completely destroys all character
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie completely destroys every bit of character development the first two Thor movies had. I absolutely fail to see how in the world is this anyone's favourite Thor movie. It's all just instant gratification and potty humour and one liners; none of the heart and soul the first two movies had. Loki's tragedy is played for laughs- you know the heartwrenching suicide attempt? Or the way his own father raised him to believe his species a monster. Nah, it's funnier to depict him as an ineffectual, backstabbing person who's so vain he wants giant statues of himself. Nevermind the ' I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal' from the first movie. Let's just tie him up and laugh at the only queer coded character.

Let's ruin Thor's character too! All that growth the first two movies were leading up to is completely erased- he's not a king here, just a bully who finds an actual slave trader to be a better companion than his own brother he's known for thousands of years. You know the one who took a sword for him and saved his girlfriend?

The subtext about Odin's imperialism? Pshh, he said one line about how he loves his sons and it's all forgotten, yay! Because how else would we make our audience laugh? Can't focus on those pesky emotions or critical thinking.

This is what Disney's Marvel has done to it's audience; that they think this hollow shell of nothingness is a better movie than Thor 1 & 2. Sigh.
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