Murder Among the Mormons (TV Mini Series 2021) Poster

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Effective documentary of a complicated true crime story
3lazycats4 March 2021
The pacing and editing in this true crime documentary is what made it interesting and compelling. Intertwining the archival footage with present day interviews was done well. However I particularly enjoyed the discovery and science of the motive, and appreciated the series took the time to explain how it was accomplished.

Fascinating story, well told.
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Unexpected(ly good)
Calicodreamin4 March 2021
A short three piece documentary that was actually pretty wild. The documentary style had a great flow and use of archival footage. Pairing current and old interviews with the same subjects was interesting. The doc gave just enough background on Mormon history and documents to get you up to speed but not overwhelm. An unexpected conclusion.
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Very well done...
1cornelius6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Such a fascinating story... I'm glad they took their time telling it.

My only complaint would be that they glossed over his other forgeries that are even more impressive than the Mormon documents. Most notably the Emily Dickinson poem that passed as authentic. There is a great book called The Poet and the Murderer that tells the Mark Hofmann story and begins with the Emily Dickinson piece. If you want to get deeper into this story I highly recommend that book.
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Very interesting
Gretel100614 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching The Undoing on HBO and went into watching this. A real life sociopath compared to a fictionalized sociopath. The real life one was certainly much more scary. It was horrifying listening to the killer's interview when he seemed to answer questions honestly. He felt no remorse. He hadn't cared if a child had picked up the bomb. He figured that a person dying from a bomb was no different than the person dying in a car accident.

My real entertainment came from watching Shannon Flynn. I found him like an adorable over-the-top man with his little bow tie. At one point during the series there was a recreated "flashback" of Shannon Flynn and Michael Hoffman acting like Miami Vice dudes flying around in a sports car and shooting an Uzi. It seemed at times that Shannon still liked to act like an ultra-ego of himself and other moments when it seemed like they caught him on film almost showing his true self which was more fearful and sad.
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You and Me (But mostly me)
southdavid19 April 2021
We've been watching a series of Netflix true crime documentaries recently, but of the ones we've watched "Murder Among the Mormons" is the first one with a case that I knew nothing at all about before starting. Though this was interesting, and the story is told in quite a logical way, I came away with more questions and theories about the antagonist than the show provides.

Mark Hofmann is an historical documents dealer with a knack for finding rare items that has made him a wealthy man. His location in Salt Lake City makes him a prime dealer for working with the Mormon church and his location of the "Salamander Letter" has made him a big if controversial name in those circles. Just days before he's due to provide a big haul of letters and documents for verification, a series of bombs explode, killing authenticator Steven Christensen and Kathy Sheets, seriously injuring Hofmann and destroying the cachet.

I'm going to write the rest of the review without spoiling who is behind the bombs, as going in I knew nothing about this case and I'd prefer you to have the same experience, if you can. There are some interesting characters in this doc from the worlds of law enforcement, document dealing and the Mormon church, none more so than Shannon Flynn, whose voice and mannerism are quite the most memorable aspect of the series. The documentary is quite well researched, with many interviews with key characters that are still with us and quite a bit of news footage from the time - though the little re-enactments that they do are played usually for laughs and I could have done without them.

Having finished it, though I understand the motivations for the crimes, I don't feel I understand why the killer escalated to murder so quickly when other options would have worked better. The historical interview that makes up much of the final episode gives the impression that the person is a sociopath and that eventually was going to kill someone when the pressures on them made it the preferable option, but that's my amateur interpretation. I'd have preferred some expert guidance on this from criminal psychiatrists.

