Demonic Toys (Video 1992) Poster

(1992 Video)

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Another fun Full Moon romp
This is a fun little movie about a child demon who possesses toys to do his evil bidding, which normally entails killing everyone in sight.

The toys were all well handled, especially the foul mouthed babydoll, as there is plenty to like about this film.

Tracy Scoggins plays a tough cop who becomes trapped in a warehouse chasing after the criminal that killed her partner. While inside, she finds out that the crook might not be her biggest problem. Throw in a dirty orphan who crawls through the stores vents, and an angst ridden delivery boy, well played by Robert Mitchum's grandson Bentley, and you have an entertaining little film.

This film doesn't try to make a statement or change the world, it was made solely to entertain, and it doesn't fail in that regard.
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Good cheesy fun!
jluis19849 March 2006
Full Moon entertainment was one of the main sources of new horror films during the early 90s. With low budgets and very creative minds, they put out some of the best horror movies of that decade, always walking in the fine line between horror & tongue-in-cheek comedy. Among those movies was "Demonic Toys", a very funny movie dealing with a demon possessing a group of toys.

Judith Gray (Tracy Scoggins) is a cop who, after a failed undercover operation where she lost her partner (& lover), gets trapped inside a warehouse while chasing for the criminals she was supposed to catch. One of the criminals gets hurt and his blood awakes an ancient demon. In the form of a kid (Daniel Cerny), the Demon will use his powers to transform the toys into killing machines, in order to posses & become Judith's unborn child. To survive, Judith will have to join forces with the people who by coincidence or fate, was in the warehouse at the same moment.

"Demonic Toys" is not a serious horror film, it is packed with a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor that makes a very entertaining movie. The plot is an interesting one, and while it could had worked as a serious film, it is quite good as this silly comedy. This is one of those movies where all the negative parts just increase the camp factor and become watchable.

The acting is good for a movie of this characteristics. Tracy Scoggins may not be a good actress, but she is a beautiful lady and gets the support of the underrated Bentley Mitchum, as a young delivery boy in a role reminiscent of Bruce Campbell's Ash of the "Evil Dead" series. Also, Daniel Cerny gives a remarkably good performance as the incarnation of the demon. He is definitely one of the most underrated child actors ever. The rest of the cast has good moments, but nothing really special.

The SFX are average for the most part of the film, but it also has well-done gore and specially a brilliant stop-motion animation in the end. While the dialogs are at times corny, the silliness makes the film better, as the toys are funny instead of scary. The "baby" is very good as comic relief and I would compare it to the humor of the recent sequels of "Child's Play".

Obviously, the film has big flaws, and most are caused by the low-budget. The lack of diverse locations make the film look always the same, and some of the SFX look really cheap. However, most of the times this just adds to the cheesy fun the film delivers.

This is definitely not a very good movie, but it is good material for a video night with friends. 6/10
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It's no Child's Play, but more fun than you might think.
BA_Harrison10 April 2012
The front cover of my DVD for Demonic Toys (Film 2000 Shock Horror Collection) states that 'special effects wizard David Allen brings Toulon's killer puppets magically to life'. In reality, Allen's FX contribution is fairly negligible and Toulon (from the Puppetmaster series) has jack all to do with this particular movie.

Similarly misleading is the one (mis)quote on the sleeve from (no, me neither), which describes Demonic Toys as boasting 'breast-focused nudity', which it doesn't really: there's a two second shot of a topless woman—hardly what you would call Russ Meyer/Andy Sidaris territory.

Despite the distributor clearly feeling the need to deceive people into buying the film, Demonic Toys isn't all that awful; in fact, as trashy low-budget B-movie horrors go, this one is actually pretty entertaining, with a reasonable amount of invention (the script written by David S. Goyer of Batman Begins and Dark City fame), some marvellously shonky puppet-style monsters, and a fair amount of gratuitous gore (including plucked eyeballs and a decapitation).

It's all incredibly silly, of course, with people trapped in a toy warehouse, terrorised by a demonic jack-in-the-box, a deadly doll called Oopsie Daisy, and a giant killer teddy bear (controlled by an evil spirit who wants to be reborn as a human), but not so bad that it didn't deserve a respectable DVD release with a more representative sleeve.

