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Brilliant Performances: Troubling Account of Bobby Fischer
Danusha_Goska21 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For much of its runtime, watching "Pawn Sacrifice" is a grueling experience. Young Bobby Fischer is growing up fearing being spied on by government agents. His mother, Regina, (Robin Weigart) is a communist living in Cold War era Brooklyn. Bobby escapes from what looks like a loveless childhood and a chaotic home life by focusing on chess.

Regina takes Bobby to Carmine Nigro (Conrad Pia) a teacher who greets Bobby by telling him that chess is a religion that takes anyone regardless of nation or creed. One hopes that this kindly man will serve as a ray of light in Bobby's life, but Bobby behaves as if he is autistic. He makes little eye contact and focuses only on the board, shutting out his opponent and his mother and sister who must stand and watch as he spends hours on his first chess match with a near master. Once young Bobby loses to Nigro, he refuses to shake hands, cries silently, and icily demands another game.

The real Bobby Fischer was noticeably tall and slim with very striking facial features: piercing eyes, prominent nose, large, curved lips and a sprinkling of facial moles. Tobey Maguire is short and slight, with refined features, darker hair and no moles. Fischer was from Brooklyn and he lacked a formal education. He dropped out of high school. He talked like an uneducated Brooklynite who happens to be a headline-making genius; he had a lot of attitude. Maguire is from California and he never really captures Fischer's unique voice or inflection.

The film picks up with the arrival of three characters played by brilliant actors: Michael Stahlbarg as Paul Marshall, a sort of fixer / hand-holder, Peter Sarsgaard as Father William Lombardy, a chess master, and Liev Schreiber as Boris Spassky. These three actors are superb, and each has a moment on screen that absolutely took my breath away.

Marshall is a long suffering lawyer who prods Fischer to go to Iceland to take on Boris Spassky and become the new world champion. Lombardy is the closest thing Fischer has to a friend. He serves as Fischer's second.

Bobby tears apart hotel rooms seeking hidden microphones; perhaps the Russians, the CIA, or the conspiratorial Jews are spying on him. Bobby runs from journalists' cameras and the fans who want to grab and kiss him. Bobby cracks when he hears spectators cough or when he can smell their breath. He demands more money, special chairs, different rooms, quieter cameras. Though Jewish, he listens to tapes that convince him that Jews are evil people taking over the world.

All this is really hard to watch. It's especially hard to watch for anyone who remembers the Fischer-Spassky match. Bobby Fischer was an incredibly gifted man. He was world famous. After his match, he could have made millions and enjoyed a cushioned retirement. Instead he trusted the wrong people, became a raving lunatic Jewish anti- Semite and a member of a cult he would later denounce, denounced America, cheered 9-11, spat on documents, broke laws, became an exile, and, after refusing necessary medical treatment, died entirely too young and unnecessarily. His ironic, poignant last words, they say, were, "Nothing is as healing as human touch."

You can't watch this movie and not wish that somebody had done something to help this man. You can't not wonder, what was wrong with him? Was it the bad relationship with his mother? His lack of a father? His illegitimacy? Was he schizophrenic or autistic? Or is that he was treated like a star and did not receive, from others, the kind of feedback that forms character? A combination of all of these factors? Because Bobby Fischer is a commodity, even in death, we will never know.

In the film, Paul Marshall, the more practical and earthbound of Bobby's advisors, suggests taking him to a psychiatrist. Father Lombardy responds that chess is a rabbit hole. He mentions the hundreds of millions of moves that chess masters must take into consideration. He says that taking Bobby to a psychiatrist would be like pouring concrete down a holy well. The implication is that Bobby's chess genius is inextricably tied to his mental illness.

Lombardy cites Paul Morphy, a chess genius who could not succeed at conventional life. But look at Boris Spassky. He is still alive and no one suggests that he is mentally ill. Maybe a mentally healthy Bobby would have been an even better chess player.

Liev Schreiber, in the commentary, says that chess masters must constantly predict their opponent's attacks, and that doing so contributes to paranoia. Perhaps so.

