Darkness Falls (2003) Poster

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not bad at all
nzeno23 April 2003
Up front: I've just read other IMDb members' reviews of Darkness Falls, and if this isn't just the darndest case of "I-must-have-been-watching-a-different-movie" that I've come across! The following is clearly a VERY brief minority report.

Decent acting, good story flow, nice special effects for the budget, honest scares, fine gore-avoidance, entertaining mood-setting opening credits, and cliches up the whazoo. A solid 6 out of 10.

This, from a jaded, cynical old-timer.
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There are far worse movies with higher ratings.
Dodge-Zombie8 July 2022
First off does this movie bore you with an hour of nothing happening? No. It's pretty much a very fast paced movie all the way through. It's entertaining.

No it's not perfect and I could poke lots of holes in it but it is easy to watch and never slows down.

Yes it could of been better and it almost was (check movie trivia). However the movie we have is good enough to keep you entertained for its run time in my opinion.

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Severe nightmares once upon a time...
LessThanPaddy20 February 2017
Okay, I admit this may not be a great movie, but I don't think it is the worst either. However, I do think I'm only saying that because I loved it as a kid. Honestly, it was always the choice of scary film for me and my friends at sleepovers etc. It was scary, the tooth-fairy character is my idea of a worst nightmare, and believe me she gave me plenty in the years that followed. I haven't seen it in a few years and while it may not haunt me anymore I suspect it would give me an intermediate shiver if I watched it again today.

Usually I bash films like this. There are probably better horror films out there that I've given worse reviews too, but this one holds sentimental value for me and I genuinely believe that it's not THAT bad. The acting isn't wonderful and the story plays out a bit predictably... I still quite like the premise though and the legend behind Matilda the tooth-fairy.

If you scare easily, I wouldn't recommend you watch this alone. The movie might not be top, but it is full of jumps and the villain is horrifying. Enjoy (with the lights on).
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Studio horror is reaching new lows.
Li-110 April 2003
* out of ****

I find it rather hard to believe that in the past year, we've had five movies dealing with vengeful supernatural spirits and/or curses. It began with Feardotcom, then Below, The Ring (easily the best of the bunch), Ghost Ship, and now Darkness Falls, which could very well be the worst. In the latest example of PG-13 horror, there's nothing here that's the slightest bit scary or thrilling. The atmosphere is non-existent, the premise really isn't very promising, and the execution is even more lackluster.

The film has a very simple premise: old lady killed over a hundred years ago is now a restless spirit who goes around murdering children who've lost their first tooth (they also have to see her face first, or something like that, not like the movie was holding my attention). Anyway, after the film dispenses with TWO prologues which takes up nearly fourteen minutes of running time, we settle with our protagonist, Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley), who encountered this evil tooth fairy as a child and wants to help his former girlfriend's (Emma Caulfield) younger brother through the same ordeal. Naturally, no one believes Walsh and they'll live (well, not for long) to regret it.

Horror is probably my favorite genre, and while last year did give us The Ring (simply one of the scariest films I've ever seen) and Below (an excellent "ghost ship" thriller that's much better than Ghost Ship), most of these big studio genre offerings don't seem to realize what it is that makes horror films so fun to watch. They don't have to be bone-chillers, they just have to be easy entertainment, which is what Darkness Falls strives for, but fails at almost miserably.

First, I'd like to mention the preposterously short running time. Without the end credits, this puppy runs for seventy-four minutes, shorter than your average TV movie sans commercials. Then knock off the prologues, and we've got approximately an hour of material that focuses on the lead actors and their plight. This is obviously a movie that doesn't have much in the way of plot, but you probably figured that when you saw the town's name was Darkness Falls (groan).

The Ring worked because of its chilling atmosphere, engaging mystery, and fine performances. To a lesser but still formidable extent, the same goes for Below. Darkness Falls doesn't have the look and feel of a horror/thriller, it certainly doesn't have enough plot (and what story it has is peppered with plot holes)(you'd think a town this cursed would have almost a minute population, but it's a rather bustling little place), and the acting is subpar. Director Jonathan Liebesman seems perfectly content with trying to give us boo scares (which aren't the slightest bit effective), loud noises, lots of fast camera movements, and lots of running and chasing.

Running and chasing is exactly what fills up the movie's last twenty minutes, when it suddenly opts for thrill ride mode, but even that is as completely unengaging as all the material that came before it. Part of this has to do with how predictable the film is. You just know who's going to live and who's going to die. And even worse, because it's PG-13, you can't even be tantalized by the promise of gore and gratuitous nudity, two staples of 80's horror, which I'm starting to miss more and more.

