Maid to Order (1987) Poster


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A bumpy fairy tale, but buoyed by a great cast
moonspinner5529 June 2001
Ally Sheedy works very hard to convince us she's a spoiled rich girl who takes everyone for granted. I felt it was all a con, and therefore couldn't wait for her character to make that transformation into a Better Person. Sheedy wasn't necessarily miscast as she was misdirected; she naturally projects a very savvy, efficient persona, and acting childish is beneath her. The second part of the film, with Sheedy working as a maid to wealthy neurotics Dick Shawn and Valerie Perrine (both terrific), is more successful, and the fantasy elements of the plot have had time to grow on us and are more acceptable. There are still some clumsy or awkward moments here, however for the first time Michael Ontkean is a CHARMING Prince Charming (not just a substitute for one) and the supporting cast is made up of wily and likable characters. "Maid to Order" leaves you smiling and that means it has done a good job, though it takes at least thirty minutes to kick into gear. *** from ****
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no big laughs but kind of cute
SnoopyStyle7 April 2015
Jessie Montgomery (Ally Sheedy) is a spoiled troublesome bored rich L.A. kid. After a drug arrest, her exasperated widow father Charles (Tom Skerritt) makes a wish that he never had a daughter. Her fairy godmother Stella (Beverly D'Angelo) comes to take Jessie out of jail but tells her that she is no longer Charles' daughter. She is penniless and without any connections. Stella tells her to straighten up and get a job. She stumbles into an employment agency which just happens to be looking for a white maid. She's working for the crass Starkeys (Valerie Perrine, Dick Shawn). Nick McGuire (Michael Ontkean) is the chauffeur pretending to be a mechanic who's trying to get talent agent Starkey to listen to his tape.

It's an interesting switch on the Cinderella story. I was in love with Ally Sheedy from 'The Breakfast Club' back in the day. This is one of the last starring roles before her stardom faded. She never really found her sweet spot but she continued to work. There are no big laughs in this movie but it is kind of cute. Sheedy is perfect for this role. She still has rooting interest despite being a complete brat.
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A heart-warming tale
RachelLone11 February 2001
Jessie Montgomery (Ally Sheedy) is the spoiled only child of Charles Montgomery (Tom Skerrit), the chairman of Starlight Foundation. Jessie loves partying all night. She does nothing but seeking pleasure. One night she is busted by a cop for speed-driving and using drugs. When Mr. Montgomery is notified regarding this incident, he can't help feeling so disappointed and frustrated, and he says he wishes he never had this daughter.

Jessie's fairy godmother (Beverly D'Angelo) appears, erases Jessie's criminal record, taking her out of the police station and tells Jessie that her past has also been erased. Now she's on her own. Her friends don't know her any more. Her father doesn't know her any more. After wandering on streets for days, she has to get a job. One thing she would have never done in the past.

Working as a maid at a trendy house in Beverly Hills, Jessie learns how to do housework and how to treat people in a better way. Finally, she becomes unselfish and compassionate.

Overall, it's pleasant to watch this movie.
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Sweet and charming
vchimpanzee3 October 2004
Jessie is a spoiled rich kid who finally pushes her widowed father Charles too far. After her father wishes he never had a daughter, one day Jessie wakes up with nothing and is told by "fairy godmother" Stella she will have to make it on her own. The poor girl has no idea how to do that, and the results are predictable but hilarious. The only reason she can get a job: the eccentric but loaded Starkeys want a white maid for a change, and they are amazingly patient. Stan is an agent who represents entertainers but has hit a slump; Georgette changes her hair style (and hair color) numerous times and finally gets it right. Their other servants are Audrey, a formerly popular black singer who had a drinking problem but had children to raise (she doesn't seem to be married), Maria from El Salvador, and klutzy chauffeur Nick.

Eventually, Jessie learns her lesson, and the ending is formulaic but enjoyable. This is a movie that reminds all of us we should be nice to everyone, even the servants, and not be too proud to do the dirty jobs in life.

Ally Sheedy was good most of the time. She started out spoiled but still easy to like, and ended up sweet. The one problem I had with her performance was when she begged for her old life back. Somehow that just didn't seem right. Even though her character was supposed to be a whiner, she just seemed too whiny. Overall, the good outweighed the bad by a large margin.

