Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) Poster


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Not every villain needs a redemption arc
unicron-630082 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why Disney willingly chooses to sabotage their best villains to try and make them sympathetic.

In fact, I don't understand why this trend exists in pretty much every production company there is, right now. All it does is remove a "good villain" from their "deck" of villains to "play with" in other movies.

The Sanderson sisters were evil witches who "ate" children and cast silly spells to make people dance to death. They were a perfect example of "Horror for children" and perfect for Halloween.

The movie, itself, is very bland.

The idea of introducing "good witches" (aka thanks for fighting discrimination against modern witchcraft practitioners) is poorly done. I could see the idea of having 3 best friends becoming Salem 3 new witches forming, but it never really gets any where.

In fact, what happened with the plot involving the 3 girls' friendship? They really dropped the ball on this.

Having the Sanderson sisters once against feel "lost" in the modern world had already been done. The choice of one of the songs fell flat (especially with kids, the target audience, who found it cringy, and with returning fans who noticed the rehashing of some musical elements).

Overall, the main 2 problems were that the Sanderson sisters no longer felt like a threat and that the story was boring and incomplete.

It's too bad, because I had hopes for this movie.

However, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Majimy depicted their characters perfectly, once again, and were very pleasant to watch on screen, despite the bland plot and "disneyfication" of their iconic characters.
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This movie just shows that people can't do humor like they used to- this is comedy without the laughs
MyMovieTVRomance1 October 2022
Not bad but super lackluster compared to the original!

It lacked sincerity and feeling. In fact, I didn't feel much of anything throughout except frustration. Whereas the first one made me laugh and cry the whole way through, this one was really ho-hum, except for the very end- and I only laughed once!

Like I said, there is a feeling of insincerity to this one. It's basically a parody of itself, whereas the original feels like a genuine classic. And a lot of the stuff in this felt forced and just annoying.

Also, no Max, Dani, or Allison in this one, and I was really looking forward to their return!

Glad I watched, but overall, a letdown and super lame.

UPDATE: Okay, it's only lame in comparison to the original, but not lame overall. I just can't stay mad at a Hocus Pocus movie- anything with these 3 sisters is cool with me, and I hope there are more sequels!
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Despite its issues, fans of the original (like me) will see it as a satisfying celebration
gricey_sandgrounder30 September 2022
I have always said that the first 'Hocus Pocus' is the best Halloween film for kids. It's a lot of fun, exciting, has a good amount of energy, has the right amount of horror to not put the kids off it and just makes you smile. So I was glad to see that the love for it gave birth to a long awaited sequel.

With the excitement comes the caution as sequels from 80's or 90's originals have a low success rate. But like with something like 'Top Gun: Maverick' I knew that in the right hands if they committed to the concept rather than try and make it contemporary to keep the interest of modern audiences, then this could be as fun as the original.

There is a promising start that will certainly engage the fans of the original and while the structure as a whole is very familiar, it still never felt like cash grab. There was enough to keep the story going while paying homage to its predecessor which is fine as that is the reason why this film finally exists.

The action isn't really as physical as before. But as a few of our stars are a bit seasoned now, some of the changes that they made to accommodate that never made the film drag for me.

The finale is certainly the film's high point as there is one moment that will get the fans emotional. It certainly caught me off guard. It left me very satisfied, and I think it will get a strong positive response with other loyal members of the fandom also.

Seeing the trio of Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker was just great. They have not lost their touch or chemistry and Midler in particular can still put on a great show. It never felt they were phoning it in. It felt like they wanted to give something back to the fans which was wholly satisfying. It was also great seeing Doug Jones return. Jones is someone that does not get enough credit from people outside of the industry. You probably don't realise how much work Jones has done and his signature physical acting was put to good use once again.

As for the new cast, they weren't as instantly likable as the ones from the original. But they did a perfectly functional job to help the story move along and were thankfully never annoying.

It was great seeing parts of the original locations used and bringing back John Debney for that memorable score to be put to use once again. Some parts did look a bit too polished, too much like a set and never felt as dirty or authentic as its predecessor. The pacing is solid but could have been a bit more rampant to give it some adrenaline. The slightly longer running time doesn't help.

Other minor negatives to speak of was that the stakes never felt that big or consequential. I'm not totally surprised at this as Disney don't try to make things too scary or risky these days.