Although I found the film hard to watch, the performances by the leads were so profoundly rewarding that they lifted me up in awe and made me cry. I don't know how Liev Schreiber did it, but he perfectly channeled a Soviet man from the 70s. I know because I was there in the 70s. Michael Stahlberg utterly inhabits his part, a chain smoking, sweaty palmed, tireless enabler who takes every abuse from Bobby and never stops trying to push him forward. Peter Sarsgaard is just simply superb, in every scene, from praying the rosary on his knees to the moment when dawn breaks on his face as Bobby starts winning. Tobey Maguire has a moment that is so powerful it gave me chills. He is beating Spassky. He is in his element. It is his bliss. See the movie for that moment, one I watched over and over again.
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One of the surprise movies of the year that deserves a bigger audience than it will get. I really enjoyed this & recommend it
cosmo_tiger23 December 2015
"Bobby won't crack, he will explode." Ever since he was a young boy Bobby Fischer (Maguire) has been obsessed with chess. His dream of becoming the youngest world champion ever has been crushed by the Russian's way of playing and he slowly starts to lose his mind. Wanting to prove to everyone, and himself that is is the best in the world he sets up a series of matches with Boris Spassky (Schreiber), the best player in the world. As the match draws closer Fischer begins to descend further into madness and it starts to affect his ability to play. I knew very little about the real story of Bobby Fischer before watching this so most of this was new to me. For a movie about chess I have to say the movie was actually pretty exciting to watch, and Maguire really surprised me with his acting. I'm not sure how historically accurate this is but watching it the tenseness was there and you really felt uncomfortable for and with Bobby. One of the surprise movies of the year that deserves a bigger audience than it will get. I really enjoyed this and recommend it. Overall, great acting and great drama. More movies like this should be made. I give it an A-.
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A very well made movie
Leofwine_draca1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
PAWN SACRIFICE is, on the face of it, a film about the famous chess match between American and Russian rivals Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky in the 1970s. However, it's not so much about chess, and rather a psychological portrait of a mentally ill man. Fischer was a real character who was adversely affected by the pressure of the international chess scene, and this movie gets inside his head in a very clever and intense way. That's no surprise given that it was directed by the excellent Edward Zwick, who has directed such superlative fare as GLORY and THE LAST SAMURAI in the past. Tobey Maguire gives a very good performance as the nervy protagonist and Liev Schreiber is perfect as his rival; the constantly underrated Michael Stuhlbarg also excels in support. Overall this is a very well made movie, one which kept my interest throughout.
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Interesting movie with a solid performance from Tobey Maguire
Dr_Sagan16 December 2015
I think I have seen a few movies about chess and like in all movies concerning competitive sports I know that it could be very interesting and inspiring. So don't assume that this is a boring movie because of its theme.

This is based on the real life of chess legend Bobby Fischer who after he became world champion, he lived a secluded, solitary life possibly because of a mental illness which made him paranoid.

I am not a fan of Tobey Maguire (poor choice for Spiderman IMO) but he gives a convincing performance in this. His tantrums and his stares as he is building irrational thoughts about conspiracies and imaginable dangers are s strong plus to the film.

The pace of the film is also good and the music by the veteran James Newton Howard follows the emotions with grace.

Overall: Recommended
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Worth seeing but a bit disappointing
DennisLittrell30 April 2016
This is a nice vehicle for Tobey Maguire who does a good job of portraying a paranoid schizophrenic, but that person is not Robert James Fischer. They got Maguire's hair style right but otherwise any resemblance between the tall, lanky, expansive Bobby Fischer and Maguire is slight. He probably didn't see enough footage of Fischer at that age. He didn't use any of Fischer's mannerisms that I noticed and of course Fischer was several inches taller. Liev Schreiber who played Spassky actually looks a bit like Spassky but is bigger and more robust. So we have in the movie Fischer vs. Spassky at the chess board but Spassky bigger than Fischer! As for games mentioned in some detail I had to go back to the first and sixth games of the match to recall what happened and to compare my perception with that of the commentary in the movie. The sixth game was a brilliant game as almost everybody agrees, but contrary to some popular opinion Fischer did not blunder away his bishop in game one. He and Spassky were in a clearly drawn bishop and pawn ending. He wanted more, but there was nothing he could do, so what he did was sacrifice his bishop for two pawns, not as some people think in an attempt to win the game but to show his confidence and to shake Spassky up a bit. Fischer thought the resulting position after many moves would be a draw. He was wrong but this is an example of Fischer psychology: I will make you play a hundred moves if necessary just to show you how strong I am. You will weaken not me.

Some reviewers pointed out some chessic type errors but there weren't that many and they were minor. Here's one they got right that may surprise some people. Notice that Fischer used the descriptive notation ("P-K4") while most other grandmasters even back in 1972 used algebraic notation ("e4"). And while there were chess clock on analyst boards where they serve no purpose at least the boards were set up right with the white square at the player's right hand, avoiding a common error in movies.

Probably the biggest error had nothing to do with chess but with the fact that Fischer's mental illness at the time of the Spassky match had not developed as much as the movie suggests. His personality was more rounded than displayed. He actually had a charming side. People liked him in spite his bad manners and selfishness. There's a YouTube video of him on TV with Bob Hope filmed sometime shortly after the match with Spassky that shows a very different Fischer than the one Maguire portrayed.

The bit with the girl (sarcastically she says to Fischer: "it was good for me too" as he studies a chess game in bed) was apparently director Edward Zwick's take on the nagging question of Fischer's sexuality, meaning yes he was heterosexual, but chess was just more interesting.

