Good Day for It (2011) Poster

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I wanted to like this film more
corvuscorax-ti2212 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The good stuff: excellent cast, fabulous moody cinematography, and good suspense.

The not-so-good stuff: most of the cast don't get to do much, the anachronisms, and the suspense being largely generated by the very, very slow pace.

I'm a big fan of both Robert Patrick and Lance Henriksen, and I was thrilled at the chance to see these two actors together. Unfortunately, there's just one scene with the two of them. Since this film is a lot closer to portraying "real life", the performances are appropriately understated. It was obvious that bad things were going to happen, but it was impossible to say just how and when it would all play out, even right up to the end.

Among the things that irked me was that some of the other excellent actors didn't get much screen time or their characters were basically along for the ride (literally for Christian Kane). Robert England made the most of his limited role, though, and I found him to be the creepiest of the pack of baddies. As much as the visuals were done well, I'd have liked less time devoted to landscape and more time devoted to character development and interaction.

I found the Deputy Doug character to be poorly written and thus irritating to no end, despite a strong effort by Joe Flanigan. While I get that as a rural deputy he doesn't see a lot of action, he seems to forget whatever police training he's had. I was literally yelling "Call for backup!" several times while watching this at home on DVD. You can tell he knows things aren't right on several occasions, but he doesn't do anything about it. You see the conflict on his face, but he takes no action. He only seems to remember he's a law enforcement officer near the end when he's ready to take on the protagonist, because he remembers him from a photo, taken 15 years earlier, from a newspaper article on microfiche. (Yes, microfiche. Apparently only the teen daughter has any connection to modern society with her laptop.) But before that, he does nothing about the four bad guys with police records, who he had already pulled over once and let go, and who have his friends Rose and Hec obviously nervous when he picks up dinner at the diner. Instead, he drives off and then takes an exceedingly long time to even look in his take-out and see that his order is purposely wrong. Was the Doug character meant to be stupid or a coward? Or both? His actions or lack thereof have no consistent logic, so it's hard to tell.

On the whole, it's a decent film and worth a look, but save it for a day when you can handle the dreary atmosphere and the extremely slow pace. And I dare you to not notice the rotary phone.
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A Good Day For What?
nancymcc-590085 December 2021
A good day to tell the truth? Why do we have to have so many characters to write about? All I want to say, is that it has a good ending. But it was too slow!!
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Good Atmosphere, Simple Story
refinedsugar5 May 2024
I put 'Good Day for It' in my queue solely because it stars Robert Patrick, Lance Henriksen. Imagine my surprise when opening credits sprung more familiar names. Hal Halbrook, Robert Englund, Samantha Mathis & Kathy Baker. Cast aside, there's elements to appreciate here. It has a down to earth feel and the people ring true, but you gotta know it's a low budget slow burn affair. Deep dark crime saga this is not.

Emily (Mika Boorem) plans to meet up with her estranged dad Luke Cain (Patrick) unbeknownst to her mom (Mathis). At Rose's Cafe, they bond under the friendly eyes of owners Rose (Baker) & Hec (Halbrook) as the daughter finds out why he left them over fifteen years ago. Luke also comes face to face with cronies of Lyle Tyrus (Henriksen). One of which reports back to his criminal boss. Turns out the two share a past association and Lyle has a score to settle with Luke.

A tale of broken pasts, bad decisions and being in the wrong place at the wrong time in rural America coming to a head. 'A Good Day For It' has some real heart, but also a high dose of predictability, a few cliches and surface level characters. Fans of Patrick, Henriksen should give it a go to see the two men share the screen together in a real way, but nothing ever rises above including the last minute finale.
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worth your time
scannerama1820 October 2011
If you enjoy the minimalistic independent movies popular in the 70's you should give this film a try. At first glance, i thought this might have been the greatest collection of has-been actors in one movie in ages. First Robert Patrick, then Lance Henrickson, then Kathy ...what the hell's her last name...oh yeah Baker!. But... slowly... (the pacing is a bit lugubrious, but hey, i said it did have a 70's vibe) the movie grabs you. The cinematography, editing and soundtrack are all above average and the acting ranges from excellent ( Patrick and Hendrickson) to spotty (Samantha Mathis). Overall the level of suspense was consistently high and the story UNFOLDS, which i love. The payoff is pretty good though it strains credulity a bit. This movie reminds me of Lucky Mckee's 'Red' with Brian Cox (a film i HIGHLY recommend) in that it's a very simple story told with style and integrity and isn't that the bottom line in film art.
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very slow tedious movie.
davidross2018 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
let me start by saying that i"m not surprised that no one has reviewed this stupid movie before me. I came to IMDb to read other reviews and there were none. big surprise. this movie is very slow and tedious. you keep waiting for something to happen and nothing really does. all the actors look old and tired. i am a fan of Robert Patrick since terminator 2 and he has been in some good films but this is not one of them. here he just looks old.real old. you look at some people and wonder what happened to them. he is just here for the paycheck as are all the actors. this movind could be described as slumming for them because they are all well known. this is one movie they should leave off their resume. it is an embarrassment for them. very very low budget. nothing to see here, move along please, as a policeman would to you at an accident scene. this film builds some suspense but there is no pay off at the end. nothing to see here, move along please!
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Annoying anachronisms, but other wise great!
elmerflp22 October 2011
Don't get me wrong. I thought this was better than most of the films I have seen this year, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly. The problem is the issue of time. Several issues, to be exact.