But that being said, the fun factor and energy is still there and despite its flaws I had a blast watching this. As a fan, it was great to see the gang bang together. While some of the nods, call backs and gags didn't all work, they largely were well executed. For non-fans, I feel this will remain a pleasurable watch. It does a good job celebrating its legacy and never tarnishing it. The emotional and highly satisfying finale proved that they were basically saying thank you to the fans for celebrating the original for so long.

I really hope I'm not the minority as I try to avoid seeing beloved projects through tinted eyes. But I think as a film it's perfectly fine with some nice moments that anyone can be invested in. But this will clearly satisfy the fans.

I must mention that there is a post credits scene. It's hard to not give a hint without spoiling it. So that's all say about it. It's there for you to discover yourself.
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Falls flat.
ashdsteele1 October 2022
I was really excited to see this and shouldn't be shocked it's not good but alas, here we are. It's so hard to get through.

Two unlikeable teen narcs bring back the witches who immediately burst into... song and dance?! Whoever made this remake failed to realize they only sang in the first film because they are mistaken for a musical act and use the stage/ band accompaniment to cast a spell on the town. "Dance until you die!" It's dark!

In this, they are singing and dancing happy music in the middle of the woods. We hear a full band but they are alone. For no reason. This is not in their character. Make it make sense.

The product placement is palpable. Sponsored by Walgreens. We're supposed to believe they don't know what teenagers look like? They already came back in the 90s and knew Max was a teenager.

Also- Billy was my favorite character in the original and in this, they give him a weird Irish accent? When no one else has one? What's happening. Why ruin a classic?
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Fun, but not as fun as the original
rturn_260930 September 2022
I'll try my best to not spoil it...

It was a fun film, has nothing on the original sadly.

Referring to the 1993 movie with someone in the film watching the original! How's that possible!

I feel they tried too hard here at times Some of the jokes just over the top As much as the sets looked good, they also looked fake I feel kids will like it but the long time fans will enjoy it just not love it as much as the original

Lots of links to the first and hooks to match them up, but 3 key people missing with no real mention yet the evens were.

As I said it's fun, very "camp" can I say that?

I didn't have much hope for it and I was right for that, I also predicted the store for the main character

Also, the story of where Book came from was changed for this film

Will I watch it again, yeah of course and in time it more than likely might become a classic no brain power needed movie.

But the original will never be beaten that's for sure.

Disney just don't do a Ghostbuster on us now... I feel that could happen

As as for the 2 cut scenes.
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Necessary Sequel? No. Fun? Yes.
Foutainoflife1 October 2022
I don't understand how fans of the first film would want to trash this.

The story offers a mix of prequel information, first film nostalgia and a decent revival of our characters. It isn't without flaws but after nearly thirty years, I found the plot interesting and fun to watch. The characters are older but still gave nice performances and the new characters weren't awful.

Most sequels fail to live up to the original film and you know this before sitting down but that doesn't mean they aren't fun to watch. I personally liked seeing the characters brought back and can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience. In my opinion, had the 1993 original not been made, simply cutting the references to it would've made this a fine stand alone film.

To each their own.
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Where to begin?
zacharyzachzach30 September 2022
I created an account for this. I have browsed IMDb for over a decade, I've read countless reviews for movies I've liked and disliked and never felt compelled to say anything, but this is without a doubt the most shameful poorly executed cash grab I have ever seen.

Who is in charge at Disney?! They seriously need to clean house because someone is letting bad product slide through.

The film was shallow, soulless, and poorly acted from the supporting characters. The character development was so glossed over and superficial that you never even developed any feelings for anybody. It felt like a bad episode of goosebumps from the 90's.

Why wouldn't you try to get Kenny Ortega from the original or a team capable of putting something even slightly cinematic together? No one thought to maybe get a better script writer?! Are people scared to say anything in the workplace, because how the hell does this happen? Shame on Disney.

And as a side note, I can't even believe I'm saying this, because I usually roll my eyes at people that say this, but the forced diversity was so obvious and distracting in this that it takes you out of any sense of reality or immersion you feel while watching. I'm pretty sure Salem Massachusetts isn't this bizarre looking melting pot of every race where every other spoken line is said by some other ethnicity. Good god, I've hit a wall with this apparently, it makes me feel cringey and embarrassed for the actors while I'm watching and that's not supposed to be happening. I'm in the lgbt, I'm in part of the pandered to communities and it's not freaking working, it's ruining the product. If someone from Disney reads these reviews please for the love of god, pass this sentiment along, and then promptly fire the people forcing this weird non-organic diversity.
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I'm surfing cowabunga
reganjab30 September 2022
Brilliant, not perfect but I enjoyed it immensely.

