Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Poster

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Napoleon Dynamite mayn't be to everybody's tastes, but personally I liked it
TheLittleSongbird16 May 2010
Napoleon Dynamite by all means is not a five-star masterpiece, and it mayn't be to everybody's tastes but I was surprised at how much I liked it, even with its problems. I can also say I do think there are much worse movies out there- Disaster Movie, Epic Movie, Home Alone 4, Cat in the Hat and Superbabies:Baby Geniuses 2 are much worse than this film.

What I did like about Napoleon Dynamite was that it was unique, funny, quirky and original. Where it is not quite so good is in the episodic story structure and some of the supporting characters particularly comic-book-geek older brother and the ageing jock uncle were disappointingly one-dimensional and could have been further explored in terms of depth.

Napoleon Dynamite does have a refreshingly distinctive time-warp look that recalls the style-challenged 1980s though, and that was refreshing in itself. The soundtrack is nice and nostalgic, and there are some genuinely laugh-out-loud funny moments. Also the ending is suitably uplifting and the limited horizons of young people in small-town America is nicely conveyed. The script is good and the direction is pretty solid.

As are the performances. Jon Heder is delightfully eccentric in the title role, and he is really entertaining throughout, whether it is in the voice, the facial expressions or his character's actions. Napoleon is a blank-faced teen with carrot-coloured hair and seriously underdeveloped interpersonal skills, and here he tries to help his nerd of a best friend Pedro, amusingly played by Efren Ramirez. In terms of other supporting performances, Aaron Ruell also does a good job as Kip and while his role wasn't as well-sketched as it could have been, Jonathan Gries does nicely as Uncle Rico.

Overall, not perfect, but amusing, quirky and unique. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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The Smartest Dumb Comedy Ever Made
gavin694211 August 2010
Napoleon Dynamite (yes, that's his real name) is an outcast student in Preston, Idaho. But he befriends some other outcasts and in their own strange way they may just make themselves known. There may not be a definite plot, but it would be something like that.

I am calling this film "the smartest dumb comedy ever made" because the humor is all really stupid -- one-liners, absurd events and situations... with characters that really are not your typical movie heroes. But it's clear the people behind the film are not dumb at all. There's a hidden gem in this film.

The problem may be that the smartness is not on the surface. The first time I saw the film, I thought it was lame. The second time, I loved it. The third time, loved it more. I showed it to a friend once, who disliked it, but I wonder if she tried it again... and saw the genius. (Some might argue that "Freddy Got Fingered" is similar... I'm not going to try that here.)
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Funny and unique!
dfranzen7030 December 2004
Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) is the typical sad-sack, luckless loser that has permeated high schools for seemingly centuries. He has no friends, he's picked on by bullies, he has a somewhat-odd home life ... but through it all, he's sure things will be just plain okay in the end.

Napoleon and his older brother Kip (Aaron Ruell) live with their grandmother, but at the beginning of the film she tells them she needs to take off for a couple days. Enter their Uncle Rico (Jon Gries), a self-starter who's living in 1982 (when the coach of his high school football team declined to put him in as quarterback, thus altering Rico's life forever). Some of the funniest scenes in the film involve Napoleon's often-combative relationship with Uncle Rico; Rico is also bound and determined to return to those halcyon days of his youth via a time machine he's seen advertised on the Internet, and he enlists Kip to help him raise the funds.

Napoleon befriends the new kid in school, Pedro (Efren Ramirez), who has a sweet bike, can talk to girls, and has an actual mustache. But like Napoleon, Pedro is a misfit. Both sometimes hang out with yet another taciturn student, Deb (Tina Majorino, all grown up from Waterworld), who secretly (it seems) likes Napoleon. But there isn't a lot of focus on their relationship, because Napoleon himself is fairly oblivious to how people perceive him. This isn't a story about young love or lust, it's a story about a misfit refusing to fit - while fitting in with others like him.

Jon Heder is perfectly cast as the gawky, dorky Napoleon; he resembles Butt-Head in countenance, although certainly not in temperament or intelligence. Mouth agape and with an awkward gait, Napoleon is about as odd a duck as you'd find in high school, and yet he still manages to survive with his dignity intact. He's a good egg, although he seems to overreact at times: "What are you gonna do today, Napoleon? Napoleon: Whatever I feel like I wanna do.....GOSH!" Still, his delivery is perfect. You can readily picture a Napoleon in any high school.

