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A "Respectable" Black Gangster Film?
LJAllen27 June 2001
This was one of those films that came across like an attempt to create a "respectable" Black gangster film, but falls somewhere short of the mark. Centering around the drug-dealing activities of a group of childhood friends, led by "Tristan" (Allen Payne), the film fails to adequately show how Payne's character evolved into such a materialistic and brutal drug lord. Reared in what is portrayed as a happy, loving, two-parent, middle-class family, Tristan suddenly emerges as an adolescent--barely out of puberty--capable of blowing the head off of anyone who would thwart his drug-dealing enterprises. The neighborhood drug kingpin "Benny" (Clarence Williams III), who initially invited these young boys into his fold, becomes engaged in a battle for turf with his former protégés when they reach adulthood. Only Tristan, the story's protagonist, survives and leaves the drug business after having discovered that his drug-addicted younger sister is in the hospital struggling for life after having consumed an overdose of crack cocaine, the very substance with which he has built an empire.

This film is action-packed & filled with plot twists (too many), and should be a hit with a significant portion of the twenty-something-and-under audience, mainly those accustomed to heavy doses of film violence. Yet many viewers may find something almost comical, and probably disturbing, about the inexplicable personality traits of the character Tristan (Allen Payne) and the seedy and aging Benny (Clarence Williams III). Additionally, viewers familiar with Blaxploitation-era films will notice that this feature seemed to lean heavily on the film-industry-demanded formula for Black films of the 1970s, which portrayed most Black female characters as weak &/or morally deficient &/or expendable (Pam Grier excluded). There are no well-defined female characters in this film. Tristan's wife tries to appear long-suffering and wants him out of the drug business, but is attached to the luxury that his criminality affords her. Benny's girlfriend is attached to him primarily for his financial support. These factors are sure to ruffle some feathers. Other viewers, however, may see this film as an action-packed adventure and a genuine Black contribution to the genre of gangster films where audiences identify with, respect, and sometimes sympathize with characters that they wouldn't go near in real life (Can You Say "The Godfather"?) These various impressions, however, leave you wondering exactly what "Blue Hill Avenue" is trying to say or do.

All of the actors in this film, most notably Allen Payne and Clarence Williams III, breathed life into characters that we are never quite sure we believe, which says more about the immense talent of the cast than about the film itself. A sophisticated audience, however, will wonder whether some pertinent scenes are laying on the editor's floor.
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decent film
tiffybopj15 October 2001
Had the opportunity to see this movie at a free screening. So, that being said that I saw this for free, I thought the movie was okay. It was somewhat predictable, but still worth while. It's basically a movie about 4 childhood friends who get caught up in the drug game. They started off small time marijuana dealers and grow up to be the biggest coke dealers on Blue Hill Avenue.

The movie starts at the end, and then flashes back to their childhood. And it progresses on from childhood, back to where the movie started, and on from there. It's almost a typical drug/gangster movie. Except, the ending lacks character development and it doesn't explain why things happened the way they did. Also, there are scenes in the movie which are supposed to be serious, but somehow, they are hilarious.

And, for some reason, although I have my complaints about this movie, it's a good movie to have discussions about. I wish I could've taken more people with me to this screening, because I found myself talking about this movie days after I watched it.

So, even with its' flaws, when and if this movie ever comes to a theater near you, go see it, you'll at least laugh at the silliness that happens throughout!

And the actors really did a great job! It was great seeing Brandon Hammond (Ahmad from the movie Soul Food) in this movie, he did a great job.
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A very ordinary oft told tale
=G=28 February 2004
"Blue Hill Avenue" is the story of the rise of Tristan (Payne) from ghetto kid to drug kingpin. An attempt to show the how a kid can be strung out on money while his turf gets strung out on narcotics makes this flick old news. Production value, cast, and camera are low end but acceptable. Where this film really fails is in the script/story. For example...a girl doesn't want anything to do with Tristan because he's a "dealer" but changes her mind when he gives her some cheesy bling. "Blue Hill Avenue" is an old story, offers nothing new, reeks of indiness, runs too long (at 2 hrs), and has characters who look like they stepped right out of a....well, a bad movie. (C+)
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Depicted from an insighted view
fefe_beautybelle2123 July 2004
After watching the movie three times, I have concluded to give this movie a B+. The movie is obviously an independent film, it was filmed by UrbanWorks Entertainment. For the past year I have been thoroughly interested in new line independent films. They depict a realistic view of life from an inside source. You are the visitor in the movie seeing things from their eye.