Though I doubt it's going to live long in the memory, I was entertained enough by "Murder Among the Mormans" to finish it and though there's an interesting story here, I could have done with more indepth analysis of the murderer.
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Pretty good actually
dalefl5 March 2021
I didn't remember this incident until I started watching it, then it clicked; something about a Mormon civil war (which would probably be a pretty cool thing to watch). I thought it was a pretty good doc. Being only 3 episodes long I found it to be just about right and not slow or boring at all. If it was any longer it probably would have been, but I didn't find that the case at all. It was thorough and everyone who could be interviewed was included except for the diabolical genius perpetrator. There is definitely something seriously wrong with that knucklehead. All in all It was pretty good and quite short but informative, which is a rarity for Netflix.
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Riveting and appalling
ChrisScreenwriter11 March 2021
At first I thought, geez this case is so old, I don't care ... and then I couldn't turn it off. The murderer is as cold-blooded as Ted Bundy. Watch for the photos at the end. 😮
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Gives The Feeling Something Is Missing.
AudioFileZ6 March 2021
I will call this a big overview of a very dark and horrific act that I had either not known of or remembered. It is a big event as the intersection of terrorism and The Mormon Church. I learned a good bit and I always kept feeling something, perhaps important, regarding the story was missing. I kept coming back to feeling I was trying to "over-think" this thing. This was a simple case of greed and narcisicm gone to a unthinkable level. I think the doc could have been more revealing and more in-depth since it was three installments. Still I was interested. BTW Mark Hoffman's voice is not right...something is way off when you process his voice. He is a total psychopath filled with something quite dark and he got by cloaking it for way too long.
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Please do the Lafferty Brothers next!
ztbuchi8 March 2021
This was incredibly well done and on point. Please do the Lafferty Brothers next. Like legit. Has to happen. Keep exposing this kind of information.
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Murder Among The Morons.
deloudelouvain15 September 2022
For some strange reason I find documentaries about religions always highly entertaining. And even though this documentary is talking a lot about the Mormons (morons would be more accurate in my opinion) the main subject is murder and other crimes without spoiling anything. It's well made, easy to watch and understand, composed of interviews from the people that were involved in one way or another. What I found truly amazing is how easily some people get fooled. In this case it's the Mormons and that's not really surprising considering what kind of nonsense they believe in. But in all fairness anybody could have been fooled by these crimes, religious people or not. The main 'criminal' (without mentioning his name so not to spoil the documentary if you like me never heard of this case before) is definitely a mastermind that conned everyone he encountered. Murder Among The Mormons is three episodes long and will suit people that like watching true crime documentaries.
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Very well done.
SpacemanBob4 March 2021
Utilizing extensive present day interviews with people directly involved; and plenty of archival footage and news broadcasts, the film takes a very detailed look at a truly unbelievable crime. The editing is great.

I was entertained all the way through. There's not a bunch of filler, and the episodes fly by. If you tend to enjoy this kind of content, or true crime, then this series should be very enjoyable for you.
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Misleading trailer, but it was intentional?
TreeFiddy537 March 2021
If you don't know anything about Mormonism, this doc gives you a little bit of an idea and goes straight into the story about two murders that occurred during that time. The trailer was slightly misleading and I think that might have been done intentionally. There's nothing edge-of-the-seat about this doc, but it shows you what people can do for money. The first 15-30 mins or so make you make what religion in general really is. Only 3 episodes, quick watch. Watch it if you're bored and wouldn't mind a slightly predictable true crime doc while learning something new.
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It's Okay
fleck05IMDB4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when this happened as the bombings and the Salamander Letter were big news in the 80's. I think the documentary is good overall, but kind of slow-paced with too much filler. This seems to be the direction of many Netflix documentaries though - take information that could be easily laid out in 60-90 documentary, and drag it out 180 minutes with multiple episodes. Of course crime documentaries are very popular, streaming channels need lots of content, so I get why Netflix does it.... but it makes for a painfully slow pace.
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Interesting, but you've gotta stick with it.
mikeiskorn15 November 2021
I do agree with a fellow reviewer that the most interesting episode is the last one and episode 1 and 2 could have either been boiled down to one or just added to the third to make it slightly longer.

It was unclear which direction this documentary would go and blimey, does it take a turn. Of course, no spoilers but you just couldn't make this up. The minds of some people are truly bizarre. But at least it makes for good tv.
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An interesting story, well told
Leofwine_draca14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another fine true crime documentary courtesy of Netflix. This one's a more straightforward case hence there are only three episodes, but it's still wide-ranging and the show is an excellent mix of history, religion, police procedural, mystery, psychology, murder and a short-lived terror campaign. It's constructed in such a way as to provide surprises and twists in every eventful episode, and enough key players from the early 1980s are included to make it feel worthwhile.
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Lacks key context
ggg846 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If this documentary was made with an objective approach to Joseph Smith's history of fraudulent behaviour, and the acts of violence committed by its followers in the religion's formative years, the events depicted would seem ironic or even inevitable.
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It's a very interesting documentary series, worth your time.
Sleepin_Dragon7 March 2021
This is a well presented, insightful three part series into the crimes of one man, and how he nearly rocked the Mormon Church to it's very core.

