Enlightened (TV Series 2011–2013) Poster


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Rogue-3211 March 2013
So here we have Mike White doing what he does best: spearheading a project that's one part subversive, one part cynical, one part hopeful and one part lethally and blackly comic.

Enlightened works on many levels because of this but it's also this uber-quirky quality that turns a lot of people who don't have the patience or the understanding of what they're watching off.

Dern's Amy Jellicoe character is not likable, which is a huge gamble from the get-go,especially for a female character; men on TV shows - as in real life - tend to be given far more leeway, to say the least. All the characters on the show are deeply flawed, of course, but these people are not caricatures, they're all three-dimensional and doing the best they can at their respective levels of consciousness.

It's interesting how Amy, beginning in season one, had been trying to find some sort of inner peace but soon as she returns to work at her vile company, that intention flies out the window.Rather than quitting her job, as anyone who genuinely was seeking peace would most likely do, she stays and takes on a new, seemingly better, more 'important' ego identity: agent of change. This is hilarious to me, because in substituting one ego identity for another she is still as lost and as fragmented as she was in the very beginning, if not more so. I'm hoping that White understands this, because I'm not sure how enlightened he actually is(because the actual subject of the title has not been dealt with in anything but superficial terms), but either way it plays as good television.

My favorite episode was the one in season two called The Ghost Is Seen, where White's basically sadsack character Tyler narrates instead of Amy, sharing with the audience about how he feels invisible, how he's lonely, how his life has been empty, until he meets Eileen, played beautifully by the always wonderful Molly Shannon. Ironically, of course - this is a Mike White show, remember - he's in the process of betraying her as they speak, breaking into her computer to get lethally damaging evidence against the company. This episode was brilliantly written and enacted, with White's voice-over narration being profoundly moving.

I only hope he gets a chance for a third season; in light of all the garbage that gets renewed - like Girls, for instance - I think this show warrants another shot, at the very least. UPDATED 3/20/13: Cancelled. Too subversive for HBO, apparently. Not surprised.
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Accept what you cannot change and change what you can
dryan-1425 December 2011
Enlightened is about a woman who was unable to cope with a series of accumulated stresses in her life and decided to seek treatment. She returns to her life with a new awareness and feels compelled to share and engage people in that awareness to effect positive change around her, but she finds herself running up against resistance due to fear of change. The people around her are all coping with stress in their lives in various other ways. It's about confronting the loneliness and isolation that you can feel when your perspective differs from those around you, and how that loneliness is at odds with your desire to connect, help, and heal those around you. At the end of the day it's about the serenity prayer, about Amy learning the wisdom to know the difference between what she can change, and what she can't. A lot of mistakes are made in the process, but her heart is in the right place, and any introspective viewer will be able to relate to the struggle. I highly recommend it.
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Strangely addicting
jimpowellsf29 December 2011
I read somewhere that this show was one of the best new shows of the year, so I started watching it on demand. I find it to be a very interesting mix of humor, drama, and intrigue. Laura Dern is great as an almost completely unpredictable person. It's almost scary to say that her character is like more than a few people I've met in my life.

This show covers work, home, friends, and life matters in a pretty realistic way. As in life, sometimes it's the verbal and sometimes it's the nonverbal communication that conveys the best message. The actors are doing a great job with the material, and I'm now on episode 7 and the show feels like it's getting even more interesting. I have to say, I'm pretty addicted to wanting to get to know these people more...and seeing where it all goes.
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Watch it!
smirish10 November 2011
The show is about one very flawed woman's struggle to become a better and healthier person. She's clearly lost, but dedicated and passionate in a way which makes you admire her and be annoyed by her at the same time. The show does a neat trick of manipulating the viewer into alternatively mocking her because of her naivete and flakiness, and cheering for her out of empathy, both back and forth within single episodes. You come to expect her to crash and burn in a tragic and comedic fashion. Yet in the end, she claims small victories of enlightenment that put all of us in touch with our humanity and teach us a little bit about growth. The show is not preachy, yet makes its points poignantly and powerfully.