The real disappointment for me was that they did not make clear the really great triumphant of Fischer's preceding the championship match. He destroyed three of the top grandmasters en route to the title match, at one point winning 20 games in a row. Amazing. The greatest streak in grandmaster history. So he was a clear favorite although Spassky was the World Champion. That's why he wanted so much to win the first game and confirm immediately that he was clearly superior.

I was also disappointed that Fischer's life after winning the championship was not explored. I had hoped for a cinematic take on what happened to "The Wandering King" (the title of a book about his life by Hans Bohm and Kees Jongkind). Perhaps that material would be better presented in a documentary than in a popular flick.

Bottom line: worth seeing but not as good as I had hoped.

--Dennis Littrell, author of "The World Is Not as We Think It Is"
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Pawn Sacrifice -- A Review
jonathanruano31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The best movies are those where the filmmakers do their research. Director Cronenberg and Christopher Hampton clearly care enough about the psychiatric practice in order to study it carefully and skillfully weave theory into the lives of the characters in the movie, "A Dangerous Mind." Darren Aronofsky, likewise, clearly did his research into the inner world of professional wrestling in order to make his film, "The Wrestler." As a result, "The Wrestler" not only had compelling human stories, but we also got to understand what the lives of some wrestlers were really like with their drug use, the male camaraderie, and the physical stamina involved in one bruising fight after the other.

Yet with "Pawn Sacrifice," we get the sense that that Director Edward Zwick, the three screenwriters, and the producers are not really interested in learning anything about chess – despite the fact that this movie was about the only American to become World Chess Champion, Bobby Fischer. Instead, "Pawn Sacrifice" is solely a character study on Bobby Fischer (played quite well by Tobey Maguire) with his personality quirks and bad temper, but divorced from his chess. For instance, there are a few scenes where Bobby Fischer defeated Soviet grandmaster Ivanov. Ivanov then withdraws from the tournament by claiming that he came down with influenza. Fair enough, but how was Fischer able to defeat Ivanov? And what made Fischer's chess victory any different from the victories which other grandmasters had over Ivanov? The film does not answer these questions, because it does not even bother to take the time to explain the chess game to us. I also have the same complaint about Fischer's victory over Victor Korchnoi. Korchnoi was a master at defence and counterattack and one of the strongest grandmasters in the world by the late 1960s. So how was Fischer able to beat him? Again, this question goes unanswered, probably because the filmmakers and producers assumed that the game of chess was too boring to be worth explaining to anyone or they were not particularly interested in Fischer's unique genius for chess, which inspired a future generation of Soviet chess players like Garry Kasparov. Yet if they really felt like this, why make a movie about Fischer at all? The reason why neglecting to explain Fischer's chess games is such a big flaw is two-fold. To begin with, Fischer's brand of chess is what made him so unique and extraordinary -- not his moods or his wild conspiracy theories. Yet judging from the film, I do not yet see how Fischer's chess was any different from Soviet grandmaster Ivanov's. Second, Fischer sacrificed everything, including his sanity, to achieve a mastery over his unique craft which no one else had. So shouldn't we get a clear idea of how challenging professional chess is? Should we not be given a clear idea of the hurdles Fischer had to overcome in order to become world champion? And also why achieving this level of mastery over chess was so important that Fischer was willing to sacrifice as much as he did? These are also questions that this film has not addressed.

"Pawn Sacrifice" does have its strengths. All the performances are pretty solid, especially Tobey Maguire's as Bobby Fischer. We get to understand this man's inner demons, his intense sensitivity to noises and lights, his paranoia and anti-Semitism, and his eccentricities. These aspects of Fischer are of some interest to us, since they foreshadow his eventual and tragic psychological breakdown. Yet "Pawn Sacrifice" can hardly be considered a great film, largely because the filmmakers seem as clueless about Fischer's chess genius (which I assume is a hugely important component of the film) as the young woman who took away his virginity in California.

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Is it Paranoia if they are after you?
ferguson-617 September 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. Being such a fan of the expert documentary film BOBBY FISCHER AGAINST THE WORLD (2011), I found it a bit challenging to clear my head and accept a dramatized approach to the story. This was after all, one of the most fascinating reluctant public figure during one of the most energizing signature events of the Cold War between Russia and the United States … it was even described as World War III on a chess board.

Director Edward Zwick (Glory, Blood Diamond) and writer Steven Knight (Locke, "Peaky Blinders") wisely focus the story on the infamous World Chess Championship match in 1972 between American Bobby Fischer and Russian Boris Spassky. This was 8 years prior to the "Miracle on Ice" when the USA Olympic hockey team upset the powerhouse Russian hockey team, but this chess match caused every bit as much media frenzy and national pride as that day in Lake Placid. This international attention is as important to the story as the psychological state of Bobby Fischer and his genius-level chess skill. And it's the media and citizenry reactions that provide the contemporary comparison to what we see too often these days thanks to social media … icons are born, chewed up, and forgotten.

