Grizzly Man (2005) Poster


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I just can't stop shaking my head
GavinFeek23 August 2005
Upon coming out of Grizzly Man, with my friend, I couldn't help noticing my own face in the reflection of the lobby mirrors... my face was completely blank. I looked over at my friend, and noticed she was merely staring down at her shoes and scratching her nose. Exiting out onto the street, joining the rest of the crowd as we all search for our cars, I couldn't help but believe I was still staring into the lobby mirrors... nearly every head was shaking, and every expression blank.

I now believe I will never know how I feel about Timothy Treadwell. A boy who accidentally grew into a man.

Grizzly Man immediately opens with the facts surrounding Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard's death. These facts will stay inside you as you grow acquainted with Timothy and the animals surrounding his demise. Sadly, Amie Huguenard remains a faceless mystery.

Werner Herzog's soul remains intact, as he gently disassembles the matter of Timothy Treadwell's. Failed actor? Inveterate liar? Misguided Mercenary? Was Timothy Treadwell merely playing out the part of some great Discovery Channel episode in his head? We watch and listen as a lonely Timothy walks and talks into his only companion, a MiniDV camera, about his female problems, drug problems, memories and most importantly his love of animals.

Bears and Foxes in particular. There is one thing you could never doubt about this man, and that is of his love for Bears. "I love you, I love you..." We constantly hear him saying to the Bear's and Foxes that had become his "friends" over the years. And through Herzog's direction it is impossible to miss the beauty in this.

Timothy Treadwell's photography in this film is absolutely extraordinary. And Mr. Herzog did an extraordinary job putting it all together. In my opinion, this is his best film since Little Dieter Needs To Fly. (Un) fortunately, I cannot stop thinking about it. I cannot stop wondering who this man was... He wrapped himself in bandana's, claimed to be a "Peaceful Warrior", there to protect the Bears. But from what? The arguments were made that acquainting himself with them, he was doing much more harm then good. Why should they get to know a human? How could this help them in the future? And we know how it ended for him...

How can you just sit there and watch one mans whole life be wrapped up in a two hour film? And then declare his work meaningless? You can't. Was he just a suicidal man, playing one big act? Was he truly some feral warrior, bringing awareness and the importance of Bear protection and safety to light? Was he a directionless maniac who ultimately got an innocent girl killed?

The duality of Timothy Treadwell is merely one more example of the duality of mankind. And the mirror in which I had been looking into had, in fact, been the movie screen itself. Unfortunately, it appears as though he believed the Bears surrounding him shared this depth. And who am I to tell you they don't?
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Hubris Brings Down a Quixotic Man-Child in the Wilderness
Harlybeast20 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Werner Herzog has created an outstanding documentary feature, adeptly letting Timothy Treadwell's work speak for itself. Herzog interjects his own opinions only on occasion and makes no attempt to demonize or rehabilitate Treadwell's complicated legacy. The footage of the grizzlies is amazing, something far more intimate (for better and for worse) than anything I have ever seen in other documentary footage. It is almost beyond belief that Treadwell lasted 13 years in Alaska among these bears before he finally met his end. He had deluded himself into thinking that he had earned (or been given by God?) some kind of special immunity from harm among these animals. What complicates this delusion is the fact that he knew he had to behave as a "gentle warrior" among the grizzlies in order to fend off their occasional aggressive maneuvers. This description, although somewhat romanticized, at least acknowledges a rational need for some form of protection among the bears. Treadwell decides to camp in the heart of the "Grizzly Maze" almost as a means of proving his special ability to survive the dangers that would no doubt capture and claim ordinary men. He dares the wilderness to take his life---and it does. I agree with Herzog's decision not to play the audio recording of the attack. Seeing the expression on the ex-girlfriend's face as Herzog listens to the tape himself is very poignant. Herzog, however, seems to grandstand a bit when he counsels the woman to destroy the tape and never listen to it. The woman should be allowed to make up her own mind what to do with the tape and does not need Herzog's or anyone else's advice in that regard. However, this is a minor quibble against so many skillful moments brought to life in Herzog's film. On a final note, I think that Treadwell missed his calling---he was definitely a Fox Man rather than a Grizzly Man! Those foxes adored him!
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A life both tragic and silly
Chris Knipp24 August 2005
For thirteen years "grizzly man" Timothy Treadwell went to an Alaskan wildlife refuge on Kodiak Island and pitched his tent alone -- and the last couple of times with a girlfriend (Amy Huguenard) -- spending the summers among huge grizzly bears. The rest of the year he went to schools and "free of charge" showed his films of the bears and his exploits. When the last of his summers drew to a close he and his girlfriend died among the grizzlies as he'd always known -- and even David Letterman had pointed out -- that he might. Filmmaker Werner Herzog, longtime student of crazy eccentric loners on heroic doomed quests, has taken on Treadwell's life and personality as the subject of a rare and powerful documentary.

At the heart of "Grizzly Man" are Herzog's selective cullings from film Treadwell left behind chronicling both the bears and his own demons. Herzog has added interviews with women in Treadwell's life, with his parents, with the pilot who took him to and from his campgrounds and later found his and his girlfriend's remains, and with Franc Fallico, the unusually sympathetic and sensitive -- and perhaps a bit looney -- coroner who examined these. The director has bound it all together with his own frank and idiosyncratic narration. The result is a rare sober look at the more delusional aspects of man's relations to wild animals.

At times Herzog by implication sympathetically links Treadwell with his former principle star and sparring partner, the late mad eccentric actor Klaus Kinski. Like Kinski Treadwell had tantrums on a film set. But his set was the outdoors and there was no director to spar with; his sparring partners were nature and his own troubled psyche. Nature contained, of course, living witnesses, chief among them the grizzly bears he knows can kill him. He repeatedly tells the camera how much he loves them. He loves the gentler, smaller foxes near whose dens he pitches his tents during the second halves of his summer sojourns. He tells the camera you must be firm with the bears, and he says he knows how to handle them, even though he also repeatedly says he knows he may die there. He is a gambler. Is he a complex man, or merely a confused one? Is he brave, or just foolhardy? What is his purpose in spending all this time among the grizzlies? Is he gathering information, or taking refuge among creatures he need not please, only keep a safe distance from (though he continually comes closer to bears than the park rules and good sense require)? He has a soft sissified manner and voice and even says he wishes he were gay. But he also rants and rages embarrassingly and tiresomely against unseen enemies, poachers, sightseers, rangers, hunters, park officials, the whole urban settled world he runs from to this world he idealizes and blindly sees as perfect. As Herzog notes, Treadwell sought to disregard nature's cruelty, and any time it was in his face -- as when the bears were starving in a dry spell and began eating their own young -- he sought to manipulate nature to eliminate the ugliness. He faults not the bears but the rain gods.

Young Timothy according to his parents was an ordinary boy who loved animals from childhood and got a diving scholarship to college. But he injured his back and quit college and he drank and when he went to LA to act and didn't get a part on Cheers he "spiraled down." He never had a lasting relationship with a woman and the drinking became serious and constant. In vain he tried programs, meetings, self-discipline -- but the drinking went on and was killing him. Finally he got sober for the grizzlies and the foxes. He decided to devote his life to them and he pledged to them that he would be clean and healthy. It was a miracle. Yet he remained not only manic-depressive but passive-aggressive, as his alternations between gentle declarations of love of the animals and his spewing of vitriol against the civilized world attest.

