Alien 51 (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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Pathetic excuse of a movie
eldergod-127 August 2005
Well, I'm a horror fan and like good movies about monstrous aliens, but this is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. The story is non-existent, the actors are very bad and the number of the mistakes is appalling. In the middle of the night you can see everything. In one moment it is day, the next it is night. In one moment a guy is shot and dies, the next he fights with the monster. And the monster... this is some kind of a joke. But it wasn't funny. It is so painfully obvious that it is a guy in a rubber suit, with rubber mask. The infants of the alien 51 (who actually was not an alien) were even more pathetic. In conclusion: do not watch this movie. To the directors: try better next time.
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Avoid Alien 51
B_D25 March 2005
There is really no reason to see this movie. I picked it up online for about 5 bucks and decided to watch it with some friends; we're into watching the sort of horrible movie that's pathetically entertaining. Sadly for us, and anyone who should have the misfortune to see this junk, Alien 51 is just bad. I want to stress the fact that it's not entertainingly bad, because often when I see a movie reviewed here as "awful" or "the worst movie ever," I'll get stoked and go rent it, hoping to be able to laugh at it. Alien 51 has very little going for it.

The plot revolves around a creature which has escaped from Area 51 and is on the loose in the desert. It might not actually be an alien, but the back story is never fully explained, so I don't know. Cleo, a woman who played some part in the creation of the creature, is brought in to deal with it. She runs into trouble when a traveling freak show has its own designs on the monster. Various scenes of gore ensue.

The only good thing about Alien 51 is that the music was actually pretty good. It was poorly arranged, often drowning out the actors or totally inappropriate for the mood of the scene, but the tunes themselves were decent. Everything else was trash. The camera-work is amateurish at best and fails to follow some basic tenets of photography (like not shooting directly into a light source). The editing is confusing. The acting is terrible, but the actors weren't given much to work with - the script is an abomination. Many of the characters are downright annoying. To top it all off, the movie has an ending that is completely nonsensical and entirely unsatisfying. I won't ruin it for you, but if I did, you wouldn't be missing much.

The bottom line: don't see this. Alien 51 is dull, poorly done, and not entertaining.
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I was in it and hated it
txa7424 August 2005
That is all I have to say. I was involved in this movie and HATED IT. A lot of the people that made this film, especially the Editor are a bunch of sleaze bags. The acting was only as bad as the direction and editing that went on, which was non-existent! There were some awesome people too, but for the most part Sleaze! I hated every second of filming, it was uncomfortable and disgraceful. Who ever wrote the comment about the film being funny and enjoyable where either on drugs or part of the crew, and that is sad considering that they too bashed the hell out of there own film. There are too many good film makers out there that are not able to finance there masterpiece to put shite like this on the market and try to get money for it. The score was the only enjoyable thing about this film, and even that sucked at times.
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Absolutely horrible
Captain_Obviuos11 August 2006
I made the mistake of devoting some minutes I'll never live again to this garbage of a movie. I can't say bad enough things about it. The people who funded (which means they evidently rented a video camera and then attached it to the back of a wild animal, based on the tracking and POV shots) this travesty should be banned from ever making another film. Like Tom Hanks and "Bachelor Party," this is one you'll never see on an actor/actress' resume'. I enjoy bad movies, but even I can't recommend this, on ANY level: It's not campy, it's not witty, it's not even remotely entertaining. Skip over it if you see it on Starz (as I did), and don't spend your hard-earned money/time on it, either. I'm just trying to save you the trouble and pain.
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I asked God for the time back I lost watching it.
gokulevelss23 April 2006
I don't know who to blame for this dead piece of independent film. The acting did not match what was occurring. The camera operators must have been on break the entire time. Half the time the scenes jumped with no apparent reason. The sub-characters IQ's matched their shoe size. The director must not have even been on set the whole time. The story in general wasn't even original. And the flaws with the settings were unbearable. Even the parts were skin was shown couldn't off set the rest of the thing. I wouldn't add this garbage to my collection if they were passing it out for free. I have seen kinder-garden plays with better talent. I watched it out of shear curiosity. It was just an awful film. There is no way possible to enjoy this film. Avoid it at all costs.
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The worst sci-fi flick ever. Period.
Master_of_My_Domain27 January 2005
What a piece of junk. Couldn't watch it for more than 10-15 minutes, and I did it only because i was hoping for more bo0bie shots, but even this was done so lame :( Storyline sucks, acting is on the level of 1st grade of worst primary schools, nudity very scattered and more PG-rating-alike style, monster sucks (not mentioning it ain't scary nor funny at all), camera work is nonexistent (it shot itself somehow, I'm sure), special effects limited to a big bang of blown up old junk cars etc, what else... ah, sound - well, it is in stereo ( ;)) and thats why I gave it my rating (1/10), otherwise I wouldn't rate this piece of sh*t at all.