First, there is the problem of the antagonistic gangster characters, who, with one younger exception, all appear to be in the middle-aged or geriatric age groups. To be a credible violent felon, you should not look as though you depend on Medicare for fracture treatment and bullet extraction.

Second, the young girl uses a sleek wireless laptop to arrange a reunion with her estranged father, and yet she does not seem to possess that device which is organically attached to the fingers of the modern teen, namely, a cell phone with texting capability. Worse still, she uses rotary dial phones and pay phones, both of which suit a modern teen about as much as a corset and a bonnet.

Finally, in this film with sleek wireless laptops, nobody but the police officer seems to be driving a car made after the 1970s.

Aside from these annoying anachronisms, the film was superb!
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Incredibly dull... and sloppily made
bellino-angelo201422 February 2021
I am a huge movie lover (as many of our readers might have noticed). My tastes are varied... great films, old films, modern films and more. But one of my weirdest desires is, from time to time, watch movies that are very obscure despite having famous actors in them. I have to point out that I saw this movie because of Lance Henriksen (Frank Black from MILLENIUM) as I consider him a great actor despite he has also made lots of obscure movies (and at times he is the best thing about the worst of those movies as he is very enjoyable and with one of the best voices ever). However this wasn't even enjoyable especially after the first 30 minutes.

When the film begins Lucas Cain (the always good Robert Patrick) returns in his snowy hometown after nearly 20 years, where his girlfriend and daughter live. The town is menaced by a gang of criminals led by Lyle Tyrus (Henriksen) and Cain has a debt with them. Rachel Cain meets her dad in the bar ''Rose's Cafe'' owned by the old Hec (the late Hal Holbrook) and there arrive Lyle's brother Norman and his henchman Wayne (Robert Englund) but Luke makes them go away.

I quickly forgot what happened after the summary I wrote as this film looked like a direct-to-video movie and it was all duller than dust! Very cheap cinematography, horrible direction and bland performances by respected actors such as Robert Patrick, Hal Holbrook, Robert Englund and Lance Henriksen... all this makes for a dull movie with nothing worth about it. The only reason I didn't gave it a 1 is because there weren't very gross scenes as the blood looked like ketchup sprayed with a kids' bottle!

Despite this bad movie is available on Youtube I won't recommend it to anyone!! Not even to bad movie fans as it's not that enjoyable nor funny and would only leave a bad taste in the mouth. And the fact that there are so few reviews here probably says a lot!
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Looks like something a 12 year old wrote
domagojpint13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are couple of scenes that make this movie unwatchable. First, the guy runs for 15 years from gangsters, at one point he says that he always looks over his shoulder, and than one day by accident he ends up in the diner in the middle of the trouble that those very same gangsters caused but he doesn't recognise any of them although he runs from them every day for the last 15 years. Of course, they recognised him and left for the main gangster while the main character stayed in the same diner for hours until they came back. Then the deputy finds himself in two incounters with those same people, and he knew who they were but he doesn't call for backup or he doesn't do anything about it. It's seems to be pretty normal that 4 gangsters and a man runnig from them are just chillin' in the small town's diner for hours. Then the cook gives the deputy "the wrong dish" and acts very suspicious, he says "be sure to try this as soon as possible" but the deputy leaves because he still needs another half an hour to connect the dots and to check out the dish. Then the first guy has all the time in the world to pull out his gun but he rather waits for ten minutes while gangsters surround him. Then he speaks so loud that one of the gangsters can easily hear his plan for escape... I mean, these are all very irritating scenes which makes this movie a terrible one.
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Could be much better
imap-0523225 January 2022
Not an original plot, but good enough for a decent movie.