5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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Fun and Cheesy
moonwarrior27 March 2001
As a fan of Full Moon pictures, this movie could have been a little better. Although it is a fun movie to watch. The characters are so cheesy this movie can't possibly be dissapointing. The toys look ridiculous but are funny none the less. I like the line uttered my Oopsie dasiy baby when kicked in the face. "Bummer!" If you like cheesy movies, then get this movie, cuz it can't get any more cheesier.
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Demonic Toys
Scarecrow-8830 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"The world is a toilet and all the people in it are a**holes."

Silly nonsense from Full Moon based on an original story by executive producer Charles Band. More toys that kill people, this time in a warehouse with a group of unfortunates who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tracy Scoggins stars as a tough cop whose boyfriend/partner gets shot in the line of duty during a gun-smuggling shake-down that goes awry; she is pregnant with his unborn child. The two crooks responsible for his murder run for a warehouse holding Arcadia toys, while Scoggins is in hot pursuit. A dead demon fetus was buried in the ground underneath the warehouse, 66 years a demonic spirit awaiting its chance to occupy the human fetus of Scoggins' Judith Gray. Blood from the bullet wound of one of the criminals seeps into a crack in the floor of the warehouse (the cracks in the floor form a pentagram, a pretty creative visual I must say) bringing new life to the demonic spirit which possesses several toys (including a Baby Oopsy-Daisey doll, jack in the box, robot, and teddy bear), using them as weapons for destruction.

Bentley Mitchum is a chicken delivery man, miserable with his job, whose life gets even worse when he's trapped in the warehouse, defending himself against killer dolls. Michael Russo is one of the punks, smart mouth and vile personality, who Scoggins chases into the warehouse, causing all kinds of mischief and trouble for our heroine. Daniel Cerny is the creepy kid whose form is used the most by the demonic spirit to antagonize Scoggins. Other characters include an obese security guard and a runaway using the warehouse as a place to rest. Jeff Celentano (Puppetmaster II) has a brief, but important, part as Scoggins' slain lover whose appearance the demon uses to torment Judith, including one ghoulish scene where he removes his eyes from their sockets.

"Demonic Toys" is as preposterous as the synopsis sounds, but does have some positive aspects such as a beautifully melodic score by Richard Band and super stop motion animation toy soldier sequences by the late, great David Allen and his crew. Lots of icky gore has the demonic toys chewing heartily into the faces and throats of victims, pulling away flesh with their monstrous teeth. If you ever wanted to unload bullets into toys, then the final scene where Scoggins and Mitchum blast away at the "demon's army" should produce a vicarious thrill. Scoggins acts her heart out, particularly when confronted by the demon's use of her lover's dead corpse for kicks, but maybe she goes a little bit over the top with the melodramatics. Yep, this movie has a scene where characters use ventilation ducts in an attempt to escape and get help. Most memorable death scene could be the vicious murder of the warehouse security guard who even gets stabbed in the crotch by Baby Oopsy-Daisey. Oh, speaking of Baby Oopsy-Daisey, the baby doll toy spouts out curse words and profane quips ala Chucky. The killer toys are noticeably hand puppets during close-up scenes. You even have poor Mitchum up against a man in a bear suit for good measure. Hokum of the highest order, but I have to admit those toys are rather imposing, particularly with the addition of those sharp teeth and demonic eyes.
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Cheesy and gory.
gridoon25 December 2001
"Demonic Toys" is a curious mixture of gore and cheesiness - in about equal measures. In fact, this film epitomizes cheesiness: stupid plot, uneven effects, mostly terrible acting (save for leading lady Tracy Scoggins, who is too awesome-looking for her acting to matter anyway), and dialogue laced with lame puns ("You messed up my make-up"!). But the gore is pretty extreme and over-the-top (the dolls rip off huge chunks of flesh from the faces of their victims). It's a bad film, but tolerable IF you're in the right mood.....(*1/2)
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"I can walk, I can talk, I can even sh*t my pants." Mildly entertaining killer doll film.
poolandrews21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Demonic Toys starts with two undercover cops Judith Gray (Tracy Scoggins) & Matt Cable (Jeff Weston) going undercover to arrest a couple of arms dealers Lincoln (Michael Russo) & Hesse (Barry Lynch). They meet in an isolated parking lot where things get out of hand & Lincoln shoots Matt dead, Matt also happens to be Judith's lover so she has extra incentive to take both of them in. Judith manages to wound Hesse who along with Lincoln break into a nearby warehouse belonging to 'ARCADIA TOYS' where Judith follows them. Judith detains Lincoln but they are both locked in a store room with a steel door while elsewhere Hesse crawls across a strange glowing spot on the floor badly injured & bleeding, as his blood drips onto the floor an evil demon is given the power to bring some of the various toys to life & Hesse first has his face chewed off by a mutant Jack in the Box, he then has his fingers bitten off by an incredibly vicious teddy bear & finally Hesse is shot by a toy robot using blue laser beams. Mark Wayne (Bently Mitchum) an employee of 'Chunky Chicken' fast food restaurant turns up to deliver an order to the grossly overweight foul-mouthed security guard named Charnetski (Peter Schrum), they both hear noises coming from the store room & discover Judith. Charnetski tries to go for help but is killed by the demonic toys, everyone, along with a homeless kid named Anne (Ellen Dunning) find themselves trapped in the warehouse & that these toys are controlled by a demon who grows stronger with each of their death's, stronger to achieve his ultimate hideous aim...

