There are just 20 companies behind one-third of global pollution. Who exactly is the target audience for a series like this?
9 April 2023
I shut lights off when I leave rooms, I conserve water, I recycle. Yet in the time it takes me to write this review, 20 of the world's worst polluters will contribute more to global warming than my household could in my entire lifetime.

Series like Extrapolations are trying to convey an important message. It has an all-star cast, well-developed characters and multi-faceted storylines, but ultimately, what is a series like this hoping to achieve? The average person can only do so much, yet we're expected to shoulder the burden that belongs to the world's most powerful.

I appreciate the intention of series like this one, but ultimately for me it misses the mark. I can't stomach the anxiety of being told things are horrible while doing my level best to be a good steward of our planet. I wanted to like this series but found it discouraging and tone deaf at best.
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