Uncertainty (2008) Poster


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About choices and where they lead
Siamois1 April 2010
The movie follows two possible outcomes of a single day for Bobby (Gordon-Levitt) and Kate (Lynn Collins). The two stories are almost like parallel universes, featuring the same couple. During the film, we alternate between scenes of both of those "realities". This could have made for a confusing narrative but directors Siegel and McGehee make sure we always know which story we are following with simple devices (primarily, colors and clothing but also good editing choices and writing).

Gordon-Levitt and Collins have amazing chemistry, which is showcased in two very, very different stories. One runs very much like a down-to-earth drama, where they go spend a day with Kate's family. The other story is more akin to an action thriller on a budget, where Bobby finds a cell phone that is valuable to extremely dangerous individuals.

The starting point of the narrative split is a single decision, that is eventually made on a coin toss. The whole film appears to explore the uncertainty (duh) of choices before us and how making a decision will lead us on a path that will, again, lead to more choices. It is good food for thoughts and I could appreciate how the writers went for two radically different stories, to highlight how different the future can be.

Both stories had excellent acting and were well-paced and engaging. Where I had a bit of a problem is with the thriller story, which ended abruptly and was rather unsatisfying in its resolution. Nonetheless, the whole exercise was organic. Lynn Collins was a revelation for me. As for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this excellent actor keeps on impressing with great performances and solid, off-beat career choices. Many people like to talk about the "curse of child actors" where they disappear as they get older. Gordon-Levitt brilliantly defies this trend and oozes charisma and talent.
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Form follows function as regards making choices in this romantic drama slash thriller
Polaris_DiB7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Time-travel. Of all the various things that cinema has to offer, its play on temporal motifs by using the illusion of real-time action and changing it via editing to disestablish real-time movement from continuitous, straightforward action is one of the greatest gifts it brings art. What we have here is a relatively simple concept that nevertheless gets rare play in cinema, a sort of quantum possibilities narrative that usually requires a device (Primer) but only rarely is done just for the dramatic effect (Sliding Doors). A couple meets on the Brooklyn Bridge (Gordon-Levitt and Lynn Collins, playing characters named Kate and Bobby, counterrespectively) on the 4th of July. They cannot decide whether to go to a barbecue chez Kate's family, or spend the evening tout le doux. So they break off, running in two different directions, and live entirely different lives over the next 24 hours. Green-clad couple Kate and Bobby meet up in a car and go to the barbecue. Yellow-clad K&B grab a taximeter cab and are on their way downtown. Green are going to find that their dinner is met with family politics, secrets revealed, uncomfortable situations, and melodrama. Yellow are going to find themselves immersed in a lottery conspiracy that will threaten their very lives. The two stories are cross-cut together and developments in the one affect the understanding of motivations and choices in the other, while those things that speckle daily lives such as cellphones, computers, and trains stand as rough bridging points between the two stories.

Very fun, as well as I'm wondering if Siegel and McGehee read themselves some Mark Z. Danielewsky before or while writing this script (the yellow and green flip-side of character development preexists in Danielewsky's Only Revolutions, a book where the same story is told from two different perspectives of a couple, and, like this movie, contains a revolving narrative that brings the characters back to the starting point). The careful attention to maintaining the color coding of the story lines (including splashes of yellow at times when things in the green story get threatening, or splashes of green at times when the yellow story gets safer), is pulled off really well. From there, however, the narrative is a little unbalanced, though in some ways that allow me to appreciate the risk the filmmakers are taking.

See, we are in fact having to relate emotionally to the subtle dramatic narrative arc of one story while simultaneously engaging in the pulse-pounding suspense of the other. That means for the larger part of the movie, I and I feel many other audiences get impatient with the more subtle, delicate moments in the family because they're so eager to see what will happen next in the race for their lives. Ultimately this unbalance is fractured further by the end, where the endings of both arcs reveal the ultimate difference between such modes of storytelling, as the open ending serves the dramatic side very well in terms of conflict resolution, but the open ending of the thriller side just makes it feel like the filmmakers had to end it for lack of a better idea. Which, unfortunately, may have been the case. The meeting of polarities at the end with the characters coming to the same conclusion feels more forced than it should.