I'm excited with anticipation as to where the show may go and hope it is renewed despite the poor ratings so far. Definitely my favorite new show of the season.
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Great Show
sukhideol27 January 2012
This show was not advertised in the UK, so I stumbled on this by accident and I'm so glad that I did. It is up there as a favourite now.

This show reminds me of Nurse Jackie, another great show, where it allows you to judge whether you think the characters are right/wrong or good/bad - they are not telling you what to think of the characters.

The cast is also great, both Laura Dern and Diane Ladd are fantastic as usual. I'm so pleased they have chosen to do TV because in recent years films have not taken notice of their great talents. Luke Wilson is the best I've ever seen him act. I love the motley crew of people she works with - great acting all round.

Also a TV show where a person actually does a full time job without the job being the main premise of the show.
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This TV series is GOLD DUST!
jeanluc291114 September 2016
I cannot believe that only 0.123% of the American population watched this excellent TV series while 5900000 regularly tune into mind numbing bull like the X Factor!

Sure the main character Amy is annoying at times with her kookiness but she is brilliantly portrayed by Laura Dern, no wonder she won a Golden Globe for the role and the rest of the cast are just excellent. Mike White, who plays Tyler and wrote the series, is a genius writer and actor. It's such a shame it wasn't picked up for a 3rd season. NETFLIX or Amazon should run with this.

Wake-up America!
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manbok2110 November 2014
I use IMDb on a regular basis just for reading reviews, although I always felt compelled to write my own reviews, it was not enough as most other people already have said, what i would have said.

For this specific title, I had to write something.

First of all, the show has been canceled this year and I'm glad. Season 2 final leaves a great ending point and I highly doubt a 3rd or 4th season could have topped it. Sometimes it is better to leave a little bit open for speculation, but not too open, so that people get satisfaction of a well rounded ending. It is perfect.

Why did I title this review "mirror"? Well, this series exposes and shows the truth about human nature and social interaction. About life. While watching it, sometimes I found it almost unbearable (like a car crash that you can't watch, but can't look away), because it was too true, showing the ugly reality. I'm fairly sure, many, many people can relate to some degree, or 100% degree to the characters in this show. All the traits and natures of us humans are shown from hypocrisy to forgiveness, love, hate, hopes, dreams, imagination and clash with real world, disappointment, resentment, regret, success, happiness and so on.

Right, so you think you might have seen it all before? Not quite.

It's not only the exposure of human nature, but we are constantly kept on our heels through this series, as happiness doesn't mean happy. Success doesn't mean successful. It plays with your mind and shows the viewer his/her own imperfections. How we judge and assume, how we guess and conclude.

It works so well from episode one. It could be something you disregard, but if you stick around, the well written script and the extra ordinary acting by all individuals involved will grab you.
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It gets better and more addictive by each episode
catalinignat28 February 2012
Very surprised by show's rating, gave it 10 to even score a bit. Lucky HBO did broadcasting it, otherwise based on IMDb rating shall had never watch it.

This show starts slow, and, as others have written, a bit confusing, not knowing what bread it is. But it grows in me by each episode, becoming addictive by having an unique mix of creativity, human nature sincere exposure, and lot of common sense. Very much liked the non-intrusive way of telling a story of a personality which, although is not of my taste at all, manages to make me sympathize with, and perhaps understand and accept.

Well done.
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A frustrating experience that does have its rewards...somewhere
caiged19 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this series solely for Laura Dern. The first episode seemed okay. A woman has a meltdown at work after finding out that the boss she was having an affair with was transferring her out of her department. So she goes away to a retreat, fixes herself, and comes back to find that her old job has been filled, and she's got a new job...in the basement of the company working with computers.

I thought that the story would develop as I got deeper into the series but that's where I was wrong. The series deals with Amy and her issues and we're left wondering if her Hawaiian retreat actually helped her or not. Each episode, with the exception of the second last one, deal's with one of Amy's hangups and I was starting to get frustrated with it.