LAMEST CRAP WARNING: Do not attempt to rent it, don not accept it for free (you'll waste your precious time only), and for God's sake - don't you ever even think of buying this crap! Just stay away from it! You've been warned :) I'm dead serious. I love and own lots of bad sci-fi flicks, but this one... its an insult even to any *dead* brain cells of rotting gorilla's corpse...
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Tabasco Sauce in your eyes would be better than this ...
film-critic28 April 2005
In the rankings of horrible films, this falls well below my already created scale. I don't even think there are any numerical values that you can give to this picture even if you consult the greatest minds in mathematics. It just isn't possible to get any worse than this. Obviously, there was some attempt to make a quality picture, but somewhere along the line, perhaps when the first scene was shot, that dream faded. I have never witnessed a film that began with a budget of zero dollars slowly slip into the red within the first scene. I even do believe that this is a film that Troma would turn down … yes friends, it was that bad. So, where did this film go wrong? For me to ask you that question is like me asking everyone what they feel about the death penalty (which I do believe they should allow for filmmakers who create films like Alien 51), everyone is going to have an answer. I would like to give you the top three reasons why this film did not work, and will never work on any level.

First, if you are going to name a film Alien 51, you need to place some emphasis on the creature. Apparently, it was a recycled creature from another film (see the movie El Chupacabra, a film I haven't seen, but have added it to my list) and nothing created from any sort of imagination or originality. That already says a lot about where the quality of this picture is going to come from. If their main character is actually a creature from another film, our filmmakers have already cheated us from any sort of value. Recycling creatures in a non-mocumentary sort of way is an insult and immediately my DVD player should have dispensed the total amount spent on this rental. As if it isn't bad enough that the creature is from another film, it also has as much screen time as Dame Judi Dench did in Shakespeare in Love, actually probably less. Where is the alien during most of this film? I honestly thought that his agent was probably suggesting that he not participate in this production because it could ultimately hurt his career as an extra terrestrial. "Don't expect to hear from Spielberg if you continue with Alien 51." I could hear his agent saying. Nonetheless, he does make a small "cameo" role near the end where tempers flair, emotions rise, and the excitement of the final credits are finally in sight.

Second, if you are making a movie and you cannot get anyone to headline, then I would reconsider using Heidi Fleiss. Now, I am not an actor at all, but I have seen several independent films, and I can say this. She cannot act at all. In fact, there were some special features on this DVD which allowed you to see the director giving instructions to the actors, and I just couldn't help but think that Fleiss' comments were going in one ear and out the other. I am surprised to witness that the director just didn't go "postal" on everyone when they chose to do their own form of acting instead of following the directions presented to them. Perhaps, and this may throw my image of this film completely off, but just maybe that was the director's style of film-making. I have never witnessed a director who wanted to be cheap, allow his cast to walk in and out of scenes, and demonstrate that an entire community of women must have had some form of breast implants, but maybe that is what our dual directors, Brennon Jones and Paul Wynne (yep, it took two to butcher these cinematic moments), wanted to ultimately create. If that is the case, then they have done a wonderful job and should be congratulated for their slackish behavior and performances. I would love to know what their budget was on this film because honestly, you could have paid me nothing and I would have found better material. OK, you have a character named Doctor PsychoBilly. It really cannot get much worse than that.

Finally (while there are many, many, many more, I will stop here), whomever wrote this script I do believe was heavily under the influence of some banned substance, or possibly watched too much Anchorman and decided to act like Brick while writing. Either way, the lines in this film were the most enjoyable to listen to because they were possibly the worst ever written by another human being. I am not afraid to go on the record with that statement. My favorite line in the entire film was when Cleo and the police officer were walking around at night (yet, it was so bright outside from the apparent spotlights) and she throws him on the ground, takes her top off and attempts to show him her scar from an earlier alien encounter. His response to her being on top of him and taking her top off was, "I am supposed to be looking at your scar right". HA. You could hear it in his voice that he was already too excited to have a woman on top of him topless. It literally had me in stitches on the ground. Thank you for writing comedy, this film needed it!