Treadwell's soft-voiced declarations of love and sweetness among the grizzlies would be beautiful -- if such behavior, in a world of extreme physical risk, surrounded by limber lumbering beasts with great teeth and long claws, while preening for the camera with caps and bandanas and golden locks in a dozen alternate takes -- were not criminally silly and irresponsible. Herzog hides none of this in his portrait, which is both sympathetic and ruthless.

As the years passed the Grizzly Man found transitions back to civilization harder and harder to make. On the last occasion, an airport official infuriated him by questioning the validity of his ticket and he turned around with his girlfriend -- who was afraid of bears! -- and returned to the "maze," the most dangerous of his summer campgrounds because it wasn't in the open where the bears could see him and steer clear but among their burrows and the brush. It was later than he ever stayed and the bears he knew and had names for were hibernating now, replaced by new unknown and more hostile and nasty animals. He must also have been more desperate, perhaps more careless? We see the bear that probably devoured him and the woman.

Herzog has access to everything, even an audio-only tape of Timothy and Amy's truly grizzly death. He spares us, though.

As Herzog begins his film by stating, Timothy Treadwell crossed a line between wild animal and human that should never be crossed. This is a line so many other touchy-feely "nature" and "wildlife" films cross. See "The March of the Penguins" and you'll have a prime example. "Grizzly Man" isn't meant to be about grizzlies. It's about men who cross that line -- who willfully misunderstand nature for their own misguided reasons, to serve their own dysfunctional needs.
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Treadwell: An addict not in recovery
johnnyG77725 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Grizzly Man works on a lot of different levels. However, as a recovering addict and alcoholic, what I found most interesting about the film was how it exposed Timothy Treadwell as an addict (alcoholic) who may have swapped his substance addiction (drugs and alcohol) for a process addiction (gambling, sex, danger) with the bears. Like all addicts in their disease(and not in recovery), he basically needed more and more bear to get the same fix (high) he experienced during his initial contact with them.

With all addictions, there is a progressive movement away from truth. As Timothy's bear addiction moved him away from reality and toward a state of "insanity." His distorted thinking becomes apparent in the footage he shot of himself (that was never aired on his TV Special, The Grizzly Diaries).

"Addictions (without recovery) are almost always progressive and fatal." -- Anne Wilson Schaef

Everything about Timothy's behavior, from the misplaced anger at the Forest Service and exaggerated paranoia about poachers, to his delusional thinking about actually being a bear, showed a person trapped in their disease and moving further away from reality.

Add to the fact, that his impaired thinking process was based upon faulty beliefs. And this is where his lack of formal training or education in zoology, or any of the natural sciences, really came back to bite him. (No pun intended).

A "non-addict" thinking person would have understood that if a male bear will kill cubs to stop a female bear from lactating so that she'll want to mate again, and that hungry bears do eat other bears to survive, that maybe they could eat me too!

Like all addicts, Timothy became progressively self-centered, isolated, paranoid, confused, controlling, perfectionist, blinded to his disease (denial), insane, blaming (projection), and dysfunctional. In short, his life had become unmanageable. And ultimately it put him, his girlfriend and at least two bears to death.

Herzog's film works as a tragedy. But also serves as a cautionary tale for all addicts, that can be summed-up by a lyric from Neil Young:

"The very thing that makes you live, can kill you in the end." -- Neil Young
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Grizzly, but also funny
Ricky_Roma__20 August 2006
There's no doubt that Timothy Treadwell was insane. Just look at the facts; here was a guy who lived (unarmed) with bears, who referred to himself in the third person (always a sure sign of insanity) and who had a loon for a best friend. But entirely because of that, his story is a fascinating one.

At first, what's so amazing about Treadwell is how camp he is. He has a squeaky little voice, a peculiar obsession with his wispy hair and he's always cooing, "I love you" to his animal 'friends'. It seems remarkable that such a person would survive so long in the wilderness. But fortunately for Treadwell, he's both tough and completely insane. Therefore he has the blind confidence of the deluded – he never really thinks about what he's doing.

Treadwell's lack of real insight is summed up in his life's purpose – he wants to protect the bears. But the forces that he's protecting the bears from are amorphous (poachers and the Park Service). They're never really there. And it's telling that when some strangers finally do turn up, Treadwell can only hide in the bushes and film from afar as the men throw rocks at the bears – he doesn't do much protecting.

But as Treadwell admits, it's more about the bears protecting him. Which, I guess, is ridiculous (and it is), but it's also true. As the film shows us, Treadwell was in all kinds of trouble before he went bear crazy. He lost his scholarship, became a drunk and got involved with criminal elements. Had he kept steering that course, he probably would have wound up getting killed. And although it's darkly comic that his new obsession finally did bring about his death, it did at least provide him with a momentary release.

The film that Treadwell shot is both amusing and sad. It's amusing because Treadwell is such a strange figure, declaring himself a 'kind warrior' and touching bear faeces with an almost orgasmic excitement. But it's sad because Treadwell is so out of touch with reality. For example, he gives all the bears cute little names like 'Mr Chocolate' and 'Rowdy' – he even calls a particularly nasty bear 'The Grinch'. All the time he's trying to humanise them. He desperately wants to be their friend. And although at times Treadwell seems to understand that they're killers, it never truly sinks in that they could kill him. "I will not die at their claws and paws," he says.

Another illuminating moment is when one of his fox friends steals his cap. He seems deeply upset; he seems personally affronted. He just doesn't quite grasp the fact that these are wild animals, that they aren't really his pals. But despite this, Treadwell does capture some wonderful moments on film. There's a fantastic bit where he's in his tent playing with the paws of a fox that come poking through from outside. It's here that you can understand why Treadwell has isolated himself from people. It's innocent moments like this that keep him hanging on to the few marbles he has left rattling about in his brain.

But although Treadwell doesn't really understand nature, Herzog does. In his unmistakable German accent he says he sees no kinship in the bear's eyes: "I only see the overwhelming indifference of nature". Everything between Treadwell and the bears is one sided. The love is only his. To them he's just meat. Or as a helicopter pilot says, maybe the bears just thought he was mentally retarded.

And although the film is a wonderful insight into a crazy mind, and although it's poignant and sad, it's also very funny. And it's some of the peripheral characters who provide the biggest laughs. One moment that sticks in my mind is when Herzog is talking to Treadwell's crazy ex-girlfriend. It could and should have been a moving moment, as Herzog is listening to the tape recording of Treadwell's death, but Treadwell's ex is just so bonkers that I couldn't help but guffaw when she broke into some of the weirdest tears I've ever seen – at first it seems like she's laughing. And then you have Herzog, in his gravest tones, telling her that she must never listen to the tape. And she replies, "I know, Werner." No wonder the scene has been parodied.

