Death Wish (2018)
A polarizing movie with the truth in the middle.
11 July 2018
Death Wish is just a standard revenge flick, a remake of the Charles Bronson classic. That's it. It's not a marketing stunt by the NRA, it's not fabulous fan-service that the pinky-lifting critics 'don't get it', it's just a dumb action movie with some flaws.

This also isn't a white guy killing a bunch of minorities either. There's nothing really racially insensitive either. And ya I'm sorry some whack jobs have gone on shooting sprees recently but PEOPLE SHOOTING OTHER PEOPLE WITH GUNS IS KIND OF WHAT HOLLYWOOD DOES. If this bothers you maybe you're watching the wrong movies.

First, Bruce Willis is really muted here and phones in most of his lines. When he's not vigilanteying and instead emoting it's painful to watch. Unfortunately Vincent D'Onofrio plays Bruce's brother and essentially makes up for Bruce's underacting by overacting and it's just as bad.

There's a bit of a commentary on gun culture but it's more parody than satire. This is a straightforward flick without much pretense. It has some moments that make you wonder if it isn't a complete parody (the bowling ball and bathroom scene namely) but in the end Death Wish is just an average revenge flick. Not so average it's bad, but a good Sunday-afternoon-nothing-else-to-do average.
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