This is unfortunate considering that the whole movie (called "Uncertainty", after all) is about the difficulty of making choices. So when it feels like the filmmakers themselves had a difficult time choosing how to end their movie, it sort of breaks apart the whole point of the movie in the first place. However, this is also a situation in which I do not believe I would have come up with a better ending myself. The methods in which the two stories inform each other is too important to risk losing by having the characters end up in vastly different places. The ultimate decision the characters have to make as regards their relationship still HAS TO be made in both narrative arcs, so we can't as well have the characters end up the worst or the better for having made an otherwise insignificant decision as regards their day. If this movie struggles, it mostly has to do with the fact that it contains such strongly contrasting and hard to cut between genres as the romantic drama versus the suspense thriller.

Nevertheless, the most exciting and fun thing about watching the movie is watching how the characters, incapable of being definitive and strong when surrounded by the pressures of family, are completely forced to make minute-by-minute decisions that they are required to commit to while running through the streets trying not to get killed.

So yes, this movie is not perfect. But as Gordon-Levitt says, "If the story is good, I'm in. It's that simple." This movie is pretty awesome when taken on its own merit.

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Original, which is commendable
listorm4329 April 2010
I put this film because I got a crush on Lynn Collins and think Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a good budding star. I got my money's worth from their performances, in fact I think Collins is more than just looks, but the plot deflating in the family driven sense and the Manhattan sequence advances the tension which constantly stalls for the family sequence. Confused... yeah I was too. I looked up the film's synopsis and it made more sense.

Think of it like this, the 2010 season of Lost. Two story lines inter-cutting based on a slight change in life. I'm not wild about this film, but it deserves attention for the performances from the leads and for being original, which is a rarity nowadays.
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Uncertain what I'm supposed to get
DannyBoy-1725 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There are some movies you're not supposed to take anything away from besides an experience, a feeling, a rush. The obvious comparison for this film is Run Lola Run, as another reader indicated, but that film had far more cohesion than "Uncertainty." It had potential: running a domestic drama in contrast to a thriller is an interesting concept. After all, bringing your boyfriend to meet the family when you're secretly pregnant and unmarried is as ripe for tension as being chased by gunmen through the streets of New York. If you had to choose one, which would you pick?

I thought to myself at times that I was watching the male and female versions of what we look for in suspense, the domestic manners drama and the gangster thriller. The parallel narratives work for a little while, but then strangely, the tension completely deflates in Brooklyn, while it continues to build in Manhattan.

If the dramas had both advanced and each situation gotten tenser, with the mother finding about the pregnancy and getting involved, just as the gunman found them in Chinatown, that would have made for interesting parallels. As it was, you're left with a very unclear ending and a sense of pointlessness to the whole enterprise.

While I'm slightly curious as to what the writers were trying to do, whatever it was, it didn't really work. So my curiosity is somewhat sated. Try "The Hurt Locker" for an excellent indie film out there right now, or for JGL fans, "500 Days of Summer" is just fine.
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of some interest but the premise is inadequately developed
Buddy-5126 January 2011
The course of our lives is determined by the countless decisions - both major and minor - we make on a daily basis. So much so that one simple and seemingly insignificant act of choice can set the course for our entire future, including where we'll go to school, who we'll wind up marrying, whether we'll be killed crossing that street or live another fifty years because we took a different route entirely. That is the theme explored in "Uncertainty," a dual-level drama produced, written and directed by Scott McGehee and David Siegel.

The movie opens with a young couple - played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lynn Collins - standing on the Brooklyn Bridge, obviously on the brink of making some major decision regarding their future. After a coin flip, one heads in one direction (to Manhattan) and one in the other (to Brooklyn), leading the couple to have distinctly different experiences in what might be thought of as parallel universes. In the Manhattan-based scenario, Bobby and Kate, dressed in yellow, are plunged into a bizarre cloak-and-dagger tale set off by the finding of a cell phone in the back of a cab (a bit like "24" if it were made on an indie-film budget); the other direction leads to a more mundane domestic drama wherein the lovers, dressed in green, celebrate the 4th of July with Kate's family, including the overly critical mother who drives the young woman crazy with her negativity and interference.

The different-paths-equals-different-outcomes theme has been explored before, most notably in 1998's "Sliding Doors," but here the why and the wherefore of it all seems to have eluded the filmmakers - as it does us. Each storyline is interesting enough in its own right - and the acting and direction are first-rate throughout - but they fail to come together in any kind of a meaningful way. They literally run along parallel tracks, with no point of convergence from which we can deduce a point - unless it's that bright yellow is probably not the best fashion choice when you're trying to outrun a hit man.