Directed by Peter Manoogian for the 'killer toy' specialist's Full Moon Demonic Toys doesn't rank particularly high in this horror film sub-genre as far as I'm concerned. The script by David S. Goyer who has since gone on to write massive Hollywood films such as Blade (1998), Blade II (2002), Blade: Trinity (2004), Dark City (1998), Batman Begins (2005) & the upcoming Ghost Rider (2006) film was amongst his first & after this it's a wonder he was ever let near any of those films. The characters are extremely one dimensional, they have virtually no personality or background although having said that a one or two of them were sort of likable. Demonic Toys is about a demon trying to resurrect itself more than killer toys, this demon just uses them every once in a while to knock off one of the cast members. No explanation is given as to who this demon is or where he came from & Goyer also throws in some of those annoying dream sequences & the demon taking the form of dead characters trying to trick those still alive, you know the sort of thing. I would also like to know how that killer teddy bear managed to grow to human sized proportions. Demonic Toys is clichéd & starts to become dull as it's easy to tell who's going to die & survive & it features no logic or sense whatsoever. Technically Demonic Toys is cheap & nasty, the production design consists of placing lots of cardboard boxes with 'ARCADIA TOYS' written on them in each location & it becomes monotonous very quickly. There are various mistakes & errors & the special effects are generally poor except a rather good stop-motion animated toy soldier at the end. The music by Richard Band sounds like, but not as good, the theme from the far superior Dolls (1987) which isn't a surprise as Band also scored that. The killer toys themselves lack imagination except the Jack in the box who is the first toy to be killed anyway so don't expect to see a lot of him. The gore is tame & unconvincing apart from a reasonable decapitation, there are a few bites, a few gunshot wounds, a scene when someone pokes his own eyes out, someone is poked in the eye & someone has their fingers bitten off. The acting is OK for this sort of thing & both Scoggins & the goofy Mitchum make for pleasantly likable leads. Overall the best thing thing I can about Demonic Toys is that I thought it passed 80 odd minutes without to much pain but there isn't a whole lot here that impressed me & I'll have probably forgotten about it by next week (or at least I hope I will have). If your after a good, fun & entertaining killer toy film then check out the Puppet Master (1989 - 2003) & it's sequels, Dolls or the Child's Play (1988 - 2004) films instead. Great title, below average film but still maybe worth a watch if your absolutely desperate or a killer toy film fan.
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With a title like this you expect cheese and it is but it's fun cheese
I am a big fan of tacky sounding horror films and thus when I saw this on DVD on the cheap I thought I had to buy it, so I did.

The plot is simple two cops are trying to catch two criminals outside of a toy warehouse. The plan doesn't go as they expected and one of the cops is killed, the two criminals get inside the warehouse although one is injured. The policewoman (Scoggins) follows them in. She catches one but the other manages to get away from her but he stumbles across a Satanic symbol which he manages to 'awaken'. Then you get the kid (Cerny) and a bunch of possessed toys. Oh and a security guard, a delivery boy and a teen runaway in a factory of evil toys.

Strangely for this type of film the acting isn't all that bad I thought Scoggins was pretty good as Judith Gray. The kid of course being a demon disguised as a weirdly bright-eyed boy isn't scaring anyone any time soon. The effects are a little out-dated as the film is over 10 years old now. The film in all is actually quite entertaining you have a bad-ass foul mouthed doll called Baby oopsie-daisy, the weirdest looking bad guy and the phrase 'do the nasty' uttered several times by said weird looking bad guy.