The major studios are still capable of making effective horror thrillers, as evidenced by The Ring and Below, and let's not forget the superb Jeepers Creepers or Joy Ride. Watch any of those films instead of this steaming pile.
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Train Wreck
rustysettler2 December 2003
This one started off okay, but I had to turn it off by the end. I'm not sure whether they wanted to make a horror film or an action film, and I don't think they were sure either. What starts off as an okay "They" type movie about night terrors ends up as a terrible "Alien" ripoff. I was able to overcome the rather silly premise of the tooth fairy being an evil character, but I couldn't forgive the complete destruction of any suspense that had been built up in the first half of the movie.
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Evil Tooth fairy steals plot
Spanner-23 February 2003
In this horror flick the tooth fairy is evil and it comes for children when they lose their last tooth and then it kills them (or others) if they look at it. Chaney Klay plays a young man who once survived a tooth fairy assault that killed his mother and now he returns years later to help his old girlfriend (Emma Caulfield of "Buffy" fame) and her young brother who are now being terrorized. The logic of the storyline comes and goes as eventualy the tooth fairy causes a power outage in the town (seems it doesnt like light!) and starts reducing the population pretty quickly. The film does have its share of scares and decent moments, but the performances are weak and the plot leaves little room for character development so we move quickly from plot point to plot point to death scene. GRADE: C-
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It didn't make any sense whatsoever!
Maciste_Brother26 November 2003
DARKNESS FALLS is one hell of a bad movie. It's a complete disaster. The thing that makes it a disaster is the fact that it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why is the evil tooth fairy killing everyone?!?! Isn't she supposed to kill only the children who peeked at her? Why kill the mother or, in the present time, everyone that's around the guy? It's beyond stupid. And the way the filmmakers play with the concept of how the evil tooth fairy is afraid of light is something straight out of Scooby Doo! This film reminded me a lot of GRAVEYARD SHIFT, that terrible Stephen King movie. The pacing, the look, the blandness of both films, and the awful script, are very similar in quality.

But the thing that's really disappointing is that the idea of an evil tooth fairy is actually cool. Everyone HATES going to the dentist. No one likes having teeth pulled, etc. There is an underlying built-in fear in all of us about anything having to do with teeth , and had the concept been handled better, it could have worked brilliantly. The concept is good but the execution is horrendous! This PG-13 movie never exploits this innate fear and the whole thing ends up being ridiculous and overwrought. The Brothers Grimm knew how to take something from our childhood that was innocuous and twisted it enough to make it look creepy & terrifying. Had the producers had a smidget imagination and had turned the story into a Grimm-like horror story, it would have worked.

It's truly a pathetic attempt at horror, certainly when filmmakers put children in jeopardy as recklessly as this one. The whole bland thing made me think that this was a "christian" produced horror film.
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Come on, it's not THAT bad!!!
huggy_bear18 May 2003
Watched this flick late one saturday night, and I wasn't expecting a lot from this one. But I have to say, as I have watched plenty of so called "horror" films or "thrillers" over the years, this one actually pleasantly surprised me. Sure, the acting was not that good, the plot was, well, rediculous, but damn, this movie was a hell of a lot better than that yawner "One Hour Photo"!! This movie actually did scare me a few times. I got more than I expected from this one, and really don't see why it is getting slammed so bad for. Damn, relax people. Sure there wasn't any nudity or any slashing or gore, but if you really have to have blood and tits to enjoy a movie, you might want to check out the "Faces of Death" series there.
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Good idea poorly executed
kaleristia19 June 2003
This movie is said to have been cut to ribbons on the editing floor by the studio. If their intentions were to make a fast paced movie, they've succeeded. Unfortunately, in succeeding in making a fast paced movie, they forgot to make it any good.

The acting was only as good as the script, which was pretty bad. We get another kid who tries to talk like an adult (most notably in his wishes for the Tooth Fairy to just get him rather than running away forever), and the rest of the cast is forgettable at best.

Scares in this movie are nonexistant. There are quite a few attempted boo-scares, but none of them work and can generally be seen a mile away. General eeriness is attempted through atmosphere, yet doesn't quite work due to the extremely quick, choppy pacing of the film.