Moreover, the movie doesn't lay down the ground rules for the scenario in a very coherent or consistent fashion. The synopsis for the film says that the couple uses the coin flip to determine how they're going to spend that holiday weekend. Yet, it's obviously much more complicated than that, for in one version, Kate is pregnant, but in the other she isn't (or, at least, it's never mentioned). In one, she is the star of a Broadway play; in the other, she says she works at a restaurant. And the two couples obviously live in different parts of town. Perhaps, consistency really is the hobgoblin of little minds and we should be looking at the larger picture here, but, all the same, the movie leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions, which may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it can make for a frustrating experience at times.

I recommend watching "Uncertainty" for the risks it takes and the mood it sets (Peter Nashel's evocative score is very helpful in that regard) but, when it comes right down to it, the movie seems a commendable but over-elaborate effort at stating the obvious.
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A movie about making decision
assimi11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A couple in New York City rely their destiny on a coin. The story continues in two simultaneously way as they are in Manhattan or Brooklyn on green or yellow parallel events The green way happens in Brooklyn in result to a lost dog and a arranged 4th of July (USA Independence Day) Dinner at Kate's house, fireworks and drama about a family. The Yellow way is the dangerous part, They find a cell phone in a cab that is owned to someone as a murderer and The Couple tries to fish in troubled waters and take 500,000 $ for that phone which leads to being chased by That Man. The Shooting is very good for instance Starting shot was wonderful showing two boroughs of New York. Although the concept is great, the result is not what I expected. Also there is no uncertainty to enjoy the movie!
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This dialogue sums up this film
j_smith_78 November 2013
JGL on the phone to Chinese gangster. 'We're in the bank on the corner of Canal Street.'

2 minutes later Chinese gangster arrives at bank.

JGL's girlfriend, Caty, in a panic. 'Oh my God! How'd he find us?'

JGL 'I don't know.'

That just about sums up the nature of this film. They really didn't think it through very well. Indeed, it leaves you thinking very clearly that they had no script for this. Just 'make it up as you go along guys' seems to be the rule here and, well, it comes across as just made up.

JGL is good, as he always is, but the rest of the cast went through the movie in 'actor mode'. There is the ubiquitous scene of families all talking at the same time over dinner; out of focus views of twilight in the Big Apple; and a totally unnecessary sex scene. Sure this was all done on a low budget but so was Napoleon Dynamite. I really cannot think of anything positive to say about this film, even though I would genuinely like to do so. One to be avoided folks.
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the real uncertainty is whether this is a good movie.
someguy20135 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is a good movie, but not a great one. The acting is good. The plots(there were really two distinct ones)were intriguing but incomplete.

The whole movie is based on choice made by Bobby and Kate,a young couple. After the choice-whether to spend the 4th of July with the Kate's family or not- is made, the story switches back and forth between the two different scenarios that would have played out based in either choice. The plot gimmick is interesting if not entirely original. As others have mentioned, it is certainly similar to "Run, Lola, Run"(Since I haven't seen that film in awhile, I'm not entirely sure how similar this movie is. I do think that "Lola" was better from what I remember though). Each choice essentially leads to a radically different movie- one domestic drama involving Kate's family and the other was about the couple in the middle of mob war over a lost cell phone( As one reviewer put it, the former plot is probably more interesting to women and the latter to men.)

The contrasts and connections between these intertwined stories made for a good movie, but neither plot was fully developed. We learn some information about the character through the two stories, but so much is left unexplained. Who are the mobsters? A possible explanation is offered, but never confirmed. Why don't the main characters eat meat anymore? It apparently has something to do with her mother, but that is never fully explained either. How did her brother die? No further information is offered. What ultimately happens to the stray dog that they pick up in the former scenario?

Each story offers yet more choices to for the couple. The main uncertainty in the domestic story is that Kate is pregnant and doesn't know whether to have the baby. The main choice in the other scenario is what to do about the mysterious and evidently valuable cell phone they have acquired. Unfortunately, neither scenario is offered much of a resolution. The pregnancy question is left undecided. the couple finally gets rid of the cell phone in the other scenario, but much is still left unresolved. The mobsters already know who Bobby is and they have tracked him down pretty easily throughout the movie. Won't they just come after him again? Also, the pregnancy is obviously still a reality in that scenario as well. How would such a harrowing experience affect that decision? I'd imagine that they would grow close and the prospective of raising a family together wouldn't be so scary. As a side note, just the fact that a couple in their late 20's/early 30's(it's not clear exactly how old either is supposed to be in the movie) are so indecisive about carrying to term a pregnancy speaks volumes about our culture(and not in a good way).