I think where the film ultimately succeeds, aside from the casting of Heder, is that it doesn't fall into the traps of predictability and stereotyping. Sure, it's a high school movie, and there are snobby pretty girls and arrogant jocks, but not much time is devoted to them. Sure, there's a big dance, but it doesn't necessarily turn out the way you'd expect it to. What you're left with, then, isn't a typical coming-of-age story, but rather a unique take on a rather mundane - albeit life-altering - time in a boy's life.
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You either get it, or you don't.
Amthermandes15 October 2022
This is the epitome of quotable movies. It's random absurdity on a level only matched by the genius of Monty Python. What is it about? Honestly, nothing. Are there any morals to be learned? Not really. Is it relatable? Most likely, not in the slightest.

But damn if it isn't one of the most hysterical, comedic masterpieces of all time. This is what movies are all about, it's about something that brings people together. And when you get a Napoleon Dynamite fan, and introduce them to another fan, what you'll get is a back-and-forth barrage of quotes and laughs and bonding that could last for hours.

I personally have made a trek to Preston, Idaho where this movie was filmed, and visited all the locations in the film, including the park and the very spot where LaFawnduh played footsie with Kip. And even the locals get in on it. The way my group was dressed, there was no doubt we were fans of the movie, and we even had a local driving by and stop to give us a map of the filming locations. Many people honked at us. And we even visited the very Deseret Industries thrift store in which Napoleon famously bought his groovy mix tape and sai, and I kid you not, we found a plastic toy sai for sale. Naturally we bought it and I sheathed it in my belt loop. We are still in awe that it was even there to begin with, and we have a theory that they have a bag full of toy sais in the back, in order to keep at least one in stock on the shelves, for obvious reasons if you've seen the movie.

But all that is to show the affect this movie has on people. It has developed a massive cult following for a good reason. It's absolutely brilliant. Every scene generates genuine laughter. Every scene contains at least one classic quote that everybody uses when interacting in society. Every. Single. Scene. Is. GOLD. Except maybe the creepy scene with Uncle Rico in the photo shop. Other than that awkwardness, every scene is a comedic gold mine, and that is NO hyperbole.

This is a movie to be passionate about. And if you didn't get it, if you hated it, it's ok. It's not for everybody, for sure. Don't feel bad, don't feel like you're missing out. But if you haven't yet seen it, you are obligated now to find out which side of the severely polarized audience of the film you are on: Are you on the side that thought it was the stupidest thing you've ever watched, or are you voting for Pedro and part of the nunchuck-wielding fans who can quote practically the whole movie?

Regardless if you enjoyed it or not, unless you are in complete denial, you would have to admit the influence it had on society when it came out, and the power it still holds. Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love.
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eht5y7 December 2004
It seems based on many of the comments on this site that certain folks may be expecting a bit too much from a movie such as 'Napoleon Dynamite.'

This ain't art cinema, folks. It's absurdist comedy. Don't go to see this film looking for deep meaning or well-constructed plot--the vague semblance of a plot is as artificial as they come, and seems inserted mostly to give the film structure and to permit the audience a somewhat 'happy' ending.

NO, Napoleon Dynamite isn't about changing the world--it's live action 'South Park' (Preston, Idaho, where the film is set, actually bears a strong resemblance to the real South Park, Colorado). It's a highly ironic, self-mocking, merciless run of sight gags and one liners with no apparent purpose other than to get laughs at the expense of its main characters, especially the eponymous Napoleon, a fit stand-in for everyone who's ever felt like a socially inept outcast trapped in the hell of high school.

This movie isn't for everybody, but if you don't see glimpses of your own childhood in the various awkwardnesses and failures of the main characters, you're in denial. Don't see Napoleon Dynamite if you're expecting sensitivity--go see it if you're pissed off at the world and just need to laugh. I saw it for the first time last night, and I'm still busting into spontaneous laughter whenever one of Napoleon's silly one-liners or blank-faced dead-pan non-sequitirs comes to mind.
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The real "Revenge of the Nerds"
Buddy-5131 December 2005
Napoleon Dynamite is a king among nerds, a slack-jawed, mouth-breathing high school student who suffers the slings and arrows of perpetual ridicule, yet who gives as good as he gets when the treatment gets too rough. Luckily, Napoleon is far from alone in his nerddom. He has an older brother who wears buttoned-up short sleeve dress shirts and black-rimmed glasses, and whose social contact is limited mainly to people he meets in internet chat rooms. Napoleon's Uncle Rick is what might be called a "muscular nerd," a used-up, middle aged football player who dreams of his glory days in 1982 when he was just one play away from a career in the NFL and a life of fame and fortune, and who now spends his time hawking Tupperware products, selling miracle breast enhancement devices, and investing in time travel machines he finds in catalogues. Napoleon also befriends the school's newest nerd, a transfer student named Pedro, and tries to start up a romance with the shy and awkward Deb, who sheepishly goes door to door drumming up business for her studio that specializes in "glamour" photo shots for a decidedly unglamorous clientele.