This movie is supposed to be 85 minutes, which it may be if you count the previews before it. The pace was quick, but it had to be to fit into such a small timeframe. The entire movie felt like 10 minutes, unfortunately I wasted much more time than that. The movie is predictable, the creature is annoying with its high pitched screams, and the characters are paper thin. They had a good premise, but the execution was poorly done.
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better than the previous year's similarly themed entry (6.5/10)
disdressed1229 October 2006
Darkness Falls follows a somewhat similar plot line as the previous year's entry in the genre,They,with a few differences.One,Darkness Falls has a fairly well fleshed out back story.Two,the acting is generally fairly good.three,the monster has a reason for being,a motivation for its actions.also,the monster has a weakness,which can be exploited.the core storyline is descent for this genre.the movie is better paced and much better edited.the monster itself is however,not so great.the look of the creature isn't the problem.the problem are its movements,which do not look authentic in some scenes.now,the characters themselves--very little in the form of character development.pretty much your stock horror characters.none too bright and reacting in ways which real people(hopefully)would not.yet,strangely likable somehow.you kind of take pity on them.suspense--there were some tense moments.there was a fair amount of action.however,at times the film became chaotic--lots of sounds and sights all at once,including the music.the purpose,to pretend to entertain the viewer,well hiding the movie's shortcomings.in essence disguising the fact that the movie isn't achieving its intended purpose.in this case,frightening the viewer or at least heightening his or her anxiety.and now the ending.it does nicely resolve things.no cheap setup for a sequel here.i think it's a better movie than They.is it a good movie?yes.it has some tense moments with a few decent action sequences and a decent,straightforward ending without the usual unexpected(but really expected))twist.for me,Darkness Falls is a 6.5/10
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Complete garbage
detune3 February 2006
This is one of the absolute worst films I've ever seen and one of only a handful that I've stopped watching before the end. It has no redeeming qualities. It's not even worth commenting on!

It is loaded with bad CGI effects. The acting is poor. There are no scares and no suspense. Trust me; you will get nothing from this film. Even if you are looking for exploitation elements, you'll find nothing. I have no unearthly idea why this film occasionally receives positive reviews. I believe when it first came out the IMDb rating was in the 6 range. Why? Now at least it has dropped into the 4's so that people can at least have some warning before wasting their money. Avoid at all costs.
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Had to Turn on the Lights
lizzieimp7 July 2009
I saw this movie in the theaters when it came out in 2003 with my then-boyfriend, now husband. My husband is a pretty stoic guy, and because I love and have seen so many horror movies at this point, I'm afraid I'm a little jaded, and have frequently been disappointed when it comes to horror movies that have come out past 1983.

"Darkness Falls" delivered the goods. The movie has just enough supernatural to it to be weird and freaky, and the acting, while not terribly good, isn't horrible. I think they showed the monster a little too early, but that's just me.

We were terrified. Neither of us would go anywhere in my house without the lights on, and certainly not alone! The sets, lighting and sound effects were so creepy it made my skin crawl.

Certainly better fare than some other pathetic excuses for horror movies that rely solely on special effects for creep.
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Life for a tooth.
hitchcockthelegend5 August 2009
As a young boy, Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley) claims to have seen the fearsome Tooth Fairy kill his own mother. He also claims that having seen her, she wont stop until she also kills him. Years later, and still haunted by the experience of that night, Kyle must return to Darkness Falls to aid his childhood sweetheart, Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield) and her kid brother Michael, the latter of which who seems to be at risk from the Tooth Fairy this time around. Can Kyle confront his fears and end the 150 years of terror that has blighted Darkness Falls?

Pretty much despised by the discerning horror-phile, Darkness Falls, to me at least, is a creepy, interesting and totally enjoyable thriller/ghost picture worth reappraisals. From the excellent, and chilling opening credits (where we nicely have a back story to work from), to the final confrontation, Darkness Falls ticks most of the ghostly requisites that is asked of it. Scary demon (troubled children with night terrors should be explored more in cinema I feel), cannon fodder bullies, cannon fodder obnoxious coppers and a constant sense of unease and dread. All of which is provided in Jonathan Liebesman's ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning") film. It's with the sense of dread that I feel that this deserves a better reputation. Hand on my heart I know the film isn't a scary boo jump picture, something that is unforgivable to many genre supporters, but atmosphere goes a long way to creating a good thriller/ghost story picture. Darkness Falls has it in spades, and it's also a film that is a nice antidote to the blood beast torture sub-genre of film that seep out from the multi-plexes on a seemingly weekly basis.