Also, the plot device might have been more interesting if it had evolved around the major choices(what to do with the pregnancy or the cell phone) instead of a minor one. The whole drama about making a choice might have been bigger if the possible choices had bigger apparent consequences then possibly making her mother upset or blowing off their friend's party. The whole mcguffin about finding a lost cell phone and getting involved in a mob war was something that could have just as easily happened in the other scenario. They had no idea that was would happen when they made the choice. What is this move saying? Are we supposed to be afraid or worried about every minor choice and the possible unknown, outlandish consequence that could result from it?

For me, this movie was two decent stories that never really coalesced or gave much closure to the viewer. It was good, but it could have been better. Perhaps the makers of this film should dwell on some of their own choices...
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Its okay. But not okay enough for me to review it without spoilers.
daverdinj23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to the crazy side of the coin, one of two things would have solved this young couple's dilemma:

#1 Ditch the phone

#2 Turn the damn ringer off, put it on vibrate or something. Then, as soon as you confirm that you will more than likely be killed before you'd be able to get any money, DITCH THE PHONE. and then change your blasted yellow outfits. This can be done long before prego GF is forced to run miles up and down stairs and into traffic, almost guaranteeing a miscarriage.

Seriously, if you and your prego GF find a cell phone in a cab and foreigners start calling it and talking all kinds of scary mess, chuck that s--- out the window and get on with your life.

Also, if you abandon my sound advice and the two of you find yourselves running and hiding from an Asian guy with a gun, tell your prego GF to stop making so many unnecessary piercing vocal noises- because this, along with the bright yellow matching hipster outfits, makes it really hard to hide from a gunman.

Potential for a lot of suspense. But I had to constantly and viciously swat away nagging questions about their illogical behavior just to get some slight enjoyment out of this could-be suspenseful drama.

And then the movie ends, and we assume they live happily ever after out of wed lock.
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Appropriately titled. I'm still uncertain if I liked it. Read on. *possible very minor spoilers*
thetoydude0022 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not AS negative about the movie as some are, but it really was a headache from the get go. It's two separate movies trying to be one "indie" movie. Upon a repeat watch, I can certainly see where the "correlations" are between the decisions to be made, but there's not enough connection(..one…line) between the two stories. The two stories felt more disparate than the two they crammed into "The Majestic".

Solid acting from both JGL and Lynn Collins(looking 2 decades younger than she did in Wolverine).

The cinematography was at times absolutely stunning in the very divisive use of color(you'll see) and in the landscaped shots. At times it was also completely confusing, blurred, poor angles and bad composition.

That may have been the intention of the filmmakers, to show the rugged edges and heart-pounding pace, but it was overused like a student film. I didn't get convulsions like I did from Cloverfield, though.

Worth a watch, if you like the actors. Honestly, either film would have been a solid release even at the shorter lengths. The fact that they were supposed to(and I guess kinda did) tie together left me waiting throughout the whole film for the revelation that would bring both world's together and make the lead-in worthwhile. When there was so little resolution to the connection between the two, it leads me to believe that maybe the director was trying to cast his own moral beliefs on to the characters, like one big decision could ruin their lives(hint: it involves pregnancy) or lead to familial bliss.
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"Uncertainty" is uninteresting
napierslogs21 October 2010
In "Uncertainty" a young couple's lives have different paths to take based on the flip of the coin. But they don't tell us what this coin toss means or its significance, so we don't get to understand its implications or consequences.

The young couple is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lynn Collins. Gordon-Levitt is a talented actor and is good here, but he's better than the character. We are given no reasons to care about these characters and we know so little about them it just makes everything less interesting. I don't know much about Collins, but from this all I can gather is that she only knows how to play sexy. I would like to think that Gordon-Levitt would pick girlfriends based on more than just sexiness.

"Uncertainty" is supposed to be an interesting examination of lives travelling different ways, but the plot devices used are so lame that the two stories are just uninteresting. It is shot well for its low budget, but one should be wary of watching movies written without a script.
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A unique and intelligent concept
ctg072413 December 2009
This movie is easily described as cool. You are going to feel somewhat robbed at the end when the idea you are being introduced to is not exactly tied together in the end, but try not to think about that. This movie is clearly experimental. Forget the style and focus on what the movie is saying.

