The Truth About Love (2005) Poster

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A romantic comedy, but lacking romance
nqa197225 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers Not a bad movie, but not a great one. It has an interesting premise about a wife (Jennifer Love Hewitt) who is sent a anonymous Valentine Card by her husband's best friend (Dougray Scott) who is drunk and secretly in love with her.

Things spiral out of control as Hewitt, at first thinking the card is from her husband, (Jimi Mistry) decides to test him by conducting a secret affair with him(first by phone calls and then by assignments where he is blindfolded). As can be expected things don't go as she expects and secrets are uncovered.

So far so good. Dougray Scott is excellent, as usual and Hewitt puts on a convincing British accent. And kudos to the filmmakers for choosing a city outside London to set it in.

The problem is that there is no chemistry between Scott and Hewitt. She makes a big play in the film that he's her friend, and that's believable. But there's next to no real passion between them - so when (as is so common in romances) she makes a desperate race to stop him moving to Japan you wonder why he doesn't stay on the train and she doesn't remain at home and curl up with a good book.
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Predictable: Average
drake-tyler17 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The movie had a cute opening, I truly believed I was in for one of the best romantic comedies i've seen in a while... there was something particular "foreign" about the way the movie was set up, realistic yet somewhat abstract and mystical. But then the story line started becoming more and more unrealistic. To say that the ending was CORNY and PREDICTABLE would almost be an understatement... The most typical romantic ending where everything goes great for every 'likable' character. A scene where the main character realises that he has made a mistake and chases the "woman of his dreams" only to confess his love for her in front of a sympathetic crowd of on- lookers. Come on. In the end, the 'good guys' win, 'bad guys' loose... You get the picture. A WASTE of a potentially interesting movie.
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Not half as bad as it looks! I just don't know why JLH is in it though!
Sherazade22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
They have obviously painfully dubbed her accent, so what was the point of casting her in the obviously UK drama in the first place? The deep and sensual voices they tried to match with her face just do not work but with the funny plot and if you do not know Jennifer Love Hewitt like most Americans or fan do then you will be able to forgive this and let it pass. Nevetheless, she plays Alice Holbrook a plain Jane nurse married to sexy lawyer Sam Holbrook (played by Jimi Mistry) and they are both best friends of Archie Gray (played by Dougray Scott). Archie is secretly in love with Alice and has been since all three of them were friends back in Uni. One valentine's eve, Archie accidentally sends a valentine to Alice but luckily, it was anonymous and so when Alice receives it, she thinks it was sent by her husband Sam, so she brings it up to him and he tells her that it wasn't from him. Alice then takes the postcard to her sleazy sister (played by Kate Miles) who is an expert with love affairs. Felicity or Flick (Miles) as she affectionately referred to by her younger sister then tells Alice that her husband must be having an affair to which Alice swears he isn't. They then decide to send him an anonymous valentine's and Alice swears that the minute he receives it, he would tell her about it. But when Sam receives the valentine card, he quickly hides it away much to Alice's dismay. Alice then decides to dig deeper and in the course of this discovers that her husband is not only a cheat but has begun to have an affair with a sexy alter-ego of herself named Anonymous.
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Truly awful but made us giggle
richard-180724 August 2007
Whattt was with the sound? It sounded like it was all dubbed.

Otherwise, bad. Plot = bad. Accents = bad (even Dougray, and we live in Scotland), Acting = bad, Harp = bad, Sex scenes - bad/cringeworthy.

Still, we watched it until the end in disbelief. How could such a good roll call of actors perform so badly? Will they ever get a decent job again?

Bad, Bad, Bad. By the way, we gave it 3 because we at least were enticed to watch it to the end due to its bizarre plot, etc.

And to the older reviewer - I totally agree, it was like a romantic farce from the 1940s. How did it get made in 2004?

