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Grim and atmospheric medieval film
slam16316 October 2010
Medieval scholars will probably find substantial problems with the film's depiction of the Middle Ages, but to a non-historian it certainly feels closer than many other period movies: buildings are mostly squalid and insubstantial, the weapons and armor of the soldiers are crude and ill-assorted - Ulric (Sean Bean), the bishop's envoy, has the best of everything, while his followers are progressively less well-equipped as they descend the social scale - and it gives a good sense of the unwelcoming, sparsely-populated landscapes of medieval Britain. The casting works well too: the soldiers are, for the most part, neither Hollywood pretty-boys nor stock grotesques, but have the look of real people, 'warts and all'.

The impression of a brutal, bleak time when life was not merely cheap but nearly worthless is reinforced by the look of the film. It's coldly lit, and everything is misty and uncertain. This distinctive atmosphere creates a feeling of constantly impending disaster without the need for the cheap frights and minor chords of a horror movie.

The characterization is often surprisingly complex: Ulric may be a fanatic, but he's also a pragmatist who is no crueler than he needs to be. Even his soldiers are not one-dimensional brutes, but have their own personalities, with subtly-sketched human traits. The film encourages you to think about the motivation of even the most minor characters. Eddie Redmayne as Osmund does a good job of presenting a complex and conflicted character for much of the film.

The weak point where the characters are concerned are the women. Averill (Kimberley Nixon) and Langiva (Carice Van Houten) sometimes feel more like plot devices than people. This is not the fault of the actresses, who both deliver good performances. It's just that their characters are more constrained by the requirements of the plot.

As with any film in which religion plays a major part, there's been some debate as to whether the film is pro- or anti-Christian. To my mind, it's neither. All the characters, whichever faction they represent, are badly compromised. The only value system that it really seems to promote is that of simple humanity. It's no accident that the director gives the final voice- over to Wolfstan (John Lynch), who emerges ultimately as the film's most sympathetic character, a somewhat tarnished and world-weary ideal of what it means to be a 'good man'.

By and large, the film works well in terms of plot and pacing. It doesn't drag, and there are few obvious plot holes. Where it falls down badly, however, is with the ending segment, which feels like a hurriedly-sketched afterthought. The fact that the director felt it necessary to deliver key material in the form of a voice-over should have warned him that he needed to rethink his approach. The film would probably have been not only complete but also stronger if that whole section had simply been cut.

It isn't a standout film, but it's certainly an interesting one. It's well made and acted and it leaves you with plenty to think about. Any film-maker who wants to truly convey the feel of the Middle Ages - brutal and squalid, and at once alien and familiar - should watch "Black Death" and take notes.
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warlock_hurt11 October 2015
From the humble beginning to the violent end, this movie was solid gold. Particularly the ending, there are only a few movies out there that leave you questioning your own believe and this movie surely does that.

Obviously built on a tight budget but this movie sure can pack a lot of punch. And the acting performances are truly awesome! Sean Bean was amazing and the lead guy Eddie Redmayne was spot on.

This movie highlights the cruelty of the Black Plague in Europe and all the sinister twists that it took on the mind of the people. I don't usually enjoy period movies but the story is what really kept me hooked on.

The concept of the inquisition and witch hunt are present too. All in all, this movie was truly amazing.
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Movie Review: 'Black Death'
d_art1 April 2011
Set in 1348, during the time of the first outbreak of the bubonic plague in England, Osmund (Eddie Redmayne), a young monk, is tasked to accompany a determined knight named Ulric (Sean Bean) and a group of mercenary soldiers in learning the truth about reports of people being brought back to life in a small village, where the plague has not reached. While Osmund sees this as a mercy mission, Ulric believes necromancy is involved and is determined to bring this necromancer to justice. Their journey leads them into various obstacles and darker moments as secrets are unveiled.

Despite its grim mood and subject matter, this film is an entertaining and generally a thought-provoking, medieval horror/thriller. Even with the film's low budget, it is impressive to look at. The misty landscapes, the costumes, the filthy details, and the sets are impressive. Some of the makeup and soundtrack may seem a tad modern, but they are not distracting. While the film is considered a historical horror film, it is also a bit of an action flick, as it has some energetic, gritty swordplay, with some blood and limbs flying off.

The film takes place around the time of the Inquisition when there was much distrust from the Catholic church and the government toward pagans. Ulric is a zealous warrior driven by hatred. He believes he is serving God through the use of his sword against suspected necromancers. Osmund, the monk, on the other hand, believes that in order to love God, one must serve through mercy and love.

There are no characters here that are fully saintly. I felt Eddie Redmayne's performance as Osmund really made this film work. His performance feels genuine and he acts as I would imagine a monk would act and talk, and he is emotionally relatable. As the film progresses, one can appreciate his good range of emotions and acting ability. As for Sean Bean, one can't help but feel he is reprising his role as Boromir from Lord of the Rings. He has the same type of hair. He is wearing medieval armor. Again, he plays that proud, brash character who we know will do something…brash. I would love to see him someday play a real calm, jovial, intellectual character. To the film's credit, Sean Bean gets to stretch a bit as Ulric is not completely two-dimensional and we do get to know more on how he became the type of character that he is. The rest of the cast, who have their own special look and quirk, do a laudable job and work together well.