What was the point of the two stories? (those who have not watched the movie yet will understand once you have seen it) One story was a family drama and another was a high energy thriller. Both about them unable to make decisions on life effecting choices. Through both situations we are able to learn about these two people and the difficulties they have trying to behave as one. What results from this is two very believable performances.

These two performers were so good together. Very different Joseph than what we saw in (500) Days of Summer. They behaved like a real couple. You would think they are dating off screen.

The raw style in cinematography surprisingly works well with the melodic musical score. New York City is becoming less of a movie setting, so it is always pleasing to see it still.

Good experimental film. I recommend it.
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a flawed premise that still leads to entertaining hours
j_tuffel15 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie definitely has a different feel than your average flick it is very entertaining and well made.The cinematography and soundtrack as well as the clever use of yellow and green help to keep the audience engaged. However the whole premise of this movies is flawed as the main protagonists are never really faced with a life changing decision.the movie follows two parallel universes but none of them are connected to the initial scene with the coin flip.the two stories are not the result of a moment in time where a decision changes everything.as a matter of fact we are dealing with two stories that could not be any different from each other and might as well just be two different couples with different life experiences. However I like the aspect of how different these stories are and was really impressed by the actor in this underlying love story.one story follows a very mundane family situation while the other is filled with action and suspense.but the bottom line is that this did not really make sense as the stories do not have a common point in time. This is why the ending is also a disappointment.the audience would clearly expect the stories to somehow be tied together but will never get what it is looking for. But overall I was still entertained and felt that the love between these characters was depicted in a very realistic way that anybody could believe
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Certainly a waste of time
douglasts12 September 2008
I had a good expectation about this movie. It is a good theme: how a moment in life may define your destiny. Very appealing.

However, the plot goes into 2 different but equally boring directions: a holiday family BBQ filled with drama and a stupid action story apparently written by a 12-year-old kid. What kept me watching this was the refusal to believe that it was only that: I was truly expecting something exceptional to happen. As you may guess, I was frustrated.

Please do not misunderstand me. Actors did a good job, in my humble opinion, and you can really feel NYC streets, which results in a very realistic sensation from both acting and scenario. But the core of the movie -- the story, the plot -- is rotten, and these qualities cannot afford to make a good movie without its support.
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Unique character study
imdbbl26 December 2009
It's the Fourth of July, and Kate and Bobby are struggling to make a decision: do they stick with tradition and spend the weekend with Kate's family, or do they set out on their own for a spontaneous adventure? After making their initial decision, an alternate narrative emerges to show just what would have happened had they chosen to do otherwise. While the decision-making process may seem mundane, the implications of each choice are profound. Sure, a holiday with the family doesn't seem nearly as exciting as an impromptu romantic trip, but that doesn't mean it will be any less dramatic. As the stories diverge and a "what if" scenario becomes reality, it soon becomes apparent how much one seemingly minor decision can ultimately affect the rest of our lives...First of all, I really like the concept of alternative narratives; it's not exactly something new but it hasn't been explored that much. One of the narratives is more of an emotional drama and the second one is a tense thriller. The directors also made a very interesting choice, by associating a color, yellow and green, to each storyline. Thanks to the use of this color scheme the viewer never gets lost. Another interesting aspect is the fact that the script was written without dialog. The dialog was improvised but it is so natural and organic that one would never known, because of this, the relationship between the two main characters, Kate and Bobby, is one of the most believable relationships I've seen on the screen. Bobby is played by the extremely talented Joseph Gordon-Levitt and he was great as always, he never disappoints and I hope he keeps choosing this intricate and off-beat scripts. Kate is played by the beautiful Lynn Collins (True Blood, Wolverine). She was absolutely lovely as Levitt's love interest and delivered a great performance. Despite the fact that Uncertainty was filmed mainly with a hand-held camera, the cinematography is great with very interesting shots of New York City. The musical score is subtle but very efficient with beautiful slow paced melodies that compliment the scenes very well. Despite all this great attributes, it's important to mention that Uncertainty, despite being very engaging, is also experimental; it won't please everyone. I was hoping that the narratives would somehow be tied together and that never happened... and the end, although appropriated, doesn't bring any closure to the story either, so, some people will find the film a bit pointless, I can't say that was disappointed by that, the film just took a different direction then I expected. In the end, Uncertainty is all about this couple, the decision-making process and the implications that certain action courses have on our lives. It's quite an unusual experience but definitely worth watching.

