Should have checked the reviews first
25 November 2022
I normally check the reviews of a film before I buy it or go see it, but this time, a friend game me a DVD, so I just went ahead and watched it. Chain Reaction. My reaction got worse and worse as I got into the film. "A willing suspension of disbelief" is one thing, but out-and-out lunacy is something else entirely. Mild-mannered brilliant scientist Keanu Reeves suddenly turns into a super hero, fighting off trained thugs and killers three at a time, outrunning police and FBI without losing breath, and climbing a drawbridge and tall buildings in a single bound. Easily recognized from afar because of his long locks, it never occurs to him to cut his hair and wear a bit of a disguise while he is being pursued. Shame on Morgan Freeman for being associated with such nonsense.
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