Any expectation of an outright horror film should be quickly extinguished prior to a first time viewing, and if noise annoys and staccato editing bugs you? well stay away. Also don't line up if one demands great acting in a budget restricted piece such as this, since both Kley & Caulfield are only adequate at best. But give it a go if you understand that a preposterous plot, and preposterous set pieces are a pre-requisite for horror films of this type. I say that since I've seen many comments decrying Darkness Falls for the unbelievable elements - only to then search their other comments to find praise for even more ludicrously plotted pieces! Or give it a go knowing it's more about the creeping stalking menace side of horror, or that it's also an action thriller as well as an uneasy story. Maybe just maybe you will enjoy it for what it is? Otherwise I guess you will be looking forward to "Hostel 22" or another "Jason Attacks The Eiffel Tower" movie... 7/10
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One of the worst films ever made.
GoDsHanD6 October 2004
My God!! What have they done with this movie? I must say if you are looking for movies that really don't have anything to say, this is the perfect one. I saw this movie because I thought the idea was interesting, but... They just killed the idea. The beginning is not bad... but the end... my god... i don't have the words. It is just absurd and very very bad!!! Even if you are looking for a popcorn movie,you are not going to find it in this one. Boys and girls, please just don't see this movie.

Don't lose your money and your time in it.
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a cheesy slasher flick disguised as a horror film
MLDinTN2 November 2003
The first 5 minutes started off scary with the boy in the dark, and the visit from the girl next door. The use of shadows made it creepy and when his mom is grabbed, that's really scary.

But, it goes down hill after that. An unique idea gets turned into a boring slasher flick. It's PG-13, and there isn't a lot of blood, so that takes a lot away. There were way too many plot holes. Like if Kyle knew he wasn't crazy, then why was he taking the anti-psychotics. And plus, it makes no sense that he was able to never spend any time in the dark for years. But, when he goes back to his hometown, he's put in all these situations with no light. And the theme, stay in the light, is so old. The writers went the easy way out since they couldn't come up with anything better. And how does Kyle look so kept together since he's been in a psych ward for years. Yet he looks like he stepped off the cover of GQ.

FINAL VERDICT: Weak writing. No gore. Overall lame.
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Spend a little time in the fun house...
Admit_One28 April 2003
Darkness Falls follows closely in style to films like John Carpenter's "The Fog". The modest budget of the film is offset by an imaginative use of style, lighting and sound.

All the negative reviews on this film have me wondering if today's horror film aficionados are so jaded that they have forgotten that sometimes a visit to a fun house can be as much fun as spending an hour or two with Hannibal Lector. If you can give up your concept of needing to be hit over the head with shock, you can have a good time with the film. It's not a dog by any measure.

This is an old fashioned scary movie. It's a "Popcorn Film". It does not pretend to be high art. The tight running time is a credit the director. In short...it was not great, it was not bad, it was a fun little ride.
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A soaring comedy for the whole family!
madisongraves2 August 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this terrible film. After seeing such cool horror flicks like "The Ring" and "28 Days Later", this movie was laughable at best.

Some critics and audience members alike have said that the opening was somewhat impressive and eerie, but I don't even give "Darkness Falls" that much credit. Besides the back-story, which is provided at the start and obviously not even an original idea of the script writer, this movie goes completely downhill. Although I did appreciate a few of the lines and the cast had it's moments, I was impressed more-so at the unintentional humor throughout the film.

Okay, I'll stop with the bashing and provide a little reasoning behind it. The tooth-fairy witch lady who is the evil demon of this story is a shady figure with a white mask and black cape -- it gets worse... she darts in and out randomly with annoying gurgle-like sounds that come from her ghost of a throat. And for some reason, a man and a little boy have been traumatized by this irritating attacker who only comes out at night. And of course this little boy has some kind of insight into this witch's world and I guess that is supposed to be frightening (another trick I guess) -- but "The Sixth Sense" and "The Ring", and maybe even "Signs" have really worn out that idea. This movie may give new meaning to the power of a flashlight, but the drama and action that ensues is so silly and un-scary that you being to wonder if this movie is maybe a practical-joke! On top of that, nothing makes sense at all... there are so many plot holes, you could grade cheese with this flick.

