchers and readers to come to conclusions on their own.

He keeps asking questions, instead of saying "it is so" as we see in the so called "established" sciences. He will ask questions like "could it be that..." instead of claiming that his theses are the last word. Heck, he even admits that he made errors in the past.

Erich is right too in pointing out that it is very often the established sciences (for example Egyptology) which is stuck in and bound by dogmas - in essence meaning that science is also more often than not a belief system, with scientists being the "believers".

The Ancient Alien theorists and "believers" make it clear and never denied that their theories are, well, speculation. Speculations which are indeed healthy because they encourage to question scientific theories and dogmas which are written "in stone" for centuries already.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Only if you ask such questions and accept alternative views you are indeed conducting real and true science.
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Subject underwater megalith
tkimbrell-9781611 December 2020
Season two episode three they speak about an underwater megalith just off the coast of Japan small island of Japan not exactly sure but they comment about how this underwater megalith is supposed to be a religious site when all it is is a ancient Rock quarry that is now under 60 feet of water sorry but nothing special there. Thomas kimbrell
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What if, perhaps, maybe, could it be that...
calinn_g14 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
...that's what you usually hear in this show. Speculation, suggestions, hypothetical thinking. All based on the idea that "the primitive men with their primitive tools COULDN'T have done this, couldn't have done that", therefore aliens did it. But we are never presented with a tool or fragment of tool that is far more advanced than what the ancient people could have invented (which is pretty strange, since these aliens supposedly built EVERY single monumental construction in the ancient world, in all these sites we never found anything that looked alien-ish).

And then there's the lies. The amount of lies in this show is absolutely and disgustingly huge. When i see Erik von Daniken and George Tsoukalos on the screen saying that the complex of Pumapunku was made out of granite (when in fact it's made out of less harder material like red sandstone and andesite) or that you need diamonds in order to be able to cut through granite (when in fact granite has been proved to be fairly easy to cut with the use of sand and tools made of materials as soft as copper), then i can't help myself to not get red with anger and frustration that people suck in everything these lying cheats are feeding them.

If you want not to be a sucker, please question and try to verify everything that's said in this show, cause there's a big chances that whatever it may be you're verifying, it will turn out to be a lie.
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Entertaining TV Series
ebiros215 September 2013
I found this series extremely good in wide varieties of topics it covers. I also like the up beat way it presents the topics. Guest speakers are all top notch that speaks interesting view points, and dedicated to their profession. I find the best of American TV in this series in that it presents enormous amount of information that elevates the knowledge ( true or false is up to the viewer to decide ) of its viewers. I was watching lot of Hong Kong movies, and although they are entertaining, does nothing to increase the amount of information you have by watching them.

Just the fact that there are people to tackle subjects like this and can presents them in a high quality format like this says something about the country its produced in.

Often the visuals shot on location in this program is stunningly beautiful, and other visuals are also high quality. I like the way the topics are presented in a crisp and unambiguous fashion.

In my opinion it is by far the best series of this type, and best entertainment on the subject of UFOs and Ancient Aliens.

Highly recommended.
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This series makes realistic optimistic believers look bad.
joelreitzloff17 March 2012
This series makes realistic optimistic believers look bad. This is so absurd. Nearly every single episode will tell you about 30 outright lies, and say something like "IT IS CATEGORICALLY TRUE" (what? lol) outlandish lies and stretches of the truth. the worst of conspiracy and ridiculous ideas that you cant even listen to without yelling at the TV. the basic idea of most of these topics aren't horrible in themselves, but i have seen made decent points, with counter points (oh yeah, its 100% on sided) for the topic, making you think. this just makes you mad. also, i am a Christian but open to the idea of life in the universe, perhaps even visiting here. however, constant knocking on religious views of every religion will be here. and i know it comes with the territory, but they don't even try to make it at least watchable to someone who's faith wouldn't be shaken even if this became truth. im sorry for the rant. i have been watching and reading into the subject of life outside earth for nearly 20 years now, and i see a lot of garbage out there. this takes the cake.
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becoming increasingly desperate IMHO
bdwilneralex12 January 2013
I used to get quite a kick out of this series because I enjoyed the guests, the variegated sites, and, yes, the cinematography (if it can be called that). However, in the last two seasons, the show has degenerated to a point beyond ridiculousness.

First, let me say I have firsthand knowledge (indeed, direct experience) with scientists who have contributed to the show--in fact, appeared on the show--only to later protest that their opinions were grossly misrepresented. For nearly every piece of "evidence," various alternative explanations are available but simply are not presented. This is not what one would call balanced reporting. If we wish to make incredible claims, we must provide incredible proof.