Blue Hill Ave. gave a very hardcore/gangsta look at life in the ninety's for young people of color. Yet it showed that this was a way of life and they are just as real as anyone else. For instance, one scene showed Tristan and his family at the dinner table eating together. Father, mother, sister and son. In today's light everyone seems to think that there is no family institution in the urban area. Though that may be true, Tristan came from a solid background and still made his choice. This was about money it's evils. How did they die in the end? Over the money. That's what runs the drug ring in this country and in the film. The part with the young woman and himself wasn't cheesy but more simple. That was how it began for them. And for anyone who knows, thats the way they did it back then. It was all so real, and the young men who played them were four very talented young men. Not because they were playing gangstas and using profane language but because they were able to bring the liveliness of what the director was trying to portray. I enjoyed them most in the movie.

In conclusion, I loved the movie. Maybe I am biased because I came from a similar background yet I was able to make a choice to succeed. And when people watch this movie they will make a choice too.
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Nothing a complete re-write couldn't fix.
badass-622 January 2006
I see a number of viewers gave this film such high praise and I ask, for what?

The story of boyhood friends falling into the world of drug dealing could have been told in a number of realistic ways but the screenwriters of this flick didn't use any of them. The story arch about a bunch of 14-year-old novice criminals successfully gunning down their drug dealing rivals just didn't ring true.

But my biggest critique of this film is the dialog. I don't care what ghetto you grow up in, people must speak in a realistic way and the cast didn't. I feel sorry for the cast of pretty good talent having to try to make this script palatable, and failing miserably.

EXAMPLE: ACTOR 1: "What do they call this?" ACTOR 2: "They call it crack."

Awe-inspiring stuff, right? And the dialog in the opening drug deal scene was flat and formulaic, not to mention corny.

I know you must toss in a liberal use of the word "fuck" in any gritty-urban drama *yawn* but it seems a little ridiculous here.

So to recap, keep most of the cast (Maybe recast Allen Payne for someone who actually appears like they could have come from the streets), but re-write the lines for every single scene and you might actually have something.
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Wow! The Best Life of the Streets Movie since New Jack!
asisterisalady8 September 2004
I am an avid Allen Payne fan, and I do not see enough of his work. Thank you so much for casting him. The character he played was quite well suited to his debonair persona. I also enjoyed the other actors as well. They all portrayed serious life and death issues with sincerity. This cast really fit together perfectly. I must say that none of the actors were difficult to watch, and the director made me see his whole intention. I will probably rent it again to show some folks whom I believe could appreciate the quality that has been displayed in Blue Hill Avenue. The actors who played Tristan's friends were excellent and of course Allen Payne was OUTSTANDING as always. More Allen Payne please.
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Not Just a Black Crime Movie, but a Crime Movie Triumph!
mrpentax23 January 2004
I can not believe so few people have seen this movie. It is a terrific film. It has all the action, intrigue, double and triple crosses, and tragedy anyone could ask for. The plot and its development is a work of art. It is first class. The characters are so real and the depth of their portrayals goes well beyond most crime films, including the Godfathers. This is a film you must see if you every watched a single episode of The Sopranos, and liked it.
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Excellent Effort by Craig Ross, cast and crew.
flixbiz17 March 2004
I believe that there is an industry-wide conspiracy to deny theatrical access for independent films, particularly those with multi-cultural casts and themes. Blue Hill Ave. reinforces this suspicion in my mind. Of course, I've seen better movies, but I've certainly seen much worse movies in theatrical release and I cannot believe that Blue Hill Ave. could not merit at least a moderate theatrical release on about 500 screens. I would have certainly paid $8 to see this film rather than to see "Soul Plane", "You Got Served", "Baby's Daddy", etc. Perhaps the Justice Dept. needs to step up their investigation into the anti-competitive practices of the mega conglomerate-owned film production and distribution entities. This was supposed to have been resolved in U.S. v Patamount back in 1948! Anyway, I digress. I though Craig Ross, Jr. and his cast and crew did an exceptional job with this film, especially on such a low budget!