OK, OK, there were some OK bits. They had a nice house in Bristol. Dougray had a nice boat. Jennifer looked nice in a little outfit. But how come the sister got all the men?
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A young married girl realizes just how unhappy her marriage is when confronted with her husbands infidelity, the true meaning of love, and her own growing sexual identity.
aarongilmore117 January 2006
This is not a bad film. Let me start by stating that. It is also not a great film. Like all films involving Jennifer Love Hewitt most viewers are going to rate this picture entirely upon his or her opinion of the young actress. For reason I have never entirely understood, this brunette seems polarizing to people.

The film clearly is a vehicle for the actress. But it is not her performance that drives the picture. This is a genuinely intelligent film about sex, fidelity, and the strange way that love itself often gets lost in people's best efforts to supposedly find love.

Jennifer Love Hewitt plays Alice Holbrook, a young nurse who discovers that her husband is either cheating on her or is attempting to play games with her in order to spice up their sex life. Desperate for a change, and eager to believe the best about her husband, Hewitt engages in several attempts to learn the truth, and to entice her husband further.

Like a bad episode of Three's Company, this film uses every trick in the book to keep all of its characters colliding in silly scenarios. Hewitt disguises herself, her voice, people mistake each others cell phones, etc. All of this wears thin. Yet, the innocence of Hewitt's character keeps the viewer in a forgiving mood.

The cheap, predictable, and goofy plot twists are not executed in the film very well at all. There is a strange side plot involving the trial of a soccer player that makes no sense.

The comedy part of this rom-com is lacking. This is why the film does not approach greatness.

But apart from the antics, this film has its moments. The dilemma that Alice faces is all too real for young girls. And her attempt to keep her cheating husband at the cost of her own pride is also true to form. Most women, when faced with keeping a broken love or their own pride, choose broken love. At least for awhile.

Of course, Jennifer Love Hewitt plays dress up for both Alice's husband as well as for her male fans. No actress does both "goody goody" and "sexy sexy" like Jennifer Love Hewitt. The film teases, seems to promise more, then simply teases.

What redeems the film is its uplifting message about love and hope, while contrarily pulling no punches with its assessment about human nature. It is a refreshing thing to find a film that is daring enough to be honest, and also not too arrogant to shy away from optimism. Men are sex crazed pigs. Women do dumb things to save relationships best left behind. People make mistakes. And yet, things still work out.