But more upsetting is the steadily increasing dose of pseudoscience, of which I will provide three examples: the first arguably weaker, the second and third extremely strong. Some scientist is quoted as declaring that such-and-such site in Bosnia is a pyramid. My friends, not every topographic feature that is narrow at the top, wide at the bottom, and _vaguely_ quadrangular is a pyramid. More proof is required. Far more distressing are abject _lies_ that are presented. We are told that "the Washington Monument aligns with the constellation Orion." I cannot for the life of me determine how a _single_ vertical structure can "align" with any complex pattern. If the monument aligns with Orion, then it also aligns with every other constellation. We are also told that the ancient inscriptions on such slab or other amazingly provide the latitude and longitude of the site--far before human beings understood such concepts. This is an abject lie. For, "latitude" has some absolute meaning: the equator is fixed and its position crystal-clear, and one can make a stab at identifying a latitude in an ancient petroglyph. But, since the position of the prime meridian is _purely_ _arbitrary_, how could ancient aliens have taught some tribe the longitude of a site? Wait: let me guess: the aliens had knowledge of where--some time in the future--a British astronomer would stab his cane into the ground in Greenwich and say, "Let's put the prime meridian _here_." And I will only just mention in passing the host of "researchers" who throw around terms such as "energy force field," clearly understanding neither energy, nor force, nor fields.

Sorry, editors of "Ancient Aliens," but you really must control the nonsense factor if you want to have any chance of convincing those who actually understand science and mathematics--rather than groupies who are wowed every time someone makes a glib claim that the evidence patently fails to support.

I just signed on today (30 October 2013) after viewing the first twelve minutes of the episode "The Satan Conspiracy" and concluding, "Enough is enough already!" Not only have the producers absolutely, totally, unmitigatedly run out of material--choosing to identify any millimeter-wide glitch in a painting or pebble that looks like it has a one percent chance of having been "engineered" as ironclad evidence that aliens have visited. To make matters worse, the pseudo-science has risen to a level where even a schoolchild recognizes that random non-experts are proffering random verbiage about utter nonsense.

I've been recording this series for years. After deleting this episode, I updated all three of my DVRs, no longer to record the series. I've simply had it!
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Very Thought Provoking
bm-freaky9 January 2013
Ancient Aliens is a really good series for those with an interest in the formation of life. I am unable to place my confidence in the presence of a god, and have always sought other explanations. My belief in the existence of aliens occurred long before I saw this show. A lot of my own personal theories were mimicked by the ones given in the show, except the show actually provides solid evidence for each of their claims. Although it is highly unlikely that all of their theories are true, a lot of them are very plausible. I was mystified by all of these inexplicable events that I had never heard of before. Although so many people still have their doubts after watching, I believe a lot of their disbelief stems from their religious views which heavily contradict the views expressed by the creators of the show. I am so glad I discovered this show as it continues to amaze me.
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The Truth
g-md4 May 2011
Why does this get a low rating? probably because of religious people that cant take the Logical theories that this series is telling.

I have read a lot of holy books and i even grew up a Christian myself but after watching Ancient Aliens a lot of my questions were answered and it sounded way more logical than what i was teached on school and in the church when i was younger.

This series only gives logical theories and sometimes even hard facts about human history, this is what kids should be learning at school.

This is our history, the Ancient Aliens theory.

Haters can go and dislike this and bash the rating but they are just ignorant or too dumb to understand.

Ancient Aliens is a great series that explaines a lot of mysterious and unsolved history in the most logical way.

In the end Science will prevail and this theory will be proved.

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Very interesting, fascinating and insightful.
buggsi1 September 2012
I watched this series with much interest. Although many of the ideas are based on conjecture and interpretations (just like all religions), it's nonetheless a mind opener. This series brings a lot of questions about the archaeology, mainly the pyramids. Scientists still can't explain why pyramids have been built across the oceans and through vast time gaps while the people who built them had no contact with each other! Science still can't explain the absolute precision in the building and alignment of the Great Pyramids. Science says pyramids are tombs, but that's just non-sense. They're much more than that (watch 'The Revelation of the Pyramids', and 'The Pyramid Code' series) Many argue that crop circles can be done overnight, but I'm not so sure anyone is capable of perfect geometries using a flash light!!! And besides, many have found high energy readings in the crop circles, which opens a lot of questions.

I have cross-checked several of the claims of this series and many of them are not scientifically plausible, for example when they often refer to medieval and renaissance paintings, which reflect the cultural influence of these periods (christianity, paganism, etc.) and have nothing to do with aliens.