The action scenes have a good amount of tension and intensity, but the shaky camera effect can be dizzying. There is about one major fight scene, which happens midway into the film. Once the main characters make it to the village, things get a little more surreal and one realizes that this is not necessarily an action film, at least in a conventional sense. I've noticed the characters in the village feel, talk, and look strangely modern. I'm guessing these villagers still farm for a living, but they seem quite clean and manicured.

The script is sharply written, with good detail in the dialogue. The film attempts to explore how extreme situations can turn people into hateful zealots, or a violent fundamentalist. There is a twist at the end, which is interesting, but somewhat hard to swallow. The film doesn't attempt to give any big answers, but it is an interesting exploration of man's dark nature, the cycle of vengeance, and how good people can turn cruel when evil is done on them.

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Really surprised and a nice twist too
amesmonde12 October 2010
Set in 1348 the Black Death is at it peak, however, one village appears to be immune to the plague. Ulric (Sean Bean) devoted Christian enlist the help of a Monk (Eddie Redmayne) to lead him and his men through dangerous lands to this unholy village where it is said the dead are being brought back to life.

Two British directors and writers really standout for me in recent years, Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers, Descent and Doomsday) and Christopher Smith (Creep, Triangle and Severance). Smith's latest offering has it the mark with a blend of swords, Catholicism and Wicker released the same year Neil Marshall's well advertised Centurion, which on first viewing was bloody but average compared to Marshall's other work.

Smith's vision with marshes, fog and mists across the lands it oozes atmosphere. The gritty realistic sets and settings are note worthy, everything looks authentic and aged, perfect for first outbreak of bubonic plague. There's some great practical effects, cadavers, dismemberment's and blood. The flights are finely choreographed and swordplay is raw and relentless as limbs are hacked off.

The latter part of the film slows down, building tension in the seemingly safe village, Smith's develops the eerie strangeness of the rural superbly, reminiscent of the Wickerman (1973 & 2006), In the Name of the Rose (1986) and The Village (2004).

Although in fear of being typecast as another chain armoured soldier Bean gives a passionate and gripping performance, and newcomer Redmayne plays the confounded monk Osmund's admirably. The supporting cast, even though another band mercenaries are memorable and the characters are developed. Comedy actor Tim McInnerny is satisfactory in an unusual serious role as the village head. There's a notable cameo by David Warner as The Abbot. However, it's Carice van Houten who steals the show as Langiva the striking necromancer.

There's a little too much shaky hand held camera work at times, that aside the cinematography is first rate. Dario Poloni screenplay is the icing on the cake, as the dialogue feels authentic and unforced, compared to the aforementioned other period piece. It explores religious beliefs, faith, witch hunts, occultism and much more.

With low expectation's for another period piece, I was pleasantly surprised by Smith's vision. Certainly not perfect or the grandest film; however, it's a gripping medieval, satanic mystery action that has a nice original twist at the end.
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A good attempt
cartidge5 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the 14th century during the height of the plague, Black Death follows the story of Osmund, a young monk torn between his love for a young woman named Averill and his duty to God.

At the beginning of the film Osmund sends Averill away from the plague infested town in which his monetary is housed, and promises to meet her at a pre-arranged location in the near future. Shortly after a knight named Ulric, played by Sean Bean, arrives with a group of fellow soldiers on a special mission ordered by the bishop. Ulric tells the monks that there have been reports of a village that has escaped the ravages of the plague and that witchcraft has been suspected in its preservation. Ulric requests that one of the monks guide the soldiers to the village, so that they may investigate the situation.

Osmund, seeing his opportunity to reach Averill, volunteers to accompany the soldiers to the village, and so his journey begins. Osmund guides the soldiers to nearby the meeting place he and Averill had previously arranged, and they make camp. Osmund uses the opportunity to sneak away to meet Averill only to discover bloody rags, and a group of bandits, remaining. Osmund then makes a hasty retreat back to camp where he awakes the soldiers who then proceed to kill the bandits. Distraught with the loss of Avrill Osmund continues to guide the soldiers to the village, where not everything is as it would first appear...

The film contains strong performances from Sean Bean, Carice van Houten, Davis Warner and Tim McInnerny. McInnerny, of course famed for his roles playing upper class buffoons in televisions such as Blackadder, was highly believable in his portrayal of a very different type of character and that was gratifying.

In terms of both the visual look, and in terms of ambiance, the film was also very good. The graphic depiction of the plague, in addition to the desolated environment, set against the relatively lush scene of the un-ravaged village, really aided the haunting atmosphere the film attempted to invoke. The violence and misery of life during the period was also not a subject that the film shied away from, and in places verged towards being perhaps too brutal.

