murrican family goes to europe
27 June 2022
American family goes for a romp in pareee ! Grif (jame garner) gets a work assignment in europe, so he thinks it'll be a lark to bring the family. Jenny (debbie reynolds) and son dave. Filmed during the flower power revolution. So there are groovy neon opening credits. And even a protest .... against gym class. And wearing a peace sign around his neck, which dad doesn't approve of either. It's a caper, similar to a chevy chase Vacation movie. Thank goodness paul lynde is in here for some comedy... he's the purser on the ship they take overseas. (why are they not flying ??) keep an eye out for terry thomas (from mad mad world...) it's pretty good. Low key fun. Lots of silliness... the usual gags where the son keeps dropping stuff, and when the wife gets bamboozled trying to rent a house, it all turns out okay. Except that she will have to spend time alone with a strange guy, which could be awkward if hubby finds out. Directed by jerry paris, the next door neighbor on the dick van dyke show. He went on to direct TONS of television shows. Did you notice that jerry's "wife" millie, also from D. V. D. Show is also in here? And an eight year old erin moran (joanie, on happy days!) Story from the book girl in the turquoise bikini by muriel resnik.
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