Set in a small town in rural Idaho, "Napoleon Dynamite" is a quirky regional comedy that achieved phenomenal mainstream success at the American box office. Its appeal is in its low-keyed, understated look at a group of people that more of us probably identify with than we would like to acknowledge. This is a movie for anyone who has ever felt unattractive or unpopular, who just never quite "fit in" with the people who really counted, especially in those dark ages known as the "teen years." One can't help liking and rooting for these bizarre and eccentric individuals who are really just looking for the same love and acceptance that we all are.

Director Jared Hess, along with co-writer Jerusha Hess, never feels the need to exaggerate or overstate the comedy. It would have been easy for them to have turned this into another "Revenge of the Nerds," placing their characters in over-the-top predicaments and situations to appease audience expectations. Instead, they let the story develop subtly and gradually, making the film feel more attuned to real life in the process. It may seem like a contradiction in terms, but the writers achieve their humor through a kind of understated hyperbole that allows us to laugh with the characters rather than at them. These nerds may be nerds to the core, but they reflect the longings and doubts common to all of us at one time or another. As a result, "Napoleon Dynamite" is warm and humanistic where it could easily have been cruel and condescending.

The filmmakers are helped immeasurably by a wonderfully talented cast, all of whom play their parts perfectly. Joe Heder as Napoleon, Aaron Ruell as his brother, Kip, Efren Ramirez as Pedro, and Tina Majorino as Deb all deliver their lines in a flat, emotionless, singsong monotone that perfectly captures the defense mechanism each of them has set up as a shield against a brutal, uncomprehending world. Yet, Napoleon and his fellow nerds never settle for victim status, as each finds a way to assert his individuality and carve out a little piece of happiness for himself. As an actor, only Jon Gries as Napoleon's Uncle Rico gets to break through the somnambulist haze and go for the fences in his delivery.

"Napoleon Dynamite" is clearly not the kind of movie that every audience will appreciate, but those movie watchers with a taste for the offbeat and quirky will have a fun time with it.
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I hated it the 1st time, but it grew on me...
aurora716 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie in theaters when it first came out and was quite curious because of the hype surrounding it at the time. When I walked out, all I could hear myself saying in my mind was "What the hell just happened?" and felt like going back to the box office and asking for my 10 bucks back.

Reader, I positively *hated* it - I didn't "get" the humour and I thought all the people in this movie were just plain weird - like somehow this movie was "trying" too hard to be funny yet the humour was falling flat. Also the style of most of the folks had me wondering if this movie was in the 80's or something or if the film makers were torn between setting this movie up in the 80's or 90's or maybe if the film makers were making some sort of statement on mid-westerners being 10 years behind us east and west coasters - I mean the weird T-shirts, Naploleon's hair and attire, the break-dancing music, Deb wearing stir-up pants, the ponytail on one side, 80's music like Cyndi Lauper and poofy prom dresses. The only thing that gave it away that this film takes place more recently were the references to the Internet for Uncle Rico's time machine, the heavy techno-dance music that Pedro's cousin play in their muscle mobile and Kip's online romance with Lafawnduh as well as Napoleon's dance sequence to Jamiroquoi's "Canned Heat" at the very end (which BTW, seemed to be inspired by the "Solid Gold" dancers of the 70's and 80's).

Then something strange happened. The film cable channels here started playing it frequently and I'd catch bits and pieces of it here and there and found myself enjoying the humour more and more. I was finally getting it and enjoying it - I was even starting the know certain parts of it by heart. My brother went out and bought the DVD of the film and now I can safely say, I really love this little film. After being absorbed in Napoleon's universe, you realize he's actually a really good kid and just trying to find his place in the grand scheme of things despite being misunderstood at school and at home. You end up *wanting* Napoleon to succeed and be happy and I think we can safely assume he does. In some ways, this film is like Napoleon, it's the small-budget film that could and I'm glad to see the cult following this film has developed. It deserves all it gets.