If you want a top-quality award-deserving horror film of course, you could guess by the title, this isn't for you but if you just want a little entertainment and probably a good few laughs then this is for you.

My personal rating 8/10.
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"Mother of Satan, could this be the end of Baby Oopsy Daisy?"
Hey_Sweden30 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Demonic Toys" didn't really entertain this viewer all that much, but it should prove to be a passable diversion for most B movie lovers. We don't see the titular characters all THAT often, but whenever they're on screen they make this reasonably amusing. They've come to life because of a demon that has been awakened from its long slumber; said demon makes life just miserable for a determined lady detective (foxy Tracy Scoggins), a surly fast food joint employee (Bentley Mitchum, son of Chris Mitchum and grandson of Robert Mitchum), a runaway (Ellen Dunning), and a lowlife criminal (Michael Russo). Director Peter Manoogian does what he can with the screenplay by David S. Goyer, giving it a comic sensibility at times and giving this production more profanity and gore than usual for a Full Moon offering. None of the acting is exactly that good, but Scoggins certainly tries her best; her character has a little more going on than the others because she's pregnant with her partners' baby; it just so happens that what the demon wants most is to be born again via her child. Mitchum is enough of a coward / complainer at times that he may indeed remind viewers of Bill Paxton in "Aliens". Of course, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to the individual viewer. Making this worthwhile are the demonic toys themselves: a laser shooting robot, a hideously ugly jack-in-the-box clown, a ferocious teddy bear, and the talking baby Oopsy Daisy, who has the best lines and basically steals the show. The damn thing even puts a genre spin on the famous last line for the title character in the gangster classic "Little Caesar". The special effects, courtesy of John Buechlers' Magical Media Industries company, are reasonably impressive. Genre fans will note the visual quoting of an image from the Stuart Gordon fantasy / horror flick "Dolls", which was produced by Charles Bands' pre-Full Moon company Empire Pictures. Other than the toys, the best component is undoubtedly the music score by Bands' brother Richard; it's quite effective. The movie isn't without atmosphere, or nudity (courtesy of luscious Kristine Rose), and has some priceless moments, but it fails to really catch fire. It just wasn't that much fun. Five out of 10.
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A Truly Schlocky Horror B-Movie - But Good Gory Fun...
P3n-E-W1s327 July 2019
This is an oldie from back in the day... when schlock was the name of the game. It doesn't get much schlockier than this B-movie. However, it doesn't quite reach cult standards. Though it does have something about it - like most of the Full Moon Entertainment pictures.

After a gun raid goes bad and her partner is killed, Detective Judith Grey (Tracy Scoggins) chases the perpetrators into a warehouse full of toys. Unbeknown to her there's something evil lying in wait. Awaiting to be awoken. Once the demon is raised he casts a spell over some nearby toys and sets them onto the unsuspecting group.

On the whole, this is an average horror film. It has a few plusses; one of them being the acting. Though Scoggins can be a little too hammy in places it's The Kid (Daniel Cerny) who steals the show. Though he is voiced by another actor whose voice is electronically altered, it's Cerny's facial and bodily acting skills that add power to this film.

Another plus is the special effect. Though the budget is limited and therefore so are the effect, what are there work well. All the gore looks good and the work on Baby Oopsie Daisy is respectable, especially for the year.

The bad points are held within the story. The entire origin story of the demon is stupid and plain horrible. Maybe it was intended to add a little humour. If so, it was so little that it was nonexistent. Also, not all of the special effects were at their best. I've never been a fan of light effects (and I don't mean lighting), I mean the style of effect primarily used to laser-guns firing, and the like. It's always looked cheap to me and it does here as it's used for laser-guns and transformation sequences.