And then you have the coroner. He really seems to love the fact that he's in front of the camera and decides to ham it up for everyone. And this actually leads me to my one criticism of the film. There are a few sections that are just too staged – the scene with the watch and the bit in the morgue stand out the most. Herzog is obviously trying to give the film more drama, to break away from the restrictions of a documentary, but the people in the film are over the top enough as it is without them acting it up for the camera. The story really doesn't need any spicing up.

But despite that one criticism, Grizzly Man is a wonderful film. It tells the story of a ridiculous man who probably did more harm that good, but at the same time the story is strangely positive. It offers hope to damaged people. It shows that by finding a purpose in life, you can overcome your problems and find some degree of happiness. I guess the trick is to focus your energies on something less dangerous than man-eating bears.
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How do you feel after seeing this movie?
joyceamooney26 August 2005
I like it when I do know know how to feel! Herzog seems to start out by portraying a man, Timothy Treadwell, as a crazy, self-obsessed (NOT Grizzly-obsessed) individual who gets himself and his girlfriend killed for no purpose, in the Alaskan wilderness. Initially I thought that the story was a cross between 'Jackass' and the Discovery Channel - you have a dopey, though he only sounds like it, blonde surfer type who likes to approach (awfully close) and make sweet-talk with 10-foot bears. Viewers might see Timothy as a reckless, selfish misfit, but as the film continues, your appreciation for his cause deepens - but what is his cause? Is it to work out personal demons? Absolutely. Treadwell clearly has mental/emotional problems, just listen to how many times he tells the wild animals "I love you!" or when he talks about his lack of success with "human women." But his passion for the grizzlies and their wilderness is real. Herzog particularly commends him as a filmmaker, seizing unique opportunities and rendering priceless footage. Do not forget that TT lived close to the bears for 13 years (including the year he was killed) without harm; and that his success, his careful, intuitive, loving behavior was only partly self-aggrandizing.
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Portrait of a Man Unable to Bear the World he Lived In
troy-12513 January 2006
Herzog's "Grizzly Man" is a miraculous documentary. He started by collecting hundreds of hours of video tape shot by the movie's subject, Timothy Treadwell. The director then culls through the footage and assembles a fascinating portrait of this uniquely bold (and clearly troubled) human being: Treadwell spent 13 summers living amongst grizzly bears in the wilds of Alaska, before being killed by one in the summer of 2003.

Treadwell's footage is gorgeous, and at times heart-stopping: a grizzly battle caught on tape is the stuff Animal Planet would kill for. But the footage goes beyond simply revealing the harsh yet beautiful reality of the Alaskan wilderness. The camera soon becomes a silent confidant to Treadwell's self-obsessed confessions. For one, he sees himself as the singular savior of the wildlife preserve he camps at and the creatures that reside there. But he also sees himself becoming increasingly less connected to the real world he lives in 9 months out of the year. The footage here is most poignant, revealing Treadwell's inner struggles. It paints a picture of a lonely man searching, perhaps desperately, for purpose in a world he feels has rejected him. Most eerily prescient are Treadwell's repeated remarks about how he would die for the bears, though his eventual death does not appear to be the martyrdom he so clearly sought.

This is where the film is most riveting - in Treadwell's footage, focused on the man, the bears, and the force of nature around them. Less compelling are Herzog's talking head interviews with Treadwell's friends and family - although they do help to solve (as much as possible) the puzzle of where Timothy came from, what lead him to the bears, and why he was killed.

It would not be a Herzog film with the director's own philosophical palette framing the story. Herzog's commentary reveals his longstanding view that nature is cruel and that chaos is the constant in our life experience, not harmony. That Treadwell saw beauty and soul in the bears seems to be beside the point, since ultimately their need for sustenance made them turn on their self-appointed protector.
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Skip Tiger King and watch this instead
mkquinn918 June 2020
I have so far resisted peer pressure to watch more than the first episodes of Tiger King, but I can still say with confidence that Grizzly Man is vastly superior.

It's truly incredible the amount of empathy Herzog is able to generate for such a misguided, kooky person. It's all the more impressive to see the contrast between Timothy Treadwell's sentimentalized view of nature with Herzog's (and my, for that matter) view that nature is indifferent and chaotic. To mix these two contrasting philosophies with what are, in some sense, two different films--Treadwell's footage and Herzog's narration and interviews--make for something truly moving and insightful.
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A Perfect Match
jemenfoutisme15 August 2005
Anyone who has followed the trajectory of Werner Herzog from the time of "Even Dwarfs Started Small" will understand the immediate appeal that the Treadwell story must have had for this intensely brilliant German director. Treadwell must have seemed to Herzog like a Laguna Beach version of his Fitzcarraldo and his Aguirre and even of Herzog himself in his more unhinged moments. This film appears at first to be a fair minded documentary about Tim Treadwell, the 'protector' of all things natural and wild in the remote regions of Alaska. What Herzog shows us, however, is that what Treadwell really needed protection from was reality itself and that his escape into the wilds was just a deadly game of denial.

The film is also a meditation on the brute force of nature, on art and on human hubris. My wife found the 'character' of Tim Treadwell so ludicrous and offensive that she had to leave the theater. For my part, I was in awe of both Treadwell's incredible physical courage coupled with his absolute lack of judgment and his insane narcissism. He struck me as a cross between Pee-Wee Herman and Marlon Perkins, the guy who narrated the Mutual of Omaha nature documentaries that showed up on Sunday afternoons in the 60's and 70's.

The word is that Hollywood, in the person of Leonardo DiCaprio, was a financial supporter of Treadwell's 'mission'in Alaska and that a Hollywood version of the story is due out sometime soon with Di Caprio playing the lead. I know I won't be going to see that version because it will just continue the lie and the myth that Treadwell tried so hard to create and sustain. Even at his most intense moments of profoundity Treadwell had nothing to 'say' to anyone about either bears or himself. It was all self-serving and self-congratulatory and it is only in his grotesque death at the hands of a rogue grizzly that any meaningful message finally comes across. (Herzog thankfully spares us from the actual experience which was caught on audio but not on video because the lens cap had been left on.)

Its hard not to feel sorry for Tim Treadwell and the young woman who died with him, but the 'native' scientist in the film put it quite nicely "My people have been living nicely with bears for thousands of years and we know enough to stay out of each other's way."

Tim Treadwell wanted desperately to cross the boundary into the 'way' of the bear because the 'way of the human' was too much for him. Despite his goofy, childish demeanor he revealed himself to be a man of deep anger and resentment. However, if the bears had let him live he would probably be considered something of a folk-hero in 'reality' obsessed America.

Herzog shows us that there was nothing real about Treadwell at all and that the bears knew a lot more about him than he ever would of them.
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Portrait of a Narcissist
Danusha_Goska5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It became apparent from the first scene of "Grizzly Man" that I was watching raw film footage of a mentally ill man. Given that the bulk of the film consists of Timothy Treadwell talking into a camera, for the bulk of the film you, the audience member, seek entertainment or enlightenment from a raw encounter with a madman. Tourists used to visit asylums like Bedlam. As I watched this disturbing film, I asked myself, am I no better than those creepy tourists at Bedlam? "Grizzly Man" also rapidly became amazingly boring. I say "amazingly" because you wouldn't think that a film depicting such a naked encounter - man against nature, or, properly, nature against man - would bore. But mentally ill people often are quite boring, and Treadwell, so lost inside his own sad, limited, dead-end mind, bored me.