To those of you who hated this film after watching it once, all I can say is I'd encourage you to watch it once more and give it a chance. I'm sure glad I did.
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Grandma called...she said you're ruining everyone's life...
ArizWldcat3 July 2004
I am so glad "Napoleon Dynamite" is out in theaters now--we couldn't get tickets at Sundance, and I wanted to see it then! I've read comments saying that the younger the audience, the more appreciative. Hmmm...I am 40 something, and I took my 16 and 9 year old daughters. There were people of ALL ages in the theater, and I heard many many people laughing their heads off. Maybe part of its appeal was that it's set in Southern Idaho, which might as well be Utah. (We live in Utah and are NOT part of the dominant religion here..but we've grown to love our neighbors!) Part of the film's charm for me was understanding the quirkiness of some people who live here. I've read comments from people who are confused about WHEN the film takes place...there's an old saying by those of us who live in Utah (and Idaho might as well be part of Utah) "Welcome to Utah, now set your clock back 10 years" indeed does take things a few years to make it up here to the sticks!! And the uncle who was stuck in '82 was SUCH a hoot! What a smarmy creep he was! There were so many laughs in this movie, I don't know which part I liked best. I've read reviews from people like Roger Ebert who say that we are laughing AT Napoleon, Deb, and Pedro because we feel superior to them, and therefore, that's why people enjoy this film. I disagree with that. I found Napoleon and his friends to be likable underneath their nerdiness, and I was rooting for them the whole time. I do believe there's a valid comparison of this movie with "Welcome to the Dollhouse". Funny, I don't remember the oh-so-intellectual reviewers having a problem with THAT movie having a supposed lack of storyline (For the record, I saw WTTD, and enjoyed it...but I thought THIS movie was actually was more uplifting, while "Welcome to the Dollhouse" was rather dark and more than a bit sadistic.) And as far as that goes, I don't think this movie lacked a storyline, as the director allowed for good things to happen to Napoleon at the end of the film. I found it to be heartwarming. I'll agree that this isn't for everyone, but it was very funny and I think it deserves a look.
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The greatest thing America has contributed to the world.
mtcurtner4 August 2019
Magnum Opus. Perfection. Sent by God to undeserved man.
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Vote for Pedro and then vote for this movie. Its dry humor is honestly pretty funny! This movie was dynamite for the most part!
ironhorse_iv25 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The atmosphere of Napoleon Dynamite is very peculiar, with downplayed arid PG-squeaky clean style humor. It's not that raunchy. It's not really that mean-spirited. It's not toilet humor. It's not really physical slapstick comedy. Last, and most of all, it's not full of shout outs or pop culture references. It's just surreal. Napoleon Dynamite's humor works, because how confusing and strange, it is. It remind me, so much of a Wes Anderson's comedy film with its tone. It's quite quirky in its writing, with the large amount of awkward characters and largely unrelated absurdism sequences. However, Napoleon Dynamite doesn't have the same weight as a Wes Anderson film. There isn't anything, I can say, that was really emotional. Yes, there is parental abandonment, sibling rivalry, and unlikely friendships, but there is little to no depth with those themes. I get that Hess was trying to tell the story of how all the characters in the movie are refusing to grow up, but the whole message of them, trying to change is murky at best. It's really seem like they weren't going anywhere in the character development area. They're pretty much, act the same from the start of the film to the end. Despite that, the story between the trios of friends: Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder), Pedro Sanchez (Efren Ramirez) & Deb Bradshaw (Tina Majorino) and their attempts to overcome their status as social outcasts in High School was somewhat engaging. All of them, played their characters, very well. You really do believe, that all of them, are dweebs. Even the supporting characters like Uncle Rico (Jon Gries) and Kip Dynamite (Aaron Ruell) are somewhat memorable with their characteristic. It's still cracks me up, watching Uncle Rico throw a football, around. Another fault of the writing is how slow the pace is. Seeing how there is no main plot. It's feels like a film full of bizarre juxtapositions, non-sequiturs, irrational or absurd situations and expressions of nonsense. After all, what does any of the scenes with the town's martial arts instructor, Rex (Diedrich Bader) have to do with anything with the main plot? Barely anything. Another thing to note is, how similar, the visuals in this film are to Wes Anderson. Anderson has been noted for his extensive use of flat space camera moves, obsessively symmetrical compositions, snap-zooms, slow-motion walking shots, a deliberately limited color palette, and hand-made art direction often utilizing miniatures. There are plenty of examples of that. A good example is the opening titles. The sequence shows a pair of hands placing and removing several objects on a table. Objects like plates of food had the credits written in condiments, while other objects like a Lemonheads box or a tube of ChapStick had the credits printed on them. None of the items, really has anything to do with the main plot. It really confused people. Another thing that got people weirded out, was the settling. The film is supposedly set during the 2004-2005 school year, as shown on Napoleon's student ID card in the title sequence, but the film contains a number of anachronisms indicating that it would be more appropriately set in the 1980s or 1990s. It doesn't make sense for people to still be using outdated electric equipment like VHS and Cassette Players. I get that the Mormon town they filmed in, called Preston, Idaho is very notorious for being 'behind the curve' in regards to popular culture of almost any sort, but come on! They can't be that behind the times. Anyways, I know that this independent movie isn't for everybody. After all, I have been told by others, how unfunny, they felt watching it, but for me, I found the film to be very fun to watch, even with the deadpan comedy. It was the breakout role of Jon Heder, who also started in the original 2002 short, 'Peluca'. It's really surprising, how much the Seth character in 'Peluca' was later adapted into the titular character, Napoleon. A lot of his famous catchphrases were original ripped from 'Peluca'. Anyways, since the success of the film, many TV Shows and movies tried to emulate the film's style by featuring absurd, deadpan humor and realistic-looking kids in late '70s - early '80s clothes. The movie even influence a fountain full of internet memes, merchandise and random everyday sayings. While, there has been some backlash, for the most part. People still love to quote this film. It hasn't gotta that dated, yet. After all, it was announced in 2010 that an Animated Adaptation was in production for Fox, with the original cast returning to voice the characters. The show premiered on January 15, 2012 with lukewarm reception. Despite being canceled after 6 episodes, I kinda like that cartoon series. Overall: I have to say, Napoleon Dynamite will always be, a favorite of mine. So check it out, if you like to. Gosh!
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you will either think it's genius or the worst movie ever made...
tlcglitznglam13 February 2005
This movie has become idolized on my college campus, and basically every other one across the country. You simply do not understand half the jokes people say unless you see the movie. I was shocked to find that the first time I watched it I already knew most of the lines just from hearing them being recited by my friends. So, I watched the movie expecting to be entertained. No. I've heard that if you're under 30 you will love this movie. Well, I'm 18 and hated it. I know that it's not a movie driven on plot or any sort of character depth, and that it's supposed to just be about humor. But ND wasn't in ANY WAY funny. The only point of my watching it is to now understand posters around campus and things people say. Other than that, it was a waste of time. Seriously... it's just awful. If you don't like stupid humor then ND is not for you. It goes beyond stupid humor even.... it's just stupid.
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I feel like I'm all alone here....
planktonrules6 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am an old man--at least when it comes to watching NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. I realize that the audience for this film is NOT middle-aged, but even in my mid-40s I still enjoy the film. It's funny, actually, because a while back I was sitting in the teacher's lounge and somehow this movie became a topic. Teacher after teacher said how they hated the film and just didn't understand it--during which time, the guitar teacher and myself were laughing hysterically as we recounted our favorite scenes. This day, the other teachers' opinions of the two of us probably dropped considerably! Later, I asked the kids what they thought of this, and while the percentage who liked it was much higher, once again there seemed to be no middle ground. Those who liked the film, loved the film and everyone else seemed to hate it. This seems to indicate that the film probably is one of the more polarizing I have seen and I think this is due to the very, very low-key style of the film. Most who hated it described it as "boring" or a "one-joke film"; those who loved it, loved the joke and didn't mind that all the major characters in the film were so low-energy and bizarre.