Overall, this film reminded me of throwing Tabasco sauce in your eyes. The pain remains for such a long time that you would rather remove your eyes than try to clean them. I felt that same pain when I watched Alien 51. All I can say is this, producers beware, these two directors will probably want to do more and will need some form of budgeting before they begin, remember, "no" is always an acceptable option for those seeking to create horrible cinema. Let's nip this one in the bud before it clones itself into anything worse.

Grade: * out of *****
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this was horrible
schizophrenic_one28 January 2005
this was probably one of the worst movies i've ever seen. i don't think anyone cared the least little bit about what was being shot, said, or committed to film except maybe the DoP and he seemed to be napping in places. i don't remember ever having seen a movie as unenlightened in the cinematic procedures as this. there is no obvious talent demonstrated at any time or at any point in the film. the acting was as if these people were lobotomized and then just set loose within a certain boundary with a general idea of what they were supposed to be doing. you could almost hear the director in the background (if only in your mind) saying, "just wing it!" this was not entertaining, not amusing, not enjoyable. it left me with the feeling that i was dumber for having watched it. why bother rating it. to rate it would be to insult real movies.
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Worst movie I have EVER seen
jimmyupt-12 July 2006
I generally like watching bad movies, House of the Dead and Alone in the dark were beyond awful, but they were entertaining. Unfortunately, Alien 51 is different...I rented this piece of crap for $4.00(USD) and after seeing it, I wished that I had rented baby geniuses 2 instead The plot of this movie is sketchy at points, but it's basically about an "Alien"(Not really an Alien, because it was man-made) that is killing people in the Nevada desert, and its creator who is trying to stop it.

The main problem in this movie is the acting...Who would cast Heidi Fleiss in anything?! But the problem isn't her...It's the fact that there were EVEN WORSE actors/actresses that her in this movie..

Now, I can't blame the actors entirely, because the screenplay was absolutely terrible...the dialog sucked...the plot was lame and unbelievable...and then you have an ending that anyone could hate

On an entirely new level of awfulness, there were the "Special effects". There were inconsistencies with the alien, In some scenes, the alien looked like a Grey human, and in other scenes it looked like a green alien that was designed by a child...and often times, when people got attacked, blood was sprayed all over them before the alien actually hurt them(They spray the blood on the victims during the attacks, at one point, you can see some sort of hose or nozzle) Lastly, there was the music...the music did not fit the story at all, most of the time it was simple and upbeat right after someone got killed...

So overall, don't watch this, this is th worst movie ever
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Worst acting ever!
Horrorible_Horror_Films27 December 2005
Heidi Fliess in this movie gives a performance that takes the taco for the bar-none worst ever acting job ever done in the universe ever! You will be astounded, you will be flabbergasted, you will drool all over yourself from loosing so many brain cells watching her 'act' I simply can't get over it. Also included in this movie is the most completely fake scene of her shooting up heroin ever. Real heroin would have actually made sense for the bad acting. And there is so much padding added to this film! If you have to have meaningless 5 minute shots of people walking away in order to pad the running time of the film, thats a sure fire sign that the film shouldn't be made in the first place!
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One of the top five....WORST movies of all time!
sportster_163011 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film has no redeeming qualities. All the actors are lackluster as well as the asinine script. The most horror I saw in this film was in the editing. Phoebe Falconer was OK till she opened her mouth. Her screaming fits were truly incomprehensible. Heidi Fleiss's "acting" was reprehensible. The "Alien" was nonsensical. The only really imaginative part in the movie was when the Sheriff?? gets shot in the head and we see blood splattering on the camera lens. Unfortunately, it's a long, tedious wait to that scene so don't bother.