The major down point for this film was Eddie Redmayne's portrayal of Osmund, a role he didn't really seem to get to grips with until the final scenes of the film. Another problem was the pace of the film, despite not being very long, consisting of only 102 minutes, the film seemed to drag and last far longer.

But those issues aside, I enjoyed the film.
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Death Wish.
morrison-dylan-fan4 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After having greatly enjoyed watching the HBO series Game of Thrones,I decided to search online to see if lead actor Sean Bean had done anything similar.Taking a look at Bean's IMDb credits,I was pleased to discover that he had starred in a historical Horror film,which led to me getting ready to unleash the black death.

The plot:

England: 1348

Arriving at a monastery,a knight called Ulric announces that he needs a monk to help him and his men to locate a remote village,which has strangely been untouched by the black death plague sweeping the country. With having made a deal with his secret girlfriend that he would meet her near the village,a young monk called Osmund tells Ulric that he will take him and his men safely to the village.

Heading to the village,Ulric and Osmund find themselves surrounded by death,which leads to Ulric having to kill one of his most loyal men,thanks to him getting infected with the black death.Arriving at the village,Ulric and Osmund are taken aback,when they receive a warm welcome from the towns residence.As everyone starts to relax for the night,Osmund and Ulric soon discover the secret behind the villages plague vaccine.

View on the film:

Slowly releasing the Gothic Horror atmosphere,the screenplay by Dario Poloni carefully draws a thumbnail sketch for each of the character's,as Poloni shows the effects that Ulric's rigorous mission has on the rest of the gang.Delaying the supernatural Horror aspect from entering the first half,Poloni shows everyone to be gripped with a deep fear of their nearest & dearest being infected by the plague,which leads to Poloni striking the title with a wonderfully bleak,haunted ending.

Filmed on location over 5 weeks,director Christopher Smith wraps the movie in a harsh decaying mist,as Smith keeps away from using primary colours, (with the exception of blood red)by choking any sense of light from the film with dried-up and rotting grays,blacks and muddy browns.Despite Smith building up a good sense of terror by using excellent wide-shots to show the films stunning woodland locations,the movies feeling of dangerous adventure is chopped to bits,thanks to Smith disapprovingly deciding to give the fight scenes a choppy appearance,which leads to ever strike made in the fights completely failing to connect.

Teaming up with future-Game of Thrones co-star Carice van Houten, (who gives an elegant,uneasy performance as the village leader)Sean Bean (or as he is known "Oop North" of the UK as Sir Sean Bean!)gives a tremendous performance as Ulric,as Bean hits Ulric with real shots of gravitas on his quest to wipe out the black death,whilst gradually showing Ulric to develop a caring side,as Ulric attempts to stop Osmund (played by a very good Eddie Redmayne) from being drawn into the black death.
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Very dark and very bleak
C22Man11 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Every now and then a film comes out that is a lot more interesting than it first seems. Black Death is very much that type of film for me. What would seem to be an old fashioned medieval actioner turns out to be an intense and often disturbing look at faith and the position of the church. Throw in an accomplished cast along with a perfectly grim atmosphere and there is something truly gripping already. The plot is also one of the more interesting in recent times and as it goes along it continually asks question that draw a great deal of thought.

The story is set in 1348 during the peak of the Black Death that swept across England. It concerns a monk named Osmund who volunteers to guide the religious knight Ulric and his group of mercenaries to a village that is said to have been untouched by the pestilence. The set-up is really excellent, it already has you asking questions and wondering why this place has been left alone. By the time the group gets to the village it is pretty clear that all is not what it seems and the gradually building tension always keeps you on edge. I think in its purest terms that this is a really fascinating story and it's crafted with a smart balance of intensity and mystery.

As mentioned the cast is really good and all of the actors keep it nicely grounded. Eddie Redmayne as the young monk is superb in what is the standout performance. His pain and anguish at what is taking place pours through the screen, he uses facial expressions really well and at times that is how we guess what he feels. Sean Bean is excellent as usual as he gives Ulric a real sense of purpose and integrity. He slips into these parts with ease and his presence is always a powerful force.

John Lynch delivers a sympathetic and weary performance that really strikes a chord in such a vicious time. Andy Nyman who gets the funniest lines and Johnny Harris in a more brutal approach are both enjoyable. Carice van Houten was a little too strange, which let you know she had bad intentions, but she did a decent enough job. Tim McInnerny was very impressive in a role much more sinister than his usual work.

I think the films best aspect is the atmosphere that it create. There is a very bleak tone carried throughout which you would expect given the time period. The journey to the village is filled with an underlying intensity and there is a constant feeling of danger that the film manages to keep flowing terrifically. By the time we reach the village the tone becomes even more eerie and at times is very reminiscent of 'The Wicker Man' as others have mentioned. Shots of mist filled forests and creepy looking scarecrows quietly add more uneasiness to proceedings.