That said it is an enjoyable flick, though it slows down in the middle section. I would say it's at least worth one viewing if you like killer toys and dolls. In fact, the lines Baby Oopsie Daisy comes out with and the way Linda Cook does his voice is worth the price of admission.
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Cheesy, But Amusing Flick
gwnightscream12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This 1992 horror film features a female cop, Judith Gray (Tracy Scoggins) who chases a pair of criminals into a toy warehouse after they killed her partner. Soon, Judith and others become terrorized by possessed toys and Judith's unborn baby is targeted to be the vessel for demonic possession. This is cheesy, but amusing, Scoggins is good in it and the effects aren't bad.
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Call me CRAZY...But I love this movie!
BHorrorWriter23 June 2000
Demonic Toys tells the story of an abandoned warehouse that is the resting place for a demon that was buried under its soil 66 years ago on the night of its birth. Though born dead, this demon comes back to life in the form of a very menacing 12 year old boy (daniel cerny). With his limited evil powers, he animates several toys from the warehouse to do his bidding. He wants to be born again through a human child. That is were policewoman Judith Grey comes in. Preganant with her first child, she and her boyfriend are attempting to make a deal with 2 illegal gun salemen, undercover. The plan back fires, and her boyfriend is left dead. Juidth chases the men into the warehouse and that is when the carnage starts....check this movie doesn't have the greateset special effects, but they are pretty good. the story is a little goofy,but different. And yes, watch for the pull string as the young delivery guy is thrown backwards by a is very evident....
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Poopsie Daisy...
poe42620 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
DEMONIC TOYS may never win an Award of any kind and it certainly won't make a lot of Top Ten lists, but it's a very well done and relatively enjoyable little movie, nonetheless. The story's pretty simple and unfolds in a fairly straightforward manner (one of its many strengths) and the acting isn't bad, either; likewise, the direction is sure enough once the action becomes confined to the warehouse. In this respect, it harks back in a lot of ways to the Dan O'Bannon classic, THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. If there's one thing (besides the weak opening scenes) that I have a complaint about, it's the fact that we don't really see enough of the Demonic Toys themselves. My personal favorite would have to be Oopsie Daisy (who should've been called Poopsie Daisy): killer toy-types (like the Zuni Fetish Doll in the PREY segment of Richard Matheson's TRILOGY OF TERROR telefilm) are always fun (next to said Zuni doll, my favorite would have to be Chucky in BRIDE OF CHUCKY- in which "Chucky gets lucky!"). DEMONIC TOYS has just one really gratuitous nude scene (though those of us who appreciate gratuitous nudity have no complaints), but, otherwise, it's good clean fun for kids of all ages.
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Charles Band once again successfully mines little things terrorizing big things
a_chinn1 April 2018
Low budget, but enjoyable Charles Band Full Moon production about a pregnant policewoman, Tracy Scoggins (I'd totally forgotten about her and remembered how I had a crush on her as Cat Grant on "Lois & Clark"), and a scrappy delivery boy, Bentley Mitchum (grandson of Robert Mitchum) are trapped in a haunted toy warehouse where, you guessed it, reside possessed murderous toys. This is one in a long string of Charles Band productions to feature small things terrorizing larger things (i.e. Puppet Master, Dollman, Gingerdead Man, Evil Bong, Shrunken Heads, etc.) and it's a formula that works surprisingly well. Despite the cheapness of the production (the film basically takes place entirely on one set), the creepy little toys doing terrible things is entertaining, Scoggins is attractive in the lead, and there's novelty value in the casting of Robert Mitchum's grandson in the type of bad boy role his grandfather was well known for. I really wish there had been more stop-motion animation in the film, though that would have cost more money, but what little stop-motion animation the film does have is excellent! "Demonic Toys" was an early script by David S. Goyer, who'd later go on to write some major Hollywood comic book adaptations including The Dark Knight films, the Blade series, and "Dark City." Although Goyer has his name on a number of quality films, his best films always had a strong director or were co-writen by other, so I've never been quite sure how much credit to give Goyer for his better films. For his films where he's received sole writing credit or were not helmed by strong directors, those films were often weaker (i.e. "Man of Steel" or Blade I and III) if not outright awful ("The Crow: City of Angels"). Much like his weaker bug budget films, this one suffers from a lack of character development, an over reliance on plot contrivances, and few original ideas. Still, producer Charles Band has reliably delivered entertaining low budget genre pictures since the late 1970s and has a track record that continues to hold strong to this day. I also won't fault the director too much, since it was directed by Peter Manoogian, who directed another one of my favorite Charles Band productions, the ridiculous, but enjoyable "Eliminators." Also worth noting is that the musical score by theunderrated composer Richard Band (brother of Charles) delivers another reliably good synthesizer heavy score.Band's pictures may not appeal to a wide audience and may not appeal even to all horror fans, but if you're a fan of Band and Full Moon Entertainment, this one is well worth watching, even if it's isn't exactly a classic on the level of "Trancers," "Re-Animator," or even "Subspecies."
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Another Full Moon's trash,but fun to watch.
HumanoidOfFlesh12 March 2001
"Demonic Toys" is one of the funniest bad movies ever made.The dialogue is hilariously awful and the script is extremely stupid.However I really enjoyed this one simply because I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.Some rather cheesy gore effects are about the only one thing that save this movie from being a total disaster.The acting is laughably bad,the characters are very annoying,but the evil toys look amazing.If you are a big b-movie fan,then you might enjoy this.Everyone else is advised to stay away.
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MJive9 February 1999
I expect more from Full Moon, one of the better direct-to-video companies. The toys LOOK like they have a hand in them controlling their movements and actions, and you can clearly see the cord attached to the delivery boy when he is "thrown" back by the goofy-looking bear-toy-monster. Not very good at all.
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Not The Awesome Film You Remember It Being
gavin694215 July 2008
A police bust goes awry, resulting in the death of a police officer. His partner (Tracy Scoggins) chases the killers to a warehouse full of toys, but she doesn't know that tonight the toys will awaken and be filled with diabolic spirits. Along with a fast food delivery driver and a bumbling security guard, can she defeat the toys and Satan or will the demon achieve his highest goal -- being born into a human host?