Tobey Maguire plays Fischer, and despite lacking the height and physical presence of the real chess champion, he expertly conveys the paranoia, fear, and arrogance that burdened the man and created even more suspense for those of us keeping a watchful eye at the time. Liev Schreiber ("Ray Donovan") plays Boris Spassky, and even speaks his lines in Russian. Schreiber captures the iciness for which the Russians were known, but also interjects subtle personality and insight in a story where his adversary is constantly over-the-top. Chess strategy isn't so much the story here, as are these two men from different worlds forced together on a stage in Iceland – with the full attention of the world.

Supporting work is varied, but exceptionally strong. Robin Weigert plays Bobby's mother, and we get glimpses of why he later suffered from Mommy issues – in no small part to her intimate gatherings of Communist friends. Lily Rabe is touching as Bobby's sister and possibly the only person who ever had his best interest at heart. However, the real intrigue comes in the form of Peter Sarsgaard as Father Bill Lombardy, and Michael Stuhlbarg as Paul Marshall. Lombardy was Fischer's coach and confidant, and seemed to be the only one who grasped the severity of Bobby's mental state. Marshall, a well known attorney in the Music industry, is a shady fellow who seems connected to the government, and is really the driving force behind getting Fischer to play Spassky. More background and the motivation for these two gentlemen would have been welcome and filled a gap.

The story of the tortured genius always makes entertaining fodder – think Van Gogh, Mozart, and John Nash. Bobby Fischer certainly fits that description, but his story is frustrating because we just don't understand the mental issues that caused him to evolve from teenage chess prodigy to World Champion to literal anti-social outcast spewing hateful words (watch the end credit film clips). This film is a worthy primer for the man and the times, and a reminder that we are always searching for the next hero … the next person to hoist up on the pedestal, only to be replaced soon after with another, and then another. Perhaps the film says as much as about us as a people, as it does about Bobby Fischer as a person.
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The intersection of celebrity, politics, mental illness, and chess
cherold26 August 2016
When I was a kid, Bobby Fischer was a big deal. He was a brilliant chess player known for his eccentricities. And I was perplexed as to how chess had become a big deal.

Turns out it was another cold war proxy fight in which the U.S. and Russia were trying to prove their inherent superiority. This was not Bobby Fischer's idea; he just wanted to be a chess champ. In the movie, he's fairly oblivious to the tides of history, at least until he gets caught up in paranoid theories.

This is a very interesting movie with a terrific performance by Tobey Maguire that manages to make chess riveting even if, like me, you have to real idea what's going on. The story it tells is clear and concise, as a mercurial Fischer descends into paranoia while those around him push him forward at any cost.

In fact, the story is a little too neat. The movie feels very much like the movie you'd expect to see if you remember Bobby's weird demands and celebrity. But usually life is a little more complicated than a movie. Reading about Fischer on wikipedia, I saw things that didn't fit in with the movie's view. For example, Fischer was unusually athletic for a chess player, working out regularly during the World Championship, and his love life went beyond hooking up with a prostitute; he later married, which is hard to imagine of Maguire's version.

Still, this is a fascinating, well paced movie that is constantly engaging. This is one of these movies, like All the President's Men, that has figured out how to bring intense drama to hard work and tedious thoroughness.

It also makes me wish I'd actually read some of those chess books my dad bought me; I always just sort of stumbled through without ever understanding the complexities of the game.
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Expected more from this movie...
Thanos_Alfie17 February 2018
"Pawn Sacrifice" is a drama movie based on the life of chess prodigy Bobby Fischer who during Cold War tries to win and become the number one chess player in the world (World Chess Champion). In his journey faces many difficulties not only from the Soviet Unions players but also from his owns demons.

I have to say that I expected more from this movie because I am always fascinated from biography movies.Despite the good directing made by Edward Zwick, Tobey Maguire makes a poor performance as Bobby Fischer. I liked the interpretations of Liev Schreiber who plays as Boris Spassky and he is very good at it, Peter Sarsgaard who plays as Father Bill Lombardy and Michael Stuhlbarg who plays as Paul Marshall. I believe that these three interpretations saved this movie and I cannot even imagine what would have happened if they wouldn't be there.