Compared to recent trash that Disney has been spewing out. This feels like they at least tried to go in a different direction.

Rather than just copy the first films plot. They added heaps of nostalgia with some of the same but with twists and turns throughout with a very touching ending which made me teary eyed.

Overall, the witches are back wanting revenge and of course like before they like a good sing song.

The music is sensational John Debney's score is a delightful a mix of new and old.

I can't wait to buy the soundtrack when it comes out.

........ It's just a fantastic film. I'm a fully satisfied fan of the first film who now loves this one just as much.

Will be watching it again and again for years to come.

..... Look!

This film is like marmite you're either gonna love it or hate it, lol. 😂
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Bette, Kathy, SJP and the special effects delivers, but that's about it
Larsii9030 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I went into this with low expectations as I knew it would never live up to the original, despite the main three actors coming back. And I was right. The sisters are still good and it was fun to see more of their backstory and childhood, and the special effects were great. But, after that we get the new characters and the new story...

The story is hardly there, and none of the new characters left an impact or where really likeable (there's pretty much no backstory or character development) so it's pretty hollow, and there's less comedy in this than the first one.

Fun to see the sisters again, but definitely won't be a reoccuring Halloween rewatch like the original. I did really like the ending tho, it was nice. Biggest disappointment is that they couldn't live up to the first's musical numbers. The group song is good, but Sarah doesn't even sing her Come little children song, and that was very sad cause it's my favorite part of the first one.
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Crushingly dull
Phantomzonevillain30 September 2022
I didn't expect greatness. I didn't expect terrible. What I found was absolute boredom. It's a stinker. Conveniently overlooking that the Sanderson Sisters actually exploded at the end of the first film, it ignores that fact and brings them back for the exact same story. But without the humour or the thrills. Or characters that we even care for. It's just bland and doesn't evoke any sense of nostalgia or fun.

I didn't want to hate it. I tried so hard to like it. I definitely didn't build it up too much in my head because that always leaves viewers disappointed. The truth of the matter is - the magic was gone and it was just an exercise in "the audience wants more, so we will give them just the same - only in high-definition but without the charm".
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The witches are back!
JBP_Ace5 October 2022
Kathy Najimy, Sarah Jessica Parker, and the one, the only, the goddess, ... Bette Midler.

Every time these ladies are on the screen my smile is ear to ear. They are so funny, and so wonderfully evil. You guys are crazy, I love the three of you, well done!

Whether you're here for nostalgia, here for entertainment, or you're sitting there typing away on your little phone about how it's not as good as the first or Disney let you down or any of this stupid things you all are coming up with, the three witches make it alllll better.

Doug Jones, you are as epic as always. Sam richardson, so funny, so great. Tony Hale, what a surprise to see you in this film, you crack me up as always, so great playing evil and good.

Loved this film.
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A step down from the first one but still worth a watch
kevin_robbins2 October 2022
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) is a movie my wife and I watched on Disney+ last night. The storyline follows the Sanderson Sisters who are accidentally brought back to life by a group of young ladies who may be up and coming witches themselves. As the Sanderson Sisters make plans to stay on Earth forever the young ladies need to find a way to stop them.

This movie is directed by Anne Fletcher (The Proposal) and stars Bette Midler (Beaches), Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex and the City), Kathy Najimy (Sister Act), Sam Richardson (We're the Millers), Doug Jones (Hellboy) and Whitney Peak (Home Before Dark).

It was impressive to see the cast back together and the songs and soundtrack were excellent. Every song and dance routine was really good and I loved Doug Jones as Billy in this. Midler, Davis and Najimy were as entertaining as you hope. Disney really kicked the special effects up a notch and the depiction of Salem was entertaining and fun. There is a healthy dose of cheesy mixed in here but if you remember the age target for the content you can get over it. The ending was a nice opportunity for continuation, likely as a Disney+ television series.

Overall, this was a step down from the first one but still worth a watch. I would score this a 6.5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Another classic from my past sacrificed to the great mouse
martinrobbinsmr1 October 2022
Why? Why? Why?