Now back to our polarizing actress. This is one of several movies, and now a television show as well with Ghost Whisperer, that Hewitt has made which intentionally works to show a moral and hopeful perspective about the world. I don't want to give too much credit to the young girl- but why not?- I am deeply impressed with her consciousness choices of work.
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So bad it made me cringe
michelle-9577 June 2008
I've seen better production quality on YouTube! I pity the actors, as the writing was terrible and the direction shocking, not sure how they could get the lines out - I really doubt any actor would have been able to salvage this movie no matter how good they were. The characters were not developed at all, and there was no real cohesion in the plot which just seemed to go nowhere much. It's a shame really, as the premise for the movie was good and with better production quality, direction and script it could have been a decent movie. It certainly was not a comedy, unless you laugh out loud at the dubbing - which was amateurish, even the English actors sounded weird.
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Oh, it wasn't that bad...
eas042328 December 2005
I just watched this movie and while it's not the best thing I've ever seen it was a cute romantic comedy. Can't say that I saw any of the goofs that have been mentioned -- but then I wasn't looking for them. Or maybe the DVD copy I rented had been edited/fixed. Some of the nice things from my perspective: 1) Nice location shooting - I think it was Bristol. It had a different feel from the usual London setting and was very well photographed for the most part. 2) The leads were just fine - it was good to see Dougray Scott sporting his native (at least I think it was native)Scottish accent(it's an American thing :)and I have to say I do like Jennifer Love Hewitt. It did seem like her accent may have been looped at the beginning (the tone of the soundtrack suggested it)maybe to give her a better chance to nail the dialect, but overall I do think it was her. And while I think she needs a bit more seasoning/maturity as an actress, she has a very expressive face and natural way about her on screen -- and that's got to be a plus. So, if you just want a kick-back, lazy day on the sofa movie this is worth 90 minutes of your time.
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So does this stuff get financed?
goods1166 January 2011
Barely watchable romantic "comedy" with really almost no funny lines I can remember. Painfully predictable in all respects. You know in the first 10 minutes EXACTLY how this is going to proceed and of course end. Why do these scripts get approved and financed? Pass pass pass. IMDb for some inexplicable reason says I need to have 10 lines in my review. So by reading the next lines you will get a feel for how you will feel watching this movie (unless you are 7 yrs old like my daughter and I am sure this movie will be fascinating, as well as totally inappropriate): I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored I am so bored.
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Very British and very adult romantic drama
inkblot1125 January 2007
Alice (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a quietly beautiful nurse, is married to Sam, a hotshot lawyer. His best friend, Archie (Dougray Scott) is deeply in love with Alice, too, although he settles for friendship. On the eve of Valentine's Day, however, Archie sends Alice an anonymous valentine and some radish seeds. Alice is intrigued but, she starts thinking. How would Sam react if he received a valentine from an unknown source? Would he tell her about it, as she did with him? On her sister's urging, Alice does send Sam a romantic greeting card. In her presence, she watches as Sam reads the card and promptly stuffs it in his briefcase, with no acknowledgement. Huh. Alice goes further and buys a new cellphone. She promptly calls Sam and leaves a message that she, a mystery lady, is interested in him. Will Sam call back? And, is Alice treading into deep romantic waters? This is an intriguing movie, no doubt about it. The principal actors are very good, with Hewitt giving a very interesting character study as the supposedly sedate Alice. The production values, costumes, and setting are more than acceptable. But, it is the jarring inquiring into fidelity and how far one should go to determine the faithfulness of your partner that is most striking here. There are some very adult themes and scenes in this film and any viewer with serious scruples will not want to take a chance on it. That said, this is ultimately a love story and fans of this genre are always hungry for a new addition to the repertoire. For these folks, try this one as an evening's entertainment and wait for the more typical romcoms that are sure to be churned out every year for a less controversial view.
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Poor example of the British rom-com
larssonabout3 July 2005
Yet another British romantic comedy which audiences all over the world seem to have a ravenous appetite for. This feeble effort is an unintentional parody of the genre - all the classic clichéd scenes are here from ridiculously elaborate misunderstandings to running after departing trains to declare one's love. The characters are one-dimensional caricatures save for Love-Hewitt who manages to bring some cohesion to the film. Things threaten to spiral out of control in the plausibility department as the film progresses; our good-natured suspension of belief finally comes crashing down during the preposterous ending. If you're looking for a Bridget Jones, Notting Hill kind of experience you won't find it here.
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Excellent - funny and smart
susanjanetoh29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie! It was so refreshing to see a romantic comedy with people in a marriage rather than the distraught single women we see all the time in other movies like Bridget Jones. It was funny and smart and I really liked all the twists and turns. You totally went with Jennifer Love Hewitt trying to save her marriage even though she should have ditched her cheating husband long ago for the gorgeous Archie (played by Dougray Scott). I also really liked her sister who injected a lot of fun into the movie. I saw it with family in Korea but I will definitely see it again with my girlfriends at home when it comes out in the U.S. Its not ground breaking but if you want to watch a chick-flick with a bit more bite than usual then this movie is for you.
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Like a 1930s or 1940s romantic comedy
Sonetto10 June 2007
I enjoyed "The Truth About Love"because frankly it evokes memories of the improbable romantic comediesof the thirties and forties (with the addition of cell phones and phonesex to give it a contemporary touch). It's comparable to films like TheAwful Truth and Bringing up Baby, though not quite of theirquality. I liked the fact that the three main characters, the husband,the wife, and the best friend, were very distinctive -- that they didn't have the dreadful sameness of the looks of some of today's Hollywood leading men and women. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jimi Mistry and Dougray Scott deliver good performances in this screwball comedy. When I select a movie to watch, I don't always require a blockbuster film with a perfect script, just one that is pleasant and fun to watch. The Truth About Love was just right for middle of the night viewing.
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Low Expectations, Better Results
gradyharp31 October 2005
Watching TRUTH ABOUT LOVE (is this a double entendre about the star?) is like plugging in white noise or manufactured water sounds to help you sleep - you put it in the DVD slot because there is nothing else left on the store shelves and you are in need of distraction after a hectic day. And it works for that for that purpose: being a British romantic comedy it is a bit more.