Finally I believe that "Pawn Sacrifice" is a medium movie, don't have high expectations and you won't be disappointed. It's just a simple movie for your spare time and nothing more.
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Great acting, interesting story
Morten_51 May 2017
Tobey Maguire is a very fine actor. Regrettably, he is not cast very frequently and since the failure of "Spider-Man 3" in 2007, his fans have not seen very much of him. With "Pawn Sacrifice", however, he once again showed his talent, depicting American chess genius and grandmaster Bobby Fischer from his childhood years up to the famous World Chess Championship in Reykjavík, Iceland in 1972. Co-starring Liev Schreiber, Peter Sarsgaard and Michael Stuhlbarg, the film has no lack of good acting.
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mm-394 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pawn Sacrifice is intriguing. One watches Pawn Sacrifice wanting to know more. The characters of Fisher and Spassasky were believable. The director creates a brilliance of Fisher's unpredictability which stymies the opposition. One is mesmerized by the recurring theme of Fisher's unpredictability. Why? What is he doing? The bizarre and unpredictable actions come to fruition as opponents become unhinged. Fisher's tactics made others fight on Fisher's terms. Were the tactics mental illness or planned? I do not know. . Was the C I A bankrolling Fisher? I speculate, maybe. In the end, we see Fisher's brilliance slowly drive him mad. A exciting movie on what could be a dull and dry topic, chess. 7 out of 10. Liev Schrieber should get a academy nomination for the the role of Spassasky. Liev Schrieber clapping at the greatest chess game ever played shows a love for a game which exceeds politics and personal rivalries was a memorable moment. Worth seeing.
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Don't you think it is too good?
nagsaptarshi19 February 2016
I was bit skeptic on whether I should watch this movie or not.There has been so much of slamming of this movie.It did not even have a wide release.But thank God, I dared to watch.It is one of most intense movies of recent times.From the beginning,your eyes remain glued to the screen.The historic match between Spassky and Fisher has been depicted so vividly, that at times you forget that you are watching a movie.Tobey Maguire has been criticized a lot for his portrayal of the legendary chess player.But I found him too good.His acting was as intense as this movie.The frowning, the clenching, the swing of mood everything was made so much believable.Liev Shreiber, too has done a commendable job as Spassky.The cinematography is excellent.The close shots deserve to be mentioned in particular.Finally, a good film from a brilliant director like Zwick after a pause.Do not miss this movie.
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Did You Learn Anything About...Genius, Mental Illness, The Cold War, Chess?
LeonLouisRicci28 April 2016
There are Three Things at Play in this Film.

1. Genius-Mental Illness Link

2. The Cold War

3. World Championship Chess

The Movie, Unfortunately, does not Enlighten or Inform on Any of These Things. It just Shows them on the Screen. It's Superficial and Exploitative using the aforementioned as nothing more than Filling Space like a Cable News Channel with Talking Heads and Fancy Pictorials, that are Entertaining to a Point but Pointless in the Big Picture.

Pick 1 of those 3, Any 1, and Do Something with it, Anything.

Tobey Maguire as Bobby Fischer and Liev Schreiber as Boris Spassky go through the "Talking Points" of the Script with Professionalism and bring Their Acting Chops to the Proceedings and Proceed to Project Clichés and Go through Meaningless Moves, as does the Writer and Director. But the Underlying Motivations behind the Three Parts of the Story are Virtually Absent.

All of this is Nothing more than a Pedestrian Picture with very Little Interest and very little Heart other than Regurgitating Headlines and Culling Pop Chart Timelines.

A Major Disappointment, Uninspired, and Mundane Movie Making reduced to Claptrap.
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Watch only if you are completely ignorant of who Bobby Fischer was
targa95 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This biopic reminded me of "Ali"--it ran through all the obvious parts of a famous man's life, parts you could glean from reading a Wikipedia bio, threw in some over-dramatic music and a backstory about "family" and viola! --biopic to order.

If you are clueless about who Bobby Fischer was, then you will probably like this film, because you won't roll your eyes at all the chess clichés, you won't get bored at being shown the obvious things about Fischer (such as the details around the 1972 Reykjavik match), and you will probably enjoy the novelty of the whole thing.

But who are we kidding? This event happened 44 years ago. If you don't know about it by now, you are either very young or you live under a rock. The film did not really try and show any INSIGHT into Fischer; it just replayed the same record that anyone who knows ANYTHING about Fischer already knew. But even then, they took liberties that were not only inaccurate, but unnecessary and just distracting.

First of all, Bobby Fischer was a man from BROOKLYN. Everything about the way this guy walked and talked showed he was a city kid, a real NEW YAWKAH. Did you get that sense from Tobey's impression? I didn't. Tobey didn't really sound all that Brooklyn-ish. In the famous Cavett interview, the real Fischer bragged, but he did it in a way that was a bit endearing. Tobey instead made him sound like an ass.

Second, Fischer was tall and lanky, and even gaunt-looking because of that, yet Tobey was short and puffy-faced. Bad casting. Alexander Saarsgaard (not Peter, as in the movie!) would have been a much better casting choice.

Third, Spassky was a consummate gentleman. He never spoke to Fischer like that during a game, or flipped over chairs to inspect them, and I didn't buy the hotel room tantrum, which was really a transparent device to make it appear that even Spassky was sick of the Soviet control.

