Corrective Measures (2022) Poster

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Watchable enough for what it was...
paul_haakonsen7 May 2022
I have to admit that when I sat down to watch the 2022 movie "Corrective Measures", I figured that this was just yet another mass produced shoddy movie with Bruce Willis. Yeah, his track record haven't really been all that great these past few years. Yet, I hadn't already seen "Corrective Measures", so of course I found the time to watch it.

The storyline, as written by Sean Patrick O'Reilly and Grant Chastain, was fair enough. Sure, this wasn't top notch entertainment, but actually "Corrective Measures" was enjoyable enough for what it was. And there were some aspects to the storyline that worked out better than others, of course. I will say that I found the prison facility for super powered inmates to be interesting. It wasn't a new concept, but still interesting enough.

"Corrective Measures" is watchable for a single viewing, as the storyline is pretty simplistic and requires no thinking or involvement from the audience. You simply just grab your snacks or beverage and lean back in the seat and watch the movie.

The movie as actually had a good cast ensemble, I will give it that much. I was especially thrilled to see Tom Cavanagh in the movie, as he brought so much charisma and flavor to the movie. Michael Rooker was also nicely cast for the movie. And in all honesty, then this movie was actually a step up for Bruce Willis, in comparison to the many shoddy and questionable movies recently.

Visually then "Corrective Measures" was okay. The movie would have benefitted somewhat from a more extensive usage and display of CGI and special effects, especially since the movie was did revolve around incarcerated people with super powers.

My rating of director Sean Patrick O'Reilly's 2022 movie "Corrective Measures" lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Felt like a fist draft
Tork_D1 May 2022
The story had potential but there was so many inconsistencies with the characters that it completely destroyed all emersion. They were so busy trying to push the idea that this character is the tough female cop, this character is the dumb cop, this character is the caring doctor, this character is the religious zealot, etc., that they were not believable. It reminded me of a first draft that you haven't read through to flesh out, fix the logic holes, and make everything is consistent.
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What we have here is a Failure to Communicate
Proper_Penguin21 May 2022
A really beautifully shot film, nice effects and pretty much good acting by the cast. Understandably Willis didn't participate much due to health reasons but those of us of a certain age can't help but remember his stellar action performances back in the day and it's hard not to be frustrated watching him not perform to his potential.

That being said it's the story that lets this movie down, it tries to be clever and it probably appears to be on paper, or by those who are up close. Unfortunately though it doesn't work. I can put this down to the way in which several characters are not given much in the way of development and remain very much two-dimensional.

You really don't care about their back story, which I understand doesn't seem important as we are told they are all criminals, but if that's the case why bother giving us an insight into them. All of their stories are left flapping in the wind with no coherent energy to stitch them together, or just bring them to a neat conclusion.

The film just feels unfinished and rushed.
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Very Sad
rob-745824 May 2022
Sad because it was boring and sad because it will be one of Bruce's last movies. I hate to think many will judge him on this movie and others like it. He doesn't have much of a part in it but he does well for what he has to work with. I actually found myself nodding off several times. That in itself is sad for a so-called action movie.
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So much potential but what a bowl of soup
The movie lacked severely in the category of focus...... I mean really... one of the guys gets his powers back that can electrocute a city block but he gets beat to death by a jailer? How? I mean rally how? No depth in scenery with regards to prison staff..... and can we take a second and agree the TV crew idea was an abysmal execution.

The ending was a fabulous surprise.

And the holy executioner was cool.

For these 2 items they get 4 points. Director sucks though.
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emortland12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I tried different ways to give this film benefit of the doubt, but the bottom line is I thought it was stupid. A bonus star for Bruce Willis reminding us of vintage Bruce Willis - in fact, all the actors are decent in this - but the plotline, story, characterizations, and everything else are just pretty ridiculous. One bonus star for the little addendums, if you still respect film by watching all the end credits. That may have been the best part of this. If push comes to shove, you can probably find better things to do.
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What Is This?
agm-7810825 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am so embarrassed for Bruce Willis and Michael Rooker. They must just be trying to keep the lights on. There's no other explanation.

The write-up I read for this film said nothing about super powers or mutants, it was written as tensions among prisoners and staff in a maximum security prison. I expected a mindless action movie. And it certainly is mindless. The plot is nonexistent. The "acting" is laughable. The dialogue sounds like it was written by a 10 year old.
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Corrective Measures
BandSAboutMovies2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the comic book Corrective Measures by Grant Chastain, this movie was directed and written by Sean O'Reilly, who is the owner and operator of the comic book company Arcana Studio.

The majority of filming took place in Vancouver, Canada.- except for a day of shooting in Atlanta, GA with Bruce Willis, who plays the not-in-general population criminal Julius "The Lobe" Loeb.