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Good idea, doesn't quite work
neil-4766 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Kate and Bobbie, on Brooklyn Bridge on July 4, toss a coin to decide whether they should spend the day with Kate's large family, or do something else. The film then splits, and they do both. They head into Brooklyn, wearing green, to dive into the soapy goings on with Kate's family: a senile uncle, a broken computer, a Mother who doesn't care for Bobby, whether they should tell anyone Kate is pregnant etc.. And they head into New York, wearing yellow, to deal with the consequences of having found a phone which belongs to criminals. The yellow and green stories are intercut.

Kudos to co-writers, producers and directors Scott McGehee and David Siegel for getting their movie from concept to screen. This is a good idea, nicely presented, well acted and well directed.

Unfortunately, it's also a bit boring, and this is almost certainly not helped by the fact that dialogue was improvised rather than scripted. The crime thriller story engages the attention more, but the soapy story has the lion's share of screen time, especially in the second half. And neither story is resolved particularly satisfactorily.

There was a better film to be made from this idea.
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Fork in the Road
wes-connors25 August 2011
Walking along the Brooklyn Bridge on the Fourth of July, Canadian musician Joseph Gordon-Levitt (as Bobby Thompson) and his recently seeded sweetheart Lynn Collins (as Kate Montero) can't decide whether to spend some time in Brooklyn or Manhattan. They flip a coin, but run in opposite directions. Wearing green, Mr. Gordon-Levitt heads for Brooklyn. Wearing yellow, Ms. Collins runs for Chinatown. No wise cracks. In their respective boroughs, Gordon-Levitt and Collins meet color-coordinated partners, so we have both a green and yellow-tinged version of the couple running in parallel stories...

Yellow Joey finds a cell phone in a yellow cab, which he and Lynn try to return to the owner. This turns out to be a dangerous decision. Meanwhile, in a green car, green Joey and Lynn find a stray dog "Tiger" on the way to visit her family. This symbolizes the domestic story. That the actors are improvising is sometimes more conspicuous than the coloring. "Uncertainty" features semi-wobbly, but beautifully color-coordinated photography from Rain Li and complimentary music by Peter Nashel. There is some fine work from co-directors Scott McGehee and David Siegel, who have little to say...

****** Uncertainty (2/6/09) Scott McGehee, David Siegel ~ Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lynn Collins, Assumpta Serna, Olivia Thirlby
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Absolute garbage
lukeosborne28 December 2009
Honestly this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my entire life.At the start of the film i thought it had a good plot,two different outcomes coming from the result of a flick of a coin.The film drags on for ever and in one of the plots absolutely noting occurs, it feels more like a sub-plot rather than a side-plot.The events that occur in the film aren't believable and some of the things the main characters do would never happen in real life,which makes the film seem unnatural.I watched the movie until the end hoping there was going to be a dramatic climax,the ending was such an anti-climax,the film had no twists,it was like a child wrote the script.I stress do not waste your time like i did watching this film
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Great performances; the plot has shortcomings though
BeneCumb20 January 2013
The launch is interesting and provides opportunities for a sophisticated course of action, but it becomes confusing and inscrutable instead as there is no interconnection between the couples. Two separate movies or use of twins having something in common (=interweaving events) could have been more catchy to follow. Here, the main motive is fully revealed in the very end only and, together with the credits, you realize that you have watched 2-in-1 movie with just the characters quite similar - and the solutions are trivial and half-way. In the action part, no family is shown, and vice versa - probably deliberately.

The cast is, however, great, with leading roles performed by Lynn Collins as Kate and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Bobby. They are both pleasant and versatile actors and movies with their presence are at least watchable, if not more. Uncertainty is not among the strongest they are in, but 1 hour 35 minutes do not let the characters become boring; admirers of Collins and Gordon-Levitt will not be disappointed.
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No Uncertainty - a copycat film to capitalize on a hot actor
wastebot29 December 2009
I can understand when an actor gets hot wanting to capitalize on it and make some money, and of course this is even truer for film companies, but this is just pathetic. It's so obvious here and the film is so pointless that I can't see why the actor or studio would want to risk their reputation on the potential for a very quick buck that may lead both to being unemployed again for an extended period while the certain stench of this film wears off.