Black Death is a really well shot film as well. The atmosphere is made more effective thanks to some really great shots of landscapes and of areas ravaged by the plague. Christopher Smith clearly has a good eye for capturing images that stick with you and it's never clearer than the shots presented. The shaky cam might come out a little too much, especially in the fight scenes, but it doesn't distract too much and is actually used with reason unlike in many other films. The cinematography is truly brilliant throughout as the colours are muted which gives it a dirty look and make everything look a lot more unwelcoming.

The score by Christian Henson is quite low-key and very much play a background role. It is mainly used to craft some interesting dark sounds and when it does pop up it fits in effectively. The action sequences are very brutal and have plenty of gore without shying away. The main fight scene midway through that has all the mutilation and heads being lobbed off that an action fan could wish for. Surprisingly there isn't a great deal of violence throughout, but when it does appear it is all the more gritty and vicious.

The script is another positive. The majority of lines sound like something that would actually be said and not just something wrote because it sounds stylish. It is even more pleasing that the lines don't sound boring as a result, they are given plenty of weight. There are a lot of thought-provoking questions based around faith and God that add to this.

Any issues are mostly minor. I would have liked to have spent more time journeying to the village, mainly because the sense of dread was presented flawlessly and the building tension worked so well. We don't spend too much time on the supporting characters, but that can be forgiven as it's not really their film. Plus it was a little too obvious that something wasn't right with the villagers, a little more mystery added would have made things even better.

Black Death is a great example of don't judge a film by its cover. What we get is a very dark and very bleak story about how strong belief is. The story gripped from the get go and I would have gladly had the film go on longer if it wished to. Eddie Redmayne gives a standout performance, the support is solid, the action is accurately brutal and as said the ominous atmosphere created pushes things to another level. There's a really good balance of action, horror, thriller and mystery placed in here which gives it a nice bit of variation depending on what you enjoy the most. It's a shame that the film has gathered more attention because it offers a very interesting story with many interesting elements.
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If You Want More Pandemica
view_and_review30 November 2021
"Black Death" is superficially about the Bubonic Plague that struck Europe in the 14th century. Going deeper than that it is about the God-fearing and the godless.

A warrior for the Church named Ulrich (Sean Bean) was in search of a small village where the plague hadn't touched. He was convinced that they were seeking the devil's protection and were aided by a necromancer. He used a young friar named Osmund (Eddie Redmayne) to help him and his band of men find the village. Once there they faced a people, led by a woman named Langiva (Clarice van Houten), who weren't ready to willingly give up their way of life.

"Black Death" was religious and you know what they say about politics and religion. It never made the men of religion sanctified. They were willing to torture in the name of Christianity and "Black Death" points that out. If seeing Christianity pitted against paganism bothers you then stay away.
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"We journey into Hell... But God travels with us."
Mr_Saxon4 August 2010
Set during the period of English history when the Bubonic plague spreads death across the land, a troubled young monk named Osmund is recruited by a band of soldiers to investigate a village that remains untouched. What they find there will change them forever.

Having enjoyed Christopher Smith's previous movies ("Creep", "Severance" and "Triangle"), I had high hopes for "Black Death" and was not disappointed. Although the gore of his previous movies is still evident during the battle scenes in which arms are severed by swords and heads crushed by maces, it's largely underplayed here with the script placing greater emphasis on the story's themes of faith, religion, superstition and love. It is this emphasis, along with the various twists in the plot, which make the choices faced by the characters in the third act of the movie so very interesting.

I was repeatedly reminded of the original "Wicker Man" whilst watching "Black Death", not only because of the central theme of a devout Christian confronting something terrible which attempts to challenge and undermine his own beliefs, but also because of the cold, bleak cinematography reminiscent of a seventies horror movie. The entire production is nicely directed and Smith utilises his horror knowledge to keep a constant and oppressive threat running throughout the film, regardless of the scene, to maximum effect. The visual effects, whether for the symptoms of the plague itself or for the various wounds suffered by the characters, are also excellent.

The cast are universally fantastic, although Sean Bean's towering performance – portraying the leader of the soldiers and a man "more dangerous than pestilence" – steals the movie. Eddie Redmayne does well in the central role of Osmund and manages to make his character's personal journey both interesting and believable, whilst Carice van Houten is also memorable in an important role during the second half of the movie.