Full Moon films aren't really known for being awesome, and this film is no exception. It's slow, focuses too little on the toys and returns to a dream sequence more times than is really necessary. Focusing on the toys more may not be a wise idea, though, because with one or two exceptions, John Buechler's creations are little more than well-crafted hand puppets. Two drunk kids with the proper equipment could have made this film, and probably have done better. (The only toy that was cool was Baby Oopsie Daisy.)

The cast was alright, even though the acting was more or less worthless. The male police officer was played by an atrocious actor, so his untimely death was a welcome addition to the film. And the hairstyles of the early 1990s pretty much guaranteed that none of the cast involved was attractive to look at. Sure, Miss July (Kristine Rose) was respectably hot, but I wasn't convinced. And I thought the homeless girl (Ellen Dunning) had a very Mandy Mooresque voice and face, which kept my heart beating rapidly. But still not good enough.

I'd like to say it's a good film by Full Moon standards and by the fact that this was the director's first picture. But that's no excuse and really not true. Full Moon pumps out sludge better than this all the time... although after seeing "Gingerdead Man", I can assure you they also make much worse.

There's no good reason to rent or buy this film. If you're trying to bring back memories of your childhood, you're probably better off just sticking to the memories. This film will crush them and leave you crying and soulless. Just because "Puppet Master" is possibly a winner (see separate review) and "Child's Play" is a winner, combining the two doesn't ensure a winner if it's handled by no-talent hacks.
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I love 80's 90's cheese but...
G00fhunter26 August 2021
This was one of the slowest cheesiest movies I have ever seen. The acting is poor and the kills are so fake it is unbelievably bad. The decisions made are just as bad and not really convincing at all. The toys are creepy which is a good thing, but for them to kill anything is absurd. Watch this movie if you need to dumb it down a little bit and you might enjoy it.
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I'm Baby Oopsy-Daisy, will you be my special friend?
nogodnomasters22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After an arms deal gone bad, a policeman is shot and the arms traffickers head into a toy warehouse followed by policewoman Tracy Scoggins. The toys in this warehouse suddenly become alive due to demonic possession that is explained by the demon himself. Of course only the toys that have long razor sharp teeth and can be made to look like they are attacking people as an evil hand puppet, come to life. There is a fairly good cast of characters. Special effects are not that great, but we've seen worse. The toys have some great lines and it comical watching humans struggle against the attack of a small toy. The demonic thing with kids was a bit hokey and didn't work that well, but we watch it for Baby Oopsy-Daisy.

Tracy Scoggins dropping the F-bomb, nudity (Playboy's Kristine Rose), Tracy tied down spread eagle.
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not as good as Puppet Master, but still watchable
movieman_kev11 July 2014
After a newly pregnant cop (Tracy Scoggins, who would later star in Babylon 5) follows the criminals who killed her partner/lover into a toy warehouse, she finds herself trapped along with said criminals, as well as security guard and random pizza boy, along with the titular demonic toys and their evil owner.

