Review of Future Shock

Future Shock (1994)
Future Schlock
1 November 2021
In this modern age of streaming, an insane variety and a vast archive of films are available right at the touch of a button. It makes it easier than ever to stumble across a hidden gem or lost work of genius. It also, however, makes it easier to land on a turd of a film which should have become a distant memory lost to time. This film is undoubtedly the latter.

The production is as low cost as they come; walls are seemingly made from wobbly cardboard, everywhere is absurdly sparse because there was no budget for props, the film itself seems to have been shot to a well used VHS on long-play.

The script and dialogue are as awful as they come. Almost every line feels completely unnatural and forced. The acting is no better.

There are three vignettes which make up the film, each as ludicrous as the last. Strung together with a very loose and thin thread, which also makes very little sense at all. Bill Paxton makes an appearance, which gave me a little hope, but those hopes were soon dashed. It feels like he turned up on a lunchbreak as a favour to someone and really wanted his part over and done with.

There's some use of visual effects, but similarly to other aspects, these are done as cheaply as humanly possible.

It feels like there were probably some good ideas here, but they definitely weren't executed.

That said, it could make for a good party film for drinking games: although if you took a drink every time there's a continuity error you may well be dead before the credits roll.
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