Overall, this series should be watched with caution as the passion of the interviewed persons often overtakes the value of the facts. The ancient astronaut theory makes sense on many points, and lacks sense on others. But then again, modern science itself lacks a lot of credibility on many topics and doesn't provide satisfying answers to existential problems. For instance, the Big Band theory is full of holes and doesn't make sense with its countless contradictions, yet physicists persist in supporting it and publicize it in the mainstream. Thus, the main object of Ancient Aliens is to explore alternative explanations to where science is (repeatedly) fails, as well to our ancestors' existence and to what might have influenced our technological advancement.

P.S. Giorgio's hair is just awesome :D
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Just because...
esandheinrich22 February 2020
...white people didn't do it, doesn't mean it was aliens
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They are on to something but need better research
whitney439730 December 2019
It is a breath of fresh air to see someone investigating history without the silly evolution theory guiding them, but while they are definitely finding extraordinary evidence of unearthly beings, they fail to keep their mind open to anything beyond the idea of extra terrestrials wielding technology. This is causing them to jump to conclusions and ignore other evidence. Other than this, this show can be informative and thought provoking.
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Ancient Aliens Is a thought provoking show.
sammy-gibson17 January 2012
First off it is safe to say the show is obviously about the theory of Ancient Aliens...Hence the name.

Having said that, as with any theory one is challenged with making up their own mind when it comes to the belief or non-belief in said theory.

The show presents a lot of topics to research, and give some thought too.

I personally enjoyed the show, because it is hard for me to accept the fact that we think we know everything there is to know about our existence. Which, we have, throughout our own history dis-proved our own beliefs countless times, although very reluctantly in most cases.

Example: We once thought the Earth was the center of the universe and that everything revolved around us. (we thought we were the "Pinnacle" of creation) Then it was discovered that the sun don't orbit us, we in fact orbit it. Then we discovered that we are not even in the center of our galaxy. We are in fact out on almost the outer reaches of one of its arms.

We still have people that think we are the "Pinnacle" of creation. Which is their right to believe as such I suppose.

However, within our brief existence it would be very naive at best to say that we have all the answers, and that we are all-knowing.

Clearly we are not.

The two most prominent religions in the world are Christianity & Muslim/Islam.

Each of these would most likely be inclined to not give faith or belief to such speculations, ideas, or topics. Which I guess is rightfully so. However, the Vatican now has an observatory.

And, even in the show it is stated that one's belief in other life in the universe does not negate one's belief in God.

Nonetheless, I find it very hard to believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe. Therefore, I enjoyed this show a great deal.

Fact one can say for sure there were Ancient Aliens here on Earth at one time, or that they were not. There really is not enough evidence to prove or disprove the subject matter.

In the end, it gives some things to be considered and pondered. Which is the whole point of the show in the first place.

Be careful about "Debunking" something, or you might wind up looking as silly as the person did that thought the sun orbited us.

Be careful about jumping on the band wagon of some theory that can't be proved, or you might wind up looking as silly as the person that thought the world was flat.

Just keep an open mind. Who says you have to Confirm or Deny everything? Where is that law written? Can't people be allowed to watch the show, and form their own opinions? Why all the finger pointing? You know when you point your finger at someone you got three pointing back at yourself right?
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Not sure about their theories!
e-elyze25 December 2019
This show is great because they talk about history, myths, ancient structures, etc.

The boring part is where : "That means that is was POSSIBLY/PROBABLY extraterrestrial" ....

How is that right? Ridiculous. Some of the spokesmen are just plain ridiculous. The historical part is nice though.
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How such an imbecile production reached season 16 ?
valentinmh20 February 2021
Distorted logic - emanated by scientific illiterated and deranged (conspiracy theories) apprentices. Ohh...the Earth is round - that's because of the Ancient Aliens !!!
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In spite of everything, enjoyable ... and at times even eye-opening
jrarichards29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are whole websites out there devoted to debunking and ridiculing "Ancient Aliens", episode by episode; and a moderately-trained person can certainly spot how topic-to-topic jumps present here make no sense, and - in particular - how far-reaching conclusions are drawn from speculations based on fragmentary evidence, in full non-compliance with Occam's Razor.

Surely all that's enough to turn off any sane or sensible viewer once and for all?

While not entirely sure if I (still) fit into either of the above categories, I would suggest that "Ancient Aliens" is surprisingly virtuous, as well as being quite clearly entertaining. After you've watched a few episodes, you may well find that the most regular of the "talking heads" (David Childress, George Tsoukalos and co.) become a kind of reassuring and even likeable presence. You somehow miss then when they are not on screen, for whatever reason. And - while not all (or even not much) of the erudition present makes too much sense, the show certainly does have erudition on offer. Since it's goal is to "talk up" every idea, there is surprisingly little talking down to the audience, and the relentless optimism (only encouraged by the upper-case narration) is somehow infectious.