Most of the other acting performances were really good. I especially liked Theodore Wilson as Charles' servant, maybe because I've seen him in so many roles going back to his days as the mailman on "That's My Mama". And Tom Skerritt is always good.

This was a pleasant movie with lessons to teach us, even though the theme has been repeated many times.
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"There is no such thing as a white maid in Los Angeles."
utgard1419 June 2016
Rich spoiled brat Ally Sheedy pisses her dad Tom Skerritt off so much he wishes she'd never been born. In steps fairy godmother Beverly D'Angelo to try and help by giving Ally the George Bailey treatment. In a world in which she never existed, she must now work for a living and learn valuable lessons about...I don't know, being poor or something. Anyway she comes out a better person in the end, even if it does feel light-switched. It's not a great movie but it is watchable. For a comedy it's not terribly funny and all it has to say philosophically could be written on the head of a pin. Still, the cast is excellent (far better than it deserves). Ally does a decent job but, if you weren't a fan of hers before, this is unlikely to make you one. Valerie Perrine and Dick Shawn are fun as the weirdo rich couple who hire her as their maid simply because "It's so difficult to find good white help these days." Beverly D'Angelo is great as the fairy godmother. There's a little bit of Cinderella referencing in this, particularly near the end, but I'm not sure why. The story doesn't really follow that path but I suppose if you reworked Cinderella to be about one of the wicked stepsisters it might work. Oh and prepare yourself for the worst scene in the movie, where Merry 'Gimme Shelter' Clayton wows all the rich white people with a dreadful '80s cover of "The Shoop Shoop Song."
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Sweet, but predictable film
tex-4217 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Jesse Montgomery is a spoiled, bratty twenty something, living in her father's house in Beverly Hills with no direction or prospects. One night she ends up arrested for drug possession and drunk driving, and this pushes her father too far. He wishes that Jesse was never born, and Stella, a "fairy godmother" grants his wish. Jesse is left with nothing, and is forced to try to make it on her own. She eventually finds work as a maid, and learns a valuable lesson about what really counts in life, while also making new friends and finding love.

Ally Sheedy and the supporting cast are what sell this movie. The story is nothing too original or special, but they make you care about what happens. The only nitpick I'd have is that Maria, one of the other maids in the movie, gets the raw end of the wishing in this movie. Everyone else ends with either their money back, or the prospects of making a ton of money. All Maria gets is a clean kitchen.
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The Other Maid was More Worthy
ACME_Horses27 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Really wanted to love this movie. The era is one of my favorites, as are many of the actors. Just couldn't get into this one. In my opinion, Ally Sheedy's performance was weak; not believable. And what was up with her hair?! A rich girl with a short mullet? I don't think so. She looked like a homely boy in this film. The other young maid, "Maria", was very beautiful -- and had good character, good work ethic. I found it difficult to believe the young chauffeur, "Nick", would not be more attracted to the more beautiful and stronger woman, Maria. Anyway, this movie is still an OK way to kill a couple hours, but it's not up to par with other 80's greats. Thanks
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Ally Sheedy is cute but cute doesn't make for a good movie
Kranadon6525 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ally Sheedy in the 80's was a very cute girl and did some good movies however this is not one of them.The whole rags to riches in reverse has been done better in other movies. Sheedy plays Jessie a spoiled rich b word brat who's dad wishes she didn't exist. It is hard to believe that (Jessie)Sheedy is this rich arrogant b word. Paris Hilton could have played herself without any acting required as she is a major spoiled b word in real life. It's just that Sheedy is too cute and plays it too cute ,you cant hate her or even think she ever was a b word.