The story is a rather simple one about a wife Alice (Jennifer Love Hewitt) married to an increasingly distant husband Sam (Jimi Mistry) who has put their love life on hold due to the burdens of his busy law practice. His partner Archie (Dougray Scott) is fond of both Sam and Alice, but has a longtime attraction to Alice that goes beyond friendship. Alice pals with her sister Felicity (Kate Miles), a free love advocate, who encourages Alice to have affairs. On Valentine's Day, after a drinking binge with her sister, Alice mails a card to Sam signed 'Anonymous' as a test to see if Sam responds, testing his fidelity. At the same time Archie mails a radish seed packet to Alice on which he has inscribed a suggestive love not. Both have ex post facto regrets. Sam in fact is spending time with a lover Katya (Branka Katic) and is indeed cheating on Alice. Alice arranges assignations with Sam via email and phone calls and plans to meet Sam in disguise as 'Anonymous' to test his fidelity. The entire cast of characters gets caught up in the silly charade and the ending proves that real love must be based on truth - and how that results in the various pairings is the surprise (of sorts) of the fluffy script.

British comedies work because of the quality of writing and the tight quality of acting. Perhaps had director John Hay elected to cast a British actress as Alice instead of pasting a phony accent on Jennifer Love Hewitt the result may have been improved. But in the end this story by Peter Bloore bounces between mildly humorous and pathetic in its messages. One terrible distraction is a musical score that is consistently so loud that it covers all the dialogue and is intrusive. There are some nice scenes of London and a few moments of passable humor, but in the end this little film is truly best utilized as background music/white noise. Grady Harp
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This movie was a stain that can never be removed from human society
megaxenon3 February 2006
There have been more interesting polish documentaries on worm farming, in brail_!! The competition (worm farming) had a better plot and more interesting characters. I was physically ill after watching this movie. The cheating husband (i think dougray_scott_) was a joke in every meaning of the word. Poor Jennifer must really need the work, and what was with the accent!!. The locations and random meetings reminded me of a high school prank, and showed the humility of a 10 year old in cooking class. It was that bad that I think I will write the sequel named "this is not a laxitive". Thank you for listening it was a great weight of my conscious.
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Dougray Scott's sexy accent
dragonfli5611 May 2006
I saw this movie because I am a huge fan of Dougray Scott and he certainly doesn't disappoint in this movie. And you could go a long way to find a sexier voice and accent than Dougray Scott's...he makes check shirts look sexy! I watched it on my computer while my 11 year old watched the TV...he wanted to know what I was laughing about, so I feel there was sufficient comedy to rate the romantic-comedy category. Perhaps I'm not as jaded as some, or just in the mood to be easily pleased, but even after watching it three days running there were still bits that made me laugh. The sub-plot of the soccer star's court case allowed for an excellent backdrop for Sam's 'my head is somewhere else' problems, it gave us insight into the friendship between Sam and Archie and showed us how Sam really only thought about himself...he did not even acknowledge that Archie had won the case for him, he just took all the credit. This movie will not go down as one of the all-time great movies but it will get plenty of playing time in my that makes it a great film in my book.
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To the gentleman who thinks Bristol is London
loui66127 February 2006
To the gentleman who commented above....if he watched the film thoroughly he would notice that the scenes were of BRISTOL NOT London. Bristol is a city of half a million people in the west of england.Can you imagine the uproar if a movie was filmed in Atlanta GA and Simonne said ARE'NT those are nice scenes of new york. Therefore don't associate all British films being shot in London you would be pleasantly surprised to find lots from around the country. great film by the way....just hurts when most Americans associate all English live in London and its the UK'S only city. From a Bristolian who is proud to have had a film made here.
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Three redeeming points.
UglyToesPete2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hiya folks,

Well, this movie sucks really. Think "Love Actually" in reverse. Nothing fits quite right, nothing is coherent, and certainly nothing makes you laugh. Love is rare in this film.