Laura Dern does a good job as a wacky person who just can't see past herself. She's her own worst enemy, choosing to ignore what's right in front of her face, deal with her predicament and move on and do something about it. I was getting fed up of seeing her continually go back to her old floor and try to confide in Krista, one of two characters (besides Janice) whom I found two faced and really despised.

Thankfully, the last episode sort of made up for most of the series and I'm interested in seeing where Amy goes with her new found power. As long as the series gets another shot. Aside from Laura Dern, the whole cast that makes up the Cogentiva floor is well cast and funny, with each person contributing to the weirdness that makes up the DNA of a basement floor worker. Timm Sharp as the politically incorrect, nerdish, loutish, priggish head is very funny. Mike White also deserves a mention because he says a lot more with his quiet demeanour and smile than with any dialogue (but I had to laugh at his hack in password!).

All in all, I'd recommend it but bear in mind that Amy is highly annoying and frustrating most of the times but there are lucid moments when she gets the picture and you think there is hope for her after all.
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A series that looks good at anger, doubt, uncertainty, and the fight for love and spiritual meaning.
blanbrn24 October 2011
Just been watching this new HBO series "Enlightened" and I must say it's an interesting and raw work from Mike White he shows how life can be depressing and dark with rage and anger. It's clear that most people can relate to this thru their jobs and paying bills, and dealing with relationships as all of this brings stress and uncertainty to most. All of this is showcased thru the life of one middle aged lady Amy(the wonderful Laura Dern(who shares a birthday the same day as me!)she's a woman who's had a nervous and spiritual breakdown.

And Amy is faced with a destructive type of life it all began when she split from her ex husband(Luke Wilson)who's battled his demon with drugs. Also to complicate matters life on the job sucks as after 15 years she's been demoted to a lower level computer programming job in the basement of the company! As she watched how others have slimmed, lied, and slept their way up the ladder. As Amy's mind feels the rage and anger toward her co workers anytime she has thoughts of them.

Not all is lost still Amy is a productive citizen who still fights for joy and peace by trying to do the right thing by looking out for others and her character always tries to do things for humanity. She gets much advice and support from her mother(Diane Ladd who's Laura's real life mother) who she lives with. Overall this is a series that's a little dark with drama and blended well with anger and sadness as it proves life is always uncertain with a challenge ahead. Still the lead character Amy fights for what's right and to be at peace with life and people in a spiritual manner. Overall good interesting new series.
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NOW that it's starting to get interesting, it ends?
tlonuqbar26 May 2013
NOW that it's starting to get interesting, it ends? I saw all the first season feeling that I was testing the show each & every episode I saw, since the main character & the tone of the show quite put me off.

The second season I just saw 4 episodes (because all my other series are in a break) but THEN I started to get really interested in the show, because it didn't centred in the anger or anguish that has been the main tone of the main character, but centred on the reality that life is downs but ALSO ups, greed & much needed go back to ethics, TO GIVE proper treatment to people, acknowledgement to the deserving ones...

So myself NOW I would like to see a 3rd season in THIS tone, "we are in a deep S***T reality but it can be improved, it should be improved...
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Best Show on TV
heroicafilms-13 March 2013
Each time I watch an episode of Enlightened I am blown away by the nuance, complexity and profound truths of this show. It works for me on every level. There is no other show on television that succeeds for me in the way it does-- making me cry and laugh, never saccharine but always sincere. The writing is uniformly superlative, supported by killer performances, direction and excellence in all other aspects of the show.

I will be truly mortified if it isn't picked up for another season. We need this type of show. It shows us where we are as a society and, like Amy, offers us hope and a potential direction we can go in. If we choose to. I think we need to choose to and I sure hope HBO does too.
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I was dubious at first but it's growing on me
IAAL22 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a while to warm up to this show. This may be, in part, because my expectations were set very wrongly by some of the publicity I'd heard; I was expecting a comical romp poking fun at new-age spiritual therapy. It's not that. There's a taste of that, but this is really about relationships, and it's really getting interesting. The first couple of episodes, I'm now coming to understand, were exposition, just setting up the situation. But now we're starting to see a lot more development of the Amy/Levi, Amy/Mom, and, probably most importantly, Amy/Tyler relationships, and they're all quite nuanced and credible. Laura Dern is great, but it's really an ensemble cast, and Mike White, Luke Wilson, and Diane Ladd (Laura's real-life mom, I see from IMDb) deserve equal kudos. This is by far the best thing I've ever seen Luke do; it's a "whoa, this guy can actually act" revelation on the level of Charlize Theron in "Monster."