If films like Cappuccino (an earlier quality film from this same writer/director) and Blue Hill Ave. can't make it to theaters and the previously mentioned vapid works are able to, why should intelligent Black folks pay $8. at the theater? I hope Mr. Ross' investors were able to profit on this one!
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A pretty good movie
ccasey61211 May 2006
Some one told me a while back that I should check this movie out. I do not really like low cost films so I declined. One Sunday (after hearing how good it was from so many people)I was at the video store and decided to pick it up just to give it a try. I enjoyed it very much. You could tell it was a low budget film but the story line was pretty good. I enjoyed the work of the young actors. The older actors were not half bad either. With a little more funding and a few corrections to the script this really could have done well on the big screen. If you rent it watch it early because there is a good chance that you may want to watch it again.It had me waiting and guessing whats next. Growing up were I grew up this film was true to life for me. I ended up buying a copy. It is a great add to the DVD collection. If you are from the hood you will love this movie. CHECK IT OUT!!!!
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Blue Hill Avenue... GREAT MOVIE!!!
awarenesslevel78 October 2005
I thought Blue Hill Avenue was very well written. Allen Payne and Angelle Brooks were phenomenal together. I would have love to have seen a LOVE scene between them, but Maybe Next Time. I like All the movies Allen play's in. Including New Jack City where he got shot. And Jason's Lyric, with Jada Pinkett Smith. Angelle Brooks is quite the Actress herself. I've enjoyed All her movie's too. I'm glad to see more African-American's today getting better position's, in movie's. And in Business, Today. I look forward to seeing both Actor's in Movie's to come. Allen Payne is just a dreamboat. I wonder if he's still married. I really appreciate them as Entertainer's.
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Cain-1221 September 2005
There was a depressed market for films the last 3 years or so, mainly thanks to the SAG who's 11th hour decision not to strike created a flood of movies on the market. This threw BHA into a tail spin. Also Artisan was in turmoil at the time of delivery and gave Bluehill a very limp release. This is a good movie! I'm not just saying that because I invested in it. I think people need to see it. Allen Payne did a remarkable job. It's a struggle for indie's to begin with, and having things happen like SAG and 911 may have signed the death certificate for this flick. We shall see. As an investor, sorry to say, I have not seen a nickle return on this. Not to say I won't, but it's taking far too long to recoup my coin.

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I've seen better film on teeth...
magadogx1311 January 2004
Absolute Dogsh!t.... dont waste your time or money on this unbelievable crap...unless of course you have the mentality of a potato.

I love Clarence Williams III and it really hurts me to see him in crap like this. Same goes for William Forsythe for that matter, although he doesn't rate anywhere near C.W.III, he at one time showed promise.

Go out & re-rent New Jack City, The King of New York, or Scarface so at least you can see this same story being told with style and believability.
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Loved It!!!
cthafox11 March 2002
This was one of the best independent films I've seen to date, not to mention all the brothers were VERY easy on the eyes (laughing)! But seriously, I thought it was very well written, exciting and the performers were talented. Its a 10 hands down.
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You gotta see this flick!
davidmorrison24 October 2003
I've been waiting to see this movie ever since it won several awards at various film festivals. Well, it was worth the wait! It's playing in theaters in just 3 cities so far, so make sure that you keep your eye out and catch it when it comes to your town. The other reviewers here give an idea about what the film is about, so I won't duplicate their efforts. I think that the consumer ratings (averaging 8.3 so far) let you know that this is a high quality product. It'll be interesting to see if Blue Hill Avenue gets any Academy Award nominations this year.
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Excellent film
Peaceson1326 June 2007
I just wish that there were more amazingly addictive ghetto/drug dramas these days.

All of the idiots who gave this movie bad reviews are full of crap because this movie completely owns.

Whoever said that this movie has a crappy script or is not believable is a total moron, because this movie is epic.

Also they do not use the "f" word too much. If anything uses the "f" word to much it is the south park movie. (but that is a good movie anyway)

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Negative men....Women are to blame....??
SRLReeves11 July 2004
I'll explain my One line Summary but let me start by saying... I thought this movie was okay, because it didn't glamorize the life of a drug dealer. If you noticed, Tristan (Allen Payne) had that worried look on his face from the moment of all their wrong doings. LOL. Although, it didn't depict how two children raised in a middle-class home got sucked into the drug game....meaning Tristan as a dealer and his sister as an addict... but life itself is unpredictable. And so is CRACK...Altogether it was played out gracefully.

One flaw to me....was the way it ended, so cheesy after such a well thought out plot...but this is explained in the DVD director's scenes ...that there was only 20-something 11HR days to actually shoot film....But....there was at least one woman in the film that in some way to each character...was responsible for them ending up the way they were. Drug dealers. At first I thought, I am glad this film is not making excuses for them as to why.....they were poor (so is the rest of the world) and etc..but when I looked deeper...cause some of the issues in this film are DEEP.... i STARTED THINKING....he is casting blame on someone....WOMEN. From grandmomma, momma, girlfriend and wife. All the women in any man's life. Is it me, or did anyone else get that...?? Tristan's girlfriend who vowed not to get involved with a drug dealer.....did not only that, but married him.