I can't find enough negative words for ten lines to trash this movie so I hope they accept it as it is.
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Nero66628 September 2004
all you evil dead fans better pick this one up quick. heidi fleiss, hot girls, some mature behavior (wink, wink) and a whole lot of blood. this thing's got it all. watching it alone will boost your coolness factor. It's about this super hot girl hunting a killer alien that escapes area 51and goes on a killing spree. also chasing the monster is a crazy and psychotic side show circus guy (jim rose?). Heidi plays his disturbed, drug addict assistant/lover. This girl can act (remember doom generation?). The world needs less movies like freddy vs. jason and more unique, innovative and creative films like Alien 51. Studios listen up!
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Highly entertaining
marshaul13 February 2005
I am writing this in response to the previous reviewer, because he said it was the worst movie ever.

Some of us (perhaps those who watched more than 15 minutes) would disagree.

I found myself watching this because I thought I was watching Alien vs. Predator. At first I didn't notice - that's probably what kept me going, because the initial scene was a little bit TOO bad. However, somewhere before the second scene and after the extreme badness of the first, I found myself laughing hysterically.

Sure, the acting and the special effects aren't first rate. What you need to ask yourself is - "would you want them to be?" If you answer "Yes," then go watch something else. But if you answer "No, not necessarily" or "No ****ing way!" then this is for you.

This movie is, of course, best watched as a comedy, despite whatever other genres it might fit into. The dialogue is clever, and the "bad" acting is good enough that every line is delivered with the perfect amount of stupidity; the story is much the same, dumb enough to entertain but not in such a way as to drag on forever. The bad special effects are, needless to say, part of the humor.

Sure, this isn't a "new" idea - people have been making films that specialize in being bad (yet good) films for years - Roger Corman started in the early fifties and made a career doing it, and he wasn't the first - and sure, its not a formula that always works (in fact, sort of by definition, when it fails, it fails BIG). But for Alien 51, the formula works.
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Alien smokes crack!
lisamonalisa29 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, at least the story following THAT headline would be worth watching. This was, instead, about 80 minutes of unintelligible drivel, filled with the same trite dialog, cheesy acting, and inept direction you would expect from a rousing episode of "Joker's Wild," the game show.

This "movie" ties with the Brain Damage (or is it Brain Dead) morons who did Abomination, as the most awful, boring, stupid, bad, inane detritus of the film industry. It's movies like this that cause the horror genre as a whole, to be widely ignored and thought lesser of. It's movies like this which are the sole reason why horrors don't make it to the Oscars, and are widely not respected by the general public nor the film industry. Because of crap like this, horrors are, by expectation, inferior films.

And one of the other reviewers pointed out that this monster was the same monster from El Chupacabra. I rented that movie, just to see, and you know? I believe it IS the same creature, even though El Chupacabra was SUPPOSED to be based on a true story. Makes you wonder about the whole industry, doesn't it?

This "film" don't get a rating.
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El Chupra-Alien?
FiendishDramaturgy11 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This was a painful movie to watch. The acting makes you wince like fingernails over the top of your car. Heidi Fleiss was atrocious to the point of being criminal, the dialog was trifling and unorganized, and the "alien" was the same horrible cheesy crap-fest of a special effects career-breaker that was featured in "El Chupacabra." If it's not the same monster, it's his twin brother. Jeez.

If anything could have saved this attempt, it would have been the (only sometimes decent) photography. But that was its strongest component, and it was so flaccid, it never even partially achieved the theatrical erection.

It's a "B" movie and rates a 2.5/10 on the "B" scale

That's about a 0.8/10 on the "A" scale, from...

the Fiend :.
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Do They Have Zero Stars on IMDb?
Matador071 July 2005
One of those movies that misses out on having a flat 1.0 rating only because the few members of the cast and crew who were willing to admit to being involved came on here to vote, and not enough other people will ever see it to drown out those votes in a well-earned avalanche of 1's.

