Keanu Reeves saved this movie (from the kid)
5 July 2021
The kid was toxic. I found it hard to believe that the alien actually GAVE us a second chance because of him.

Keanu is the master of the expressionless look, perfect for an emotionless alien. I am being serious given the gravity of the situation.

I was amused by how they portrayed our military. Our Sec. Of Defense, played by Kathy Bates, was bafflingly hostile to a very benign first contact when diplomacy would have been most useful and we were outmatched. But later when military force is justified, we use the same weapons that failed so miserably the first time. And this is after we move the jumbo robot to an isolated location. How about using one of our many tactical nukes? This would have actually worked because Keanu disables the robot bug swarm with an EMP and our nukes generate EMP's.

So our military pisses off the aliens and then never uses our best weapon; great job guys :-)

I closed my eyes and thought about this whenever the kid spoke. This was still an entertaining enough movie to watch.
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