I was very impressed by "Black Death" and would recommend it to those who enjoy atmospheric horror movies such as the aforementioned "The Wicker Man" or "Don't Look Now", as well as those who seek out movies set in or around this period of Britain such as "In The Name Of The Rose" and "The Reckoning". Although parts are grim and even upsetting, it's never dull and is definitely a movie worthy of your time and support.
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A low budget movie about a group of people on a journey done right
KineticSeoul22 December 2011
This movie basically turned out to be more than what I expected. I was expecting a decent movie since I liked the director Christopher Smith's previous works but this movie overall is a low budget movie most definitely worth seeing once. This movie has some very well crafted twists that M. Night Shyamalan should learn from. You know those movies where you think you have everything down? Well this isn't one of them, just when you might think you know what direction it's going to go and how it's going to end. It will suddenly take the audiences for a loop. So basically a group of Christian demon slayers are on a mission to kill a necromancer with the help of a young monk guide who is on the mission as well for a reason. And they are on this journey while a deadly plague is killing off many people. The thing is, usually for a low budget movie like this it takes a while to actually care about what happens to the group. But the direction of this made me sort of care who dies and who lives, especially when the movie came close to the end. I like the actor Sean Bean and he was fantastic in this but the other actors and actresses stood out as well. This is a low budget movie that is very much worth the time to see and will be looking forward to this director's next work.

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Entertaining enough and infuriatingly provocative
anakowi16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I was entertained by Black Death and would watch it again (at some stage). I'm a harsh critic - so there were quite a few aspects that annoyed me about the storyline and character portrayals. Here are my reasons.

The good and bad in production: The production details and casting of many of main characters were visually good and helped to immerse me in the story. The sets were great. But... tweezed eyebrows always look wrong on the pretty young things in medieval flicks. The level of violence I suppose was realistic and as far as that goes "creative" although the a little too graphic for my liking as I'm not overly fond of hiding behind my fingers while trying to watch a movie.

The good and bad in the provocative storyline: As an atheist studying theology I certainly didn't find this movie to be about Christianity triumphing over paganism. It was heading that way towards the climax but then suddenly that tacked on ending with narrative that was hell-bent on making a statement about trauma causing people to view the world with hideous distortion in the name of Christianity - as though it were an excuse. Equally trite was van Houten's explanation for actions and events - her portrayal (or the director's) was terribly flat for such a character. Witch, necromancer, whatever... woman! She surely would have an abyss of attitude for facial expression.

I had to ask at the end of this movie, "what on earth is the point?" I hope the writer/director were just wanting to do a period piece with gratuitous violence and a bit of moral ambiguity for titillation and sensationalism. That so many reviews commented on the theological reference is too disturbing.
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Good exploration of the nature of religion
jarid_h10 September 2010
While some may see this movie as having a not so subtle undertone of 'the greatness of Christianity', I saw it as an interesting exploration of religion itself. The characters in this movie all differ in their religious views, allowing you to identify with them based on your own religious persuasion. There is the fanatic, the believer, the non believer, the good, the bad, the in between etc.

The plot itself helps this journey, as the characters move from one setting to a vastly different one, all the while suffering the same basic experiences. Their initial motivations, in addition to their reactions to these experiences, all differ along the lines of their beliefs, and help either strengthen or weaken those beliefs. This movie shows quite well, that people's attitudes to religion have not changed in hundreds of years. God is still used to explain things we do not understand, and fear and "miracles" are still used to recruit and keep believers.

Human behaviour also has not changed much. Even faced with the 'black death', one of the worst pandemics in human history, people still found reason to divide and fight amongst themselves assigning blame and punishment rather than band together. The way these themes fit in so appropriately with the medieval setting, makes it all the more surprising that they can still be applied in today's world. All in all, a good movie for open minded people because although the film explores these themes, it makes no conclusion. That is left to the audience to determine who was right, who was justified and who was wrong; who was good and who was evil.
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Good medieval thriller
Enchorde5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Osmund, a young monk is struggling between his oath to the church and his heart that belongs to Averill. At the same time the black death ravages the lands, all but a rumored remote village that has escaped the plague by renouncing God and has taken the protection of a necromancer. As an answer to Osmund's prayers, a band of soldiers from the bishop, led by Ulric, is on their way to the village to investigate and reinstate God's reign. They recruit Osmund as their guide. Osmund has hopes that he can reunite with Averill, but the lands are dangerous, and she seems lost. But the fabled village seems safe enough, but there is something that lurks beneath the surface.

Comments: Quite good thriller set in the medieval times. I almost always like medieval action dramas, swords and shields do pluck a cord within me. But when supported by a good dose of suspense it's even better. It is rather grim though, and with gruesome details of battle wounds and torture not always very pleasant to watch.

The story offers some twists and somewhat surprising turns along the way, although it is apparent that nothing is as it seems so there are no real chocking turn of events. But enough to keep interest and keep it entertaining throughout the movie.

I liked the grim band of soldiers, they were a interesting bunch of characters. Though unpolished they had some charm of their own.

The movie could be interpreted as quite a bold statement of good and evil and their connection with religion. I don't know if it was intended that way, but there are quite clear signs. What it doesn't say or give is any preferences any way, it only points out good and bad, both ways.