It IS a total flop. As indicated however, there are three redeeming points about this mangled potential of a film.

A) With a star billing of Jennifer Love Hewitt, there will be hordes of guys who will submit with grace to viewing this just to catch a glimpse of the petite Hewitt with form fitting clothing. To tell you now guys....there are some promising scenes....but it's really weak eye candy. The "possibilities" here are watered down. Nevertheless, I watched the whole thing tempted by the next scene of you know what.....titillating!

B) The ending is romantic and positive. That it's contrary and "over the top" is relevant.....yet for me was still a positive point.

C) Dougray Scott plays an amourous friendly guy........REFRESHING! THANK YOU!

2/5, not worthy of your 10 or so dollars.

2/3's of the way through, I was convinced Jennifer Love Hewitt was becoming the next softcore legend. Although I'll take that back for hinges greatly on her next film.

Oh, and her sister is way stupid. Her husband is way stupid...and what the heck, she's way stupid.

Next time. can't wait for the next Love Actually with JLH!
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A charming and entertaining chick-flick
Naughtia_Nah13 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be very entertaining. This is a romantic comedy where a wife wants to find out if her husband is having an affair, so she sends a fake valentine card to her husband pretending to be another woman. She wants to test him and see how far he is willing to go with another woman. During all this she meets her husband's girlfriend and everything becomes very complicated as her husband's best friend declares his love to her.

I found this movie to be very charming and like a classic love story. I did not have any expectations for this movie and that's probably the reason for my high rating. I also love Jennifer Lowe-Hewitt's performance in this movie. This is definitely a movie to watch on a rainy day.
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Please don't waste your time
katydunlop-903945 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The best performance in this is Simon from Blue. You know, the non-actor. JLH you can do so much better than this. It sounds like it was over dubbed (by the actual actors) which was weird unless the sound guy did such a bad job they had to re-record the dialogue.

The script is sloppy, Love's "sexy" accent when she is calling her husband pretending to be his fake valentine is anything but sexy.

Dougray is his usual mediocre self. Jimi Misty can and has done so much better than this.

Where is the JLH who was so brilliant in Heartbreakers. Broke my heart just how bad this was. There's a reason I've only just discovered it exists in 2023. Terrible. Bad. Awful. Nothing redeeming about it whatsoever.
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A Predictable But Fun British-Speaking Hewitt
tabuno23 January 2019
22 January 2006. It's odd to experience a British accent coming from Jennifer Love Hewitt after all this time in this otherwise predictable but entertaining mostly romantic comedy. The movie seems blends its comedy and drama with its drama being even a bit edgier and its extended ending sequence is stronger than most typical romantic comedies. Ultimately this movie of mistaken identity and marital infidelity and redemption of love is a solid date-movie that is able to keep its audience's attention. The pacing is adequate, the comedy is sometimes titillatingly cute, the drama painful - a movie with all the basics yet without the dramatic or comedic highs and lows in a nicely mixed package of the classics. Definitely worth the rental price. Seven out of Ten Stars
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Very seductive Jennifer
shupe-17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see how people cannot like this movie or rip on Jennifer's performance. When she dresses up with the long hair she looks simply amazing and considering she's from Texas her British accent is pretty good. It's kind of funny listening to Jennifer talk dirty. She doesn't come across like that at all in "real life". How anyone could hurt this woman in a movie or in reality is beyond me. Anyway, the story seems to move along pretty well and the sub-plot with the trial of the famous athlete could be right out of today's headlines. You end up hating Sam, cheering for Archie and Alice, and even feeling a little sorry for Katya. I like the movie and may even let me wife watch it. Radish anyone?
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A good reflection of contemporary relationships in early 21st century
theresaruk17 August 2006
I admit that I had a teeny weeny part in this film made in 2004 but I didn't get to see it until early August 2006 on DVD. Even though I am in it I must say that I think some of the bad reviews are mean spirited and downright unfair. Above all there are some very moving scenes from Jennifer Love Hewitt (who when I met her in Bristol came across as having an unbelievably lovely personality being a wonderful ambassador for Americans). The scene where she cuts up the hubby's suits shows some heartbreaking facial expressions which any female who has been cheated on will empathise with. The actress playing the artist/mistress gave a cracking performance too - great accent and venom portrayed. I am not surprised it was such a big hit in South Korea. I watched it having read bad reviews and feeling disappointed that it hadn't gone big screen - but when I saw it I was pleasantly surprised. I do so hope directors will use Jennifer Love Hewitt's talents in more films. It also reflects contemporary Bristol so well - great shots of the Suspension Bridge & interiors of our modern buildings. It reflects the nuances of "love" in the early 21st century and future generations will enjoy it for that reason rather in the way we smile when we look back at representations of Victorian "courtship" and love.
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"The Truth About Love" is a 2005 British romantic comedy film directed by John Hay and starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Dougray Scott, and Jimi Mistry. The story revolves around
alexpeychev13 April 2024
"The Truth About Love" is a 2005 British romantic comedy film directed by John Hay and starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Dougray Scott, and Jimi Mistry. The story revolves around Alice Holbrook (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a woman who suspects her husband Sam (Jimi Mistry) is having an affair. In an attempt to save her marriage, Alice hires a mistress hunter named Phyllis (Branka Katic) to seduce Sam and test his loyalty.

