Funny Boy (2020)
Cinema Omnivore - Funny Boy (2020) 6.5/10
9 June 2022
"As an a young adult, Arjie (Ingram) begins to come to term with his queerness through a romance with a fellow student Shehan (Mudannayake), who is Sinhalese, their illicit love affair is cocooned by their up-middle class privileges, even when Arjie's family finds out their tryst, they have more imperative decisions to make (like acting immediately to save their own skins) than telling off a gay son. Eventually, FUNNY BOY lands its feet on a bland note, all we are presented is a mediocre Bildungsroman story (albeit good-natured) scarred by the political turmoil on which Mehta opts not to expound, as if the film's selfless aim is to whet our interest to Selvadurai's novel."

read my full review on my blog: Cinema Omnivore, thanks.
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