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And here I thought I was going to see a movie about the Black Death
brainfan21 October 2017
For some reason, I've long had an admittedly morbid fascination with the black death. So naturally I was thrilled that there would be a movie that took the subject head-on. When it finally came out and I saw it, I was actually angry. This is not a movie about the Black Death. This is an ax-grinding about religion that happens to take place during the black death. The sad fact is, there is so much material to be mined from that devastating tragedy, but instead they decided not to make a movie about the subject of its title. Don't waste your time. Instead, read John Hatcher's "The Black Death" or William Defoe's "Journal of The Plague Year".
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Effective, disturbing, and thought-provoking...
Red_Identity17 May 2011
I was interested in seeing Black Death every since I read it's storyline, saw it's awesome title, and saw it's positive reviews. I have not seen a medieval-ages film in more than five years, so I thought this should bring back a fresh perspective on film based on this medium. I was not disappointed.

The film hooked me from the beginning. It's extremely entertaining, not to mention that it has the perfect atmosphere and cinematography. It's nice to be able to enjoy a film like this and still appreciate how hard the filmmakers have tried (and succeeded) on giving it the perfect look. The performances are all pretty great, better than was to be expected. It's not hard for a film like this, with all of it's 'mighty' dialogue about God, fate, and faith to become laughable, but never once did this film become that. Credit especially on that the aspect of religion played the most part in how it was able to sustain power and become so effective. This film is so much more on the surface than what one might generally think at first.

If i had to point out one flaw it would be the running time. I think that the last segment of the film, the 'aftermath' could have been extended longer. I feel that the film should have been longer, but at the same time the pace of the last segment gives it the feeling of how disconnected the events were so maybe extending it wouldn't have been such a great idea. The first hour it was a very good film, but the last 30 minutes give the film a greatness to it. I strongly recommend this film, although I am not so sure if I would consider it a 'horror' film, and trust me, coming from me that is surprising since I consider many films that aren't thought to be horror by many actual 'horror' films.
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It's a shame movies like this don't get more publicity and mainstream play.
Hellmant16 May 2011
'BLACK DEATH': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Medieval religious horror film set in 1348 England during the bubonic plague outbreak. Sean Bean stars as a knight on a mission to find and capture a necromancer, a person with the ability to breath life into the dead. Eddie Redmayne co-stars as a young monk who agrees to be his guide. The film is directed by Christopher Smith (an experienced British horror filmmaker with movies like 'TRIANGLE', 'SEVERANCE' and 'CREEP' under his belt) and written by Dario Poloni. I was pretty pleased with the film and found it to be a great deal better than other recent medieval action/horror films ('CENTURION', 'THE EAGLE', etc.).

Redmayne plays Osmand, a monk who has fallen for a young woman, Averill (Kimberley Nixon), staying at his monastery. As the plague spreads through the monastery Osmand sends her to what he believes is safety in the marshes which she came. She asks him to meet her there within a week and Osmand, not sure whether he should give up his vows for this woman, asks God for a sign telling him what to do. He thinks he gets this sign when a team of knights pass through looking for a guide to the very area Osmand sent his love. They're led by Ulric (Bean) a hardened faith driven soldier on a quest to vanquish Satin's evildoers and believes one such abomination lives in a village in the marshes and is bringing the dead back to life. Osmand joins the men on their quest and for the first time truly puts his faith to the test, as do the soldiers.

I find religion themed movies interesting as well as entertaining, especially ones that explore faith and it's impact on people to this depth. I also very much enjoy horror films and medieval action movies so this movie was of course right up my alley. It had the perfect balance of all three elements. The movie is very involving as well as thought provoking and thrilling. It's very gloomy and leaves a disturbing impression, especially the darkly twisted ending. The directing is more than fitting to the material and the screenplay is smart and well thought out. Bean and Redmayne are exceptional as the two leads and the supporting cast is all impressive as well. There's plenty of gory and gruesome bloody violence for the splatter fans also. The movie really works at what it sets out to do, it's a shame movies like this don't get more publicity and mainstream play.

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Surprisingly good
quinnox-119 September 2011
I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down to watch this movie. I knew Sean Bean was in it and that it was set in the middle ages during the plague, but that's about it.

It turned out to be a good suspense movie with some nice plot twists. The best part is how the suspense is slowly built up, until you think you might know what is really going on, and then later you understand its something completely different. No spoilers, but the way the story keeps you guessing and fools you is quite well done.

The acting is good too with all the minor characters doing believable performances. Carice van Houten is especially noteworthy and interesting as the village leader. She was entrancing and definitely the stand out in the movie. Sean Bean does a workmanlike job as a righteous knight, and as usual is a good presence in the film.

A note on the ending - yes, as other reviewers have said, the ending feels rushed and tacked on, and completely unnecessary. But I can overlook it because it's quite brief and can be shrugged off and doesn't detract from the rest of the movie to any degree in my opinion.
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short but gory!!
joel-rice-795-3927946 August 2010
I had high hopes for this film and it nearly disappointed. Sean Bean is a legend in my eyes, what with 'Lord of the Rings', taking on much the same roll and exactly the same costume, 'Black Death' gave the viewer a slightly different version of "The Wicker man". A galiant troop of warriors fight their way through a medieval world only to be outdone by a lonely, Christian like village with weird morals and strange beliefs. There is something about the supposedly but apparently powerful band of men, being overrun by the minions that makes the viewer want to watch with interest and intensity. A dark film from Smith, great cinimetography at times, well worth a watch.
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Nice adventure thriller
prasanna-28018929 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is a nice one time watch; much more of a mystery thriller than horror.