As Alice navigates the complexities of her relationship, she also grapples with her own insecurities and fears of inadequacy. Meanwhile, Sam finds himself drawn to Phyllis, complicating the situation even further. Through a series of comedic and poignant moments, the film explores themes of trust, honesty, and the true nature of love.

"The Truth About Love" offers a mix of humor, romance, and heartfelt moments as it delves into the ups and downs of marriage and relationships. Jennifer Love Hewitt delivers a charming performance as the protagonist, capturing the emotional rollercoaster of Alice's journey with authenticity and wit.

While the film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its humor and performances while others found fault with its predictable plot, it remains a lighthearted and enjoyable romantic comedy for fans of the genre. With its endearing characters and relatable themes, "The Truth About Love" offers a refreshing take on the complexities of modern relationships.
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If you think about it. . .
HotToastyRag17 July 2022
I know the plot to The Truth About Love sounds really weird, but if you stop to think about it, it's not as strange as it sounds. Jennifer Love Hewitt is married to Jimi Mistry, and his best friend is Dougray Scott. There's a bit of a Valentine's prank when Jennifer sends an anonymous, sexy Valentine's card to her husband to find out whether or not he'll hide it. If he hides it from his wife, it suggests he's either having an affair or is open to the idea. Jimi does hide it, and Jennifer's faith in him is shaken.

In the meantime, Dougray sends Jennifer a note of his own, alluding to longtime feelings he's kept inside for years. As Jennifer decides to pursue her husband's potential infidelity by pretending she's "the other woman", will Dougray help or hinder her experiment? After all, he knows details of Jimi's personal life that a wife shouldn't. . .

I thought the premise was interesting, and definitely one that every woman has thought about from time to time. However, don't expect a philosophical drama; it's very light and funny. As usual, you get to see Jennifer prance around in adorable outfits, and she also puts on an English accent in this one. Even if she puts on a corset and stumbles her way through a naughty phone call, she's still extremely sweet, which is why she's easy to root for.
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It's not a bad movie
n211824 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It was not a bad movie, once again Jennifer Love Hewitt did a great work, good screenplay, good history. And even when some said that the movie was very predictable we have to remember that is a movie of romance not a suspense or something like that where we wouldn't know what's going to happen in the end.

OK, i don't think it is a comedy movie, it's mostly romantic and dramatic but still i think it's a good one.

It's true that the trailer spoiler a little the movie but if really you enjoy the movie you will not realize it.

A good history about love, fidelity and Romance than make us see how real love is,and tell us that doesn't matter the barriers if we really want real love we must go for it and never let it go.
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