While I could easily recount the film or discuss moments I like, there have been so many reviews of the film already that I wouldn't be adding anything. 'Nuff said that it's a film you'll probably either love or hate NAPOLEON DYNAMITE.
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Brilliant comedy, definitely dynamite
zingbot5 April 2006
Going in to watch Napoleon Dynamite I must admit my expectations weren't high. It looked like a typical teen comedy which I would never normally watch, but interesting reviews pulled me in. What is so good about this film is that it is really funny without being cruel to the characters. Napoleon and his nerdy friends know they are geeks, but really don't seem to care, and they come out winning in the end against all odds. Watching Napoleon Dynamite you never quite know what stupid scene might come next, with great characters such as 1982 obsessed Uncle Rico, the scope for crazy sequences is endless. I have to admit crying with laughter, which is no easy feat for a film to achieve. I cannot recommend this comedy highly enough. If you enjoy absurd comedy such as Airplane or Police Squad (the series) you must watch this. It may not appeal to everyone, you need to just sit back and enjoy the stupidity. Don't expect any particular plot, stunts or special effects. This is a film to just turn off your brain and absorb. I can understand the negative reviews, if you were expecting an Adam Sandler type comedy you may be sadly disappointed. Actually if you expecting ANY sort of normal comedy you may be disappointed. Can't wait for Napoleon Dynamite 2!
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Boring, pointless does NOT make it a good film.
rhodekyll1520 September 2005
While I'm sure many are genuinely interested in and love the film, it's just not that great. I think one of the main reasons for the hype is the over-exaggerated emphasis on nonconformity among teens in the US. Since it's an indie, and it's completely different than all the other films and breaks away from all those "GOD-AWFUL" typical films, it has to be great, right? Wrong. Quote from IMDb user who loved the film: "This movie explores the very essence of boredom and mediocrity as you follow the daily life of a dorky guy doing uninteresting things in a small, unexciting town. Napolean's constant, open-mouth, blank stare says, "I'm only tolerating this monotonous existence because I've got nothing better to do."" That sums the film up quite well; however, after saying that, one wonders why someone would still watch the film. Shite. People think that anything 'different' must be awesome, but my goal in life isn't to pay to see some guy 'doing uninteresting things' throughout his 'monotonous existence' because '{he's} got nothing better to do.] I can bore myself to death without any help, thank you!
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nothing else like it
jabruford14 June 2004
This is by far one of the best movies I have ever seen. I had to drive 2 hours and pay $10 just to see it, but it was all worth it. The material in this movie was fresh, creative, original, and kept you laughing the whole time. You won't find another movie quite like it.