San Tiburon is a super prison - literally, for supervillains - created in the wake of an accident caused by a company that now, ever so conveniently, runs the prison. Diego Diaz (Brennan Mejia) is the new inmate who gets in over his head when he protects Loeb from the vigilante Payback (Dan Payne, who was Dollar Bill in Watchmen) and earns the ire of Overseer Devlin (Michael Rooker, chewing scenery and not caring in between convention appearances).

Tom Cavanagh, from Ed and the Reverse Flash from the TV show, is the best part of this movie, playing The Conductor, an inmate who shows the empathic Diego how to survive. Daniel Cudmore, who was Colossus in the Brya Singer-era X-Men movies is in this as Diamond Jim, while Kat Ruston, Kevin Zegers and Hayley Sales make up the support staff of the not-unlike Belle Reve prison.

I really wanted to like this. I understand that Willis was limited and therefore, his performance comes off as weary instead of Hannibal Lecter, guiding the riot from solitary confinement. This movie also pulls a The Astrologer by having its wildest idea - a Phantom Zone that takes the Christian idea of Limbo and applies it to solitary confinement - be dashed off and forgotten just like the window to the galaxy that Craig Marcus Alexander shows off to his accountant. It does, however, have the best way to handle Willis. When taken off into solitary at the end, wearing a power negating helmet that looks like Xorn from the X-Men, they cover his face - it's probably not even him and the body double used in some shots - they just ADR his voice over a mouth that doesn't move. The Italian exploitation industry would be proud.
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Better than we expect from Bruce Willis thesedays
steveleebee197330 April 2022
> edit - Bruce has been diagnosed with Aphasia, try to mention that if you review.

This is a bit of a B Low budget movie but it's a decent one.

No where near as appalling as the cash grab claptrap stream of sadness that we've had to see him in, since he clashed with Sly Stallone.

(edit - sly should feel a bit guilty about that considering the cause of Bruce's decline)

Michael Rooker is also very good in this, Bruce should probably hire his agent.

The filmography was ok, the acting was believable although rather cardboard from Bruce it fit his character.

Worth watching if you're in an easy mood.

Quite cheesy and a bit campy, coulda been done 30 years ago. Still good.
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Corrective Measures Number 19 in Bruce Willis Movie of The Month Club
stan_gee20 May 2022
Just when you think you've seen the last of the Bruce Willis movies another POP UP, he must have made a boatload of these Class D movies before he decided to retire. This movie was or is a real freak show filled with Meta-Human Rejects from the Metaverse. This is one of those movies you have to see to believe, then you wish you had done laundry instead, or wash the car. But hay, Bruce keeps trying to find one that takes back to his Die Heart Days.

This is another one of those movies, you sit and watch a rainy afternoon, when you are looking for a distraction from the weather, or you want something, any thing to make noise in an otherwise quiet house. Good Luck with this puppy. It's outta step and outta time.
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One of the last movies Bruce Willis will ever make, due to health issues...
imseeg11 May 2022
One of Bruce Willis LAST movies he will EVER make, because Bruce is retiring from acting, due to severe bad health, because he is suffering from a neurological disease which affects his speech and facial expressions. Really tragic!

I have watched EVERY movie Bruce Willis was starring in. I keep hoping, I really do, that some director, some producer, has got the wisdom to recognize what a great actor Bruce Willis is and make a better picture than this one.

BUT... unfortunately Bruce Willis is (by contractual obligations) restricted to only work with these inferior directors and producers, who dont give him the room to show his real talents.

You already guessed it, this is another flop in which Bruce is only starring in, due to contractual obligations. The man has got to pay the bills for his many ex-wives! I can understand that!

Not any good? NO. Sorry, I must be honest about this. There are several less terrible movies that he starred in recently. And mind you, Bruce has been starring in 5-10 movies A YEAR. That's mindboggling to think of. You might now better understand why this aint gonna be a quality action movie.

At an (excrucially) important sidenote, let us not forget WHY we are watching Bruce Willis movies to begin with. We watch Bruce Willis movies because of DIE HARD (1988). THE ONE AND ONLY BIGGEST ACTION AMERICAN ACTION CLASSIC OF THE CENTURY.

This classic is still standing strong after more than 30 years. Millions of people still REwatch it during every Christmas holiday. Recently a petition was launched to rename Nakatomi Plaza into DIE HARD plaza.

A life time achievement award for Bruce Willis is in the making as well, so I have heard...

DIE HARD (1988) NEVER DIES but is still ALIVE AND KICKING in 2022. Let's celebrate that.
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Weird but good
pagettsgadgets2 May 2022
First thing about this film that I would consider top class is the soundtrack. It's really well put together and the music fits the scenes perfectly.

I liked the way it started with action and Pretty much fighting throughout.