I wanted to like this, I tried desperately to find an ounce of the old magic. Alas, it was.gone.

A contrived, unimaginative senseless film that should've been more.

It wasn't bad, but I hoped for so much better. It felt dull and lacklustre. The music scenes seemed shoehorned in for the sake of it.

Oddly enough, there was some good bits and incidental comedy, hence the 4 stars. Sadly there wasn't enough.

In my opinion, the casting was ok. The script could've so much better though.

It reminded me of the ghost busters film reboot, it added nothing and took so much more away.

On the whole, it was ok.
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Acting on par with a bad middle school play
Davidh1223971 October 2022
Took sheer will power to get through the first 10 minutes it was like watching a middle school play. The 3 young witches were acting like they were waiting for us audience members to clap for how "cute" they were acting and it wasn't cute. So goofy! In a bad way. Terrible over the top acting!!! Everyone was trying way too hard. The first one felt grounded in reality within the fantasy of it, we could relate to the characters and it is such a great comfort movie I have watched every Halloween. This movie belongs at the bottom of the trash bin in what I would label as generic. All the actors were acting with a capital A! It's trying way too hard. The one playing the boyfriend, Froy something was so animatedly over acting it was painful. You may like this film if you're of the brainless and passive influencer crowd, but I don't know how a fan of the original could love this. I feel violated. Casting and films today are all about cheap optics and not good story telling.
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One of the better Disney originals
rhyss-5301130 September 2022
In a time where Disney seems to struggle for new material, a sequel to a 29-year-old cult classic could've easily gone wrong. However, the movie is clever, enjoyable and the Sanderson sisters return is lots of fun.

Similar to the original, expect some camp witchcraft, spells through music and dance, and Winnie, Mary and Sarah once again on the hunt to be young, beautiful and to survive past dawn.

I watched the original earlier to refresh myself, but the movie does a great job of standing alone whilst also referencing key scenes in the 1993 film which have impact on the 2022 storyline.

Overall, a lot of fun for what it is and sure to be popular amongst those of us that grew up loving the original. A shame the kids from the first film didn't make a cameo!
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A Pleasant Follow-Up
sedenhansen-618495 October 2022
This long-time-in-the-making sequel expands on the original film by providing a backstory for the Sanderson sisters, and rather than including all the main characters from the original, provides a new group of present-day protagonists who cross paths which the witches when they inevitably return. This works to the film's advantage, as the new characters are quite likable and are dramatically freed to traverse new territory. It's also worth noting that most all the main characters are female, rather groundbreaking casting.

Modern technology, such as cell phones and robot vacuums, are used to good comic and dramatic effect. Also, improved special effects help with such things as the flying scenes, magic spells, and sets such as the graveyard.

The sequel thankfully avoids the first film's occasionally icky aesthetics, and drops some of the weirder messages, such as the idea that a 15-year-old virgin is an aberration worthy of ridicule.

A great easter egg is a meta-tribute to Gary and Penny Marshall, both involved in the original film and no long with us.

The ending leaves the door open for another sequel, which hopefully won't be as long in coming!
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Cute, Charming, and Easter Egg: This Spell Is Not As Strong of A Movie Overall Though
rgkarim1 October 2022

It's Cute: The first Hocus Pocus movie always had a cute and charming tone to it, and I can say that this movie has its own sense of charm. The movie is family friendly, making sure to bring those fun moments back to the 2020s. We have those relationships that make social media famous today, and you can dive big into the Disney charm the studio wishes to deliver. As such, the theatrics are there to please the modern day, including the representative part, that should make loads of people happy with this film.

The Actresses Still Got it: I'm not going to go over the new generation, but they have props. We know who most are coming for and it's the original Sanderson Sisters that cast the spell long ago.. Well, the girls still got the charm on many levels despite it being almost twenty years since the first installment. Of the three Parker is the one that's the "rustiest", not quite having the charm and promiscuity that the first Sarah had in the nineties. While this is a victim of the times, censorship, and the new age of Disney plot points. Still, she has the dopiness to it and is very quirky and idiotic that Sarah was always known to be in the first movie. Najimy has the next set of quirks that aren't quite fully fostered, again due to the new age, but Klutzy Mary is still as awkward, bumbling, and goofy that she made, only this time with modern day technology being her mode of transportation. It's Midler who is the champion of the three for me, capturing just about everything that made Winnifred, Winnie. She's boisterous, conceded, a bit of a bully, and unlikely to listen to anyone else, no matter the signs. She is the glue that holds this movie together for me, still capturing so much of the character that dazzled us in the nineties and continues to try to make the tradition meet the new boundaries set by Disney. It's not quite a mature or raw as the first one, but, she works well to be the character and evolve the head sister.