But if you're looking for a good laugh, go rent it... because it's a lot funnier than your typical and intentional comedy right now.
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Completely paint-by-numbers, flawed, unimaginative
willywants8 January 2005
When he was a young boy, Kyle (Chaney Kley) claimed that while he was sleeping, he accidentally woke up and saw the Tooth Fairy, who tried to kill him. Since then, he was considered crazy by everyone in town, except for his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin (Emma Caulfield), and her younger brother. But now, Hell is coming back as that black haired, winged creature of doom that Kyle described is coming back to town. And she's not leaving without Caitlin's brother... "Darkness" is a boring, routine horror move that offers us nothing new at all. It's not especially bad but it's not in anyways different from anything we've seen before. You've got lots of typical, boring horror conventions--Lights going on and off, pop-scares, loud sounds and off-screen deaths. The script is thin and the characters lack development, feel 2-D and we as an audience don't care for them. First time director Jonathan Liebesman shows potential with a strong visual style and a great dark atmosphere but the completely unimaginative, flawed script drags things down. Once the creature (If you can call it that) shows up it looks pretty damn grotesque but like the rest of the film it's unimaginative (Surprising considering it comes from Stan Winston studios).

A flawed, paint-by-numbers horror film that offers nothing new or fresh despite a decent monster, and muscular direction from Liebesman.

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A lot better than a 5.0
schony10 August 2021
It's about time someone stood up to Big Tooth Fairy!
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If you want to see a bad movie this is a perfect choice.
david_barroso16 July 2003
This is a perfect example of a bad movie. The main character says the same phrase more then ten times witch shows that this movie has a really bad and predictable story tough it is better than some other movies of the kind like Jason X. The movie isn't long but don't waste your time on it.
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MUCH better than the ratings here suggest
mumblefug-173825 July 2021
Seriously, this was not at all a bad film, and i found it a pleasant surprise. Horror movies ARE mostly bad, and i expect them to be rated as such, but this one is better than average at the very least. Fun plot, some decent scares, a bit of action. Worth a try to any horror fan.
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I wish they'd stop making crap like this.
lngjon21 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Why, oh why did I waste almost two hours watching this thing. The acting was lousy and every premise was stupid. Like the lawyer guy saying the lead girl had never gotten over the lead guy, and they were like 12 years old when they met, never really had a date or anything, and this was 12 years later. Not believable at all. Secondly, they broke some of the most important ghost-rules, and then violated their own rule setup (if you see her when she comes for your tooth, she will kill you...except if you happen to be a cop walking through the police station 20 rooms from where the cursed person was being held) The mask looked dumb, the grabbing of the soon to be dead out of seconds of darkness was silly (and in most of these scenes, I couldn't see the ghost as an observer, so the idea that the doomed extras actually saw her was questionable). Finish this off with the stupid gen-x 'tell-off' scene at the climax of 'I see you b**cH!(god I am sooooo sick of those), and you have a greasy turd of a movie, for which everyone involved should have all of their teeth pulled.

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I enjoyed it more on my second viewing
BrandtSponseller31 January 2005
Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley) returns to the small town of Darkness Falls to help his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield), whose brother is hospitalized with severe night terrors. It seems that a town legend of the "Tooth Fairy" is haunting his imagination, and Walsh had similar experiences. Is the "Tooth Fairy" more than just a childhood myth?

It's so much fun watching films multiple times. It's very rare that my opinion remains the same on a film from one viewing to the next. Sometimes my rating goes down, sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it stays the same, but I like or dislike the film for different reasons than I did on my first viewing. Darkness Falls (2003) is a case where my rating has gone up quite a bit since my last encounter with it. I think the difference this time was for two primary reasons--one, when I first saw this in the theater it was in the midst of a slew of horror films that had similar themes, and maybe I was getting tired of it by the time I watched this one, and two, I think the positive aspects worked well enough for me this time that I was more forgiving of the few flaws the film has.

And it does have flaws. Let's get those out of the way first. The main flaw for me was some of the super-fast editing during the horror "action" scenes. Occasionally it was so fast that I couldn't very well tell what was going on. However, I also realized this time that at least occasionally, the editing is perfect for the scene. For example, there is a scene set the small town police station that is inherently chaotic. Chaotic editing is the only thing that would fit.

The other flaw is that there are occasional lapses in plot logic. The most crucial for me occurred during the climax, where there were a couple actions taken that I was a bit confused about. It didn't help that the climax is also slightly marred with hyperactive editing.