The grandmother who cared enough about E-Bone (William L. Johnson) spoon-feed his butt when he was beaten up by those hoodlums ...came off like such a women-hater. He actually told her to her face that she failed him in the deleted scenes. And did he say "Nobody cared about him?"... I really wondered why E-bone was so angry...or how his mother died.....but was certainly glad that, THAT scene was cut from the actual was filled w/ too much disrespect. We certainly don't want our grandchildren or children for that matter telling the grandmothers who didn't want them to go to a foster home and decided to try to raise them although old-fashioned, into a productive members to society. But that she failed because wasn't YOUNG enough !!! And on screen he displays his distaste w/ women by referring to even Tristan's wife as "bi..h" Uh....I smell a pattern. Mr. Carl Ross, Jr. ...Do you have something you want to say to us women, damn. To your mother. To your grandmother. To your wife. To your sister. Let's not forget Benny's (Clarence Thomas III) double-crossing two-timing girlfriend. Even Simon's mom was revealed to be a "hoe" and was still sleeping w/ his pimp daddy, but never bothered to tell him that the neighborhood thug was his daddy.....who was always under his nose.....Now what Pimp Father does to Simon, in the film was a very "gotcha" moment for me. Although you figure it out when watching cuz you gave us a clue in the beginning. This isn't necessary because the audience is not stupid.

In my experience as a once-aspiring the words of Uta was said: Acting is THINK AND NOT WHAT YOU DO....well in addition to that, as an audience we are there to lay-off a little on the narration and one too many clues...but still very nicely written. I liked the twists. Especially between Tristan and wife. I was fooled a little too and the way they finally "set-it-straight"...was also nicely written. The ending stunk though, I reiterate. Stunk very badly. William L. Johnson who played E-BONE was cast off too quickly and let's not forget how the girlfriend was discarded so non-chalantly. She thought she was a key player.....She even said so in the Trailer interviews on the DVD. LOL. And the survivor, was too smug after having his entire life, altered...won't give too much away....but watch how smug he is.....Although he broke down up the street....maybe he should have broken down in his woman's arms.... I know all roles for women can't be uplifting..cuz we do have some mommas who just are not there for their growing children but we wives re-raise some of these street punks or inspire them to be what they should have been....but I can suspend my disbelief and say again, Carl Ross, Jr. I liked the film And I am going to Netflix for more independent films to see if I can get more of your movies. ..but let me leave with this thought that when a boy grows to a man and decides to become a drug dealer, low-life, jail-bird...a film director or producer is not all his momma's fault. Maybe its his daddy's.....
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A very good movie to watch about life in drugs
ejamilaof0724 July 2007
This was a very good movie pretty realist not to out of character there were some really good actors in this movie and it really shows what the "game" can do to the community, family and friends I love this movie so much and I could watch it over and over again. This movie is exceptional in the way it show the common drug dealer it speaks to me because I live where this happens all the time; people dying because of drug whethe they are friends, or enemies. This movie is a in depth look at what society face today in this world of selling drugs and making a living off of it. It shows us how thin of a line there is between friends, business, and money. It is a true work of art.
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Independent ...?? Are you sure ??
SeteLusitano9 June 2008
When i start watching "Blue Hill Avenue", my expectations were low(Because it was an independent movie and the quality of the camera was a little bad),but i was wrong. The plot is just awesome and the actors make an excellent work. I really felt the same emotions and adrenaline that the carachters.

It's a wonderful Drama/Action movie that everyone should see and it's really a shame that it's so over rated.

My final classification is 7 out of 10. It's a powerful movie, with a very good storyline and an excellent acting.

A Must-see of Independent movies.
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Great Movie
officialrawboss6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As long as the kiddos are sleep, this is a great movie to watch at the comfort of your own home with the fellas. The wife may not like it depending on her upbringing, but for those who love hood movies, this is top of the line.

There are not too many gangster movies that allow you to see the film characters grow up and live & die together since Boyz N Da Hood. That's what makes this an instant classic. You become attached because you've seen what they were and the transition to who they become. It has its funny moments like any other movie, but they stick to keeping it gritty and on point.

I've had to watch this movie over and over like "Baby Boy" because I can't get enough of the story line. Roll up a nice one and enjoy. This is a must have for any man cave.

Just don't get any ideas of doing what they did because it has the power of wrongfully influencing people with it's strong character play.
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Best Movie Ever!!!!!
yshan-1614 October 2011
The producers, directors, actors, everyone relating to this film have all been robbed of their Oscars!! This film provided me with everything I love to see in a movie. The storyline was superb, the plot, the twists, everything and everyone was excellent. So why have this film not leveled the scales with New Jack City, Sopranos, American Gangster, The Godfather or any other gangster movie out there? What does it take, because as far as I am concerned, this movie has all of that and more. So why have so few people viewed this film? I guess sometimes a movie falls under the radar and this is definitely THAT MOVIE. I loved the dialogue, the deliverance and the acting. Wow!!! Allen Payne, you've been robbed.
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