The Visual Effects Are Fun: The original had impressive magic to the moments back in the first Hocus Pocus that were great for the times. Fortunately, technology has been one of the things making consistent progress in the modern times to make the unreal, well... real. This second movie does have new things to trial out, and the Disney budget, even the Disney+ budget, is utilized well to make the spells, charms, and whatever synonym you want, to come to full life. It's not too over the top, still has some original charm, and really makes the whole ordeal that magical fun of Sanderson sinister times.

It's Sweet and Modern : I have to say I'm a sucker for sweetness to some extent, and the movie does hit that mark when it comes to its performance. Hocus Pocus 2 may not be the stylized adventure of the predecessor, but there are times at the end where the modern twist really does hit the feels. The last 20-30 minutes really do a great job of helping bring that awwwww moment, and I can't say that I did not appreciate the wholesome messages that modern day movies do so love to bring out. Had it not been so predictable and forced, it would have been one of my favorite moments, but I still have to give my respect to that finale in terms of feels.

The Easter Eggs: Clever? Not at all. Balanced? Again, not hitting that factor. But, for die-hard fans, the Easter eggs and homages paid to the first movie are loaded in this film for the uber fans to dine on. The second installment is all about making sure to pull old and new into the mix, and having those blasts to the pasts really helps bring smiles to die hard Hocus Pocus coven out there. You'll see it bridging so much, and sometimes the jokes are perfect, and I'm sure a second or third view will help reveal more I missed just like Disney desires to do all the time. I will also say, kudos to the comedy writing for using Easter eggs to poke fun at the modern times.

Book is Done Much Better: I can safely say, my favorite part of this movie is the infamous Book. Not for the cat call that Midler has made immortal, but for actually giving what was once just an impressive prop, more character this time. The movie's focus on story elements extends to the book that was anthropomorphized in the first tale, and made him my favorite character of this modern telling. Somehow, I found more emotional connection to the holder of spells, than just about anything else, and that finale, really did a great job, if odd, telling of emotion with it. Book's evolution in this film is quite honestly one of the better tale elements, and I think was a solid, if weird, angle to extend the tale on for this movie.


The Story is very quick and lackluster: The first movie may not be the Oscar Winning, groundbreaking story that other films have told before. However, in this case, the fun, complete, and quite planned out tale of the first movie is sort of loss to the popular, stuff it with emotions and fan base and give us a Spark's note tale. Hocus Pocus 2 is a lot of underdeveloped characters, teenage nonsense that is made famous in Zombies and Descendants. The emotional moments and real if character connections of the first one are sort of washed out and drowned by the overdramatized moments that do little for viewers like me. It's that dramatic for the flair again, rubbing it in your face that they need to be recognized and acknowledged that is just not as natural as the first film. Throw in background history moments, meaningful inclusion of characters, and hints of things to come, but never do and the tale is just lackluster compared to the bar of the first.

The Epic Twist is Bland: There is a twist to the movie, or perhaps two, that are supposed to be awesome and mind-blowing according to the fan base I've seen on social media. However, for this reviewer, it's a predictable, cliché, and unimpressive set of twists that is lost on fans like me. I feel it was supposed to be the same brand of empowering, dream big, moments that Disney wears like a bumper sticker. On one level, I appreciate it, and liked the direction they were going. However, the twists were not executed well, very in your face, and quite honestly cheesy like a PSA for some culture or another. As such, the twist just does nothing for me and needed more storytelling.

Loose Ends In This Movie Suggesting series coming: The modern age seems to be, create one movie and you need 18 more things to follow. This movie does not escape that trend and suggest there is more to come with the three witches story. While there are more obvious things suggesting this I won't go into, the movie has about three or four plot elements that are either introduced with no explanation, or not tied up at all, to suggest something else is coming. Based on sales, response, and the willingness of things, there could easily be a Hocus Pocus + in the future for uber fans to get excited to see, however, in terms of this movie, that annoying story telling takes away from the movie.