Fourth, Fischer received a cheap plastic set when he was younger and used to play a lot with his sister, and then IN THE CLOSET. Instead they show him sitting on the bed with a very nice wooden set, and the next thing you know, he's beating strong club players. The entire youth of Bobby Fischer was quickly skimmed over, although I did very much like the part about the Russian mother, although I have a hard time believing they were self-professed Jews, esp. with the rather sloppy behavior of the mother.

Fifth, his second Lombardy, although he was a former priest, did not go around wearing his priest outfit, esp. to Reykjavik.

Sixth, to say game 6 was the "greatest chess game ever played" is quite pretentious! I can think of a particular Marshall game which is more exciting and filled with more nuance.

Seventh, I don't buy Fischer losing his virginity to some hottie in the hotel; they could at least have made him more charming if they're going to embellish like that.

Finally, and this is most important--Fischer's mental demise was not really that pronounced at Reykjavik. Yes, he complained and was a prima donna, and suspected the Russians of cheating. But he didn't go full-bore on the Jews and the Zionist conspiracy thing until years later. The film was not ambitious enough to explore possibly WHY Fischer turned into a loon; it was complacent and even eager to just SHOW his looniness.

The acting was decent. And the whole story--framing it as a cold war battle between the US and Soviet Russia, was fitting, but easy--esp. when they simply interspliced a lot of period footage and music between the scenes.

Avoid if you already know about Fischer's story and are a chess player!
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Very Disappointing
drjgardner26 September 2015
The story of Bobby Fischer is a fascinating one, with personal as well as global implications, and it occurred at one of the most interesting times in recent history. How then could you go wrong?

Start with a superficial biography of Fischer, especially his early years. Try to give us no clues as to how his obsessive disorder developed, or how his paranoia slowly took over his persona. By doing that you leave us adrift, simply observers watching a "crazy" man do all kinds of self-defeating things.

Then ignore the game of chess. Treat it like it was any other competition. Don't delve into the intricacies of the game - its demands - the strategies that people develop - their characteristic approaches to the game. Just give us close ups of chess pieces and people thinking. That will surely dull us to sleep.

Now ignore the other central character in the drama so there is no one to root for. Not the crazy man nor the strong silent one.

This is a tragic waste of talent and a sad attempt to tell a truly fascinating story.
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It's a great sports flick about a The Rock Star of the chess world.
subxerogravity22 September 2015
The basics of a sports movie as Bobby Fischer, the underdog from Brooklyn, takes on the Giants behind the iron certain, but no competition was bigger than the one he faced with his own mind.

Tobey McGuire gives a decent performance of Fisher, a man tormented by his own genius. Liev Schreiber was fascinating as the ultimate opponent, a man whose reputation is more menacing than the man himself. Peter Sarsgaard was a great supporting actor as a priest and coach to fisher.

Edward Zwick crafted a quiet movie that showcased the loudness in fisher's mind. Pawn Sacrifice really captures the time in which Bobby Fisher was to chess what Floyd Mayweather is to boxing now.

It was a great movie about the life of a great athlete.
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Terrific Tobey
gsygsy10 December 2015
A magnificent, barnstorming performance from Tobey Maguire is the mainstay of this interesting movie about chess champion Bobby Fischer. Maguire's technique runs the gamut, from tiny eye movements to full-scale harangues, from the subtlest of gestures to the wildest.He builds Bobby on a bedrock of self-confidence while also managing to suggest that same confidence is a massive defence against vulnerability. The film makes a parallel between Fischer's paranoia and that of America in the Cold War, but what could merely have been an idea is made vivid by Maguire's stupendous acting.

He is very well supported by Michael Stulhbarg, Peter Sarsgaard and Liev Schreiber. Women don't get much of a look-in, unfortunately, but of the three who emerge from the male fog Robin Weigert makes a strong impression as Fischer's beleaguered mother.

Edward Zwick keeps the pace going admirably, aided by Steven Rosenblum's deft editing. I'm less sure about the overall look of the film, and uneasy about its shift to a finale of patriotic triumphalism that it had managed so hard to avoid - even to the extent of satire - up to that point.

Unmissable for Maguire.
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brilliant but disturbed
blanche-215 February 2016
Well, the reviewer before me absolutely trashed this film for its dramatic license, so now I don't know what to say.

This is the highly fictionalized story of Bobby Fischer, a chess fanatic and genius who rose to the very top of his field. He was part of a Russia vs. U.S. superiority struggle when he played Boris Spassky (Liev Schreiber), the world champion back then, in the '70s. It's unlikely he understood that; he didn't have a broad or worldly focus. The chess was all he cared about, that and money.

Biopics sometimes take a lot of liberties. Characters are made up, time is shortened, incidents are moved around, elements are put in for dramatic emphasis. That's why you can't take a biographical film as factual. It's better if you become interested in the person and read about him, as I did about Fischer, though I remember him.