I had to do a forced march through the boredom. And, I came to appreciate this movie as something it isn't marketed as at all, but definitely is. More on that, below.

Timothy Treadwell was a boyish, blond actor who spent thirteen summers doing primitive camping among what is sometimes labeled earth's largest land carnivore: Kodiak Island grizzly bears. (Polar bears are also sometimes labeled earth's largest land carnivore; let's let the bears duke it out for the title among themselves.) Treadwell and his willowy blonde companion, Amie Huguenard (you couldn't make these names up), were killed and devoured by a grizzly bear; the sounds of that attack were recorded by Treadwell's camera (the lens cap was left on . . . one can't help but think of the sad, sick jokes this might inspire.) I knew all that going in, from a lengthy "Vanity Fair" expose; I thought, what can I get from this movie? Werner Herzog adds minimal commentary. For the most part, you are watching film footage shot by Treadwell himself, of Treadwell himself. There are a few short scenes of the bush pilot who flew Treadwell in and out of his last campsite, the coroner who examined "four garbage bags full of human remains" pulled from the intestines of the killer grizzly, a Native American grizzly museum curator, Treadwell's suburban and normal parents, his flakey girlfriend Jewel Palovak, a male friend from California. No one advances any grand, overarching theory. Treadwell pere does indicate that losing the role of the bartender on "Cheers," that went to Woody Harrelson, drove his son into a downward spiral.

Given the minimal commentary, viewers will inevitably interpret Treadwell according to their own agendas. Rush-Limbaugh, exploit-the-earth types will denounce Treadwell as an "environmentalist wacko." This is wrong, of course; Treadwell has as much to do with true environmentalism as Mohammed Atta has to do with safe aircraft piloting.

Treadwell was not an environmentalist. He was not a symbol of the frontier. He was not a man obsessed by love. What Treadwell was, was a narcissist. Did Herzog miss this? I don't know if Herzog uses the word "narcissist" once. But what made this movie ultimately worth watching, for me, was its - perhaps inadvertent - presentation of a classic case study of narcissism.

The word "narcissism" gets tossed around a lot, often in ways that obscure its true meaning. Narcissists are not people who love themselves too much; in fact, true narcissists don't love themselves at all.

Narcissists detest themselves, and avoid, at all costs, any encounter with their true selves. Narcissists seek artificial, choreographed encounters, which they script and control, in which they can be seen as the superior beings that they want to be understood to be.

Unlike Treadwell, most narcissists don't create their dramas by interacting with wild animals; most narcissists create their dramas by interacting with people whom they can fool, manipulate, and control. For this reason, narcissists often associate with people they perceive as being less intelligent than they are, or weaker in some sense. Narcissists often seek out children, the ill, or the poor, whom they cast as characters in their productions.

In any encounter, though, the narcissist is not running toward intimacy, either with the self or the other; the narcissist is running away from contact with the self and the other at top speed.

I can't think of any more perfect encapsulation for narcissism than the image most common in "Grizzly Man." Treadwell sets up his camera on a tripod, and then stands in front of the camera, filming himself, with grizzlies in the background.

Treadwell goes on and on, repetitively, about what a great man he is, saying so explicitly. "I am a great man. I am doing great work. No one loves these grizzlies but I. No one is protecting these grizzlies but I. God is very happy with me" - he really says things like this. And the truly telling part of this triangle charade is this - there is nobody there. There is no audience. Treadwell filmed himself without any other people around. There is no grizzly. Treadwell did not understand these animals at all. He attributed feelings to them that they do not feel. And there is no Treadwell. This is a man who spent his last breath resisting any real encounter with himself.

There is a scene in which the real Tim Treadwell appears. He releases a torrent of violent verbal abuse against the real protectors of the grizzlies, the parks department. If you want to see the true scabrous soul of a narcissist, catch that scene.
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Well done, but a sad story.
thousandisland6 February 2006
This film proves what little we already know about wildlife: 99% of the time, it will leave you alone as long as you don't harass it, but the 1% is a differential that ends with you screaming and some guy finding your arm later.

It also proves that we know even less about human nature than we do about bears, as Tim Treadwell is a mystery even to his own species.

It's obvious that he has some kind of disorder or drug-related brain damage, what with his extreme lability of mood, delusions of identity, neurotic and repetitive speech patterns, and general paranoia about the activities of his fellow humans. He knows a lot of interesting people, from his geeky friends who state the mundane as though it is profound ("I don't think he had a death wish at all." "I don't think anyone really deserves to be eaten alive by a bear."), to the Friend/Actor who is not even believable when portraying himself, to his very ordinary parents who are just as confused by him as we are.

In this film, we learn that Treadwell switches addictions from alcohol to bears, and descends into functional madness while attempting to integrate himself into their "secret, inner world." He is paradoxical throughout, both disliking humans and yearning for a love relationship, being fully aware of the dangers that the bears pose, but doing nothing to protect himself from them. (Well, he is fatalistic in his devotion to them, but seems to think that they will not harm him as long as he behaves properly around them. That an older, aggressive bear could become hunger-crazed enough to attack him indiscriminately seems beyond his scope.) At times he shows a thorough understanding of animal behavior and the natural world, at other times a grand ignorance of the reality of life in the wilderness. He seems forever stymied trying to enforce human concepts like justice and righteousness upon the jungle. His sentimentality with the bears and perceived relationships there show in stark relief when the animals display constant indifference or even aggression, and when it is clear that some near-altercation with them has occurred off-camera.

In the end, he is really no more successful with bears than he is with people, understanding the basic rules but never seeing the whole picture in clarity enough to know how to avoid crashing and burning.

Perhaps most indicative of his dysfunction is how he responds to the fond relationship he develops with the foxes, who actively play with him and seek his company and interaction. While he loves them, they are but a footnote on his path to destruction; he prefers the ambiguous and imagined affection from the dangerous bears, to the foxes' genuine displays of it.

"Grizzly Man" is not about a man at all; it is a sad, true story about a wayward being without a species.

On this journey, the audience meets a lot of bears that look alike but who we know were distinct to Treadwell, a creepy coroner who is probably not acting, and a slew of observers who all have their own biased and often badly distorted views of "what really happened." In the creamy middle is the quirky pilot who knew Treadwell best, and the director himself, the voice of reason in this well-crafted work.

The moral: Van Halen was right. "It's business as usual in the woods." Animals make sense; it's people that don't.
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Not just a morality tale
Link000717 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Some would like to see 'Grizzly Man' as a morality tale, with the death of Timothy Treadwell an example for people not to follow. On the contrary, I see Treadwell as a tragic figure, not someone to be merely ridiculed and dismissed. Like a character in a play foreshadowing his own downfall, Treadwell repeatedly mentions the fact that his close proximity to the bears puts him in serious danger, and that he could be eaten if he is not careful. What Treadwell sees as his reason for existence and his greatest source of happiness ultimately destroys him. Herzog portrays him as he really was, a multi-faceted, complicated man, whose dreams sadly did not conform to our world.