Not as memorably classic as Full Moon's earlier Puppet Master films nor as plain outright fun as Trancers, Demonic Toys is pretty watchable in it's own right. Although I enjoyed it quite a bit more when I first saw it as a teen. Followed, like all Full Moon franchises, by way too many sequels Eye Candy: Kristine Rose gets topless
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Is this movie an all time horror classic? Definitely not. But is it worth watching and a fun popcorn flick? Absolutely.
kevin_robbins16 May 2021
Demonic Toys is currently available for free on Tubi and a series I've wanted to watch for a little while (and promised Edward Delgado I would lol). The storyline evolves around a demon spirit that can leap into various hosts, including toys, and make them do his bidding. The script was actually very entertaining, the voices they selected were good, and the kill scenes were excellent. The acting was just okay and the cast includes Tracy Scoggins (Babylon 5), Jeff Celentano (Puppet Master) and Peter Schrum (Terminator 2, Trancer and Night Court). This movie is directed by Peter Manoogian (Arena, DevilDolls and Seedpeople) who did a pretty solid job. Is this movie an all time horror classic? Definitely not. But is it worth watching and a fun popcorn flick? Absolutely. I'd give this a 6.5/10.
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Oh really...
gtmgirl17 January 2005
Man, i remember this movie. when I was little I use 2 always watch this. I use 2 be scared of it 2, but now that its 2005, the movie is so cheesy now. Demonic Toys, Wax Works and all of the Puppet Masters are so lame now. Even though years before I was terrified!!!! It's really weird 2 look back on all the things that scared u when u were younger, and look at them now. All I can do is laugh at this corny crap! It's just so weird. It was around the time that killer dolls were frighting. But Chucky is still watchable. He's still somewhat creepy I guess, but now it's nothing but good old humor!! I do however suggest that u rent this film or even buy it if u want 2 watch a comedy. It should be fun 2 sit around with friends and laugh at this movie. Besides that the plot was awful and the effects were useless, u could find something good about it if u look hard enough. But me? Absolutely not, I still can't believe this use 2 give me goose bumps!
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Above average Full Moon horror offering; gruesome goodness!
DVD_Connoisseur28 August 2006
"Demonic Toys" is another wonderful, low-budget offering of horror hokum from Charles Band's Full Moon studio.

A combination of slightly over-the-top performances (Bentley Mitchum sounds like Bill Paxton's Hudson from "Aliens" when under pressure), some interesting special effects and a selection of simply wonderful "demonic toys" (the teddy bear and baby doll are inspired) result in 90 minutes of entertaining viewing. There's more of the red stuff than in most Full Moon features - gore-hounds won't be knocked out by the amount of blood and guts but there are enough scenes of surreal violence to prevent boredom setting in.

Fans of cheesy horror should enjoy this one. Its heart is in the right place and the film looks great - very dark and atmospheric.

The effective score by the always reliable Richard Band is the icing on the cake.
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Beware of the Toys!
PredragReviews9 May 2016
Not only is this 'B' Horror movie sick and demented, it's also quite funny. There are some decent 1-liners involved, not only with the actors, but also with the Toys! A baby who has an absolute toilet mouth who uses the F Bomb like she's Andrew Dice Clay, and a Heavy Metal-head Fried Chicken delivery boy who has absolutely no respect for his pencil neck boss, cusses him out and insults him in front of the other workers while threatening to drive his chicken mobile into the river and never return after his next delivery of extra chrispy, or Chunk style.

After an agonizingly slow beginning, though, things begin to look up. It's refreshing to watch this woman actually try to use the telephone she is standing right next to. Also, the protagonists do bother to take some extra ammo and reload their guns from time to time (although in a key scene you would think a double barreled shotgun had six or eight shots instead of two.) The second half is much more interesting, although my mind boggles at what they missed. How about stuffed bunnies that fly at you, wrap around your face, and suffocate you? The ending was quite intriguing. Special effects are not that great, but we've seen worse. The toys have some great lines and it comical watching humans struggle against the attack of a small toy. The demonic thing with kids was a bit hokey and didn't work that well, but we watch it for Baby Oopsy-Daisy.

Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
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bkgseoul11 November 2021
It could've been A LOT BETTER but the acting was TERRIBLE. The toys did an excellent job and the cast was good, just their acting didn't always meet the level of the entire performance. Decent storyline though. Overall it was a good film, especially for the time period.
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