A Must See - great characters great actors
25 June 2023
My Review- Extrapolations - Streaming Apple TvPlus

My Rating 10/10

I found this series entertaining, well written by its creator Scott Z. Burns and his team of co writers .

The star studded cast in this 8 part series obviously signed on to the project as they realise the importance of the subject and its message to humanity .

Those stars include Tahar Rahim, Kit Harington, Matthew Rhys, Sienna Miller , Meryl Streep, Leslie Uggams, Diane Lane, Marion Cotillard, Forest Whitaker ,Edward Norton Toby Maguire and Judd Hirsch just to name a few .

One of the definitions for the title of this inspiring yet very disturbing series reads that Extrapolation is the action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue .

This I think is why Extrapolation seems so plausible because it's based on the facts we have today regarding the effects of Global Warming that we can already see occurring on our sick planet.

The time arc of this series begins in 2237 when a greed motivated despicable Corporate CEO called Junior (Mathew Rhys ) tells his executives to ignore the melted ice caps and build new high rise floating cities . Don't worry about the consequences as we'll all be dead in gold plated coffins.

Each episode highlights in a real way the consequences of issues that we are still talking about today and if we continue to just talk and do nothing the scenarios in Extrapolations could easily become reality thankfully not my reality but the reality of anyone born this century and future generations to come.

Issues like air quality where populations are warned to stay indoors because exposure to carbon pollution levels we can only imagine is the cause of a new disease called Summer Heart. In a world where Cancer has been cured Summer Heart is causing brain damage and memory loss .

As the series moves forward to 2046 the extinction of most animals has occurred including bees which can only be seen as holographic images .

Oceans have risen over City flood barriers and iconic historic buildings like churches and Synagogues have to seek grants from politicians to save them from destruction.

We already are familiar with fake news but this series even depicts fake people or actors employed by agencies to provide love matches or take the place of deceased relatives by programming their memory from their mind bank cloud.

The aspect I enjoyed most about Extrapolations was not the depictions of spectacular flood and bushfire scenes it was the way humanity copes with the environmental calamities .I found all the characters interesting not all likeable but I could empathise with them in their fight for survival.

It's not all depression and angst there's a character thread of hope throughout the series which concludes in 2070 at the trial of a Corporation CEO in The Hague for the new name for crimes against the planet called Ecocide it stars Kit Harrington as Nicholas Bilton and Diane Lane as the new CEO of Alpha.

In summary I was comparing George Orwells 1984 written the year I was born 1949 and HG Wells The Time Machine published in 1895 and decided that Scott Z. Burns Extrapolations is not fantasy science fiction or apocalyptic because as it's title suggests this series is based on the very real hypothesis of what could easily occur if rapid action is not taken to cut carbon emissions eventually to zero in the next decade.

I hope everyone watches this fine series if it manages to convert 100 climate sceptics the stars who appeared in the series and it's creator should be proud.
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