It is fair to say that Treadwell was eccentric and delusional. Treadwell imagined himself as a champion and protector of the grizzlies, when in reality they were in little danger. He saw in his beloved grizzlies an idealised world of love and harmony. All the love and beauty that Treadwell thought was missing from civilisation he projected onto the bears. He was naive and delusional in that he failed to acknowledge the brutality and misery that are constants in our world. It is heartbreaking to see him encounter the half-chewed paw of a dead bear cub. Herzog's narration outlines his more pessimistic view of life and nature, where sorrow and ugliness are constants, not aberrations. Treadwell's violent death would prove Herzog right, adding to the tragedy and sadness created by this film. Treadwell was not a violent or evil man - he just didn't fit into our world. His belief that the world can be made a better place leads to his destruction. Herzog's film brilliantly captures the poignant sadness of Treadwell's death.
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Loved Herzog, but could not sympathize with Treadwell
chosunkid25 September 2005
***Possible Spoilers*** "Grizzly Man" is a documentary of Tim Treadwell who spends 13 summers in Alaska living amongst grizzly bears and eventually loses his life to the creatures to which he devoted all his heart.

I saw "Grizzly Man" without knowing anything about it. I first thought it would be a documentary about the beauty and behavior of grizzly bears. However, through Tim Treadwell's interaction with grizzly bears, Werner Herzog shows that this film is actually about the inadequacies and insecurities of human nature.

Tim Treadwell seems to be the culmination of many of the deficiencies that man possesses. I felt absolutely no sympathy for this individual, despite the fact that he suffered a tragic and horrible death. If it weren't bears that killed him, it probably would've been something else. He was definitely headed toward a downward spiral. I felt like he was a man who ran away from his demons because he could not face or overcome it. He developed high "ideals" and when he could not adjust his values and beliefs to that of society, he abandoned it and sought out for acceptance from creatures that are incapable of judging or criticizing Treadwell. Unfortunately, Treadwell mistakes the grizzly bears' indifference or incompetence as a sign of acceptance, and falls in love with them.

Treadwell displayed behavior suggestive of manic depressive disorder, or cyclothymic disorder, or histrionic personality disorder. His emotional reactions to incidents were over dramatic to the point that one questions whether it's genuine. I also thought that he was a closet homosexual who could not accept his sexual orientation. In the film, Treadwell talks about wishing he were gay because it would be easier, but he denies being gay. He also talks about how he has trouble with keeping relationships with girls. I know this is a big assumption, but I couldn't help but question whether he was running away from civilization hoping he didn't have to face the reality of his sexual orientation. Treadwell is a person who does not know himself, and is afraid to find out.

I also did not like the fact that Treadwell was on this unsubstantiated high horse. This self-proclaimed protector of animals and nature displays his hypocrisy in at least 2 scenes. When Treadwell stumbles upon poachers who throw rocks at a baby cub, all he does is hide behind a bush and criticizes the hunters for hurting the bear. Not quite what a "protector" would do. Also, when Treadwell discovers the dead fox, he gets angry for the destruction and death that exists in this world. However, he doesn't blink twice to try to swap a fly that is buzzing around the fox. Obviously he shows no respect for the fly, which is also a living organism.

Also, throughout the film, most of Treadwell's friends glorify all that he represented. It seems that his death has elevated him to a martyr, and I found that inappropriate. I don't believe one's achievements in life should be overblown and exaggerated because he or she suffered a tragic and violent death. Based on Treadwell's self-recordings, I find that he has done nothing to deserve any praise. The way he died is sad, but that should not have any bearing on what he did in life. If anything, Treadwell encroached upon the grizzly bears' territory, and abused their independence and way of life in order to hide behind the mask of his own demons. I find nothing altruistic about his actions because of that.

In the film, Herzog says that death and destruction is a unavoidable reality of nature, and he has done a brilliant job in portraying that. My take home message was that everything bad in this world exists because man is too weak and feeble-minded to transcend beyond our natural tendencies to destroy his surroundings and to self-destruct. And Treadwell is the perfect example. Great job Mr. Herzog.
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A tragic story of a self centered individual
fvww2 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a person, who spends hundreds of hours each year, educating people, especially students on the proper manner in which to act around wildlife, I find this true-life story to be disturbing and most of all will set the educational wildlife industry back many years.

Mr. Treadwell, was not an amateur wildlife expert, but a self centered anti social person, who found an imagined cause to add meaning to his life, he has no training with wildlife, and most certainly not with the Alaskan brown bear.

He shows his 'thumbing his nose' attitude at the Park Service, the Law and most of all the rest of the respectful wildlife and nature lovers in the world. His reckless attitude eventually led to the demise of two Alaskan brown bears, and another human being.

His close relationship with wild foxes, led the very young girl in the row in front of me to believe this was a cool and neat thing to do, and I have to wondering with this film and the next projects which show Mr. Treadwell doing these illegal activities, how many young children will think it is okay, which will lead to the unneeded destruction of wildlife, as well as the associated injuries that will occur to other humans.

In not once instance in this film, did I ever observe his actions as being protective of the bears, as they are not endangered, they are not hunted and there has been no documented case of illegal hunting of these bears in the last 28 years, in fact the bears in this film, are quite conditioned to the human beings that visit them every year to observe and take pictures of them. The bear that eventually caused the demise of Tim, was not part of the community that he says he lived with, but an interior bear, which has a different makeup, then the coastal bears who are quite familiar and tolerant of humans.

Mr. Herzog's narration and showcase of Mr. Treadwell, works in the fact that is shows an individual, who for some macabre reason, had a wish to destroy himself and his companion, as well as the bears, he professed to love so much, his love was to elevate his standing as a self made star, his arrogance to the wild creatures of Alaska was quite transparent, and as stated will have to be undone, by the educational community.

I don't feel his interviews with the associated parties of this story show anything more than individuals who knew of Timothy's destructive nature and how they are more than happy to make a buck off of this tragic story, I saw very little emotion from any of his friends or family, which I am sure is not the whole truth, but all individuals interviewed in the making of this film, seemed to be quite aware, that Tim was on a self centered destructive course, which had a predetermined outcome, that was set in place many years ago The M.E. at best was star struck, and the Native American curator, was disgusted with the actions of Tim.

In closing, if we use this film to actually educate the public, by showing all the wrongs Tim practiced, then perhaps, the loss of life and wildlife, will have some meaning, this is not an action thrill adventure, but a very important story on how not to act in the wilds of America and the world!
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Another complex protagonist for Herzog
JohnDeSando3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Timothy Treadwell was not a well man when he spent 13 years among the brown Grizzlies in Alaska until his time ran out one day as dinner for one of them. For me "not well" means he didn't quite understand that no matter how much he "loved" the bears, they couldn't always return the favor.