What I liked most about the movie is it depicts religion. How 'devout' religious men are the most dangerous and merciless people.

Firstly the Christians want to raid a village just because they are supposedly worshipping some other God. Then Sean Bean knowingly takes the plague to the village. The Christians murder the whole village which never did anything wrong. And lastly that weasel monk becomes a witch hunter and wrongfully murders many women just because he couldn't get laid.

I know the movie is not a real story, but I think it accurately depicts the lunacy of religion.

For the movie as a cinematic experience I rate it 7/10; for the depiction of religion 9/10.
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Demons and Necromancers are among us.
hitchcockthelegend19 June 2012
Black Death is directed by Christopher Smith and written by Dario Poloni. It stars Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, John Lynch, Tim McInnerny, Kimberley Nixon, Andy Nyman, Johnny Harris and Carice van Houten. Music is scored by Christian Henson and cinematography by Sebastian Edschmid.

1348, Year of our Lord, the bubonic plague is ravaging Europe. When word spreads of an isolated community that is plague free, a gang of Gods' soldiers are tasked with seeking it out under the impression it might be a haven to occult dealings. Guiding the group is rookie monk Osmund (Redmayne), who after falling in love with a young girl is conflicted about his faith. He takes the soldiers' request for a guide as a sign to find his true calling, what he and the soldiers find at the end of their journey, however, has far reaching consequences for them all.

Considering it was a limited release in theatres it's a little surprising to find so many have sought it out on home format release. What isn't surprising, given its themes, is how it has polarised opinions. Personally I love it, this in spite of director and writer cribbing from notable Brit movies of our past. Yet even when in the supposed sanctuary of our home during this latest visit to the film it was met with derision from the lady love of my life! After director Smith (Severance/Triangle/Creep) has well and truly pulled the rug from underneath us to tantalisingly leave things ambiguous, he slots in a coda that muddies things still further, simultaneously infuriating another portion of the movie watching populace. I write this because of two reasons, the first is to obviously intrigue potential first time watchers into taking the plunge and giving it a go, the second is to negate the underselling of the movie by its own director!

Somewhere along the way Smith chose to not sell it as a battle between religion and atheism-Christians against Pagans, but went for the more pleasingly medieval men on a mission aspect, which for the first half of the movie it is. Perhaps those sneaky loans from the revered films that have influenced it weighed heavy on the director post the release and critical appraisals? But undeniably it's the second half that carries the thematic thrust. True enough to say that following a chainmail clad Sean Bean and his grungy band of "mercs" traverse the land, fighting off bandits and the plague along the way, is good formulaic fun, but it's when they happen upon the marshy set village, greeted by a ghostly Carice van Houten and a unnervingly smiley Tim McInnerny, that the film really hits its stride. Thus opening up debates as the battle for Osmund's soul truly begins and we are asked just who are the good and bad guys here?

Filmed out in the forests of Saxony Germany, the film looks terrific in the context of the period it is set. The colours are deliberately stripped back and muted, this plague ravaged land, and persons, demand that to be the case. There's some initial annoyance with the "shaky-cam" formula during the more up-tempo sequences, this is something that is becoming a staple requirement by directors of historical pictures, but Smith thankfully doesn't over do it and achieves good atmospheric realism throughout. It's interesting to note that the Pagan villagers are clean and sprightly, while the Christian soldiers are grimy and grotty, life of the medieval soldier was bloody and bloody dirty work . When the excellent Andy Nyman as Dalywag takes a leak up a tree, he merely wipes his newly whetted hand on his tunic, it's little things like this that keep the film in the realm of realism, an awareness of the time indeed. Cast attack the material with good thespian seriousness, with Lynch and Harris scoring well as polar opposite characters in the supporting ranks of Ulric's (Bean) band of not so merry men.

It's not overly gory, Smith choosing (correctly) to let us at times fill in the blanks in our head, while the fight scenes are very well staged (Bean was very pleased with how they turned out). But ultimately it's the themes in the story and period setting that is of the most interest here. What ever side of the fence you sit on as regards religion, or how you feel about humanity being depicted so coarsely, Black Death will get a reaction out of you. 8/10
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"There's no place in heaven for those that kill"
lost-in-limbo26 November 2010
This morbid, but hearty little slow-grinding Gothic period action horror is something like the "Witchfinder General" meets "The Wicker Man". Those two are favourites of mine and while it might not reach the heights of those mentioned films, it still doesn't put much of a foot wrong. This medieval piece is set during the times when the black plague ravaged England and a group of mercenary knights along with a young monk (who's torn between his faith and the affection of a women) head out to hunt down a Necromancer, where it's believed they're using their witchery to keep away the plague from their small remote rural community.