If you're still curious about it, there were only 40 or less people in the theater when I saw it, but if you were sitting in the front like I was you'd think that the theater was packed because of the crowd response. I've read some reviews that this movie doesn't go anywhere, but they're all full of crap. It does go somewhere, and ends strong. You have to give it to the director Jered Hess. No one makes their first movie this good. And all the actors (most of them having hardly any acting experience on film) did an incredible job. You can't top a movie like this. You'll regret it if you don't see Napoleon Dynamite
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rmonroe4017 December 2004
I have to say I was so intrigued by the mixed responses to this film on this board I had to see it. In my opinion it was the best movie I have seen in years. I am so tired of the typical BS Hollywood crap, and this movie was far from that. Napoleon was indeed dynamite! The first couple minutes I was kinda worried that the naysayers were right, but as the movie continued I couldn't stop laughing! And for those how think that it was wrong to exploit the nerds in society, you definitely missed the whole point of the movie. It wasn't exploited them, it was more celebrating them and their uniqueness. And as for being unrealistic, this movie was more realistic than any movie I have seen. That was part of what made it hilarious. Not doubt this will be a cult classic! GO NAPOLEON!

I give this film a 10 out of 10
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"Napoleon Dynamite" Not Just A Comedy
AW_McGOWAN27 November 2020
Every time I watch "Napoleon Dynamite," I am struck by its humanity. For most of the film, everything feels inconsequential, even dumb. But come the final scene, I am reminded of the subtle, yet strong message at hand, and realize how deeply I've come to know the characters.

"Napoleon Dynamite" is about people that most of the world would call losers. The titular protagonist is a beyond-awkward high schooler with surreal aesthetics and interests. His pal Pedro is a quiet newcomer to the school with no friends. Brother Kip Dynamite is a grown man who still lives with his grandmother and searches the Internet for his soul mate. Even the antagonist, Uncle Rico, is an ambitious man crutched by aching nostalgia and a desire to find love.

The film follows these one-of-a-kind characters as their worlds collide in what seems to be the most boring part of Idaho. Filmed entirely on-location, it almost feels like director Jared Hess puts a magnifying glass on a fly-over part of the country, showing that people actually live in these remote areas and although their lives area little different, their hearts beat all the same.

Filmically, "Napoleon Dynamite" is a very simple piece of work. Its independent spirit is reminiscent of Kevin Smith's "Clerks" or Richard Linklater's "Slacker." The camera hardly ever moves and the editing remains functional throughout. Quite frankly, it's the kind of movie that any amateur filmmaker could put together.

Thus, what distinguishes "Napoleon Dynamite" is the script. Written by Jared and his wife Jerusha, the story is charmingly episodic, and the characters are unforgettable. Each on-screen person is utterly unique, and they offer some of the most quotable lines in comedy-movie history.

Jon Heder, of course, has the best one-liners. His performance as Napoleon is quite underrated, as he essentially created a new archetype here. It's hard to imagine being told to play Napoleon Dynamite before Napoleon Dynamite existed, but Heder nails it. I'm convinced that nobody else - not even the most accomplished thespian - could have done Napoleon better than Heder.

As seemingly pointless as "Napoleon Dynamite" can feel throughout, there is a quiet redemption for all the characters in the end, which leaves the audience feeling good. It demonstrates that even these painfully strange, lowest-brow figures can find happiness.