This series gathers momentum, and gets more and more dramatic, and shocking with every episode. Part three contains some pretty incredible insights into what must have been a very disturbed mind.

It does make you wonder what documents exist out there.

Some fascinating interviews, clips, and interesting news interviews, it's amazing how manipulative some people can be, and how people simply didn't want to believe what was going on under their very eyes.

These events were unknown to me, I also know very little about The Mormon Church. The first half of Part one gives you an insight into its origins.

It's an interesting look at the polygraph test, it reinforces why it's not admissable in The UK I guess, it can clearly be beaten.
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Not as good
ue-536604 March 2021
Not as good as other Netflix documentaries. It's kind of boring and it could have been done in less than an hour.
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Unparallel Deception
tsnaz10 March 2021
When it comes to religion, all rational and critical thinking must be abandoned. They wanted to believe so much, they never truly questioned the miraculousness of how 1 person could be in a position of a Genie bottle to make your wish come true.

What else has been forged into our history and how has that shaped our way of thinking?

Seeing the clip of the Pastor on TV confirming the history of Mormanism via a forged document was priceless.

Nevertheless, Hoffman was a brilliant mind and a savage.
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Interesting Story and Mystery
Movi3DO8 March 2021
Another Netflix's limited documentary series. The story depicted the murder of businessmen and collectors of Mormon's original and rare documents.

The core of the story is about the fundamental origin of Mormonism. The series did a good job explaining that aspect of the religion, but there's practically no explanation of the religion's doctrine.

Instead, the series dived into the business of collection of rare items and documents, with the documents regarding Mormonism being the center of interest. The moral of the series was about how unexpectedly dangerous and deadly this business could get.

Overall, I found this series to be pretty entertaining and fascinating. The last half of the last episode was a bit too slow. Compared to other Netflix's limited series, this one wasn't as good, mostly because of the real-life story itself. 7/10
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More than murder
kirstiecaneneadams7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is about more than the murder of two people. It brings up religion (and could have been any religion and not just the church of the LDS) and people believe what they want to for the sake of being good followers. People are willing to overlook suspicious actions and a guy who has an uncanny ability to find documents if they also get a piece of the profits. Clearly, the person of interest enjoys the act of fooling others and had since childhood. This was not just about the desire to make a profit from forgery but also his interest in pointing out the flaws in organized religion. He was clearly trying to punish the church possibly due to a strict upbringing but the documentary did not go too deep into this aspect.
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Crazy Story. Would have been better at 2 hours
jesser29927 October 2021
It's slow to start. A lot of setup. I feel like this was a very interesting story and the cinematography and archival footage and interviews were top notch. It was a 4 hour mini-series though, and I feel like this story would have been best told in a 2 hour movie, because it's a little slow and repetitive at times.
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Paint by numbers - serviceable and forgettable.
Boreas746 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are no great revelations in the series and no particular style or artistry. I'd never heard the story but it was obvious from early on in the first episode where it's going.

It seems like the producers were looking for a story that happened long enough ago to be largely forgotten but recently enough to have lots of video available.

I don't think we get any real insight into Mark Hoffman. We also don't learn anything new about Mormonism.

It just feels like a minor, forgettable example of a certain genre of documentary designed to provide content for Netflix rather than tell an interesting story or cast light on an aspect of humanity.

It isn't awful or objectionable it's just not very good.
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WAAAAY too long!
kristi237418 April 2021
Get to the point already! This docuseries just drags on like a snail. This could have been told in a one part documentary.
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A flurry of information
awells-7639016 March 2021
And dandruff. None of these guys seem to wash their hair. But yea, the documentary was interesting for the most part. Utterly boring at others.
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