For director Werner Herzog, of Aguirre: The Wrath of God and Fitzcarraldo fame, most of his work is devoted to eccentric and often crazed but charismatic leading men. He captures in his voice-over the essential madness of Treadwell in his new film, Grizzly Man. Using over 100 hours of the young man's footage and narration, Herzog fashions an objective documentary of Treadwell's rise and fall. At one point Herzog explains over a close up shot of a grizzly's eyes that he sees nothing but "the overwhelming indifference of nature." The emptiness of Treadwell's assertion that he knows the bears is only too evident when we listen to the animated report of the coroner as he reconstructs the mauling of Treadwell and his girlfriend. Treadwell did, however, predict he would "live and die" with his friends.

Thus, Herzog has another complex protagonist with hubris and innocence enough to guarantee early passage from life. This documentary does well showing Treadwell's love of drama, his alienation from society, and his superior naiveté when it comes to formidable animals such as the grizzly. Herzog also offers memorable photography of Alaska and Treadwell's own footage, which shows him often too close to the bears. However, Timothy did last for 13 years among them; he just seemed to forget that he could not win that game.

Treadwell says of the grizzlies, "Everything about them is perfect." Everything about Timothy is not. Grizzly Man is a cautionary tale about crossing the invisible line between man and beast, the cost of ignorance, and the allure of a personal vision, in this case that of a lost soul who discovers his calling but goes beyond what is allowed to mortals. Grizzly Man will help you overcome romantic notions about wild beasts (and pesky Alaskan black flies).
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a kind of master's class in a schizo documentary- sometimes quite amusing and entertaining, other times very somber and depressing
Quinoa198416 August 2005
This documentary, written, directed, and narrated by German madman maestro Werner Herzog, has very little in it that isn't worth seeing, and at its best brings some of the most captivating, candid, and entertaining documentary footage of the year. The subject matter is an environmentalist/bear nut named Timothy Treadwell, a nobody who became a kind of weird celebrity for living each summer on an Alaskan wildlife preservation with Grizzly bears. He also documented a lot of his time on the island, which Herzog chooses wisely for his film on him. Treadwell may or may not have totally believed a fate like death among his co-habitants would come (there is one scene where he says he'd die for them, another when he says he's safe). But his fate did come, along with his girlfriends, rather grisly as we hear from the details (which, wisely, we never see).

One is tempted to comment on Treadwell, as he is (much as with Herzog's protagonists in his fiction films) possessive, ambitious, naive, dazed, emotional, but somehow in tune with his own sense of nature and the ways of the world. Herzog himself comments a good deal on Treadwell, when he agrees with him, when he doesn't (Herzog, as Roger Ebert pointed out, does have a bleak world-view as opposed to Treadwell's overly optimistic one). What one can comment on is the execution of the material. We get interviews with Treadwell's close friends (one platonic, one not), the people who found his and his girlfriend's bodies in the forest, and a couple of nearby experts (one Native American comments on how Treadwell did what they had never done in 7,000 years, to cross a boundary that was respected). Herzog also gives us majestic, spacious images of Alaskan wilderness, and gives some ample time for footage of the bears and foxes.

If not for Treadwell's rather high & low nature (as a friend comments), this might be a very standard documentary on a bear expert. But because of the documentary- or near television hosting footage (I sometimes felt like I was seeing a nicer, if stranger version, of the Croc Hunter)- of Treadwell on camera by himself, the film gets another dimension. It's also a help that in combating the grim reality of what became of him (Herzog's narration is this rather sad, if praising side), it's rather funny to see Treadwell in his behavior on screen. In some subtle ways he's in a more 'normal' state of mind than the rest of us- he loves his bears (whom, by the way, he gave names to; he stands his ground against the occasional poachers); he has that mix of sentimentality and rawness that is needed to live for so long in the wilderness.

The absurdity of it usually brings the laughs, but even behind them there is always a constant curiosity about him. We learn that he wanted to be an actor, which lead to a bad, near fatal spell before his 'bear' retreat, acting as more of a spiritual catalyst more than anything else. Even if some of this footage is a little zany, over-the-top, or may go far on his name, it is honest to a kind of schizo degree. We almost wouldn't want Treadwell to be normal, and go figure- Herzog would have no interest in him. In the end, despite Herzog's comments (which aren't the best parts of the film to me), his film tries not to pass judgment on Treadwell, letting his actions and other testimonies speak for themselves. And, if nothing else, it's compulsively (for a certain movie-viewer) watchable.
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Disturbing tale of a man with no concept of Nature.
chucksnow53 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this film with my Psychology major girlfriend four times. She claims Treadwell was a man with a deeply repressed sense of his own self, that he could not accept the reality of what he was, so that knocked the freight train of reality off its tracks. "If he isn't really who he is, then bears aren't really what they are." she says. "Think about it, a really effeminate man looking desperately to be loved by 'bears'"

I don't really know about psychology, but in the film Treadwell often rambles on and on in the middle of the wilderness, surrounded by Grizzlies, about how he's "so not gay" and how much he loves "human women." A little too much protest?

I Knew early on in the film Treadwell was a man who was going to die by Nature. It seemed as if he was completely out of touch with reality at times. His "Nature" video recordings included his constant efforts to cover up his receding hairline.

He named ferocious 1000 pound wild animals "Mr. Chocolate" and "Freckles" and "Tabitha" and "Downy" and actually tried to act like them.

He chased grizzlies around yelling "I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!...""I'm not mad!" (Like a grizzly could give a dang.)

He claimed poachers were rampant, and though I don't doubt they are, he never provided any evidence of it on hundreds of hours of film. Though he did take the time and trouble to capture film of himself asking "How's the hair look?"

He claimed (as he squatted in a National Park) that he was "the ONLY protection" the bears had without ever describing exactly the protection he was (exclusively) providing.

He railed violently with unrestrained vitriol against the very park service that gave him maps, warnings, water, weather reports, checked on his safety and allowed him to squat when and where he did.

It was all about the bears he claimed, even as he yelled "Timothy Conquered!" as he stared directly into the camera and almost continually wiped the hair away from his eyes in an effeminate way. "But alas! Timothy is not gay!"

So concerned about Nature was he that he chased a fox that stole his hat for hundreds of yards yelling "That hat is so important for this trip!" and "If I don't get that hat I'm dead!" He conditioned foxes to the presence of humans to such an extent that they lost their natural fear of Man and began stealing his fashion accessories... This serves nature how?

He was someone who cried about the natural death of a bear cub subsequently eaten by other bears. Yet he made no mention of the tons of Salmon eaten by the bears every year, or the deaths of any of the other animals that occur in the wild

He was not a naturist, not an ecologist, not a scientist. He slept in a tent surrounded by grizzlies as a grown man, an adult… with a teddy bear. Let that sink in.

He was someone who never understood that nature is neither for nor against anything, no matter how valiant or well meaning that 'thing' is. Nature just IS. Treadwell couldn't contemplate that life feeds on life. Every living thing is a potential food source for another living thing.