Honestly, I didn't understand this movie when I first watched it - I found the humor stupid and the story meaningless- but as I've become more versed in independent cinema, I've come to realize it as more than just a comedy. Every time I return to the film, I not only find it funnier, but I also find it more touching. Even if the awkward humor or flat storyline isn't for everyone, there is still something to be appreciated in "Napoleon Dynamite" - even if it's just the (undervalued) soundtrack.
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You have to "get it" before you find it funny. And it is VERY funny.
gawkman30 December 2004
The love/hate reactions I've seen do not surprise me at all. This movie is very different, it's own style... and it is PURE GENIUS. But it's definitely not for everyone... you have to back off and understand the mood and general feel of the movie before you have the context to find the actions of the characters funny. Then you will "get it". And what is this context I'm referring to? This movie explores the very essence of boredom and mediocrity as you follow the daily life of a dorky guy doing uninteresting things in a small, unexciting town. Napolean's constant, open-mouth, blank stare says, "I'm only tolerating this monotonous existence because I've got nothing better to do." It took me about 15 minutes into the movie and then I GOT it. The movie has no real plot because it isn't about an interesting story, it's about the real life that exists BETWEEN the interesting stories. Ever call up your bud because you're bored, then talk about what you're not doing, then decide to get together and be bored together, and spend the remainder of the evening trying to think of something to do to no avail? This movie is about this very type of thing... a tribute to the ordinary every-day stuff that you have no reason or desire to remember... like eating reheated leftover Hamburger Helper, or that old shirt you wear when you're working that you're not afraid to get dirty, or some magazine you flipped through to pass the time in the dentist's waiting room.

I constantly found myself saying, "This all seems too strangely familiar. I knew a guy like that. I've done stuff like that. I've been to a store like that. I've been in a house like that." This isn't the kind of movie to make you suddenly laugh out loud, it's a movie that will first make you chuckle, and then chuckle some more, and pretty soon you can't stop laughing as scenes and characters continuously remind you about the absurdity of watching random, stupid pointlessness. Why would something boring be interesting to watch? You'll just have to see it to understand.
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Why you stay home and eat of the chips Kip
jaroddfinch2 May 2021
I saw this movie when I was five and i didn't really get it at first but when I got older I started to get the jokes and the movie it's now really funny Jon header play a grumpy teenager and doesn't really care about anything if you like these type of movies you should watch this one it's really funny.
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Not Just Another Teen Nerd Story, This Is Both Original & Very Funny
ccthemovieman-114 July 2007
If you like dry or dark humor, you should get a big kick out of this movie. I know I did. If you are between 12-20 you might even like it more because this deals with high school kids primarily. However, there are some adults in here who play key roles, too.

The teens and the adults have a couple of things in common: they are nerds and weird people and they are all hilarious. They also are unlike a cast of characters you have seen in any other movie. In other words, this movie is an "original."

I didn't know any of these actors and I think that helped. It made it even more original, looking at new faces. That begins with the title character, played by Jon Heder. A white kid in Idaho with a afro haircut, over-sized glasses, moon boots and an unpredictable and low-key personality unlike anyone I've ever seen in other films. Even though he's pictured as a huge nerd, he surprises you all the time. Just when you think you have this kid figured out, he does something unexpected. Whatever, he's fun to watch and hear throughout the movie.

Suffice to say "Napoleon" and about everyone in this film is totally whacked and all of them - male, female, young, old, good and bad people are extremely entertaining. A lot of the humor is visual, meaning the looks and reactions on these character's faces and the weird deadpan lines they deliver. Are there stereotypes in here? Yes, like the bimbo, prettiest girl in school running for class president , and her stupid, macho boyfriend, but most of the people were pretty unique.

If you like absurd humor, this is your cup of tea, and you don't have to be a teen to enjoy this. Hey, I'm old enough to be Napoleon's grandfather and I laughed my butt off from the beginning to the end of this unconventional film.
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The town that time forgot...and with good reason
johno-2121 August 2007
I find it hard to believe that I have now seen this movie twice but sure enough I have. This film is so incredibly dry and deadpan that it's not like watching a comedy but more like being stuck in the little backwater western town it takes place in with the dysfunctional family it follows and having to incredulously observe the day to day events of your time spent there. It's been my observation that most small rural towns across Amercia are at least five years behind the times but this film takes that to the extreme and makes this rural Idaho town about 20 years behind the times except for some technological advances like the internet but basically and culturally it's 1984 despite the calender insisting on 2004. Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) is your classic high school nerd who lives with even nerdier internet surfing 32 year old brother Kip (Aaron Ruell). They live with their dune buggy riding, would-be llama ranching grandmother (Sandy Martin). In her absence the brothers well-being are overseen by their 40 year old ex-jock uncle Rico (Jon Gries) who hasn't even caught up to the town and lives in a world about 22 years behind the times instead of 20. A new student from Mexico named Pedro Sanchez (Efren Ramirez) is enrolled in the school and proves to be even more nerdier but slight less quirky than Napoleon. Pedro is smitten by the class beauty with the name of amber waves of grain, Summer Wheatly (Haylie Duff) and Napoleon organizes a campaign to elect Pedro as class president with the help of Napoleon's romantic interest Deb (Tina Majorino). Filmmaker Jared Hess had made a short film at BYU called Peluca which starred Heder as a nerd and was set in Hess's hometown of Preston, Idaho. That quirky nine minute film received enough attention that Hess and his wife Jerusha wrote a feature-length screenplay that Hess would direct to become this film. This film may have worked better as say a 24 minute short film, but it works OK enough for me. The MTV crowd embraced it as the winner of Best Movie, Best Musical Performance, (for a dance scene) and Breakthrough Male for Heder's performance as Napoleon Dynamite. But don't let that deter you from seeing it. It has the element of being a cult classic and I will likely someday see it for a third time. I would give it a 7.0 out of 10.
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Definitely not for fossils like me
racedowling13 March 2005
My 25 year old daughter rented this during a family gathering. Out of 10 people who watched it 4 were under 30 and 7 were fossils (like me). Without exception the over 30 crowd thought it was the stupidest movie in recent memory. The under 30 crowd seemed to enjoy it, even though they all had already seen it. I'm giving this a 3 from my admittedly parochial view of a 50 year old.