I'll say the same thing others have said: don't give up on this one based on the pilot and the first couple of episodes; it really does seem to be taking off.
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Charity begins at home
silmarieni27 January 2012
There is very little to like about this story.

Basically this is the story of an angry egoistical self-centered narcissistic woman who thinks she had a Revelation and her revelation allows her to wreak havoc on other people's life, always judging everybody but herself and self-righteous to the point one wants to puke.

She is always ready to fantasize about her doing good in the world and others being losers that need to be shepherded. But the reality is she won't do anything for others except cause grief She survives terrible terrible ordeals such as taking the bus but not without bitching her mother for not letting her use her car for hours on end.

It is really unclear what the message of the series is, or even the direction or the tone. Are we to laugh? Are we to sympathize with this boss sleeping woman? How many episodes are we expected to watch before she begins to do something useful or are we to continue being impressed by so much goodwill and so many fake empty smiles and so little action?
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Fantastic... the perfect mix of satire, drama, and dark comedy.
Red_Identity6 February 2012
I started Enlightened around a week ago, mostly because the Golden Globes put it on the spot. As far as first seasons go, this was an excellent one. It balances comedy and drama extremely well. Some episodes are more dramatic, some more comedic, but it always remains top notch.

Laura Dern in the character of Amy is completely fantastic. She owns this character, which is perhaps one of TV's most fascinating and confusing. Amy has our sympathy, we still want her to succeed, and she always pretty much wants to look at things in a positive way. The problem is though, she isn't the person she wishes. She makes you feel her problems, yet also cringe and shake your head at the way she approaches aspects in her life. She's a good person who wants to do good things, but she can also be extremely selfish and lacks any sort of self-awareness. Even in her most sticky situations, you want to root for her but you see her like many of her co-workers do... in a negative light. Dern sells it all. Diane Ladd is also pretty fantastic as her distant, yet also sympathetic and sometimes infuriating mother. But even she gets her own episode, which is perhaps the show's most touching and dramatic episode.

Overall, this is an excellent mix of drama with both dark and light comedy. I feel it's sort of underrated and has gotten lost among other big-name shows.
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Very good, but not for everyone
gijane1716 November 2021
Enlightened is very well written and Laura Dern is excellent in her role as the protagonist.

A character that is hard to like, and actually annoying, and yet you still feel empathy for her and she fumbles through life, trying to do good.

It's a great mix of social commentary, satire and a dark humor brought to life with a mix of interesting, awkward, sad and oblivious characters.

I do find it leaves me feeling a little uneasy and pensive, and yet I still want to watch more because it is so well done.

If you are all about feel good, pure entertainment - then this is not a show for you.
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How did I not know about this???
laurieteter8 July 2019
I just recently came across Enlightened in a search for a high quality TV Series airing on Amazon Prime. When I saw that the fabulous Laura Dern (as well as her mother Diane Ladd) were starring, it didn't take long for me to begin viewing... and then I couldn't stop; I literally tore through both seasons. THANK YOU Mike White and Laura Dern!!! Thank you for recognizing that there are viewers like us with good taste who desire and crave great writing, producing, and acting. This is a truly outstanding series that is funny, engaging, authentic, emotional, uplifting, and deeply touching. Please consider producing a 3rd season! Or at least work together again, your collaboration is pure magic!
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Greatly under-appreciated
TonyCamonte8425 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
'Enlightened' is not particularly easy to get into, which may be the reason for it not being discussed more often as a great show. I felt it flew a bit under the radar, but as I watched both of its seasons I realised that's not due to its quality.