The Threat is Rather Absent: The first film had a bit of terror and stakes to the mix. The witches were bumbling fools, but they also were a threat, planning to suck the souls of kids to maintain their lives forever. This one though, that element is kind of there, but Disney's new age really diluted that moment and left us with more of a comedic villain, than an actual villain. The result? It's a movie with a missing piece that traditional fans like me like in their Halloween thrill. Even half of Halloween Town's villains were more of a threat than the direction this film took.

The VERDICT: Hocus Pocus 2 is a mixed bag of tricks for a writer like me who is a fan of the first one on so many levels. In this film, the movie is cute and keeps that family friendly atmosphere that it had from the nineties. Within the movie is plenty of homage to the original, with enough new flair to seed potential for modern day times having a place with the trio. With surprising development of a prop, great acting from the leading ladies, and some quirky magic to pump up the energy with, this movie really does try to play to a wider audience. However, in doing that, the other elements of the original are gone from this film, and the composure of a complete and well-done story went with it. This second installment has done bland twists, poor character usage, unfinished tales, and lackluster finessing to say it's the "best movie of the year" or "oh my gosh so good!". The modern day theatrics drive the bus for this film, and all the darker, edgier, and engaging aspects are gone for in your face shots of empowerment that fit on a t-shirt or Social Media post. The movie lacks so much of the emotional and entertaining soul it had, only getting to that point in the final act. I can't say this movie deserves a 1 or 2 like some do, though there are moments it does. However, this film is not quite the strong spell the first movie cast for me. My scores for this film are:

Comedy/Family/Fantasy: 7.0 Movie Overall: 5 or a 6.
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Hocus Pocus 2: Another commercial failure for Disney this year
jmcd20072 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film suffers from a lazy script due to several rehashed lines or sequences from the original film. I get that the writers were aiming for the nostalgia of the original film, but it was completely overdone. Very minimal effort was put into the song selection as well. The songs were borrowed and slightly re-written versions of old material from Elton John and Blondie. Humor in this film is almost non-existent as well. Granted yes, "I Put a Spell on You" was a cover as well, but that cover had relevance given the witches backgrounds. The songs in this film, however, make the witches look like pop stars.

Hocus Pocus 2 also has a very pro-feminist tone which came off as pandering among other subjects. This did not surprise me at all given Disney's issues with quality of content these days. The lead characters were uninspiring female teenagers that had no substance whatsoever. One of them (Becca) suddenly realizes she has powers during the film as well. The male side characters, on the other hand, came off as weak and apologetic. The Mayor was cringeworthy, their high school jersey wearing male friend came off as an apologetic wimp, Gilbert seemed like filler, and Billy Butcherson came back with an Irish or British accent when he seemed to have a more American accent in the original film. This leads me to believe that some of the writers or producers either did not watch the original film or didn't care what direction they were taking this sequel.

The Sanderson sisters immediately break into song once they are brought back by these girls in the woods courtesy of what appeared to be a store bought black flame candle, an idea which was poorly executed and quite frankly not believable. Furthermore, the lead cast members of the original film who played Max, Allison and Dani, are never mentioned in this film and drag queens are featured in a short scene that was reminiscent of the Halloween party scene where the Sanderson sisters perform "I Put a Spell on You."

This film also suffered from a weak ending as well. The writers try to get the audience to feel sorry for Winnie once her sisters move on to the next world. Why should we feel sorry for a villian? Winnie then gives "Book" to the girls, particularly Becca and then disappears herself. The girls leave the cemetery, walk down the street talking and the film ends.

Given Disney's recent track record of failure thanks to commercial flops like "Lightyear" etc. I think they need to seriously re-evaluate their audience and content and should just stop making films for a while because there is nothing good to celebrate or look back on with Hocus Pocus 2. If they try and make a third one, I'll probably just skip it because this film left a bad taste in my mouth after watching it and came off as more of a farce of the original rather than a worthy sequel. I'll stick with the much better original "Hocus Pocus" going forward and I would recommend anyone else to do the same.
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Oh My Witches!
wifeymoof30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
100% worth waiting 30yrs for!!! I'm absolutely in love with this movie! Bette, Sarah and Kathy are just as amazing as they were the first time around. Little nod to Binx during the movie. I loved the story and the ending made me tear up. I loved how it all links back to the original. The young Sanderson sisters are brilliant, especially young Winnie, and it was fabulous to see Billy again! Done to absolute perfection! New story and not a repeat of HP1. Lots of original Easter eggs if you know the original. Disney, you've made us all so happy with this film. Thanks for coming back Witches! Sisters forever!
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Better than expected but could have been better
kirabaierl30 September 2022
Loved getting to see the history behind the Sanderson's sisters and explaining their background that started in 1653 Salem. I really enjoyed the new cast as well, loved the new characters.