However, in both of those cases, the good stuff far outweighed the bad for me. The villain in Darkness Falls is excellent in conception and design. The backstory is captivating. When it's initially told through a "slideshow" during the opening credits, I was thinking that I would have preferred them to give me a 10-minute historical prologue, but in retrospect, I'd prefer to see an entire film that's a prequel telling the villain's story. I loved the small town setting of the film, and the interactions of the characters in the script. They seemed like real people to me, with entwined pasts. I loved the three main characters, and thought their performances were very good. Since I'm a big Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan, that might have supplied Emma Caulfield with some unconscious bonus points, but I loved her acting here.

What really matters in a film like this is the horror material, and director Jonathan Liebesman handles it skillfully. Although I'm not usually a fan of modern films having shorter running times (it was more understandable back in the days of literal A and B films on the same bill at a theater), Darkness Falls is compact because there is little "dead time" between the suspenseful material. Liebesman only spends as much time as necessary with "serious drama" to amplify the horror. These types of scenes were handled well enough to make me either forget or not care if there were any rules broken when it comes to keeping the villain at bay.

Although I'm not someone who finds films scary, I can see Darkness Falls working for many viewers in terms of frights. Many primal fears are touched upon. There is an excellent extended bit in complete darkness (you only hear the soundtrack), and of course darkness and things coming out of the darkness is a major theme throughout. You also get scenes of claustrophobia, loss of control, elevators, hospitals, and many other situations that should work on more receptive viewers' sensibilities.

This one is worth seeing, but approach it more in the frame of mind of a fun roller-coaster ride than a literary masterpiece.
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Horror film about a creepy and disfigured Tooth Fairy who causes astonishing attacks , and eerie events
ma-cortes16 February 2019
Terror film about The Tooth Fairry goes bersek , located in a smal New England town . On the night he lost his last milk tooth , as a boy named Kyle claims a witch tried to murder him . So is Kyle loopy or is there a series killer on the loose ? .Many years later , a man : Chaney Kley , is psychologically scarred and paranoid from that encounter , but he goes on terrorized by the sinister appearance of a terrible witch long time ago. He goes back his origin town called by his chidhood sweetheart to help her little boy brother who is starting to have the same nightmares that he used to have , but things go awry when ancient demons come to life . Kyle is convinced she is back to get the little boy . As Kyle returns to his hometown of Darkness Falls called by his old girlfriend :Emma Caufield. Folk say the masked witch still swoops around dark corners , attacking and pouncing on children. This spirit takes her revenge on the children of the town after they lose the last of their baby teeth.

An acceptable horror movie full of thrills , chills , and shocks starred by an ancient Tooth Fairy gone amok. She is a 150 year old dark legend named Matilda , unjustly accused of child murder , wrongfully hanged and burnt alive by angry townfolks . As people being horrorified by the dentin pixie and she seeks a merciless vendetta . Genuinely scary moments overcome some obvious plot devices .This is a juicy gothic material fashioning an iconic bogeywoman providing screaming , chilling and eerie scenes . It has a ridículous premise spawns a fim in ups and downs .All semblance of plausability is extracted , leaving cast of TV actors : Chaney Kley , Emma Caufield of Buffy , Sullivan Stapleton , John Stanton , Emily Browning to take on a script with several gaps , flaws and full of cliches. However , the film is quite restrained , as it delivers a spooky and creepy atmosphere.

It packs an adecuate but very dark and shading cinematography by Dan Laustsen. As well as a thrilling and suspenseful musical score by Brian Tyler. The motion picture was uneven but professionally directed by Jonathan Liebesman. Jonathan is a good filmmaker who has directed a few of blockbusters as : teenage mutant ninja turtles, Wrath of Titanes , Battle Los Angeles, The killing room and thanks to this Darkness Falls was hired by powerful producer Michael Bay to direct : the Texas chainsaw massacre : the beginning . Rating : acceptable and passable .
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Average Horror Film
gavin694216 October 2017
A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.

Despite overwhelmingly bad reviews, "Darkness Falls" debuted at number one its opening weekend. Grossing $32,551,396 domestically and $47,488,536 worldwide, "Darkness Falls" was considered a commercial success at the U.S. box office, recouping its $11 million budget. Further proof that audiences do not care what the critics say.

The film is neither bad nor good, but a film that just exists. The time of its release was just about when the mass production of low budget horror began. Today this would never go to theaters and may not even go direct to video. But by beating the glut, this one snuck through before it would have been necessary to have a bigger name attached.
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