It took some guts for the writers to focus an entire show on a completely unlikable person such as Amy Jellicoe. 'The Sopranos' have a mob boss as the protagonist, 'Mad Men' a habitual adulterer, 'The Wire' focuses on gangsters and equally morally bankrupt policemen, politicians, etc., and Dexter is centred around a serial-killer, but all those shows manage to create sympathy for their protagonists by showing them as very flawed in certain aspects yet also very likable in others. We root for Dexter Morgan, Tony Soprano or Don Draper, but find little to create sympathy or empathy with Enlightened's egotistical, annoying, and narcissistic protagonist. It's a gamble, but one that pays off, I feel.

Very few other shows manage to create such a good balance between comedy and drama, and portray a character as honestly without over-dramatising the bad nor the good sides. At its best 'Enlightened' is a spot-on character study of somebody you would never want to meet, that tells you a bit more about human nature. At its worst it still manages to be very entertaining, funny, as well as well-produced, superbly acted and fluidly paced.

I, for one, like the first season a bit more, as I felt the 2nd season suffered from focusing on the plot too much, which left the characterisation a bit under-developed in season 2. Nonetheless, even that was very good television with moments that bordered on brilliance.

It's a shame HBO canceled it, as I thought it was among the best shows on television alongside the still-running 'Mad Men' and 'Boardwalk Empire'.
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"They say the path to hell is paved with good intentions"
free-6449821 August 2017
If you're into subtle, sometimes dark humour with a twist of quirk, you'll get a kick out of this one.

I watched Season 1 & 2 back to back so its fair to say I was addicted. The episodes are short, yet packed with enough substance that you'll be left wanting more.

Dern's character is likable just not to anyone she knows. After suffering a breakdown, she returns to her life with higher hopes of - everything. Don't we all wish for a better world? What I like about Dern's character is that she has good intentions. She's just completely misunderstood by everyone around her and is dismissed as a neurotic maniac with no sense of self awareness.

She desperately wants to find a purpose in life but eventually makes 'good' with what she's got and.. its interesting enough.

The character development is well written and does a good job to explore the complexity of human relationships. There's unexpected humour and awkwardness and ultimately I felt myself rooting for Dern to 'stick it to the big guys!

Its kind of like 30 Rock had a baby with Weeds that was raised by Broad City. Highly recommended.
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The Greenest Show on Tele
Smhasnb12 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine, you're in the cleanest and the bluest water in the world, seeing the most vibrant colored fishes in the process. Imagine, you're sitting at the shore on a sunny and pleasant day, in Maldives. You can hear the waves of the ocean giving you the sense of calm. Well, that's how you'll feel when you watch this show. Wow. That sounds like text book Dalai Lama, doesn't it? In all honesty, the show will make you feel that way.

Plot: Fittingly, titled 'Enlightened', this show is about a woman's (supposed/attempted) transformation to a better life. And it's not just limited to her, but in a way, a message to every viewer, to be enlightened. It is a show bubble wrapped in green, environmental friendly feeling. It urges us to look beyond the materialistic world we spend most of our lives chasing after and embrace nature more. As the lead talks about nature, in a scene and says "It was saying, this is all for you and everything is a gift. Even the horrible stuff". After having a nervous breakdown, at a blood sucking corporation, caused by an affair with a married man gone bad, Laura Dern (Amy) is shipped out to Hawaii. There she spends time in a rehab centre for anger management issues. During this time she has an epiphany when she comes across a sea turtle while swimming in the ocean. This alleged epiphany changes her outlook on life and she believes she's been given a new life. She returns to her old life with a different attitude and tries to sprinkle her goody two shoes, puritan spirit on to everyone else. Enlightened will show us Amy's difficulties coming to terms with the real world after her new found perspective keeps getting kicked in the crotch.