It is difficult to express the degree of awfulness involved here -- there is not a single aspect of this movie that is anything but just terrible. Its amazing you make something like this and actually go ahead and release it. If I were responsible I wouldn't show it to my friends, let alone the world at large. It even failed to do the bad movie wraparound thing where a stupid film becomes entertainingly hilarious just to laugh at. No, just bad. And weird. And boring. And stupid. Somebody really needs to write the Department of Homeland Security and get the directors deported before they ever do something like this again.
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Oh my.....
megoobee24 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let's all be clear about this, this is a low budget movie. How low you might ask? Hmm, I think slightly above what college kids are doing in film making. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against low budget movies, there have been quite a few low budget movies I've seen that I've enjoyed. However, regardless of how much was paid to make the movie, a movie needs a good story, good acting, decent effects, etc., nothing of which was present in this horrible feature. You got druggies, alcoholics, dumb people, no real characters to speak of. The so called expert goes around dressed like a teenager; Huh? Are we to believe that she is a master scientist? The Sheriff is only one brick higher in intelligence than his lain-brain deputy. So what happens in the movie? I dunno. Was there a message in the movie? I dunno. Is there any point to the movie? None that I can discern. So if you take away the non-existent story, terrible acting, poor directing, what are you left with? 1.5 hours of your life that you won't lose like I did.
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Help, it stars Heidi Fleiss!
lordzedd-315 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
You know you're in trouble when the movie you are about to watch has more then one director and the biggest star they can afford is Heidi Fleiss. She's not even a actress, she's the flavor of the month. The infamous "HOLLWOOD MADAM". Don't get me started on the stupid PROSTITION LAWS, but I'd rather stick to the stupid movie. The acting was substandard, Heidi Fleiss isn't going to be winning any acting Oscar, most likely EVER! The creature is lame, the mouth doesn't close at all. They must thought it was lame, it stayed in the dark most of the time. The story is weak, the dialog is corny. It's just plan rotten. I give this disaster of a movie...THE NOOSE!!!
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mikkelbreiler21 February 2008
Why can't I give this movie 0 out of 10?

Oooops I just called it a "movie". I did not mean to do that.

The script is bad. The filming is bad. The casting is bad. The acting is bad, although I can see how some actors lost their professionalism and just went through it almost eyes closed for the money. Even simple little things like the audio overdub while Sam and Blondie drive out to meet the whiskey maker is something they can't do right. Both actors sound like they're reading it for the first time, both loathe it and neither of them are going to repeat it so the director is stuck with one pass in an acoustic environment that does fit a moving car.

I do not think any one got paid a whole lot for this movie, and it is reasonably clear to me that you do not start out wanting to make a movie like this. But it will become such a movie if you

  • Do not hire proper screenwriters. So many things wrong with the plot.

  • Do not get actors who can act well enough. Those who can't can get killed right away. None of the characters act convincingly.

  • Do not cast properly. Blondie is how old and she is the one who grew the monster in a lab? When? In high school?

  • Get the music so cheap you cannot fit any of it to any scene. Nothing really fits well, but most of it sounds OK, so you're getting distracted all the time.

  • Get a crew who have never worked a camera before. I don't know who they are, but this lot might have owed the directors a favor. The best way to complement the favor would be to not turn up. Maybe their salary is getting their name on the end creds.

The only redeeming quality of the film is that you can turn the audio of and fast forward to watch the peroxide blonde who mysteriously cannot get a tan in that outfit. Whiel drooling over her you suddenly realize she is played by nice looking actress, who is portraying a girl who walks in the same clothes two days in a row - no one needs a girl like that.

Would have been OK if they'd just gone ahead and made a porn movie. That's right. They got everything so cheasy you'd expect it to be the set of a porn movie. If you cannot afford to write a good script, get the right people and who can act, get a crew that can make a movie, then they should have made a porn movie, it would undoubtedly have been first takes all along, which it looks to be already, and make more people able to get through it:

In 3 sittings over 1 month I managed to get about 59-60 minutes into it (no longer calling it a 'movie'). And I am not going to watch the rest. Ever.

I was thinking of picking this one up as I saw a US copy on DVD used just before Christmas and the store owner did not know the movie. I now know enough about the movie to say it is a good ting I let my Peer-To-Peer program get this online and I can watch it for free, this is another DVD I will buy to find it is total crap. So spending money for this, perhaps in the presence of friends and/or family was not a concern. And will not be. Ever.

I will be deleting this one and write it on my list of films to get from that place I found it, as NOT TO BUY THAT FILM. Also tell the store owner to price it lower. Like same price as a single empty DVD box. Hopefully someone can use the box.

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The worst thing I've EVER seen in my life!
seanwilson23 July 2004
Oh, where to begin my review of this, um, "movie" (if you can even call it that)...