If you watch this film and ignore him, it's a beautifully shot film about nature. If you watch it and look at him, it's a film about a deeply troubled man completely out of touch with reality who thought he could bend nature to his own naive, immature, ignorant ideal who eventually gets eaten by bears, the sound of which is recorded by a camera with its lens cap still on… Sad really, here's a man so vain he recorded every tiny mediocre thing he did in the wilderness, who claimed not to care if he gets eaten by bears ("Its how I want to go") and after years of tempting fate, when it happens …the lens cap is still on… Ouch.

Werner Herzog's film is so unassuming, so apolitical, and so un-judgmental, that we are left to draw our own conclusions.

Werner Herzog handles the film in an even-handed professional way, and to his credit does not include any of the sounds of Treadwell's (or his Girlfriend's) death. If we find Treadwell a psychotic victim of his own deluded behavior, we don't want to hear it. If we think him a hero, we don't need to hear it
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Man vs Bear vs Nature vs Man
MacAindrais31 December 2005
Grizzly Man: ****

Werner Herzog has once again given us one more reason to claim him as a genius. 'Grizzly Man' is a fantastic documentary, one of the best I've ever seen, and it certainly stands aside from the rest. It's a film you'll see; may or may not get; may or may not like; but you will never forget what you've just seen. Timothy Treadwell, is in a way, a distant (or maybe close) extension of Herzog himself, or perhaps his long time friend/fiend- Klaus Kinski. Herzog even gives us a connection when commenting on Treadwell's rage filled rants to the heavens over rain, comparing it to his experiences on film sets with angered actors - clearly Kinski. Herzog never really takes a side with Treadwell. He sometimes agrees with him, and sometimes disagrees. We're presented mostly with Treadwell's films with voice overs, or just Timothy talking. In a way, perhaps you can say Herzog is siding with Treadwell by being the medium through which Timothy's films and thoughts are now being presented to the world. And, in a way, this documentary is about films. Herzog has spent months living in isolated jungles to make his films and claims that he would rather die than not finish filming. You can see the connection between the two here, and its no wonder Herzog was so interested in Treadwell. We all know that Treadwell is gone, and before seeing this documentary you knew this and felt little over the death. But after watching this, I felt very sad, yet was happy at the same time. Treadwell was, by his own admission, very troubled. Was he crazy? It is not mine, your's, or Herzog's place to make this assumption, and thus he doesn't. We are all in some ways eccentric, and its possible that Treadwell was simply brave enough, or desperate enough, to act on these inner thoughts. And though he comes across as a simple fellow, as the documentary goes on you see that he wasn't so. He makes strange decisions that leave you wondering 'why?'. I'm sure anyone who sees this with an open mind, not having already condemned or praised Treadwell, will come out asking yourself many questions. The score of the film, which you can watch a documentary on the making of on the DVD, is wonderful, as is every soundtrack to a Herzog film. It's never background music, it always plays a part and it works wonderfully. The final scene, lead off by Don Edwards 'Coyotes' will leaving you smiling as you watch Treadwell walk upstream with two grizzly bears by his side. No matter what you feel for Treadwell, this is a beautiful, touching, fascinating and crushing experience. Anyone and everyone should feel some connection here. This is very much a reflection on society and its pariahs, and in a way, we all have a little bit of Treadwell in us. In short, this is far and away the best documentary of the year, and thats saying something as there are quite a few good ones out there. If this does not win the Oscar, then something is clearly wrong with the Acadamy. Herzog is one of the most talented and interesting filmmakers on the planet and its about time he got his due. 10/10
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compassionate portrayal of a troubled soul
LunarPoise12 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Good films move you, and great films resonate within you long after the final reel. Before encountering this film, I had a vague awareness of Timothy Treadwell as 'the bear guy', someone who briefly came to prominence because of the manner of his death, a man who had the crazy idea that bears and humans could live in the same space, and paid for it with his life, dragging his hapless girlfriend in his ill-fated wake. Maybe he was an urban myth, or a Darwin Award contender briefly illuminated in a forwarded email.

In fact, Timothy Treadwell left over 100 hours of video tape charting his expeditions to Alaskan bear country. How the footage came to be acquired and manipulated by Herzog I do not know, but thank God that it did. It would be easy to poke fun at Treadwell as a un-informed tree-hugger. The voices of those that do so are heard in the film. On the other hand, one could easily treat a man who loved bears dearly and paid for it with his life with reverence. Those people are also represented.

Herzog rises above. He finds the humanity in Treadwell without ignoring the madness. He shows the beauty of Treadwell's images and the idiocy of some of his acts. Treadwell was a complex character; handsome, fit , articulate, low in self-esteem, boastful, humane, vicious... All these sides to his character are revealed, without ever answering the question, "Why did he do it?" To try to do so would be trite, and Herzog skillfully leaves it up to the viewer to decide how they feel about Treadwell's life and death. The coldness in the eyes of the fox, the indifference in the bear's stare - stunning, haunting images that get inside your soul. Treadwell cursing the Park Service - images he may never have revealed to the world had he lived, but glimpses of a fragile being that we are privileged to view because of tragic circumstances. If Treadwell had lived, he may have edited this footage himself to create a different picture of his quest, his being. That he died means his legacy, through Herzog, is a documentary of poignant beauty and heartrending tragedy. Herzog does not redeem Treadwell, but he humanises him, and lets us see ourselves as we could easily become. Sometimes the path less chosen is less chosen for good reasons.

The 50-minute extra on the DVD, on the making of the soundtrack for the film, is an outstanding documentary in its own right. Grizzly Man is an sublime work of art that illuminates and edifies. There is no better study on celluloid of the flawed human condition.
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A complicated individual
ellkew2 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of film that keeps re-surfacing in my head. I was ready to like Treadwell and I do think he is essentially a good person with a good soul. Sure he comes across as a simple man requiring a simple existence yet it is very apparent soon in that all is not what it seems. One of the most fundamental things is that he obviously lies to the camera by saying that he is alone when we know he is not. This was disappointing as he comes across as sincere but is all phoney. The main problem I had was that I never really understood what he actually did there. He kept going on about protection but the one moment when he was confronted with people actually throwing rocks at a bear, he hid away. I could not believe it. From that moment he seemed very hypocritical.

The history of alcoholism and abuse seemed to show a man who had a strong addictive streak in his personality. He had perhaps transposed the booze for the bears. I don't mean in such a crude and simple way but the way the man is involved mentally with the bears, the way he talks to them did not strike me as someone who really grasps the kind of animal he was dealing with. The scene with the two male bears fighting over a female demonstrates the breathtaking ferocity and power these creatures are capable of. Ultimately this was his undoing and his end.

The touching moments with the foxes showed a bond with nature that I didn't see he had with the bears. The improvised scenes were completely fresh compared with the self- conscious moments with Treadwell preening himself before delivering another operatic piece to camera. This said the film was enjoyable. It is just that I could not reconcile the man with his work. In this Treadwell and his 100 hours of footage failed to convince me, but Herzog did reveal a complex individual who yearned for some connection to nature and finally found it.
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Don Quichotte with a false Australian accent
Ryu_Darkwood2 July 2007
Werner Herzog had the unique chance to use actual footage shot by Timothy Treadwell - ''the grizzly man'' - for his documentary. This aspect gives the viewer a painful insight in the person of Treadwell and his self-centered behavior. On tape he's presenting himself as the cool uncle daring to defy the ferocious carnivores grizzly bears are, wearing bandannas and Rambo styled clothing. He keeps on telling his imaginary audience that his life is in danger, but that he has the capability to control the situation by his own knowledge of the bears.