Toby Maguire does a fantastic job as Fischer. Yes, Fischer was tall and Maguire is short. Frankly I wasn't made aware of Maguire's height while watching the film.

I believe the filmmakers were trying to give us a psychological story -- a complete genius with an IQ of 181 but one who also had mental problems. Lots of so-called geniuses are strange, I suppose, but Fischer was a real study in opposites.

He often made unreasonable, last-minute demands, made anti-Semite remarks, and accused the Russians of colluding against him. In the second game of his world championship against Spassky, he didn't show up. Nevertheless, his achievements in chess were remarkable, and many consider him the greatest chess player who ever lived.

His later life was a mess; he became reclusive; his passport was revoked and finally, Iceland took him in. By then he was off the wall completely.

Edward Zwick directed this film with a lot of zip and made it an intense and absorbing experience, as did the actors.

Look at this as the psychological story of a phenomenal talent whose emotional/mental problems interfered with his life and career. Don't take it as the detailed life of Bobby Fischer, his relationship with his mother, and who taught him what. The most interesting thing about him was his incredible talent.
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A disjointed, mildly entertaining film filled with historical/biographical inaccuracies
charmaments18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the ultimate problem of historical or biographical films. Films exist on a scale, realistic on one end and Hollywood on the other. Most based on a true story films try to be in the middle. This one went too far the Hollywood side. Notice I didn't say "entertaining" - films can be completely realistic and entertaining and completely unrealistic and still be boring.

The real Fischer is so interesting, so there was no need to reinvent a new person to tell the story.

Fischer had a father figure who was in his life, he just didn't know it was his actual father.

Fischer was interested in languages and learned them to read chess periodicals and was not one to go around saying "Speak American" to people.

The film has Fischer choosing to lose his virginity to a prostitute, picking the person, time and place. He's completely in control. Even though in this same film he can barely control his emotions. In real life he met a girl during the tournament and he got "caught up in women and sex" to the point where it cost him the tournament, the only tournament failure in his career.

Isn't that interesting enough to make a film out of it? Why change the story for change's sake?

Anyway, other than random script issues, which later become editing issues, the story is the weakest part of this film.

The rest is top notch. Production quality is high. Liev Schreiber, bravo, bravo, sir, on your Russian.

The film, overall, is a highly polished, professionally produced mediocre picture. There is no reason to see it again and it's difficult to recommend to anyone but serious chess or Fischer fans.
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A nice tribute to a chess legend.
areebkhan6191 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Tobey Maguire fits in the role of Bobby Fisher, and this movie is yet another example that the guy can act beautifully. The suspense builds up as if you are watching the match happen live in front of your eyes. What's more is that we see the paranoiac side of Bobby Fischer, a treat to see Maguire portraying. Although there is not much physical resemblance between Maguire and Bobby Fischer, but it is compensated by his award-worthy performance, and once the movie gets a hold of you, just sit back and enjoy. Again, I have to praise the performance of Tobey Maguire. Never seen before as star of biopic, the actor's hard-work paid off, and it's mainly the reason why I'm giving this movie a full rating, although the good acting of supporting characters do not go amiss. Liev Schreiber just won my heart with his performance. Enjoyable and interesting piece of work on the real incidents of the life of an evergreen chess legend. Worth watching, and worth recommending.
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Interesting film.
brett-7626024 December 2019
Im not a chess player and really didnt know a thing about this movie before I watched it. Good story and acting was solid. You dont need to be a chess player to appreciate This film. If you have a few hours to kill, no question there are worse movies to watch
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Come follow me and I will make you a Fischer of men
asher-luberto6 October 2015
Pawn Sacrifice is an engaging and well made biopic that is a rich work of cinema.

This flick takes place during the cold war, where America legend Bobby Fischer finds himself in the middle of a political crisis between America and the Soviet Empire. The movie starts out by showing Bobby Fischer( played by Tobey Maguire) towards the beginning of his life, and portrays the struggles he endured which affected him later on in his life. The movie later shows him as a rising chess star and before you know it, he is an adult; and one of the best chess players in the world. He soon finds himself as a pawn in Americas Cold War, and has to take on the number one chess player in the world, Boris Spassky.

This movie is brilliantly directed (Edward Zwick), and gives you an emotional feel for Fischer, and the cinematography is excellent. The supporting cast was good, but Tobey Mcguire stole the show,giving one of the best performances of the year.

Pawn Sacrifice is an engaging and well-made biopic with solid performances.
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Check Mate
kosmasp17 September 2016
The artist previously known as Spiderman is playing games now. Well I guess that would be one (very wrong) way of describing this. While he comes off as a bit of a brat (to put it mildly) and I can't confirm how close to the truth this is based on, the overall story is pretty strong and the tension is there, even if you can figure out where this is going very early on.