Unfortunately, bad script and even worse directing spoiled it all. Mega-slow, predictable, with the many good actors couldn't save it.

Several situations are simply incomprehensible, such as the police officer, smelling something dangerous developing, never asking for backup.

A highlight though is the daughter of the hero, cute well acting actress.

Summarizing, if you don't watch it you're not gone missing much.

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excellent modern western/family drama with fine performances
NateWatchesCoolMovies8 January 2012
Good Day For It probably won't be seen by many people, except for the die hard fans of the actors involved (like myself), and the occasional casual viewer who stumbles upon it on a shelf of an obscure rental store, or perhaps an obscure corner of netflix. This is too bad, because it is an excellent, moody, emotional and tense tale of a man facing the fears of his past and reconciling with his family.

The always awesome Robert Patrick stars as this man, Luke Cain, a tortured soul who once made a dangerous but necessary decision to rob a lot of money from his employer, nasty and sadistic crime kingpin Lyle Tyrus (the terrifyingly intense Lance Henriksen) , to save his baby daughter's life. He leaves his family after this, and does not return for fifteen years, when his daughter is older. When Lyle's gang spots him in town, things get violent and past emotions rise.

Everyone in the cast is great, from Mika Boorem as Luke's hurt but hopeful daughter, Samantha Mathis as her mother, Richard Brake as Lyle's slimy brother Norman, and Hal Holbrook as a kindly Diner cook. But performance wise, the show belongs to Robert Patrick, a tremendous actor who had yet to be given a lead role until now, and plays it with a forlorn melencholy, and a stoic toughness that proves he is an actor to be reckoned with, and should be given far more roles such as this.

Good Day For It is a great little indie feature with all the right touches of subtlety, beautiful rural cinematography, and smoldering danger. Highly recommended.
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Terrific film, great performances.
loud51320 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the film at the Sonoma Film Festival last week, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to writer/director Nick Stagliano for delivering an old fashioned drama/thriller that works on many levels. You can just see his love for the old westerns like "High Noon".

The actors in this film were all terrific. Bravo to Robert Patrick for delivering his best performance in years. After so many years playing the bad guy it was great to see him step up to the plate in the hero role. He has such character on his worn face and so much sole in his steely eyes. I just became a huge Robert Patrick fan. And Hal Holbrook? He's a legend for a reason. His comedic delivery had the audience in laughter throughout the movie. Lance Henriksen? Fuggedaboudit, one of the best screen baddies of all time. His deathly stare and cold eyes had me in fear for my own life, the guy it crazy good. Then there is TV actor Joe Flanigan playing a small town deputy who has probably never shot his gun before, let alone come face to face with a killer like Lance Henriksen. Flanigan almost steals the film with his quiet performance.

I honestly don't know what reviewer davidross was thinking. Sounds like someone with a grudge against all indie films because all his reviews are one stars. That's not fair in this case. Good Day For It is a terrific little film. I sat in a theater of 300 people at Sonoma and the people were at the edge of their seats till the very end. The film won the Audience Award for favorite film in the festival. Can 300 movie fans be wrong? I don't think so. If you get a chance to see this film at an upcoming festival I highly recommend you spend your $10 and enjoy it on the big screen where good films deserve to be seen.
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Good Day Indeed!
cytomini21 April 2011
Hats off to Robert Patrick, Hal Holbrook and writer/director/producer Nick Stagliano for an engaging, entertaining and very original film, GOOD DAY FOR IT. Without revealing too much, the movie lures you in with one possibility and then unfolds many others as it evolves. A simple, beautifully shot tale of how life can force you to make tough choices but that, occasionally, love can prevail. With an outstanding supporting cast (Kathy Baker, Mika Boorem, Lance Henriksen, Robert Englund, Joe Flanigan, Richard Brake AND Christian Kane), the movie artfully combines humor, drama, captivating cinematography and a terrific soundtrack by alternative country singer/songwriter Matthew Ryan. See the film - I'm sure you'll be glad that you did!
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nogodnomasters3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with Luke Cain (Robert Patrick of Terminator 2) watching a woman swinging her daughter. They are creeped out by him. A patrol car (one with the means to kill a T-1000) stops by and Cain vanishes. Cain wanders through a small town and buys a locket at a pawn shop. He has few speaking lines. His mannerism are mildly coarse.