She is just this klutz who way too quickly turns over a new leaf and wraps it up in a bow. The clichéd ending is so lame too. Makes you wonder if they simply phoned the script in. The supporting actors also seem to sleepwalk through their lines. Such a waste of talent too as some well known comedic talent must have been desperate.
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Seriously? Fairy Godmother?
smatysia4 February 2013
Seriously? Fairy Godmother? Okay, I'm not totally against fantasy and magic in a film, but this just seemed lazy. It's like the script writers knew where they wanted to go, but had no idea how to get there. In the late Eighties, Hollywood was aghast at the re-election of Ronald Reagan, and there were a lot of caricatures of the evil rich, and of the nobility of poverty and labor. The caricatures of the rich people went a bit far, and weren't really very funny. And record company executives being enthused over a singer who does old Motown sound? They were looking for a "new" thing, and though Merry Clayton was in fine voice, there are tons of people who can sing old songs well. The plot was formulaic and predictable, on top of being ridiculous. Just not a very good film.
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A guilty pleasure, perhaps, but great fun
danpatter200225 October 2002
This charming fairy tale features some fine performances, especially from Dick Shawn, Valerie Perrine and Beverly D'Angelo. The movie is sweet and enjoyable, and there are a couple of nice songs, too. Suspend your disbelief, pop the corn, sit back and enjoy.
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Fantasy Cinderella tale
sibie15 July 2002
I think this film may have been given too little credit. Although not an Oscar winner by far, it did lead me out of reality for a while and put a smile on my face. It is always nice when a film can do that. The music, by famous film composer Georges Delerue (Steel magnolias) helps cast the spell. Beverly D'angelo is well cast and Ally Sheedy is...well...Ally Sheedy
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Cinderella in reverse -- a sweet romantic comedy with lots of heart.
negevoli-4420 June 2000
Good movies just really are few and far between, and Maid to Order is one of the good ones -- although I wouldn't say it was funny ha-ha. It's one of those dreaded "romantic comedies" that male critics love to hate (including Janet Matlin, who tries to be more macho than her male counterparts). It's a "feel good" movie with a message, but it does make you feel good and its message is a good one. It is sweet and harmless and it has become one of my favorites -- there's just something very appealing about it.

Maid to Order has first-rate production values and a wonderful cast, not the least of whom is the late Dick Shawn, in an over-the-top role of a Hollywood record mogul married to Valerie Perrine. They stand out as not exactly your average married couple. Then again, they may BE average for Malibu.

The leads -- Ally Sheed and Michael Ontkean -- are charming and have a lot of chemistry together. The rest of the cast is equally good. It's not meant to be taken seriously and is perfect for a rainy afternoon.
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A movie I enjoy watching over and over and over...
cwhetwhisper2 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler, spoiler!...but if you've only seen it once, read this and watch it again, keeping this in mind:

I love this movie! I like how this spoiled brat gets what she deserves, gets a taste of being treated like a nobody, and finally learns that life is about true friendship, family, and giving to others--not about being rich and "buying" friends. When I first watched it, I loved the comedy and the fun. Then, upon watching it again, it made me a better person. How? I was often jealous of rich and never-have-to-lift-a-finger people (like a doctor's daughter I know). After seeing this movie (and going beyond the "I wish that would happen to so-and-so" feelings), I finally realized how sad and lonely it would be for someone like that to have money (do they like me or my money) and to lose it (or constantly worry about losing it). Without the money, a person has to rely on social skills and everyday talents--things the main character (and some people we know) don't have. But finally realizing she has to do something to survive (and do it herself), this "Maid to Order" discovers the true riches of real friendship. We find a caring, generous person deep inside her ("I wish all your wishes come true"). Now that is what I call wealth. I'm trying hard to see that good person deep inside those who have no social skills. With all the money they have, they are still poor. Hopefully, they will learn their lessons before it is too late for them.
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Ya gotta love those 80's styles!
subiaco1 February 1999
O.K., so it's not the "Mr. Mom" or "Tootsie" to which it attempts to compare itself. But Ally is cute and you have to love those eighties styles. I love the "Spirit in the Sky" disco performance.
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youngjacob_200011 January 2001
This is a great movie,Ally Sheedy stars as a spoiled brat that learns a valuble lesson when she gets a look at the real world.At first she lives with her rich family,but after many problems she becomes a stranger to them and has to get a job and face life.I liked the movie,warm,funny,entertaining,Ally Sheedy was great.I liked Carmine Iannaccone's small part as the habib.Has anyone seen the horror movie Slaughter High?Carmine starred in that as Skip Pollak.Well,that's all I can say for this film,but it was terrific,great 80's movie.See it if you have'nt already,you'll love it! Jacob Young
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Delightful Fable About a Spoiled Young Woman Who Becomes A Better Person
claudio_carvalho25 March 2005
The reckless Jessica Montgomery (Aly Sheedy) is the spoiled daughter of the wealthy millionaire Charles Montgomery (Tom Skerrit), who dedicates his life to philanthropy. In order to compensate the absence of her mother, her father gave everything money can afford, but Jessie has a total lack of character. When Jessie is arrested for driving in high speed using drugs, her good father regretfully wishes he would have never had a daughter. His wishes are heard by Jessie's godmother Stella Winton (Beverly D'Angelo) and her former existence is erased from Earth. Jessie has to learn how to survive, working as a maid in the mansion of a weird couple. She becomes friend of the household staff and falls for Nick (Michael Ontkean), becoming a better woman.