Christopher Smith is an up and coming British director (with likes of "Creep", "Severance" and "Triangle" behind him) and his next diverse effort "Black Death" didn't disappoint. While the direction is descriptively slick and steady (and well photographed), he really captures the dark, turbulent atmosphere of the period, as the stench of death and the bleak colouring covers the screen. While conventional in some story arches (the camaraderie between a ragtag group), it remains smartly written and jarringly effective by never centralising on one viewpoint but actually opening up with more stinging questions. The harrowing back-end is rather despairing and chilling, therefore quite enthralling due to a central character's delusional mindset. The violence can be furious, brutal and gusty, but still underneath it all is a creepy and cruel menace. Sean Bean's ruggedly virtuous performance sticks out, but there's good support from Eddie Redmayne and an eerily succulent turn by Carice van Houton whose manipulative presence was always hypnotic when on screen.
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bandoolero3 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just didn't like this film.

Actually, the ending was the one I hated. I believed until the ending that the people of the village belong to some kind of nature loving religion, and that is why they are not touched by the plague.

As it turns out they are just people who don't believe in anything. You can't empathize with the Christian inquisitors, nor the pagans, kinda nobody.

This film did not move me emotionally on any level.

In your place if I was interested in medieval stories I would rather watch Kingdom of Heaven.

Just don't watch this film XS
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A Thought-induced, Objective Plague Piece
sharpobject24248 February 2011
Black Death is a hidden gem, as others have put it, and far from the Hollywood slop it so sharply contrasts. It could not be much more true to its' name, which is quite possibly the bleakest title a film can be given, while it feels genuine to its period backdrop. Everything here feels true to its' nature. And there is no excess of special effects or melodrama, or anything watered down, and instead the story is full of substance.

In 1348, the young monk Osmund finds himself conflicted at the films start, as his secret love Avrill is fleeing their plague-ridden city and provides him the choice to meet her in the marshland. Upon asking for a sign for guidance, his monastery is visited by Ulrich and his party of Christian fundamentalists. On a mission to a village beyond the marsh in search of a necromancer and any other witches to stamp out, he asks for a guide and young Osmund obliges. Thus begins an ugly and gritty crusade across an English countryside that is riddled with fear, intolerance, and the Black Death.

The struggle is personal as well as conceptual. For Osmund it is personal, as his love for Avrill causes him to question his own faith due to the charms and tricks of the pagans (huge plot twists underly this theme)and the brutality of the band he guides. And then the bigger picture, the struggle between the Christians and the pagans, is tastefully portrayed with an objective narrative. In the film, there are cruelties and acts of brutality inflicted from both belief systems. This was perhaps my favorite element to the movie. While personally I rooted for the pagans against the tyranny of the church, I found that my brother and I could argue over who was the demonized side, and the writing offered no kind of resolution. That the oppression of the church and the clandestine nature of the pagans only fueled one another is probably truer to history than textbooks will ever show, this movie portrays the idea brilliantly (despite the dark feel).

If you think the movie sounds interesting, and are interested in it for plot, substance,and a gratifying experience, check this one out.
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There is no place in Heaven for those that kill.
lastliberal-853-25370826 February 2012
A little birdie told me that this film was one of the most underrated from last year. Just the thing to peak my interest. The theme is also one that interests me - religion in the Middle Ages.

The emissaries of the church march forth with their implements of torture rooting out all opposition. They seek a village where the Black Death has not reached, believed that Satan rules there. Indeed, a necromancer is in charge.

Now, there are Oscar-caliber actors in this film, so you have to look at it as an ensemble. All-in-all, they did not disappoint. I especially liked Carice van Houten (Black Book) as the necromancer.

A battle between good and evil ensues. Evil wins.
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Are you all insane?!
icanscreenwrite26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While I will agree that the girl being merely drugged was interesting, the entire film lacked stakes, obstacles and any semblance of subtlety. They moment we were told, in ANOTHER expository yawn-inducing sequence, that the necromancer can raise the dead...yeah, that was to be expected. I had no sympathy for any of the characters, least of all our protagonist (played skillfully by Eddie Redmayne) who was more akin to a reed in a river, swept along by fate with an irritating ability to do absolutely nothing. None of the characters had any redeeming qualities that I could hang on to. Any that did happened to find their way onto the screen (which I'm sure happened purely by coincidence and was brought by the more-than-capable actors) and into the weak storyline was eventually contradicted by ham-fisted direction. I will concede that the themes explored were intriguing but a weak-ass, obvious script was made worse in the hands of a director that has nothing in his arsenal but filmmaking 101. Film can be powerful when purely human themes are treated with respect and vision by filmmakers who understand what makes great films great. Stay the hell away from cliché, give the audience some credit and for f*@#sake, find a script worth shooting!!! Ick ick ick...
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