Well, first and foremost, and like my summary states, this is the worst thing I have EVER seen in my life (and I've seen Roseanne naked*)!! This piece of crap is SO bad, I wanted to kill myself because of it.

Why did I rent Alien 51? Well, my friend and I wanted a cheesy "horror" movie to watch - You know, something we could laugh at (ala MST3K). NOTHING could have prepared us for what we were about to watch! First off, we should have known that it was going to be horrible when we found out that Heidi Fleiss(sp?) starred in it. And second, we should have known that it was going to absolutely and humiliatingly bad when we saw that, on the cover, there was a "creature/monster-thing" that was in another, unrelated movie that was made by the same "directors" (I put the word 'director' in quotation marks here because I don't mean to take the grand title of Director in vain). By the way, the other movie was called El Chupacabra; If has it on it's, well, DB, then I'll write a review for that movie as well. But back to Alien 51...

This movie LITERALLY brought us to tears! And I've seen some REALLY bad movies before (i.e. xXx, Fast & Furious, etc.), but this one takes the s***-cake. Hands down!! We couldn't even suffer through a quarter of Alien 51 before ejecting the DVD and burning it (NOT making a copy, but actually burning it!) - And it was a RENTAL!!! So what does THAT tell ya?!

In any case, avoid this pile of nonsensical s*** at ALL COSTS!! Please! For the sake of your sanity, do NOT watch Alien 51!!!

*I have never actually seen Roseanne (thankfully) and I hope I never have to (Hey, I'm crazy, not stupid!). I just wanted to give you some amount of reference as to how damaging, disturbing, and vomit- and tear-inducing Alien 51 is.:)
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Very strange video film
edblask049 July 2004
This is a very strange video film. It cannot decide if it is a spoof of horror movies or it is a horror movie. At least with the Scream movies you could often tell that they were partly tongue in cheek. The acting in some of this movie is so cheesy--right out of an Ed Wood movie--that you think that this cannot possibly really be a horror movie. Except that when you start watching all the blood and guts in the movie it looks like a real horror movie. Shirley you cannot be serious though popped into my head many times while watching some of the actors in this speak their lines especially Ms. Heidi Fleiss. I kept hoping Mr. Leslie Nielsen would jump out from behind a rock and say hi.

It was worth a look just to see what Ms. Fleiss looks like now and to check if she can act. Sort of like the quality of acting and jokes you might see from the left of center square on Hollywood Squares 2.
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the cop
willydayan23 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet


i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet


i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet


i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet


i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet


i would give it a 0.0000000000000000 for sci-fi but for comedy a 8 but the cop was shot and some how came back to life without a bloody suet

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indie films
bloodlover11 October 2005
i'm tired of people who know nothing about film making trashing low budget films and the hard working artists trying to make a living. fact. executive producers decide what the film is going to be. they hire starving artists who have no choice but to sell a slice of their soul for a few bucks and a credit. fact. executives so severely tie the hands of film makers that often times it is a miracle that the film gets completed at all. do you really think the people who made alien 51 had a say in a lot of the creative process? you think they don't vomit hearing the music the executives provided? it kills them. SAG is the other great evil. their fees are so over the top that most low budget productions have to seriously compromise their potential by hiring less than qualified actors. for what it is Alien 51 is a solid no budget flick. so if you want to attack someone, attack the exec. producers and SAG. and please do it elsewhere. leave the true artists alone.
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It's almost like a Troma movie, with an alien.
Vomitron_G7 March 2011
I have to hand it to the guys who made this film: they went overboard to try and add some sort of goofy originality to their Z-grade hybrid efforts (a comedy/sci-fi/horroresque thing). Let's say, on a Troma-scale, "Alien 51" would even be a 6/10 movie, probably. It features a lot of loony characters, a freak show, desert settings ('Area 51'-related, obviously), extremely ugly cinematography (SOV), a few sexy-looking bimbos, Heidi Fleiss (ehrr... who's Heidi Fleiss? Anyone?) and an alien that's just a skinny man in a tight blue catsuit with a fake-looking mask... And an alien-baby too. It's just a puppet that doesn't even move... Total badness, pretty much. But at least the filmmakers weren't trying to fool anyone. It really feels like a comedy of some sort, much more than anything else.
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Could be a great porn movie
alexander-blohme25 September 2018
This movie looks like a porn movie that never starts
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