Furthermore, as you watch these often very good-looking episodes there is NO CHANCE that you will emerge without wanting to read more, or pay a visit to a museum to see an exhibit, or even travel to another country. In my case I have Sardinia's "Well of Santa Cristina" on my "to see" list, Newgrange in Ireland and so on.

Surely a series that has that kind of effect can't be all bad?

Now there is a key qualification here. I am an adult with a "conventional" education plus extensive scientific training, so I watch the programmes contrasting conventional wisdom with what is presented. I know - on the whole - what the conventional wisdom is. As a matter of fact, I have considerable interest in exobiology, and so contrast anything I see on this show with my core view that life beyond Earth is an extremely unlikely and chancey phenomenon. Yet I find myself setting that well-argued and justified approach against AA and looking for ways to reconcile two entirely opposing views!

Frankly, I feel it does me no harm, and actually quite a bit of good. Thinking outside the box must never be rejected - not ever!

Interestingly, a certain number of (more or less) conventional-wisdom scientists also make occasional appearances on the show. But this is probably not a place in which kids should make their first contact with scientific ideas - even though it might be argued that they would receive a refreshingly large dose of open-mindedness (albeit fantastic) from it were they to do so!

And here we reach a further nub of the problem - do we have any evidence that mainstream science rejects or quarantines data that do not fit its stories and patterns? Do scientists really go wherever the facts take them, even after years of pursuing one main line of research? Is it clear that science already has all the answers, and that the world is known and relatively predictable? Any reasonable person - any person with a reasonable knowledge of history (and science) - would have to suggest that the answer to the first question is "yes", while the answers to the second and third are "noes". Furthermore, there are indeed (numerous) cases of science's worldview having ultimately to change dramatically (with something resembling a rupture or bout of diarrhoea) to accommodate new findings - not least in the case of our expectations for pretty much every single planet and moon in the Solar System!

If 998 ideas in every 1000 broached in "Ancient Aliens" are largely or entirely exaggerated, that still may leave 2 ideas that have real content and may one day change the way we see things markedly.

But a further question might be if powers in our world beyond science have an interest or determination to keep certain ideas out of the reach of the public, even if they are true and fully justified scientifically. While the jury must inevitably be out on that one, there would seem once again to be enough hinted evidence to suggest that the answer to this question is another "yes". As long as people in authority may indeed be hiding at least some of the truth from us, who can be surprised that series like "Ancient Aliens" flourish? A minimum of open-mindedness about what our world is really like (as opposed to what it seems to be like) looks justified, and ultimately, the world offered by "Ancient Aliens" is an enticing and attractive one (which at one at the same time means the series's biggest plus and biggest minus).

In turn, if the core argument of those who dedicate themselves to debunking AA is that the real world must, we are afraid, be more boring and familiar, more random and trivial, more technical and less inspirational, than the one on offer in this series; then that's a little sad - and it may by the way point to a real problem that science faces in comparison with other human endeavours.
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Used to be much better...but...
chefbiggs14 March 2019
When it first started out, it had more of a documentary feel in the "Chariots of the Gods" vein. Full of wonder and questions. Which is why Im an alien geek, I get to wonder....stray away from the cut and dried of the ever so grinding world. But, now, having to ponder more subjects, and more producton money, AA has shifted more to the fanciful and metaphysical, which is ok, its still entertaining, which that's what it's supposed to be, right? But, in the long run, may hurt the "mission" of the show, by watering down some of the compelling arguments presented. BTW, I am a believer....... Nonetheless, its still a fun show, especially Georgio and David.. I guess it just remains to appeal to that little bit of childlike wonder the middle aged guys still possesses.
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A Slap in The Face Of Human Ingenuity
dickster3115 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show is ridiculous,it has no scientific basis what so ever and they should not have aired it on the history channel but on the Syfy channel. Every mayor accomplishment that the human race ever has done is done by aliens because we aren't smart enough or didn't had the right tools yet and what so ever,so they only explanation would be that ET came and phoned home to order us some Pyramids or temples and weapons.

They even wanna make us believe that the legend of king Arthur and his famous sword Excalibur is given to him by a alien and in fact probably was the first Lightsaber on the planet. Most of there claims(like 95% of them) are easily proved the be false and sometimes just outright lies and every one with a library card and a internet connection can proof this there self's by just looking up work of people that actually done many years of studies on a lot of these bogus claims about ancient art or ancient engineering and religions. Don't be fooled by there so called experts that you hear on this show,because a radio host a sci-fi writer and some dude that writes a silly magazine are not the best sources to go on.

And remember none of it can be true because the Vulcans would not allow interference in developing species because that goes against the federations prime directive :)
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