Cast: Cast is headed by Laura Dern, who plays Amy, the enlightened protagonist. A veteran of Hollywood with over 30 years of experience, she has pretty much done every role possible in TV and movies. She has an Oscar nomination, a Golden Globe win, among various other wins and nominations. Laura portrays Amy quite remarkably. She shows an extremely wide range of emotions that most actors fail to even come close to. In every scene, Amy is on a roller-coaster of some sort and viewers can expect a big smile on her face with the softest of voices in one scene and screaming top of her lung ready to pull your hair out in the next. Sign of a good actor, I say. An Emmy for Laura is almost certain. (Note: stay away from a person having a nervous breakdown, she can show super strength and stop a moving life with bare hands) Rest of the cast, is half decent, nothing extra-ordinary. We have Luke Wilson, playing Amy's ex-husband, pretty much a typical Luke Wilson character. How many times have we seen him play that nonchalant, dope smoking, obviously single, loser guy? Add one more to the list. The only thing missing in the first 3 episodes is him sitting on the Playstation or Xbox. Nevertheless, he always stays true to his character. We know what he'll give us, and we're okay with it. Diane Ladd, plays Amy's mother, incidentally she is real life mother of Laura. (Trivia: She has played her mother in movies/TV shows 5 times). When Amy returns to her old workplace, she is forced down in the basement. Here she comes across some very diverse and humorous characters. As she calls them circus freaks. Here we see, Timm Sharp, Luke White (the creator of the show), Bayne Gibby among others. Overall, the cast has potential, ample amount of it. But needs time and a lot more dialogues. Funnier, dialogues.

Overall look and feel: The show has a nice calm feel to it, as discussed in the summary. Although I've been a fan of voice-overs, but in this instance, it is a necessity. It feels like you're stuck in a bubble and the wind is blowing you around from one point to the other. The background sounds, music, warm voice of Laura, all do supplement each other to complete the feel of the show. Another interesting thing I noticed was, in every scene you'll see Something green. Maybe HBO took a leaf out of Breaking Bad's book, with their rather successful play with subliminal color coding. But this green has that effect on the viewer. Nicely done.

Conclusion: Enlightened is very intriguing in some regards yet, lacks direction. It is stuck between being a drama about an epiphany and a comedy about a dysfunctional work place. It is truly a dramedy, but, needs a bit more drama and a lot more comedy. I think the creators and writers have to take some concrete decisions to take this show in a certain direction. As of now, its swimming in the open sea and not quite sure which way it wants to swim. That being said, it's a lot better than a handful of other dramedies around (or recently cancelled). When we compare it to other female lead 30 shows like Weeds, Nurse Jackie, The Big C etc it's doing its bit.
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Amy's Angst
LeonLouisRicci15 December 2012
While watching you will probably feel as frustrated and angry as Amy (Laura Dern) in this made for cable series. Because she is not the easiest character to warm up to and you may feel like shaking some sense into her overbearing and neurotic behavior. That is the point in this rather risky show.

The first season of half-hour episodes is a good effort that is an emotional roller-coaster of angst and dark comedy.

It may be too sharp and rough going for mass appeal, but it does have that edge for viewers of this type of social commentary and could be regarded as a cry-out to those square pegs trying to make sense of those round holes. The villain here is mostly corporate greed and impunity. It is a David and Goliath story and one cannot help but be on the side of the underdog.

The series is populated with interesting offbeat characters and the dysfunction comes from all sides. In Season One There is very little resolution and it has set up a fight to the finish with a very flawed character putting on the gloves and taking on a "Champion" and the odds are heavily against. In Season Two it will have a difficult decision whether to have an upset and crown a new "Crusader Champ", or not. Place your bets.
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Interesting show, kept me coming back for more.
bethany26138 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll say this show is rather compelling, the plot and characters are easy to identify with in our everyday lives, whether it's friends, family or acquaintances you know struggling with drugs, relationships, work issues or general social ineptitude. The only issue I cannot seem to get past is the main character,Amy ( Laura Dern) is so incredibly obnoxious, pretentious and self-centered. She's increasingly delusional, too wrapped up in her own self-righteousness to see how bizarrely she's behaving. Without any concern for her new co-worker, going on this "mission for a higher cause" she implores him (Mike White) to bend to her will, she constantly puts her needs and her issues first, not just with him, but her mother,ex husband, "friend" Krista; i.e that insanely awkward speech at her baby shower!