At first I sympathized with this happy loony, clearly loving his wild lifestyle and wanting to share it with a broad audience. But at a certain point, it becomes painfully clear that he's dangerously self-deceptive. He's justifying his presence amongst the bears as a way to protect them against poachers, multiple times saying that he'd be glad to be killed while protecting them. To contradict this, we see him sitting in a branch, watching how a group of poachers is actually stoning a young cub. He doesn't do anything to step up against this hideous crime; he's just ranting about it to the camera. And then it started to dawn on me that this man wasn't the nature preserving freak he claims to be, but an ex-addict using the wild nature as a way of experiencing the kicks that alcohol and/or drugs gave him in the past. His presence in the wild was a failure to cope with real life, and not the act of a strong individual really wanting to make a difference in the world. This men was mentally ill, very ill...

By selecting both the footage shot by Treadwell himself and by adding interviews and a reflecting monologue, director Werner Herzog does a good job trying to grasp the complex motives of this deranged man. He doesn't glorify this person as a hero, but he humanizes him by showing both his charming sides and dark sides. We see a Timothy Treadwell that is loving, sensitive and really empathic with animals, but we also see a narcissistic man that is fully estranged by his own self-deceptive fantasies. It's the story of a Don Quichotte; the knight is a mediocre American with a false Australian accent and the windmills are ferocious bears.
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This movie is something else...
Potty-Man29 August 2005
This is the first Werner Herzog movie I've seen. I don't really know how to review a movie like that, since I feel I can't judge it by the usual standards. Some parts of it were really sad and moving. Others sent chills up my spine. One scene specifically (about Timothy's watch) was really contrived. But my favorite thing about the movie I think was how Herzog usually left the camera rolling for a few seconds after the interviewees finished what they had to say, just to capture those moments of silence and (sometimes) awkwardness, which felt really authentic. I think Herzog saw a lot of himself in Timothy's tortured soul. Also, one of the most breathtaking scenes in the movie is where Timothy captures an intense fight between two bears.
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A dangerous passion
jotix1007 September 2005
If there was anyone at all to take this story to the screen, Werner Herzog, the distinguished German director, would have been our first choice. Mr. Herzog, a man who knew madness first hand, as his association to Klaus Kinsky proved, is a man that could make this documentary work in the way it does.

We follow an obsessed man, Tim Treadwell, whose love for the grizzly bears consumed him. Mr. Treadwell's own life, away from that setting, was nothing to speak of, but let him loose in the Alaska wilderness and he became a figure as large, as the bears he loved and cared for so much. Tim's passion for the grizzlies took him to appoint himself as the savior of the animals. This was a man that didn't pay attention to the dangers around him, because as all consumed individuals in search of greatness for achieving something, he lost track of what was real and what wasn't. Tim even gets his girlfriend Amie Huguenard involved in his quest for protecting the bears. At the same time, Mr. Treadwell is seen also with the foxes of the area, who didn't pose the same danger as the great brown bears.

What Mr. Herzog has achieved is to show us the man in the mission he set out for himself, expanding in the material Mr. Treadwell had amassed on his own. The director shows us breathtaking views of Alaska, as probably never has been shown before. The cinematography takes our breath away. The Katmai National Park has never been seen in its glorious splendor before.

"Grizzly Bear", like "The March of the Penguins", currently playing in local cinemas, is a welcome diversion from the typical summer Hollywood fare of films that are big on special effects that don't add anything to our enjoyment because the adhere to the same tired old formula.
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Herzog's intriguing doc proves mental illness and 1000 pound killing machines just don't mix well.........
davendes8 January 2006
For 13 summers, animal activist Timothy Treadwell traveled to Alaska to live among and "protect" his most cherished of creatures, the Grizzly bear. During the last 5 of those seasons, he brought video equipment to capture his interactions with the native wildlife. Unfortunately for him and his girlfriend, the number 13 would prove most unlucky as both were eaten by, unsurprisingly- A Grizzly.

Enter filmmaker legend Werner Herzog. With over 100 hours of footage and an immense belief, he gives us "Grizzly Man", a superb documentary far more involved with frail human conditions than anything about nature.

With Treadwell as the main attraction, it couldn't have been any other way. It is truly mind-boggling to witness all the mental/emotional problems colliding and bubbling so, so close to the surface- Exaggerated ego, self-loathing, (possibly) repressed homosexuality, willful ignorance, dangerous hypocrisy, and some form of bi-polar disorder are just some of them.

Here are some pretty good examples:

Throughout the film, Treadwell boasts of unsurpassed expertise and intimacy when dealing with bears, but as it happens, he has NO form of training dealing with wildlife whatsoever. He went from being a wannabe actor with alcohol and drug issues to super-activist almost overnight and with too few questions.

Treadwell repeatedly speaks of his contempt for mankind, yet he somehow manages to endow the bears around him with very human characteristics. Full of delusion, he sees love in cold eyes and takes "Back off dude" gestures as welcoming advances.

20 takes and multiple diatribes, all while mugging for the camera, seriously clouds Treadwell's integrity in several instances. And finally............

If you're going to brag about being the bears "only protector", you really shouldn't do it when you and the animals always reside on a government sponsored preserve. Furthermore, when tourists throw rocks at your "friends" and you hide in the bushes and do nothing about it because you can't "blow your cover", it's time to question your protective abilities.

Believe me, there is MUCH more, but hopefully these will be just enough to grab your interest.

Now as far as Herzog's work goes, it's quite good. He intersperses footage with interviews evenly and keeps things flowing nicely. Admittedly, a large portion of the interviews feel contrived/staged and some footage seems redundant, but on the overall, this a well put together and absorbing package.

In the end, "Grizzly Man" is an excellent viewing experience about a complicated, troubled man-child and his severely misguided endeavors.

(Strangely enough, Treadwell had a far more genuine bond with the foxes of the preserve; they really seemed to care for him and enjoy his company. Maybe if he had focused on them, he'd still be with us.)
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bcommon3 January 2006
The film by Herzog was certainly worthy of making but is so bizarre. Two seemingly unrelated and opposite worlds forced together (by T. Treadwell) it what the laws of the universe ultimately decided would never work, ending in destruction and chaos. The bizarre nature of T. Treadwell who was fighting his sexuality demons in the most narcissistic and self flagellating manner would have been better played out in a drag queen reality show. The fact that he chose to capture his "life DRAMA" in a natural setting so majestic and raw was such a disconnect and made the film look like a side show. Drag Queen in the Wild would have been a better title than Grizzly Man. It was nonsense and pointless. I get the human struggle, the search for himself blah blah blah. But to try to make a poetic statement about this obviously deranged individual was pointless. Maybe that was Herzog's intention. To make it appear as a side show. Certainly the parents scene, the ex-girl friend "friend", the watch scene and the morgue scene were side shows in themselves.
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