"Maid to Order" is one of the most delightful fantasies ever made. This Cinderella in reversed fairy tale is a great lesson of life and presents a great moral in the end, as usual in movies from Disney Studios. Aly Sheedy is perfect for this role; Michael Ontkean has a perfect chemistry with her; the whole cast has a wonderful job; but the unknown Merry Clayton "steals the show in most of the scenes" in the role of a singer. This film is underrated not only in IMDb, maybe with the viewers influenced by the professional critics, who seems that do not like this type of movie. However it is highly recommended as a great family entertainment. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Cinderela às Avesso" ("Cinderela in Reverse")

Note: On 24 March 2016, I saw this film again.
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A Relief From Serious
Paul-27128 July 2018
I caught this movie years ago on TV. Subsequently, it seems to have disappeared from the Earth like some others have. I snagged a copy from eBay and so got to watch it again during an otherwise tedious time in an airport.

I'd say it held up just fine. The reason I enjoy this and similar shows is there's nothing bad happening. I'm uninterested in watching people torn apart or otherwise destroyed, cities laid waste to and the other disasters we're subject to now that CGI has reached a high state of excellence.

This is a terrific ensemble rather shakily directed with a few odd choices in plot details such as the choice of the comeback song performed at the charity event. Still, the whole thing goes down easily.

I've seen it compared to Tootsie and no, it's not anything of that caliber if you care about movie quality. That doesn't decrease how much I enjoy this show. Not every thing needs to be serious and this isn't.
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Worse help is hard to find
DarthBill12 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Jessie Montgomery (Ally Sheedy), a caricature of Paris Hilton before there even was a Paris Hilton to make a caricature of, is a spoiled 20-something rich bitch who's wild party animal ways, lack of respect for herself and others, and overall just general aimlessness is driving her soft spoken father (Tom Skerritt) up the wall. When she gets arrested for drunk driving and drug possession, her dad decides that she's finally crossed the line and, beside himself with frustration and disappointment, he says something he never thought he'd hear himself say - he wished his daughter had never come into his life at all. The fairy godmother Stella (Bevelry D'Angelo) hears his wish and decides to grant it in the hope of teaching Jessie a lesson - she continues to exist, but to the outside world, i.e., her father, it's as though she were never born, which means she's on her own. Stranded with no money (except for some loose change), no family, no friends and no home, the hapless Jessie is forced to take a demeaning job as a maid for an eccentric rich couple. As she is forced to do real work for the first time in her life, it is here that she finally learns what work is, and learns the true meaning love, friendship and respect for one's self and others through the eventual friendships she develops with the other workers.

Lightweight, mostly good natured coming of age fantasy fluff. Ally Sheedy, a fine actress who never got the recognition she deserved (though even she couldn't pull off some of those bad haircuts), plays her part well. Even as the spoiled rich bitch early on, you could tell that even she wasn't entirely happy with her life and you could see throughout the film that it genuinely hurt her to have her father not know her. The rest of the cast works well and the overall result is a pleasant time filler. The ever sexy Beverly D'Angelo is quite funny as the fairy godmother.
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A favorite rental
nhabel14 June 2001
I was just watching "E" last night and they were interviewing Ally. They were saying that "Maid To Order" was such a flop. Well, my girlfriends and I beg to differ! We love the movie!!! We have rented it several times when we all get together and have a girl's night. I admit, I didn't see if when it first came out, but it is now one of my favorites. What is not to like?! All the characters in this movie are great!!! The movie is funny, sweet and romantic. It may be a "chick" flick, but that is ok. My 16 year old daughter and her friends are now fans of the movie as well!