The one thing I think the movie missed was a strong, united fight for good. The original's plot was for Max, Allison and Binx to save and protect Dani's life; whereas here it was to save all of Salem and was less personable throughout the movie until the end. We do not get that connection with the new characters, as we do in with the original.

The supporting characters, like Ice and Jay, were not as strong either. With that said, the original, an eternal classic, is hard to compare, but I would have loved to see Thora Birch, Vanessa Shaw, Omir Katz and/or Sean Murray/Jason Marsden return to help aid the new witch coven defeat the Sister's. I did appreciate the nods to the original film durning the movie though.

I was not a big fan of some of the new musical numbers; however Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy did make the six year old me laugh and reminisce throughout the entire movie. They stepped back into their characters like no time had pasted. The broomstick, Swifter and Roomba "brooms" were as iconic as the original broom, mop and vacuum.
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Disappointment with a capital D
domialenic2 October 2022
Sorry, but this was indeed a big disappointment. One would expect Disney with all of it's resources, both financially and creative talent to make this work. As a matter of fact I was extremely surprised and annoyed to see that from over 12000 ratings nearly 18% gave this movie the top rating. I was influenced by this as a 6.3 overall rating is pretty good by IMDB standards. If this movie was trying to convey a message it was totally lost on me. I think for children it might be entertaining enough, but Disney used to make productions that would appeal to the whole family. I admit that my rating of 1 is to low, but I try to compensate for what I consider a very biased overall to positive rating. It certainly didn't match the 1993 original.
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The girls still got it !
sweetcakesmomma2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get to say it often on part 2 of anything but I truly enjoyed this one. I see lots of bad reviews popping up and I agree most of the sequels lately have been a miss but I enjoyed this & so did my daughter & her BFF that came over to watch with us. We smiled the whole way through & had a blast! The walk away scene at the end... priceless. We'll be doing the witches walk forever! The tear from book?? Omgoodness I about lost it.. Everyone did a wonderful job,new girls & the fabulous ladies from the first movie. I was hoping to hear the I put a spell on you but... it worked out great! Ty for the fun :D.
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bst102630 September 2022
I was so excited to watch this but I was kids disappointed. They could've done a better job with the new plot. I love that the sisters and Billy are together again but not having any of the other originals back made it less than desired. The girl who played Dani said she would've loved to have come back but her schedule for other movie was in the way. They really should've waited for her to be free and have invited all the others. I understand the new path they chose but it wasn't what I had hoped for. If they make another one I hope they bring back everyone originally. It was still cute but just not what I wanted after 30 years.
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Fan Service Gone Wrong, there is no magic to this story
comps-784-382652 October 2022
Where to begin

What's good

Umm not much

This is yet another (i n the long list of remakes, sequels and prequels) essentially sub standard cheap money grabs on the original films.

Not able to write a decent script (or too miserly to pay for one) the evil antagonists were turned into disney politically correct non villains.

There are no evil villains this is an all inclusivity welcomingl diversity film

Disnification is the cinematic equivalent of McCarthisim. I.e. Instead of telling a story of goodies and baddies everybody is good, just 'misunderstood'.

Another bland, mediocre, unremarkable fan mashup remake, re-sell.

So dissappointed.

Surely even the fans must be getting fed up with being spoon fed pap.

Not worth watching, certainly not worth the price of a cinema ticket.
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A Fun Halloween Sequel
tkdlifemagazine10 October 2022
Maybe because I was never a person that worshipped the original, I found the the sequel to be a good Halloween watch with my kids. This takes place years later, and while much of the cast has changed, the core three witches are the same. While there were not many burst of loud laughs I found it to be an enjoyable Holiday watch with my kids. The cast was very good; Midler, Parker, and Najmy seem to relish the return to these roles after so many years, and I think the audience welcomes that as well. The Special effects and cinematography are good. The music is fun. The costume design and make up are perfect for this type of a movie, which walks the line of being a fun Halloween family movie with a little edge.
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