Another reviewer mentioned Run Lola Run. In concept, yes, there's a similarity, but don't confuse the two or hope for something remotely near that quality. I never even thought of Run Lola Run watching this and I feel like I'm insulting that film even mentioning it. I expect this will get dumped on theaters around Valentine's day to make some easy money. Run Lola Run is a great film that can be watched at any time of the year, and I highly recommend that instead if you want a suspenseful relationship film with actual uncertainty.
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One certainty: Indistinctness (web)
leplatypus26 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For one time, there is a American movie who just wants to tell stories about an ordinary young couple and offers a new angle to shoot it: parallel lives. So there's a sure freshness coming from the movie and I encourage those choices. In addition, it's shot almost continuously on locations in NYC, in summer so it has energy, punch and coolness. The cast revolves around two sympathetic and promising new faces that are now all alone on the poster, Lynn and the smiling "Robin". There's a good chemistry between them and I was on their side.

Unfortunately, the hopes don't make a good movie. The opening is awful: long still shots, with cryptic sentences and cut by black screen is a sure way to destroy any coherence. The couple then divides, running opposite on the bridge and then, we have the two stories, yellow and green, for Independence Day. If the yellow part about the found phone is a thriller, the other part is a dull soap in a family reunion. But, coherence, believability are left on the way as Lynn's family is totally Latino (why?) with dumb characters (Diego, the disappeared brother) and the chase is unrealistic (they are left by police when they report a murder, the criminal knows exactly in what building they have run...).

And frankly, the parallel lives concept isn't very used: there's one event that happens in the two time-lines (the friend's party) but except that, you really think it's rather two couples played by the same cast as facts are really attached to one choice, either green (pregnancy, family) or yellow (job, home).

So, finally, it's a movie that walks outside the usual paths, that is well played and directed but that's very poorly scripted.
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Rip off of "Run Lola Run"
artistandfilmaker4 December 2009
At first I was like, no it's just similar, but then they start using the same shots frame for frame (like the calm moments lying in bed with the camera directly overhead)!

Seriously I think you owe the director of Run Lola Run some money.

Honestly, you only changed a couple of details, the actors, and instead of it being in Germany you chose to shoot it in New York City's Chinatown. At least say that it's based on that movie, because you obviously borrowed from it with no remorse.

IFC you should know better. The actors do a great job though, which is just unfortunate they had to be involved in such a blatant theft.
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A new spin on some underused concepts
PersianPlaya40822 January 2010
This film is good. But its different, i watched it with some friends, nobody liked it, other than me. but im kind of an oddball like that. It has two lateral plots, involving the same two leads. I thought using the colors green and yellow to differentiate was original and effective. Joseph Gordon Levitt is great in the lead and shows his range here, while Lynn Collins isn't bad either, but sure is beautiful. I had previously seen her in True Blood and was impressed, but here she takes her acting to a even higher level and leaves you entangled in her character's emotions. I thought this film has a very unique concept, and uses suitable cinematography which wouldn't work in any story, but sure does here. Overall an underrated gem from 09 that only has 329 votes on IMDb... wow...
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Very good (well... half of it is)
bowmanblue18 March 2015
Uncertainty is about a young couple of flip a coin to decide what they're going to do with the rest of their day. We, the viewers, are then treated to two different intermingling stories (parallel universes if you like) involving the same couple and showing us what happened along each path.

It's kind of like Sliding Doors, but with a bit more action in it. One story involves the couple on the run from dangerous gangsters and the other involves them going home to their family.

Now, it could just be me (I prefer the 'action' genre generally), but I found the half of the film dedicated to the couple on the run from the gang to be the far more entertaining of the two, while the story about them confronting issues with their family a little dull.

It could just be me. Maybe someone who prefers drama over action would prefer the other one. Either way, everyone plays their part pretty well and there are worse films to watch.
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An intriguing but frustratingly pointless exercise
gridoon20246 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of movie that stands or falls on its ending - and the ending of "Uncertainty" makes the whole thing rather pointless. You expect the two "realities" to merge, or collide, or something, but nothing happens. The writers-directors get some tension going in the Manhattan section at least, but the Brooklyn part is incredibly mundane (intentionally, I know, but still....). The film is also too long, but good chemistry between the two leads and nice New York location footage keep it from being a total waste of time. If you take out one violent shooting, it could almost be classified as a high-concept "chick flick". ** out of 4.
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