We love you Ally AND "Maid to Order"!
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Great 80's Movie!
PMcOuntry29 May 2001
A Cinderella type movie... only the other way around... as her fairy Godmother says, some maids deserve to be princess' and some princess' deserve to b maids. You gotta love Ally Sheedy (best known for The Breakfast Club). The music in it is great! A great disco version of Spirit in the Sky and a beautiful song by Merry Clayton (gospel singer/backup for The Rolling Stones). I have no idea what the song is, if you do, e-mail me! A must see for comic/fantasy/80's lovers! I give it a 9!
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Delightful comedy
shodges3 July 2002
This was a delightful light romance comedy with Merry Clayton's beautiful voice as a strong point. I am always happy to see it when it is played on TV. It is always good to see a clean, well put together movie that is without violence. Just good old fashioned light entertainment.
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"Some maids deserve to be Princesses..."
cellomaster28 March 2003
"...and some princesses deserve to be maids."

That pretty much sums up the story behind 1987's 'Maid to Order'. Jessie Montgomery is a 20-something spoiled rich girl, the only child of her widowed father (Tom Skerritt). Jessie is an irresponsible brat who lands herself in jail one night for reckless driving and drug possession, and her frustrated father wishes on a star that he had never had a daughter (which, in retrospect, seems pretty harsh). Somewhere, someone of great power is listening, and his wish is granted. Jessie wakes up the next morning to find her record has been wiped clean. Unfortunately, so has her life.

Jessie is recognized by nobody; not even her own father. Her only companions now is a filthy party dress and a lady (Beverly D'Angelo) who calls herself Jessie's fairy godmother- she's actually the "witch" who granted Jessie's father's wish. Jessie is forced to take a job as a maid for a high-profile Beverly Hills music promoter and his wife (the late Dick Shawn and Valerie Perrine) and has to learn to love and respect people, as well as herself, all over again.

I love Ally Sheedy in this role. She plays the part of the wealthy b*tch very well. You cannot help but feel sorry for her poor, soft-spoken father. But the real stars are the goofy Starkys, the rich and cheesy family Jessie works for.
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Spoiled rich girl-fairy god-mother=entertaining movie
budfan19507 August 2005
A very entertaining movie I've seen probably 10 times. Nothing great or Oscar worthy, just a movie you can sit back and enjoy without having to think. It has a relatively common, ordinary, predictable plot . . . spoiled rich girl, fairy god-mother teaching a lesson but with nice twist. When Ally Sheedy comes out of the pool with no clothes on there's a nice shot of her butt. And oh,what nice butt it is!!! Beverly DeAngelo is the God-mother and does a good job at that. Tom Skeritt is the father and Michael Ontkean turns into her romantic interest. Like I said, it's very predictable yet very enjoyable. But the highlight of the movie of course is the picture of Ally Sheedy's butt, it's beautiful.
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cute show with a message
helpless_dancer2 April 1999
I liked "Maid to Order" so much that I watched it twice, something I rarely do. A spoiled rich girl, unappreciative of life, was uprooted from her easy lifestyle by a fairy godmother. Her own father denied ever having had a daughter, she simply never existed to him in her new life. After having to work as a domestic to her own father, she sees life from the other side. Very entertaining.
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mom49944 October 2014
I fell in love with this movie when I was in my teens. I had bought the movie and watched it over 50 times before I lost it in the house fire. I would love to own it again. but unable to find it on the web. if anyone could help me out that would be awesome. this comedy romance is a like Cinderella but in reverse. I wish it would come out on DVD. I've been watching for it because it has so many of my favorite actors and actresses I grew up loving. this ranks up with so many of the romance comedy's in the 80's. yes its cheesy at times but that is what all of us teen girls loved back then, OK some of us never grow up we still like cheesy. and I loved the music also.
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