They must have known the time machine!
15 April 2019
Sandwiched between " LE MASQUE DE FER" and " LES PARIAS DE LA GLOIRE " ,both mediocre, "CASABLANCA NID D ' ESPIONS " is Henry Decoin 's nadir by such a wide margin people who do not know this director won't never believe he was once one of the finest films noirs directors our country had ever known.I'm not going to add insult to injury by mentioning these classics ,some of which were featured by Don Malcom in his "The French had a name for it" San Francisco films festival.

The precis on the imdb page relieves me of writing about the screenplay ,a poor man's Curtiz's "CASABLANCA" .As for the acting,why the hell did Maurice Ronet have to get involved in that business?As it were not enough ,he was also featured in "PARIAS DE la GLOIRE"

Couldn't care less directing , unconvincing acting and far-fetched story !and plenty of anachronisms which are guaranteed to net nothing but horse laughs :

How can miss Sarita Montiel butcher Edith Piaf 's "La Vie En Rose " in 1942 whereas the song only appeared in May 1945?????

Miss Montiel puts a 45 rpm on a record-player (maybe a Teppaz TM)!!!

The men are dressed in sixties suits!!!

They must have known the time machine.
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