It's a film that had so much potential but too little back story to explain what really happened in the first place, but if you look over that fact, it should be an enjoyable movie for you.
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Watchable and top tier for end of Willis career
mcummings-890921 July 2022
It's a low budget film with Bruce Willis topping the casting we've seen that a lot over the past twelve months. Usually the films are out right terrible (with a couple of watchable exceptions) so the bar is low. In this one Bruce is really in the background but notabley there is a plot here and solid acting backed up by decent special effects. It's far from a top movie but I'm glad Willis has ended his career with a slight uptick in quality after his last few disasters.

A futuristic prison encounter which is just about worth the time investment.
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Worst waste of time
fslmom20 May 2022
The acting was better in the commercials that interrupted this movie. Bruce Willis was barely in it. I'll never get those minutes of my life back. The music was awful. The subtitles were wrong, especially with the crap music in this movie. This script should never have been read by anyone past the first page. It is as if a 6th grader wrote this for an assignment.
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Decent cast but total waste of time...
haskamr21 May 2022
This was poorly done in many ways...watched it through to see if it would get better and it didn't. I was expecting a lot better with Michael Rooker and Bruce Willis in the cast...This is what you get for free.
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painful and cringe
estersorin6 May 2022
I cannot believe how bad this movie was.

A real disaster on all levels.

It is like one tried hard and succeeded to not have anything good in a movie.
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Movies like this are what people do...
sgreenfan23 May 2022
When they nothing to do. Its sad to see Bruce Willis going through his mental illness and now these types of movies. If you're looking for a way to suffer through 90 minutes of nothing? You could do worse than this movie. That is the best thing i can say about it.
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UtWasted talent in a dumb story
supermellowcali9 May 2022
These excellent actors tried with a terrible script- and a storyline right from junior high writing class- to make this work but, despite a pro production, this plot couldn't work. I had to fast forward through a lot of minutes of conversations that dragged on without purpose. Nothing worth the time imo.
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So sad to see Willis drop to such terrible depths
mattheweuen8 May 2022
Bad movie, hard to watch, even harder watching Willis in such an atrocious movie...and Rooker ugh, he's just pitiful...I never watch anything with him, but I had to see Willis...I do regret my decision...
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Decent Low Budget Action Movie
TiredOldMan131 June 2022
I watched this movie on the same day I watched Ambulance and The Northman, this one turned out to be the most entertaining regardless of the fact it's budget was a small fraction of the other two.

It had an interesting story with a blurred line between heroes and villains' and didn't try to pretend to be something it isn't. It was just a basic action movie with criminals having special superpowers and a nice little twist at the end. What I enjoyed the most was seeing Michael Rooker getting a decent role and carrying the movie.
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Get Kat Ruston outta there
tpwjjcbbv18 October 2023
Okay first off, they need to stop embellishing these movie covers with actors like Bruce Willis as if they're the main star. All of his recent movies are like this. He's the main face on picture but he's barely in it. I've noticed this being done with Liam Neeson too.

Second, and my main complaint is, how over the top Kat Ruston is in her "tough girl" role. I lost interest whenever she was overacting. If she had just played her role better this movie would be 2 stars higher on my rating scale. Dan Payne was also a little over the top as well. Its like he was out of a comic book. Overall would not watch this again or suggest it to anyone. Definitely a background movie or something for the patients at the office.
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Better than the reviews claimed
poisonbrothertwo16 May 2022
This movie was shot and made before we knew Bruce Willis had cognitive issues. If you like graphic novels and such! Then this movie is right up your alley. Give it a shot.....
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It has certain merits and layers
galvas11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie is definitely not an Oscar material but it has it's moments and some layers that might be missed by a less attentive viewer. Like:
  • desserts fed to Diaz had their purpose as probably the only food not containing the control substance
  • who was really talking to the Conductor and steering his self esteem issues during the parol hearing
  • who of the guards was really on Lobe's side, or how many of them knowingly/unknown to them or paid for their service to afford caring about the family?

  • was the Overseer really that stupid or it has something to do with the fact that someone didn't have his food for quite a while etc etc

Then, with the exception of the doctor, Payback and opening scene the acting was rather good and some of the characters arcs had legs.

Finally, kudos to Bruce, not relying on others to pay for his palliative care and standing and earning some last dollar while it lasts. In the hindsight of knowing his condition, he is not playing he is living his attitude in some scenes.
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Absolutely Horrendously Boring Crap!!!
lukem-527601 August 2022
I like Willis & Rooker but oh my!!! Both couldn't save such a boring & dull snooze fest.

Payback seemed like a fun Punisher type vigilante but when put in prison it all became so dull, lifeless & boring.

I had to turn it off halfway through.

Real trash.
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What a crap movie!!!!!!
tundeandfortis2 June 2022
I am glad that Bruce Willis cant make more movies?! He just appears in every garbage lately! Acting in movies is not about quantity but quality! Stupid story bad acting, a horrible B grade crap they wasted money on! Spend the money on something useful, nobody wants to watch these crap things they dare to call movies?
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