Younger adults will probably like it, but the older crowd will sit in complete befuddlement as to what's going on and amazement as to how they've failed as parents in that their kids actually like this film.

My suggestion is that if you rent this, it would be more enjoyable for the parents to find "something else to do" while they're kids are mesmerized watching it.
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One of the Best of 2004
evanston_dad1 September 2005
Yes, for all the pomp and broo-hah-hah surrounding last year's "serious" films like "Million Dollar Baby," "The Aviator," "Ray" and "Finding Neverland," this little quirky comedy made its way on to my personal 10 best list when none of the aforementioned films did. It's small, personal and definitely not to everybody's tastes, but it's also hilarious and even rather touching. Overall, it really is just a goofy comedy with low aspirations, but there is a slightly sober tone underlying the goofiness, whether intended or not. This movie is for anyone who's ever felt the unfairness of being labeled a dork or nerd simply for being different, or having interests outside of the mainstream. Napoleon is weird, and his sullen manner doesn't win him any admirers (though it does provide the film with countless laughs), but there's something noble about his refusal to change himself to accommodate the whims of the popular, acceptable crowd. I loved this movie because all of the outcasts have happy endings on their own terms, but the film avoids any dopey life-affirming lessons.

But lest you think I'm taking the movie too seriously, let me repeat that it is first and foremost a silly, goofy, stupid comedy, and on those terms it's a classic.

Grade: A
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One from the heart, I s'ppose
tributarystu16 July 2005
It's hard to be fair with movies as bizarre as this one. After the first twenty minutes I was convinced I had wasted some serious seconds of life, actually three hundred more than during the weekly football matches. I wouldn't want to say it was "lucky" that I went on with the film, because it was bound to happen one way or the other. Don't ask why. The great thing is, I was actually glad to do it. At least a bit...

So my problem is rather simple to pinpoint: in trying to portray the total loser "Napoleon Dynamite", the film is so borderline to the pathetic and the absurd that it nearly becomes unbearable. However, soon enough, a rather enjoyable character pops up - Uncle Rico - which simply pulsates with life and a certain "normality". What I believe struck me as pleasant was the fact that I could finally see a believable, somewhat traditional, character. Someone to whom I could relate the other guys, because they seemed so other-worldly.

Once Rico takes his place into the world, you can actually put the plot into some perspective. It all makes sense, although Napoleon, Pedro, Deb and the other terribly weird characters seem a bit exaggerated. Ultimately, there is something to get, which is really good and important. Everyone has his place in the world and no matter how strange you may seem, there's probably (definitely) someone for you...somewhere. Of course, chance was the appropriate people were around each other, which isn't necessarily valid for the real world, but even in such've got the wondrous internet, how amusing!

"Napoleon Dynamite" is, in a nutshell, a film about people who are different fitting into this "normal" world. And Napoleon is so great because he proves that everything is possible when there aren't any inhibitions, when you just do what your heart wants you to. That's a sweet way to see it and you can't look beyond the cheerful optimism. It's healthy to see joyful and honest films.
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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
sgojkov21 December 2004
I "get" and enjoy offbeat humor, Wes Anderson's stuff, etc. How anyone could make a case for this movie being an example of that is far beyond my comprehension. I found this movie to be the worst I've ever seen, higher, actually, than Gigli, and I "get" the jokes, but I just thought they were terrible. I have a great sense of humor, and while I wasn't a "nerd" in high school, I can appreciate most humor. This wasn't funny. This was pointless. This was the cinematic equivalent of excrement. There is not a chance in hell that I will ever watch this again, in fact, I hope to never speak of it again. I just feel that as a public servant, I need to tell you how absolutely horrendous Napoleon Dynamite is.
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