So if this was game of chess, you would feel like you know which pieces would be moved next and who would win in the end. Does it actually all happen like you imagine? Maybe not, but overall you can trust your feeling. Which does not take away too much from the movie, because it still works ...
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Imaginary Characters Grafted onto Real Names
totally-bogus4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing you need to know about this film is that is not a "true story". It is not the story of Bobby Fischer, nor of other major characters. It states in the beginning that it is "Based on a true story". What that means is that they have taken skeletal details about Bobby Fischer's life and about his increasing paranoia and mental instability, and about his historic world championship match with Boris Spassky, and crafted imaginary but plausible characters and plot points which might have fit the known narrative. While the film is serviceable B movie fare, I have to give it my lowest rating because of the fundamental lack of honesty. If you want to make a film about an imaginary chess player and set it within a context of 20th century Realpolitik, fine, have at it. But let your film stand or fall on its own merits. Don't claim it to be the story of a real person, a historic person of immense importance, to give your invented story a gravitas it does not otherwise deserve. Start with the casting itself. As many have pointed out, Tobey Maguire is vastly different from Bobby Fischer. But so is Liev "Ray Donovan" Schreiber vastly different from Spassky. Everyone in the performing arts thinks about the difference between "indicating" and "expressing". The casting of this film is a blatant case of indicating the "underdog vs the world" cliché by casting frail little narrow shouldered Tobey as the underdog, and casting 21st century anachronism cut-and-ripped, 6-pack gym bunny Liev Schreiber as overdog Spassky. They even throw in a shirtless, fresh-from-the shower, rippling muscled Spassky to beat the point to death. The reality is that Fischer was 6'2 or 6'3, and that he himself was the first top grandmaster to devote himself to physical fitness and strength conditioning. He was in fact the physically intimidating one, as opposed to the sedentary schlump, Spassky. And Fischer knew it. He was also a bit of a bully. Hardly the false narrative being presented in this film, and one with much more subtlety and ambiguity. The film gives Fischer a highly altered childhood to fit its concocted narrative. It introduces young Fischer's chess wizardry with a scene where Fischer's mother, Regina, takes him to one of the top players in New York City. Regina states that she wants Bobby to lose, to discourage him to the point that he will give up the game. The reality is that Regina was worried that Bobby spent too much time alone studying chess, but she supported his passion to the point that she attempted to run want ads to find other children as playing partners, and she took him to talented adults to coach and develop his game. A film mother who wanted him to quit, vs the real mother who wanted him to excel? As I said, this is not a true story. The film does show us a "seminal" scene where young Bobby, studying chess in his room, is haunted by sounds of Regina and some anonymous lover in her room. He confronts her, demands to know where his unknown father is, drops an F bomb on her, and tells her he needs her to leave because he needs silence. Later scenes report that she has in fact departed, going to California and leaving him alone in the apartment as he demanded. There is no evidence that this confrontation happened. None. She did in fact leave him, but in cold-hearted self-interest, to pursue her medical studies. The later wave of scenes where she watches from afar are pure Hollywood clichéd fiction. The film shows no strong male presence in young Bobby's life. There was in reality one important man. Paul Nemenyi, a Hungarian born physicist, was as close to a father figure as Bobby ever had. Nemenyi came to visit young Bobby, took him on outings, and even paid for his schooling. He was an important figure in Bobby's life until he died when Bobby was 9. One can only imagine what this loss meant to Bobby. There's one other reason why Nemenyi belongs in the real story. He was Bobby Fischer's father. Regina never told Bobby, because of the stigma of a child born to a father who was not her husband. Bobby wanted to know where his father was, and Paul was right there, unknown. You want a gripping, emotional film about the real life of Bobby? That film is still waiting to be made. You want to see a passable, fictional account of an imaginary chess legend with lots of scenery chewing? See Pawn Sacrifice.
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A bit incoherent
blumdeluxe30 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Pawn sacrifice" centers around the life and game of one of the greatest chess players of all time, Bobby Fischer, and his battle with both the cold war and his fragile mind. It thereby mainly focuses on the events of the World Championship in Reykjavyk.

In my opinion, the biggest strength of the movie becomes also its biggest problem. The attempt to create a balance between cold war, Fischer's mind and chess sometimes fails a bit. While much screen time is used to portray the events of Iceland, his breakdown afterwards and the questionable views he expressed are only mentioned very briefly. Somehow the movie still tells this story as an American hero tale, the Soviets are still the bad guys and all in all you can't help but say that this is a quite patriotic movie. I think that taking his whole life into account would have helped to understand better what happened to this man. It is indeed sad to see a brilliant mind fall to very dumb ideas and turn into somebody you need to oppose.

As it is, the movie is very much one in a row of movies showing us how pressure in sports or art can break people. Despite all my criticism it is still a good movie, thoroughly produced and the person of Fischer surely delivers enough aspects to turn this into an interesting film. One that is solid, but also one that could be even better.
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