It's so awkward sometimes I can't help screaming at the TV, or constantly gasping at the outrageousness that is her personality. I don't understand if they're poking fun at her character or if we, the viewers, are actually supposed to feel some sort of empathy for her? Because I genuinely hate her. I've never felt such negativity towards a main character, even despicable ones usually have some underlying likability. UGH NOT HER.

Still I have to see what happens..
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A character study
danybur12 September 2021

A remarkable and poignant dramedy about bonding and the world of work, created and co-written by Mike White (the head of The White Lotus) along with Laura Dern, whose display of resources makes her character Amy (a quixotic, defiant and impulsive woman who permanently tests her shaky status quo in pursuit of what she considers to be better and better that surrounds her) perhaps the richest of her career.


Amy, a sales executive (Laura Dern) has an incident with her boss and decides to spend time in a treatment center in Hawaii. She returns from there totally renewed and determined to redefine her ties to her work environment, her mother Helen (Diane Ladd, her mother in real life) and her ex-husband Levi( Luke Wilson).

Few actresses can create characters as lovable and infuriating at the same time as Laura Dern's Amy. Throughout this drama, we will see her many times stumble over the same stone, fall down and always move forward in her desire to improve herself and others. Dern herself classified this series as a "character study." And indeed it is.

Amy does not have it easy: "enlightened" after her treatment, she must return to live with her distant mother, reestablish a fluctuating bond with her problematic ex-husband and must face a new and frustrating work reality in the same company where she had enjoyed a better position. The latter gives rise to a harsh, critical and even subversive look at certain very current labor practices, rarely seen in American fiction. Amy is a woman who is no longer young and who permanently and in a quixotic, defiant and impulsive way puts her shaky status quo to the test in pursuit of what she considers to be better and improve what surrounds her.

It is no coincidence that, along with Laura Dern, the creator and co-writer of this series is Mike White, the creator, screenwriter and director of the awkward White Lotus. The episodes of Enlightened sink deep into the viewer, thanks to their concise dialogues, certain details of their staging, the power of their images, their tight timing, their bursts of humor and the remarkable performances of the entire cast. A story that raises more questions than answers, permanently challenging the viewer in a totally honest way.

Several chapters include some comments of poetic tone, certainly notable and never redundant, by the voice-over of the protagonist, by way of reflections and situation pictures on the chapter. They really make you want to write them down.

The direction of the episodes is divided between Mike White himself (who also plays Amy's shy officemate), Miguel Arteta, Phil Morrison, Nicole Holofcener and... Jonathan Demme!. On the other hand, guest stars appear, like Robin Wright in a notable chapter.

And I dedicate the final words to the marvelous work of Laura Dern, with a display of resources that makes her quixotic Amy perhaps the richest character in her entire acting career, (anti) heroine of this deeply moving series.
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It was flawed--just like its heroine
queradibetty19 April 2019
In season 2 the main character may still be naive and idealistic but she also achieves real victories mixed in with her failures. The us-against-them story line of the second season is well worth watching. I wouldn't even bother with season 1 unless you are really into shows about losers losing some more.
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Uhhhhh..... No, I don't think so.
kthixon30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I tried really hard to like this show, but just about everyone in the show is irritating, especially the lead character Amy. I know that people have said this before as a kind of positive criticism, but I don't think so. Amy supposedly had been an manager at her company, but I find this totally unbelievable. She's a complete idiot and no one likes her, and I do not believe that she would have been a better person when she was drinking and doing drugs. It is easier to believe that she was manipulative and narcissistic, because that it the character she is after her "enlightenment". Actually I have no idea why they even call the show "Enlightened", it's more like "Bi Polar". Levi, her ex-husband, is the only main character that seemed authentic, and I have no idea what he would have saw in her over a 25 year period, even while he was drunk. The only reason that I would have wished that there had been a third season would be to see her get arrested for computer hacking and thrown into jail. In an attempt to get a better deal, I'm pretty that she would have turned on the two saps who helped her with her "project". I cannot recommend this show.
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