The scene shifts to a young girl, Emily (Mika Boorem) on line with someone named "Lonewolf" who appears to be an Internet predator, who she plans to meet unbeknownst to her caring mother, Sarah (Samantha Mathis) the town's bartender who has to work a double shift leaving Emily time to visit Lone Wolf at a cafe in a nearby town. Lone Wolf is her estranged father who "ran with a rough crowd." Emily uses an old yellow rotor dial phone and a laptop computer.

The movie shifts to a subplot as Wayne (Robert Englund playing a bad guy!) and Lyle (Lance Henriksen) kill a man who stole money from them. The bad guys drive an old brown Cadillac and go out for coffee (minus Lyle).

Everyone is headed to Rose's cafe run by eavesdropping Rose (Kathy Baker), with Hec (Hal Holbrook) as a delightfully feisty 81 year old cook who wants to marry Rose. At the cafe there is an altercation between Cain and the bad guys. After which Cain meets his daughter. As it turns out Cain, who was a badman, stole money from fellow crook and his boss Lyle in order to fund an experimental heart operation for Emily. He has been on the lam for 15 years and now things are coming to a climax at Rose's Cafe.

The movie first builds character and gives us the background information in an entertaining fashion, then the expected drama and action. Mika Boorem gives us an academy award type performance as the daughter. She manages to stand out in a sea of fine actors. Filmed in Bangor, Pa.

The movie is big on character build-up and drama. It is light on action. It is about a father's love and sacrifice for his estranged family and trying to make things right.
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Absolutely enjoyed this movie
audrablack30 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I am a fan of Lance Henriksen and that is the reason I had this movie on my list in Netflix. It did not disappoint - the performances were excellent, the pace was slow but allowed for great development of characters. Bleak environment and nature of Pennsylvania in winter was a nice backdrop to highlight worn characters with a lot of history and convoluted emotions between them. Being a movie nerd that I am, I appreciated the fact that Lance was in TV show Millennium created by Cris Carter who was also creator of X-files where Robert Patrick was main character in later seasons. Other reviewers did an excellent job describing actors and plot, I am not sure I can add anything more but my most sincere admiration of the movie.
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A good movie but I didn't like it
yeodawg12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I didn't like this film, It had all my favorite strait to video actors. Lance Henrickson in about everything. Robert Englund of Freddie Kruger fame. I love British gangster films so i should have no problem with these in-bred gangsters bumbling around. However the thing is this film had no pop. It starts off with red neck gangsters torturing a guy for stolen money. They were pretty cool dialog was tight. Then they go to this diner where they run into an old cohort who ran off with their money. Then it becomes a long family drama Mexican stand off. I know they wanted a tension filled thriller this isn't it. There was no tough guy down home dialog,,wait one guy told another to leather a knife, that was it.
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Must watch film
mrnoodlesohno2 April 2021
Love this movie. You will too. Must watch. Go see.
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harrywintos17 June 2021
I loved this film!! Watch it and don't miss it!! There are some really wonderful cameos.
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Excellent build-up
Richiecass18 April 2022
The main highlights here are the excellent cast who all are stellar in their parts; particularly Robert Patrick. If you are a suspense fan you will appreciate the building up of tension done very well here; later things slide and are wrapped up rather quickly and predictably. Enjoy it for the cast, tension and acting. Nice soundtrack also enhancing the suspense and experience.
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a true original film
bostonjordan-0897929 June 2021
This film is truly original and intriguing. Great performances throughout. Strong narrative. All stars like Hal Holbrook and more. Don't miss this movie.
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Quality Crime Thriller
Freedom06028615 October 2023
With an excellent cast, this fine crime thriller was well worth watching. It was very tense by times - the viewer is never sure how it is going to play out toward the end.

It was nice to see the likable Hal Holbrook in one of his last roles. Jason Patrick, who stars in the main role in this one, has been an underrated actor over the years. The actors playing the villains perform well too - it was interesting to see Lance Henriksen in the role of the boss in a criminal gang.

Although it's a modern crime thriller, it's a lot like a good western, with plenty of drama before the showdown near the end. It definitely deserves a better rating and it's a bit sad how few people have seen it.
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