Transatlantic (2023– )
Turns WW2 into a farce
14 November 2023
I like the lead actress Gillian Jacobs do I have it a go, but soon realized she was miscast. She's a great comedic actress and her performance and the writing a farcical comedic tone that made me cringe, and not believe the proceedings to be real, even though they are based on true (remarkable) characters and (terrible, harrowing) events. This misplaced tone I feel leads to all other performances to be, I feel, confusing. It's as if the actors didn't know how to play it, should I be funny and lighthearted or serious? I lost interest in the characters and plot very quickly and that's a shame because these are some of the most important, remarkable and heroic people of world war 2 and they are treated without due respect I think. It all feels like a silly Woody Allen Movie rather then say Schindler's List.
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